FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

.::Lock::. - Chapter Two: Falling Pages

Sakura Yawned and relised it was around 11'. She sighed and hollered up the stairs for Syaoran. He didn't answer, so she Tiredly hopped her way up stairs and saw him laying half on the floor and half on the bed... "I don't know how you do some things, sometimes Syaoran...". Sakura Tryed to Push Syaoran onto his bed put ends up making him fall off comletely smashing Kero-Chan.
"A-AH!" Kero-chan eeps,being smashed. Syaoran Awoken and looked around and then Sat up and looked where he was setting. He say Kero Smashed and in pain, "A-aw, Kero, I'm sorry!" He said.
"I-it's Oka-ay.... Re-eally" Hero-Chan Fakes a grin then falls Flat agian, while Sakura and Syaoran sweatdrop.
Sakura Looks at Syaoran... "Oh... You fell asleep on your floor and I though that looked un-Comfie so me and Kero Tried to put you back onto the bed, sorry it didn't work to well" Sakura Says with a smile. Syaoran Blushed and thanked Her for trying. Sakura Picked up Poor Smashed Kero-Chan and puts him in Syaoran's Dwar, "Is it OKay if he sleeps in here?"
"Yeah, Sure..." Syaoran replied Tiredly. Sakura Waves and wishes Syaoran GoodDreams.... "Night Syaoran, Sweat Dreams! See you in the morning!"Sakura Said sweatly. "Yeah, Same for you, See ya in the morning...".
Syaoran bit his lip and Soflty said , "I love you Sakura..." After she had left. Just then a muffled Vioce said, "...I heard that ya' Know...". Kero-Chan Popped out of the Dwar and Looked at Syaoran. Sryaoran blushed and just layed there ignoring Kero-chan. Kero-Chan Sighed, "I'm not changing you mind at all, Am I?". Syaoran nodded at Kero-Chan Slightly. Kero-Chan Jumped onto his bed.
"...Ya' know, I guess you're not as stupid as I though if you like Sakura..." Kero-Chan Said in a rather nice way to Syaoran, wich was reather new. Syaoran Turned his head toWords Kero-Chan and blinked. Kero-Chan Grined some and said, "Yeah, I know, Sakura's Pretty And Sweet... I mena... I am only shoved in her BookBag everyday, or I would say Gental too...". Syaoran Laughs a little, "Hey Kero, how about you and me call it a truths?". Kero-Chan Blinked and moved back some, then forword agian, and nodded.
"Well, Get some Sleep Kid..." Kero-Chan Said as he dove back into the Dwar of UnUsed Pillow Cases. As Time passed, they both fell Asleep. MeanWhile Sakura was DownStairs looking at the book she found. She opened it agian. She Put her hands on the page to see what it felt like, but when she did so the book started to glow. When She lifted her hand a message appeared: "Oh, Dear Lord... Today was like havoc...I-I..." It read, Sakura Saw Tear Drops on the book, and continued to read, "I'm so Sad... because... The fact that I never told Syaoran How I feel, Ended His Life..." Sakura Gasped as she looked at the sentance, but she continued on: " We had just gotten' Our report cards, and he was really depressed about his grades. Then I came up and started teasing him; I was only being Sarcastic... So Seeing how I am Still staying at his house, we walked all the way to his house. While I was making some Soup for everyone (Yes, Even Mei) I heard a loud thumb up stares, then a sream that sounded like Kero-Chan." ... Sakura Droped the book as her hands shook, but managed to pick it up agian, "So I ran upstars Worried. I looked and say Kero-Chan Standing in the door with small Blood spots on his furr. So I ran to him to see what happened... But What A saw was far beyond Worse...W---wha-at I saw was---". The page was covered in more tears, Sakura Tried not to Freak out while she continued: "I saw...... Syaoran Laying on the floor in a bloodMess. I sceamed then Passed out. I remember Tomo Waiking me up, and she had tears on her fasces also. We both Hugged eachother and walked into the blood shed'd room. We looked around. I spoted a note in Syaoran's Rand. After I took the not, I help his Cold hands and started to cry... Then I opened the note and read this..." Sakura's Hear Raced as she cryed unknowingle,and opened the Card inside the Book, wich read: "I guess I had no point in this world... All I lived for were a few things...Clow Cards... love...Eer...Ex... But I got as many Clow Cards as Needed.....it's just that the one person I love doesn't love me back, I can just tell... SO I am here tonight to depart from this... I hope no one crys over me, much, or at all.... yeah... like anyone would anyways...Oh yeah... the one I love is Sakura............ Sakura I have had feelings forothers, but not as strong as what I have for you. You act like you like me alot, but I just cant tell ,and it makes my head spin, so I cant take it anymore..." Sakura's eyses watered as she dopped the book on the ground, shaking. Sakura then picked the book up and looked at the date, she saw that is said it was three days from now...
Sakura Ran up stairs and woke up kero-chan, then went back downStairs with him. She sadly showed him the book. Kero-chan's face when with a dead look, not know exacly how to explain it. Kero-chan Started to wonder...
"...Sakura... could... there... be more clow cards out therecauseing this?!" He said wonderusly.
"I sure Hope Not...!" Sakura said painfully in-away. Kero-chan Sat on the Sofa anf just though.
"Well, I would ask Syaoron if he Felt the card, if it is one, but when it's something like this, Thats a little Hard!" Kero-Chan Whaled ~_~
"Kero-Chan, do you think It's time I JUST tell him, to make sure this doesn't happen anyways?!" Sakura asked as her heart skipped thinking about the day she would tell him.
"......I Don't know Sakura, that's something you have to decide on..." Kero-Chan Lower his head knowing that Syaoran liked Sakura back... They Both Fell Asleep Thinking about it.
Sakura woke up and remembered it was the day that Xmas Vacation started before she startedspazzing out about being late agian. Sakura yawned and walked up to Syaorna's Room. She didnt see him, but she saw a Note: "Heh. well, if you're Reading this...Eer... Never mind, I went to do a few Errons, See you around 1PM -Syaoran"
Sakura sighed as she looked around at Syaoran's Messie Room. She shrugged and decided to Clean. She Cleared the Dresser and Found a Picture of Herself and Syaoran walking together to someplace. Sakura Blushed and set it on the Dresser Agian. Not too far after that, She found the Winged Teddy Bear She had made, and given to Him, She smiled at the bear Dreamily, "Why, Hello There, Sakura-Teddy!" Sakura Giggled and set the bear dpwn agian. She then Fixed her bed and noticed a small Green Book. Stuffing from the Covers. She pulled it up and looked as it, She opened it then Pictures of herself, and pictures of herself and Syaoran fell out! Sakura Gasped and Made a Kawaii-Chibi Blushie Type Face Then put the Photos back in the book.
"This must be Syaoran's Journal...O-oh, I would love to read it...b---but I just couldn't..." Sakura said... Then the Door Slammed and She Heard Syaoran Hell He was home. Sakura Dropped the book onto his bed and ran hoping he didn't notice.
"O-oh, H-hello there Syaoran!" Sakura Faked and sweatdroped
"Eer... Something Wrong Sakura?" Syaoran Wondered. Sakura Just Ignored him and Justed to the floor with a smile. She walked past the Confused Syaoran and poked Kero-Chan, "Wake up!!" Sakura yelled. Syaorna shook it off and shrugged, then He walked up to his room carrieing a bag. He came to his room and Eyed around, his face slowly Turning redder ever moment. He saw the Bear, the Picture, and last his Journal! Syaoran Gasped and ran over to it, he saw the pictures were spilled all over the bed, He wondered then though Back to Sakura acting fuuny a few Minutes ago. He wondered... ("Did See read it---? A-ah! No Sakura isn't like that... or... is she---?") His eyes glimmered as he looked down as the cluster of Pictures...
"I don't think she Did, Syaoran..." It was Kero-Chan... "Sakura isn't the type of person to do something like that, I know her..." He continued.
"Yeah, Your Right Kero..." He sighed, "If She read it, maybe she would have found out and it would have been easir..."
***Later While Syaoran was off to look around agian***
"What the..." Syaoran Said Shocked in his place. He felt Some Strange powers.
"More C-clow C-cards---?...... IMPOSIBAL!" He was worried... He grinded his teeth together and walked on. He looked inside the glassWindow of a book Store and saw something that shocked him. He was his Journal He fell BackWords in shock and passed out.
"Hey.. Hey! WAKE UP!" Tomo Yelled with her camera allUp in Syaoran's Face. He stood up and Looked in the book Store Window agian and it was gone. Syaoran was on the edge...He made his way to the park...lots of people surrounded him and started to sing "Sya and Sakura Sitting in a tree, K-i-s-s-i--n-g" The mauking wouldn't stop. Syaoran Fell to the ground, dizzy. He then runs away from them, Angered thinking Sakura Read his Journal and Told Everyone what He had been hiding alol this time.Tomo Recorded it all, but didn't see anybody... she just heard small sounds and Syaoran SPazzing out...
He got home and saw Sakura setting on the Sofa Reading. Syaoran Held his fist up at Sakura slightly Crieing, and Yeld at her, "Why Sakura, Why Cursed it!" She cried hard up to his room and locked the Door. Sakura Droped her Book and blinked.
"Wha---a?" She said Wondering what happened. Later, In Syaoran's room... "Syaoran, you KNOW that you shouldn't have Done that, your not sure..." Kero Said. Syaoran Didn't answer. Then there was a knock on the door, "Syauran, Are you Okay---? I don't know why your mad at me, please tell me..." She said with a little squik in her vioce.
"You Know Alread, Just Leave me alone...Go bother some one else..." Syaoran said
"Syaoran, PLZ, I really Dont know!" She said starting to Cry
"YOU KNOW VERY WELL, NOW STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" He said Yelling at Sakura. Kero-Chan Just Floated there, not beliving this.
"Syaoran... F---f-fine... Look, I don't know what I did, But I am sorry For what I did, Okay?! And if you dont want me here any more, I'll go...And incase you dont ever want to speak to me agian, I just want you to know...."
She sighed some and Whispered to the door, "...I-I love you.." She satrted to cry agian and ran down the stairs. She put on her roller Blaids and grabbed her stuff. She walked out side and saw the Snow, She ignored it and Started Skating off. Mean-While in Syaoran's Room... "SEE, DO YOU SEE NOW SYAORAN, SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE, BE GREATFULL OF THOSE LAST THREE WORDS YOU HEARD FROM SAKURA...JUST WHEN I HAD A BIT OF RESPECT FOR YOU, THEN YOU GO AND MESS AROUND WITH SAKURA'S FEELINGS... I HAVE TROO MANY WORDS I SOULDN'T USE ONE YOU!!" Kero-Chan yelled and Opened a window and flew out.
"S-she Loves me...?" He said feeling awful. He put his hands to his face a cried, "W-what have I Done?!"
End Of Chapter 2: Falling Pages
Next Chapter:
~ Syaoran Trys to Firgure out how to Explain to Sakura
~The Sence of New Clow Cards being Relised?!
Comments? All that Stuff, E-mail me at LegendCaptor@Yahoo.com

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