FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 3:
"The Shadow CardCaptors"

"The missing Cards I don't know much about, but Sakura has one of them."
"Can I see it Sakura?"
"Yeah, here it is."
The card had a picture on a heart with wings on it, but no name. As soon as Syaoran touched it, the card began to glow a brilliant soft pink again. Sakura's new pendant turned into the new sealing staff, Syaoran's sword floated in the air and glowed white then turned into a new sword. The sword was longer and a bit thinner, it was still green, but it had a gold moon beneath the ancient jewel that had been embedded into the sword.
Syaoran grabbed the sword and did a few swipes.
"This sword is the best! Is it still the same ancestral sword, Kero?"
"Yup, so don't worry that your Li clan leaders will chase you for your head."
Sakura's wand was similar to the old one she had, except that the star had changed into a moon and it was slimmer. The old pendant that had been changed into a bracelet now floated up and the star detached itself from the pendant, and was now glowing white, growing a bit smaller and attached itself right underneath the jewel.
Sakura brought the unnamed Card out and released it. Out flew a heart, it fluttered around the room. (everyone sweatdropped)
"Uh… what's it suppose to do Kero…?"
"Well, I dunno what Clow Reed created this…this…thing for."
"Well what shall we name it?"
"Ok, sounds like the perfect name for a heart with wings."
"Love Card! Return to your powers! Confine!"
With that the brown Clow Card turned into a pink Sakura Card.
"I wonder what it does though."
"Well, you can try it out." said Kero
"Ok. Love Card release and dispel!"
With that a light pink glow surrounded Sakura and Syaoran and disappeared a few seconds later.
"I don't feel anything different, do you?"
Right after that incident, they all (except Touya) felt a strange evil presence lurking around the city.
"Let's go!"
They ran towards Tokyo Tower, mid-way Yue joined in, Kero turned into Keroberos. They saw a big huge silhouette of an evil looking beast that had red eyes. As soon as it saw them, it attacked.
"Shield, Light! Release and Dispel! Shield! Light!"
"Force know my plight! Release the light! Lightning!"
The Beast whined in pain, but it quickly turned back into a growl. This time when the beast struck, the shield broke.
"Dire Wolf! Restore to your Darkness! Confine!"
All the CardCaptors heads jerked up and saw a young man jump from the Tokyo Towers.
"So you're the Clow Mistress and Master?" he jeered, and with that he attacked.
"Dire Wolf! Draco! Release and Dispel!
The Dire Wolf emerged and also a 20 foot black dragon.
"Force know my plight! Release the light! Fire!"
"Fiery, Power! Release and Dispel!"
Syaoran, Yue and Fiery were fighting the dragon, while Sakura and Kero fought the dire wolf. The dragon was hurt, <Now I can capture it!>
"Draco! Return to your Powers! Confine!"
The dragon was caught! The black card flew to Sakura.
"No! I get you for this!" with that said he disappeared.

Later, back in Sakura's room, they discussed that fight and the mysterious CardCaptor.
"Kero, who was that CardCaptor and what kind of Card is this?"
"That was a Shadow CardCaptor, and the Card you're holding is part of the Shadow Book, made by Shadow Wraith, the bitter rival of Clow Reed."
"Can I use this Card?"
"Yup, but first you have to sign the Card and seal it again to transform it into a Sakura Card."
Sakura signed it and sealed it again, turning the horrible black card into a delicate pink.
"There you have it."
"What about the missing Clow Cards?"
"We'll find them."

<Those horrible CardCaptors must go! I wonder how come they appeared so suddenly after disappearing for almost 8 years...">, a beautiful but cold looking woman appeared behind him.
"Need some help, Hades?" the woman said
"Go ahead, Chimera."
"Vision! Release and Dispel!"
A pool of shadow landed on the floor and an image formed in it. The vision showed the four CardCaptors in Sakura's room discussing about them and turning the Shadow Card into a Sakura Card. Then they heard about the missing Clow Cards.
"Oh! We'll have our revenge! We'll turn those missing Clow Cards into ours. Then we'll kill them with it…" an hair-raising laugh emitted from Hades and Chimera's throats.

They went outside to test it,
"Dragon! Release and Dispel! Dragon!"
A beautiful red and gold dragon, emerged from the Card, she turned her wedge shaped head and nuzzled Sakura.
"You're so pretty and majestic!"
"Dragon, can we ride on you?"
The dragon nodded her head. A few minutes later she bore all the CardCaptors on her back and was heading towards a misty mountain in the distance where they had sensed the evilness. Suddenly a ball of light blue zoomed through the waters in the ocean below.
"Dragon, down."
The dragon dived and hovered above the waters.
"Water! Release and Dispel! Water!"
Water dived into the ocean and fought with the blue light, the blue light jumped out of the ocean and transformed into her true form. It was a light blue fully-grown mermaid. The mermaid and the Water fought, then Syaoran used the Freeze Card. Sakura sealed the Card, Water and the new Card flew to Sakura, and the Freeze Card flew back to Syaoran. Sakura turned the new Card over and it read "the Mer".
"I guess this Card turns us into merfolk so we could swim in the oceans with no problem, Sakura." Said Kero.
"She looks so much like Bubbles." Said Sakura with a smile.
That was the truth; The Mer and Bubbles looked exactly the same except that The Mer was a beautiful mermaid instead of a cute one.
"We captured one of the lost Cards." Kero said with a proud voice.
As they traveled farther they found another card, they were flying above the clouds when they saw a golden light jumping around, suddenly here, then suddenly there.
"I'd guess it's the Teleport Card, zipping around like that." Said Kero
"Time Card!" said Syaoran as he jammed the tip of his sword in the middle of the Card.
"Time froze everything except the CardCaptors and to their surprise, tbe Teleport Card which was still winking in and out, in and out.
"Gosh! How do we stop it??"
"Hmm, I know Sakura! Use the Move Card!" Kero said with a shout.
"Move! Release and Dispel! Bring Teleport to us! Move Card!
Move brought the Teleport Card to them and Syaoran quickly used the Time Card again. This time to their delight, the Teleport remained frozen in place.
"Teleport Card! Return to you Powers! Confine!"
"I think we didn't capture the Teleport the first time because it used it's magic to wink out of the time period that we used the Time Card the first time."

A woman's cold voice ripped through the air. "So, you're the CardCaptors Hades been talking about." The CardCaptors whirled about to see a beautiful but very, very cold woman sitting on a beast, a chimera! They all gasped.
" Who are you and who's the person you just called Hades?" Syaoran said in a voice of protectiveness and fury.
"I'm surprised you forgot about him already! You captured his dragon! Now is that hint enough?" she said " and by the way I'm named after this fabulous beast I'm sitting on, the Chimera!"
"What do you want?" Sakura said in a hot voice.
"Well for one little missy, I want that Card you've just captured." She sneered.
"No way! We've captured it fair and square!" Kero said, picking up the anger from his fellow friends.
"What did you say you little thing? Is that a no? Well then, we'll just have to fight for it!"
With that, she urged her chimera into a dive and straight at them.
"Shield! Release and Dispel! Shield!"
Shields formed around the whole group and the chimera hit it with a squawk.
"Black Arrow! Release and Dispel!" Chimera shouted, and a black bow and arrow formed, but without a definite shape, which made it appear that Chimera was grasping a bow and arrow made of black mist and shadow.
She fired the arrow at them and it flew through the shield, slashing Sakura in the arm. Suddenly her eyes grew blank and she dropped off the dragon, into thin air.
"Sakura! Force know my plight! Release the light! Wind!" With that a gust of wind brought back Sakura and it dropped her into Syaoran's arms.
"Sakura! Talk to me! Open your eyes! Please…" Syaoran said in a desperate voice.
"Ha! Your beloved will never awake!" and she gave a spin-chilling laugh and disappeared.
"Syaoran, don't listen to that evil woman, she's lying…" Yue said
Syaoran was crying and a glistening tear fell onto Sakura, with that, a pink glow surrounded Sakura and she awoke.
" What happened?"
"You got shot with the Black Arrow and you feinted, falling off our dragon, then I used the Wind element to bring you back. After a moment you glowed with a soft pink, and woke up."
After a hushed moment, she said only one word.
"What? What about love?"
"It was the Love Card's power…that saved me."
Syaoran had turned scarlet and remained silent.
"Sakura, I don't think it was just all the Love Card's power, but all of our love for you." Said Yue and Kero together.
"Wow! And I thought it was just a fluttering heart."

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