FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Hello! Welcome back to the best fanfic in the world! ^_^
Audience: WHAT? It's more like the worst fanfic in the world!

Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptors, or CardCaptor Sakura. So just lay off. Okay!!

Author's note: I know the first chapter was short and bad, but this one is going to be longer and better.
Well, on with the show! ^_^ ________________________________________________________________________
<Authors note>
------Flashbacks------(If there are any)

A Love Card for Two
Chapter Two

Syaoran couldn't believe the dream he had. He had dreamt of a clow card that was emitting his and Sakura's aura.

'Is this suppose to be telling me something?' 'I wonder what Sakura will make of it? I can talk to her later' 'Oh wait! Today is my birthday.' Syaoran caught himself smiling. 'The years sure do fly by. I'm already 15.' He than frowned at a thought. 'This is also the last day of two I have left in Japan.

Li got up and took a shower. As he was wrapping the towel around himself, he caught a glimpse of a picture that was taken 5 years ago. The picture was of Sakura, Tomoyo, and himself. He picked up the picture and again, caught himself smiling. 'I'm really going to miss my friends, best friends. I have to tell them today.' Syaoran put the picture down and got dressed. He than walked to the door and walked out.

"Sakura! Can't you pick something already? How hard can it be?" Kero was getting impatient with Sakura. Who couldn't decide what to get Syaoran for his birthday.

"I don't know what Syaoran wants for his birthday. Do you have any idea Kero? Kero?" Sakura turned around to find her guardian gone. She took off her book bag and went through all her stuff. "Where has he gone?" Sakura put on her book bag and went to go look for Kero.

When she turned around she bumped into.....


"Tomoyo? Hi! How are you? What are you doing here?" Sakura looked at her best friend with curiosity.

"Hi Sakura! I'm here to find Syaoran a present. What's wrong?" Tomoyo was looking at Sakura as she was looking around while listening to Tomoyo.

"I'm trying to find Kero. I turned around for a second and now he's gone. You haven't seen him, have you?" Sakura just thought of what people would say if they had seen Kero. "Oh no! We have to find him before anyone else does!"

"Sakura, calm down. He's right here." Kero jumped out of Tomoyo's book bag with a double chocolate cookie. "Hello Sakura!" Kero was happily chewing away on his cookie.

"Kero! How could you do that? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Sakura looked like she was about to strangle Kero, but she sweat dropped when she saw he was eating a cookie Tomoyo cooked.

"It's ok Sakura. He helped me find you. Are you here to find Syaoran a present?" Tomoyo placed Kero in Sakura's book bag.

"Yes I am. But I can't think of what he wants." Sakura gave the death glare to Kero, and scolded him to herself.

"Good! Than we can shop together. I'm sure with all three of us can figure out something." Tomoyo smiled thoughtfully at Sakura. Who returned the smile. " Hey! What about a birthday cake? No birthday is complete without a birthday cake"

"Sounds good. Do you know what flavor he likes?" Tomoyo was looking at her best friend when she was deep in thought.

"He likes chocolate. Okay, a chocolate cake and green frosting?" Sakura asked.

"His favorite color is green. So green frosting. How about we put a sword on the cake, and than 'Happy Birthday Syaoran'. Sound good?"

"Sounds good! Let's go get the ingredients we need and than we go shopping for his presents. Come on!"

Sakura and Tomoyo was walking through the isles to get what they needed. "Here is cake mix. And there's the green frosting." Tomoyo picked up the cake mix and frosting and put it into her shopping cart.

"Good! Now all we need is candles. We need 15 of them. Can you believe he is already 15? It's been 5 years since all the clow cards were captured and turned into Sakura cards." Sakura was looking over at Tomoyo who had a slight frown on her face. "Tomoyo, what's wrong?" Sakura was becoming concerned of her friend.

"It's just I haven't taped you in one of my outfits for a long while." Tomoyo sighed. Sakura sweat dropped.

"Come on Tomoyo. Let's pick out our presents and go back to my house to make the cake."

"Okay Sakura!" They headed off to go get Syaoran a present. <You will find out later what they got him^_^>

When they were finished they walked back to make the cake.

Meilin was walking down the street trying to decide the perfect present for him. As she was walking down the street she ran across a magic store.

"Syaoran might like something from here." Meilin walked into the store to look around. She was looking around when she spotted a rack of cards.

"These cards look kind of like clow cards." <I didn't mean to steal the idea from "Buyer Beware", but it ties into the whole story. Trust me!> "I bet he would love one of these." She was looking through the cards and found a sword card. "He might like this, but he is already good at that." She put the sword card back, and continued looking through the cards.

"A love card? This is it. He'll love this." She picked up the love card and brought it to the counter to buy it.

"You know. That card is supposed to bring the holder of the card and his or hers true love together." The sales lady was putting the card into a bag.

"Really?" 'This is just what I need to get Syaoran to fall in love with me. We were destined to be together. He just doesn't want to see it.' She smiled to herself.

"Yeah! Have a nice day!" The sales lady handed Meilin the bag.

' Perfect!' Meilin thought to herself.

Syaoran stepped into his house and put his key away. He sat on his couch thinking about what he should do for his birthday. ' This as to be a memorable day. I could go out with my friends. Or I could....." The phone ringing interrupted him. He walked over to his telephone and picked it up.

"Hello? Oh! Hi mom! How are you?"

"Hi Syaoran. I'm fine. I just called to wish you a happy birthday. I also wanted to tell you that I scheduled a date for your wedding with Meilin. And I can't wait to see you."

"Mom, I don't love Meilin. I don't want to marry her. Yeah, I can't wait to see you too." Syaoran was telling a little lie. He couldn't wait to see his family that he hadn't seen for 5 years, but he also didn't want to leave the place that was like home for so many years. And what was worse, he told his mom so many times that he didn't love Meilin. He wanted to marry someone he loved. He just didn't find who yet............

"Our elders assigned Meilin to be your bride. You will listen and respect them. They are head of the Li family. And you will learn to love Meilin. She is a wonderful girl."

Syaoran couldn't believe what his mother was saying. He had listened and respected the elders all of his life. And all of his life he was unhappy. That is, until he moved to Japan. Here he found friends and the happiness he had always longed for. But his heart still had a aching. He longed for the kind of love that his mother wished for him and Meilin.

"Mom, I don't want to learn to love her. You don't understand. I will not be happy until I have my love. The elders can't do that."

"Syaoran, you will listen to them. You will bring honor to the Li name. I have to go. Your sisters and I wish you love and a happy birthday. I will see you the day after tomorrow. Bye my little wolf."

Syaoran blushed a light crimson at his mother's comment. "Bye mother." Syaoran hung up the phone and sat back down on the couch. 'I will not marry someone I do not love. I thought mother would understand, but I guess I was wrong.'

Syaoran went in his room and picked up his ignored sword. He started practicing his old routine. 'This feels good. It's been forever since I practiced my moves.' He smiled and continued his routine.


"It looks about ready Tomoyo." Sakura opened the oven and took out the cake. "We should let the cake cool off before we put on the icing. Otherwise, the icing would melt."

"Okay Sakura!" Tomoyo took the cake and placed it on the counter.

"Where should we have the party? Someplace where he wouldn't expect."

"How about here?" Tomoyo was looking hopefully at Sakura.

"Ok Tomoyo! But we have to make sure Touya and my father knows. How about we go shopping for decorations, and than we can call our friends and tell them that we're having the surprise party here."
"Okay! Let's go." Tomoyo put on her coat and gave Sakura her coat.

"Wait before we go...KERO!" Sakura yelled, since nobody was home. Kero flew down from Sakura's room looking tired.

"What Sakura? I was having a nice dream about...CAKE!" Kero flew over to where the cake was cooling. His mouth started to water.

"Kero, that's just what I wanted to tell you. That cake is for Syaoran's party. So don't touch it. It's cooling. We're going to go shop for decorations. Touya should be home in 2 hours, but we'll back before that. You can have a piece during the party." Sakura smiled at the very disappointed Kero.

"Ok! I'm going back to sleep." Kero flew back upstairs.

"Kero sure does love his sweets." Tomoyo was smiling at Sakura.

Sakura sweat dropped. "Yes he does."

"Let's go" Tomoyo said.

"Ok!" Sakura was sounding a little depressed.

"Sakura, what's wrong?" Tomoyo was really concerned of her best friend.

"Oh! Nothing! I was just thinking!" Sakura gave a weak smile. "Let's go."
<I know that was a little awkward, but I just came up with a new idea.>

When they returned, they were tired from walking around trying to find the perfect party decorations.

"All this should be enough. Okay I'll call Takashi and Chicharu." Tomoyo took out her cell phone.

"Okay! And I'll call Rika, Naoka, and Meilin. This is going to be so much fun." Sakura picked her telephone and they started to call their friends.

When they were done they checked to see if the cake was ready.

"It looks ready Tomoyo. Would you like to do the honors of frosting it?"

"Okay! I'll frost it and you decorate it, because you're really good at that." Sakura blushed a light crimson. Tomoyo than got out the frosting and started frosting the cake. When Tomoyo was done frosting the cake, Sakura started to decorate it. She wrote 'Happy Birthday Syaoran' in green icing. She than drew a picture of a sword , and decided to draw a little wolf in the top corner.
"Hey Sakura, that's a good idea." Tomoyo smiled. "I'll have to tape this."

Sakura sweat dropped. "Let's start decorating."

They started to decorate Sakura's house in green ribbon and green balloons. They also added a little bit of other colors to spice it up a bit.

"Now all we need is snacks. How about you make some rice balls, and I can make some Dim Sum chocolate." Sakura smiled at Tomoyo.

"Ok! Oh! I have an idea." Tomoyo had a little twinkle in her eye. "We can use the flower card to make some peonies. They are Syaoran's favorite flowers."

"Good idea Tomoyo." Something was bothering Sakura though. "Tomoyo, how are we going to get Syaoran over here?"

"Um! We can ask him if he wants to come over for a little get together for his party. We also need music. You know, for some dancing."

"Ok!" Sakura went to go pick out her favorite CDs. "Well it's almost time for the party. Everyone should be coming in a couple of minutes."

Ding-Dong! The doorbell rang.

" And here they are now." Sakura got up to answer the door. When she opened the door she saw Takashi, Naoka, Chicharu, Rika, and Meilin. "Hi! Come in! We will be going to get Syaoran. Remember to..." She was interrupted by Meilin.

"I don't now what you're trying to do. I'm going with you!" Meilin glared at Sakura, who in turn, sweat dropped.

'She still has a crush on Syaoran.' Tomoyo seemed to have read her mind, because she too was sweat dropping.

"You can put your presents on the table over there. And remember to hide when you hear us coming in." Sakura put on her coat and gave Tomoyo hers. Meilin zipped past them and out the door. Sakura gave a little smirk. "We'll be back in about 15 minutes." Sakura shut the door on her way out. The three of them walked down to Syaoran's apartment an knocked on the door.

When he opened the door, he was surprised to see who it was. "Sakura? Tomoyo? Meilin? What are you doing here?" Syaoran looked curiously at his friends.

"Happy Birthday Syaoran!" They all said together. "We thought maybe you could come over for a little get together." Sakura smiled nervously at him.

"Yeah Syaoran! Let's go." Meilin pulled him out the door, and than shut it.

"Sakura, I wanted to talk to you about a dream I had last night." Syaoran was glaring at Sakura who was looking very nervous. "What's wrong Sakura?"

"Uh nothing! Let's go!" They started walking to Sakura's house.

When they arrived to her house, all the lights we're shut off. Sakura opened the door and .................
Hey a cliffhanger. Although I know you know what's going to happen. It is longer, and better in my opinion. But I need yours too. Any comments, flames, ideas. Anything is welcome. Please send them to cherrysquirt321@hotmail.com.

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