FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

This is the first time I wrote a Fanfic in my whole entire life! I hope people will like my Fanfic. It does have a little sorrow, but it's really exciting to me or it might even be exciting to you, too!


What each symbol means:

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- = new scene

" " = character's thoughts and speeches

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Name Meanings:

Sakura - Sakura ( Syaoran's Girlfriend & Meilin's Enemy )
Syaoran - Li ( Sakura's Boyfriend & Meilin's Fiance )
Tomoyo - Madison ( Sakura's Best Friend )

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Chapter 1 : Sakura And Syaoran's Love
By: SUranus


Sakura was in school getting ready for lunch, but Kero had eaten all her lunch this morning! Syaoran rushed to the Sakura Tree and sat there. Sakura saw Syaoran and sat with him. He soon noticed that Sakura was there.

"Sakura, I want to tell you something and I hope you will listen. I love you, Sakura!"

"Syaoran, I do too, but you are engaged to Meiling aren't you?"

"I know I am, but I don't love her, I love you! That's all I love!"

"Syaoran, you really do?"

"Yes! And with all my heart."

Then they kissed and hugged.

"Let's promise that we'll always be together no matter what happens. We'll always be together forever."

"I promise,Syaoran."

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After school,Syaoran walked Sakura home and when they reached her house, Sakura kissed Syaoran on the lips and said,"ByeSyaoran!"

Just when she was about to open the door, Syaoran said, "Sakura, can you be my date for the school dance?"

"Sure!", she blushed.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow!"

"Great! Thank you."

Sakura kissed him again.

Tomoyo came by and asked,"Are you both going out?"

"Yes we are.", said Syaoran blushing fiercely as if he was on fire!

"Sakura, really?"

"Yes.", Sakura replied as she blushed.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye!", said Tomoyo happily.

She entered the house and was soooooooooooooooooooooo excited for tomorrow's dance with Syaoran! She smiled for the rest of the day, even when she was sleeping.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- TO BE CONTINUED...

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