FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Kero-Chan was floating his way to Sakura's house when He saw Tomoyo. He floated down to her and told her what happened. Tomo was mad, "H-how, could Syaoran think that?!" She huffed as she ran her way to Sakura's house with Kero-chan by the tail in one hand, in her Cam in the other. When She got there She knocked on the Door... "Sakura, It's me-e! I have something to show you, hurry!". She didnt Answer. Tomo Walked inside and ran upstairs.
Sakura was setting on her bed, with tears on her Face. Tomo knocked on Sakura's Locked Door, "Sakura, It's Me!" She said, "I have some thing, Very, Important to show you!" She said.
"Y...yeah Tomo, Come on in..." Sakura sniffled. Tomo Walked in and over to Sakura still Dragging the very Angered Kero-Chan.
"Sakura! Kero Told me what Happened, and I have something that might explain it!" She said, hoping. Sakura nodded and pointed towards the Vcr. Tomo Ran over and Put the Tape in, "I-It's Syaoran, and he is spazizng out, Im not sure why... I heard some things, but I couldn't make them out..." Tomo said as Sakura scooted towards the TV. She saw Sya Covering his ears, so She turned the TV up some. and hear the chant, "Sya and Sakura sitten' In a Tree..." Sakura Twitched as she Went Bright Red. Tomo waved her hand infront of Sakura's face, and she blinked out of it.
"W-what was that all About?!" They both said. Kero-Chan Steped forword, "...... I hate being the bad News Giver...But... I think it might be a Clow Card!" He said. Tomo ans Sakura Gasped.
"But How Kero, How?!" Sakura demanded. "Hey, Hey, don't holler...... But... There are other sorceresses and Sorcerors out there, Correct?" Kero-Chan said, Sakura Nodded. "Well, if they knew of that much power, and about the Clow Cards, They could have recreated them... " Kero-Chan Said and lowered his head some, Twitching his ears.
Mean-While at Syaoran's Place, he was still setting on his bed. He felt horibal. He Took out a peice of Paper...He thought about writing to Sakura, but then though Kero-Chan might get ahold of it first and despice of it. Syaoran hopped downStairs and looked outside... He saw the snow and Blinked, "S-snow?" He blinked agian.
"So Maybe the ClowCards have been recreated like I thought..." Syaoran shook his head knowing he had bigger things to worry about! Syaoran Sighed as he looked at the Winged Teddy Bear Sakura Gave him. He twitched some, and came up with an Idea. He picked up a pencil and started to draw.
Sakura was still just setting on her floor, blinking about the whole consept, She Sighed,
"Hey Tomoyo, Why Don't you go home, me and Kero'll Be K'" Sakura Asked, Tomo pointed outSide, "No Way, Look at that! I'll just call my Mom, Okay?", Sakura Nodded and flopped onto her bed.
Later On, Tomoyo Fell asleep, it had been a few hours sence Sakura talked to Sya. Sakura Made sure Tomoyo Was asleep, then she slipped on her skates. Sakura Looked outside, then grabbed her coat. As She was Blading along, to Sya's House, the wind picked up and became strong, and she couldn't see. Sakura Slipped every Direction posibal, untill She Slid into a stop-Sign and Passed out.
Syaoran had Finished. He had made mini Pictures all over a piece of Paper, about how many times he's been Rude to Sakura,and Wrote on the back: "Well, there were alot more times then this, But I am Sorry for all the times I've ever done anything mean to you, Aspecialy This time, And...... I love you Too! - Syaoran Li "
Sya Put his Warm Clothes on and walked outside with his, card, in a envolope, then placed it in his pocket. He walked on and on, and saw something funny. He made an odd face when He saw hair sticking Up from a large Pile Of Snow near a stop Sign. He started to wonder, and shoveled the snow away. He sakura with a pailface, with a stuffed bear in her hand smiling for some reson. Syaoran knew he most likely couldn't carry Much, and at all cost he'd find a better way. "SAKURA, WAKE UP! PLZ!" He Yelled. She didn't Answer. He disided to Give Up on that and Put Sakura over his Shoulders and Carried here allthe way to Her house.
Tomoyo Dropped Her Soup Spoon as she saw Syaoran Walk in with Sakura on his back, "Oh my god, what happened?!" She epped. Kero-Chan Floated over and blinked, then pocked Sakura... "How Could you... You Killed her!" Kero-chan Eep and Bit Syaoran's numb Hand. "Hey, Hey, Lay Off Kero!" Sya yelled, and ripped Kero-Chan Off his Hand. Tomoyo Helped Syaoran carry Sakura to the Sofa. Tomoyo ran back to the kitchen seeing her Soup Was Bioling over!
Syaoran sighed and looked at sakura, "Its all my fault like usual, me and my big mouth." Tomoyo walked out from the kitchen with two bowls of soup, and kero-chan carring another. She set them down on a small table near Sakura and Syaoran. Tomoyo Sat Down On a chair as Kero-Chan started to Scarf his food. Syaoran just stired his soup some, didn't really eat anything.
"Come one Syaoran, eat, She'll Be Okay" Tomoyo tried to say in a cheerfull vioce. Syaoran Nodded, and took a sip of his soup. Kero-Chan Dropped his spoon and made a loud Metal-Clinging sound. Everyone sweatdropped, then Sakura started to blink. Sakura Sat up suddenly and blinked, "What happened?!".
"You passed out in the snow, and I guess Syaoran was on his way here and he found you." Tomoyo said, then shruged a little. Sakura turned around to see Syaoran, see blushed as he did the same. Syaoran Shook his head slightly, and handed sakura the gift he had made. Sakura just blinked and sat down not saying anything. Sakura slowly opened the paper over the gift, and then looked at it. Sakura look slighly happy, then she turned it over and read what Sya wrote. Syaoran just sat there, Blinking, Silently.
Sakura gaspes quietly then blushed. She looked at Syaoran while Tomoyo Just Blinked Some. "Look Sakura, I am Really Sorry..." Syaoran said. Sakura nodded slightly blushing, and smiling, "... It's okay I guess... I undstand" She said softly, "And thank you for this gift also, and you are also forgiven for the other times too..." Sakura said gazing at the small Gift Syaoran had made for her.Syaoran Just kicked his feet some, as he isn't too good with words. It was silent for time, and longer, and longer... Until Kero-Chan Spoke.
Look, I am really sorry it took me so long to get this chapter done, I had a few problems *cough* Its his fault *Coughs agian and points to her friend casper* Anyways, I will try to get the next on out ASAP.
Also you will have better luck reching me at ChibiMadihson@Yahoo.Com Now. Ja Ne!

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