FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Ch. 2 The Strange Temple
Takiro had just left when Syaoran said, "That guy can really fight." Sakura
then said, "Yeah." Takiro was sitting in a nearby tree watching them.
"They're not taking this seriously." He said. "I don't think we'll ever
capture the lost Clow card. What the?" Takiro saw something he never
expected. Surrounding all around Sakura and Syaoran was an energy force, a
strong one. "Could it be?" He said. Then he left.

The next day, another storm had struck, only this time 13 miles away from
where Sakura lived. Kero and her were outside watering the plants. "Gee, I
wonder where Takiro went." Sakura said. "Don't worry about him, Sakura. You
need to worry about all these storms. I think it's a clow card." Replied
Kero. "But I can't be sure of it." Just then, Takiro had come back with
Syaoran with an excited look. "Sakura! I've found the place! Follow me!" Said
Takiro. He started to run down the street. Syaoran and Sakura couldn't catch
up with him. "Man, you guys are slow! Maybe this will help." He then closed
his eyes and the three of them were hovering above him. "Now, you'll stay
with me. Just relax, I'm not going to hurt you from this." He said. When they
arrived, Sakura kicked Takiro in the nards because he dropped them. "Ow! What
the heck was that for?" Takiro said in serious pain. "Hmph! Well next time, I
don't want to be dropped from 76 feet in the air!" Replied Sakura in a mean
way. Syaoran and Kero gave a sweatdrop.
"Ok, this is the temple!" said Takiro, still in pain. It had Kero in his mean
form on it, and a small slit in the front. "Well, how do we get in?" Said
Syaoran. "I don't know," Replied Takiro. "Oh I almost forgot, I heard this
temple had many dangers. You might need your stuff. With a strange movement
of his hands, the cards and wand appeared in front of Sakura out of nowhere.
"Hey, how'd you do that?" Asked Sakura. "Magic, what else?" Replied Takiro.
"Oh, and Syaoran, here." With another strange movement, Li's sword and cards
lay in front of him as well. Takiro said. "Now how do we get in?" Asked
Sakura. "Wait, I think I know." Then Takiro said, "Abracadabra!" Sakura then
yelled, " Aw that's not gonna work you nut head!" Takiro was disheartened.
"Wait, I know!" said Syaoran. He pointed his sword toward the small slit, and
then put tried to put the sword's blade in it. "Won't fit," He said. "Wait, I
think the sword card can help us!" Sakura said. She then released the sword
card and her wand turned into a sword. "That's it Sakura! Now put your sword
in the slit!" Kero said eagerly. Sakura slowly put the sword in, and then
released. Suddenly, the ground began to shake and the temple opened.
Inside, there was a small room with a table, a door, and some dust. Sakura
returned the Sword back in the card. "This is where the search begins," Said
Takiro. "Let's go in!" All 4 of them entered. The floor was cracked, the air
around them was dusty, and the walls were covered with mildew. "Let's go open
the door, this place is creepy," Said Kero. They all went to the door. Sakura
tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. "That's weird, it can't open."
Sakura said. Kero then screamed. "Kero!" Sakura yelled. Sakura and Syaoran
went to pull him. But Takiro stayed. "Takiro, what are you doing? Come and
help us!" Sakura said. "He is the reason we can't go in, so let him go,"
Takiro replied. Sakura and Syaoran then let go of him. "He is too strong, so
I think the lost clow card sealed him in a prison." "But he's just a little
guardian, what can he do?" Sakura asked. "He has a barrier on him, so the
lost clow card can't hurt him." Replied Takiro. "Now, open the door." Sakura
slowly turned the knob, and then pushed it open. What they saw next was a
big, dark forest. "What? This is weird!" Syaoran said. "I know, we have to
work our way through it." Takiro replied. After 5 hours of walking, they
finally camped for the night. "We'll stay here for the night," Takiro said.
"I'll stay up and keep guard just for safety." After eating a dinner of fish,
Sakura and Syaoran went to sleep. They were sleeping on a pile of leaves on
the ground. Sakura was the first to fall asleep, Syaoran was second by far,
and Takiro was sitting by high in a tree watching them. "Maybe we can capture
the lost Clow card after all," Takiro said to himself. He noticed that Sakura
and Syaoran were only a foot from each other. "Heh, cute. They make a great
couple. I wonder if they really do have feelings for one another. But what is
this energy force between them? Could it be?"
For 3 hours Takiro stayed up watching them, and he was beginning to fall
asleep. It was by now 12 o' clock. Just then, Takiro sensed something
approaching Sakura. He jumped off the tree, and blocked with his Bo. "What
the heck? I thought you had enough already!" He said quietly, being careful
not to wake them up. "Well well, I see you've found this place after all. He
then took his Bo from its position and swung at the invisible figure. Again,
the figure gave a wailing cry, and then suddenly appeared as a mist with eyes
and tentacles. "I see that you've improved as I did, and almost caught me off
guard that time," Takiro said. "Now, if we can fight each other quietly,
because I don't want to wake them up¡K" The strange creature gave a sweatdrop,
and then mad again. "You think I'm going to fall for that?" He said. "Well,
you are kind of stupid and all but¡K" Replied Takiro. "I will not be insulted
by a human!" the creature said. "Ok ok, let's stop with the chitchat and
let's battle already!" Takiro replied as he took a fighting pose.

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