FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

                                The Lost Clow Card 
Ch. 1 The Clow Secret
It was a normal day, and with all the cards captured, the world would be safe 
again. Or, at least that's what they thought. One morning, Sakura woke up and 
found she was late for the last day of school. " Ahhh! I'm late for school!" 
she said. She had accidentally trip over Kero's control paddle. " Wait! 
Nooooo! I lost for the 9th time!" Kero said. " Kero, all you do is sit around 
and play that stupid game." "Well for you're information, Legendary Warriors 
is a hard, fast pacing game. Only experts can play it." Kero said in a bold 
way. Sakura quickly ran down for breakfast. She was eating rice balls when 
she turned on the television. " There have been mysterious storms throughout 
Japan." The reporter said. " One severe thunderstorm hit just off Tokyo. We 
will go back to you, Yomato." " Thank you." Said Yomato. " We can see that?quot; 
Suddenly, a special report broke in. "Special Report," It read. " There has 
been a storm spotted near this local area. All schools has been closed for 
the day. We strongly encourage that everyone stays inside there basement." 
Then, she heard the doorbell ring. " Syaoran?" Said Sakura. " What are you 
doing outside in the storm?" " Sakura, something's going on. There have been 
storms all around Japan." He said. "We need to see what's going on." So, they 
stayed in the basement for 2 hours. "Gee, I wonder if the storm has stopped," 
Sakura said. "I wonder what Kero is doing." When they went upstairs, Kero was 
still playing Legendary Warriors. "Haha! On to the 2nd level!" Kero said. 
Syaoran gave a sweatdrop. "Sakura, I thought you were at school!" "Well, 
there's storms going on all around Japan and one is here so school was closed 
for the day," Replied Sakura. Just then, the storm had suddenly stopped.
 Trees were standing still and debris lay and the concrete. "What?" said Li. 
"Gee, I guess it's safe now." Said Sakura. They all went outside to see what 
had happened. Trees were snapped in two. Shingles lay by the houses. Leaves 
and debris lay on the concrete. "Must've been some storm," Kero said. Just 
then, a mysterious beam came flying toward Sakura. "Look out!" said Kero. 
Suddenly, a spinning object came in front of Sakura and blocked the beam. 
When the beam stopped firing, a mysterious boy came to get the spinning 
object, which was a metallic stick-like object. The boy was wearing a white 
shirt and brown pants. He had brown eyes and black hair. "Leave the 
CardCaptors alone!" He said. Out of nowhere, a voice said, " Well well well, 
I see you've improved since the last time we met." "Heh, you seem a little 
confident." The boy said. " So, you want to give it a shot?" He then posed 
for battle. " Sure, I'm game." The voice said. The boy then charged forward. 
He gave a swing and then smirked for he had hit the invisible figure. The 
voice wailed in pain, then vanished. "I hope he never does this again," Said 
the boy. "Just exactly who are you?" asked Sakura. "I am Takiro. I can't tell 
you my last name," Replied the boy. "I have been sent to protect you and Li," 
"Wait, what about me?" said Kero. "Don't worry, I'm here to protect you too." 
"That weapon, what is it?" asked Syaoran. "It's a bo, wanna hold it?" Takiro 
gave the bo to Syaoran. Syaoran then fell to the ground. "It's?.heavy," Said 
Syaoran. "I know, I can control it in many ways," replied Takiro. Well, 
enough said. I gotta start searching for a certain place.
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