FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Hello all you crazycats out there!!!!RelenaSan18 here with the next
chapter!!!What do the dreams mean that sakura is having let's found
out!!!!How you like them apples!!!!>=)Chapter 2

At the school..........
As they reach the school Li finds Sakura sitting on the ground infront of the
school"Sakura..."Tomoyo said."Why did you leave like that?"Li says trying to
hide what he was thinking...Sakura stood up and was in a black outfit....she
amiled and pointed to the door, she ran in the school."Sakura wait!"Li yelled
as they ran in after her.As Li opened the doors sand came out all over the
place."What is this!?Another one of Sakura's tricks!"Meiling
said."grrrrrrrr"Kero growled."What are you growling about you stuffed
animal!?"Meiling said."Look who talking!"Kero said as they both started
growling at eachother."This is not the time!"Li said.Then a giggling was
heard."Was hat Sakura?"Tomoyo said recording.Then Sakura was seen running up
the stairs."How are we supposed to get to her?"Meiling sweatdropped."Freeze
card!"Li sommened freeze as it freezes up the sand.Li uses his sword to break
up the sand and they head to the staircase."Oh great..."Meiling said."Where'd
she go?"Li says as they hear a voice."Someone help me!MY head hurts so
much!"Sakura said weakly."Sakura where are you?"Li shouted back."Im on the
roof...please hurry!"Sakura said.Everyone started heading up the stairs.
As they reach the rooftop, they find Sakura on the
floor disappearing."Oh no!Sakura!"Tomoyo runs to sakura.."Tomoyo?"Sakura said
weakly.Sakuras hands weren't seen anymore."Why is this happening to
her?"Tomoyo frowned."The only thing I can think of is that the cards a
putting Sakura into a trap..there trying to turn her into a clow card..."Kero
said."Your kidding right!?"Li said going beside Tomoyo."Does it look like im
kidding!!"Kero yelled out."Be quiet you stuffed animal!"Li yelled as the
shadow, erase, and flower card started to appear."Force know my plight,
realise the light, lighting!"Li shouted out as lighting hit the
cards.Sakura's legs and arms weren't seen anymore."Hel-"Sakura couldn't
finish because she wasn't seen anymore..."Sakura no!!!"Li yelled as he rushed
to where she used to be.
Then everyone one could see something falling from
the sky.It was all the clow cards they captured..Li's cards came out of his
pocket and joined the others."What's happening Li?"Meiling said as the cards
turn into Sakura cards even Li's.The cards started becoming one card.As the
card was finished the card flew over to Li and Li was in shock."What's
wrong?"Meiling says walking over.As they all gather by Li they see Sakura on
the front of the card with a pink outfit on with black gloves.And the card
has a pink backound."I can't have this card.Can't we save her?"Li said."Since
your the one who is the master of this card , this card can do
anything.Since it combined into one card, this card is very powerful, it
might be problem though to save Sakura..."Kero said as Li stared at the
card."When you unleash the card it does anything it wants so you have to be
Li frowns and sinks his head low."Maybe we sould
do this tonight..."Li's says as he jumps and runs off with a sad face."Li
wait!"Meiling said.As Li arrives home......."Im home."Li says taking his hat
off."Welcome master Li."Wei says as Li heads to his room.He closes the door
shut leaving Wei confused."What did I ever do to deserve this....what did
she ever do to deserve this."Li said heading to the dresser, he put's the
card down and bangs his fist on the dresser."This is all my fault!I must of
done something to make this all happen....Sakura I thought that I could
protect you..."Li says throwing himself on the bed...."hmmmm."Li starts
thinking."I'll protect you Sakura....I promise...."Li said as he falls to
Li's Dream..............
Li finds himself with a girl....he feels like he
knows her so well.."Well you protect me??"The young girl said."As that you
Sakura???Of course I'll protect you.........."Li says putting his hand on her
cheek."I'm so happy to be with you"the girl said smiling........
End of Li's dream..................
At night at the school..........
"You guys ready?"Li said as everyone nods."Be careful kid."Kero
said."Whatever"Li said sweatdropping.
"Sakura card!Release!"Li said as a pink smoke appeared forming into a
figure.It was Sakura."What do you think she's gonna do?"Tomoyo says.Sakura
floats in the air waving her hands around the wand.The scene
changes.Everything turns dark and they find themselves in the maze card."The
maze card looks kinda diffrent."Meiling says as they see branches and ice all
over the place.They look up to see something glowing in the sky.It was
Sakura."I have to get to her somehow."Li says as wind starts blowing really
hard."But Li!She might do something to you!"Meiling holding onto his arm."I
don't care"Li shouts as he stars running.
As they reach a dead end they look around."How
are we suppose to get to her?"Tomoyo says as Li looks up to see the wand fly
down to him with wings."I'm going to go alone"as Li gets on the wand and flys
away."Li no!"Meiling yells out."I won't let you down this time!"Li thinks as
he reaches Sakura.Skura extends her hand as Li grabs on to it and the scene
Lover's dream............(really is happening people)
"I feel so alone.......where'd he go??I feel lost without him...I can't feel
him anymore...."Sakura says as she looks around."But I feel someone
close...why do I feel they can't reach me.....Am I lost??"Sakura says sitting
on the floor."How can I find my way back to him....."Sakura says as she puts
a fround on her face."Sakura?"Li appears out of nowhere."Li??Li!"Sakura
starts running to him and hugs him.Li blushes.Sakura had a few tears in her
eyes."Sakura what are you doing here?"Li puzzled."I felt so alone...I feel
lost...."Sakura said."Don't worry your not alone anymore....I'm here"Li
said.Sakura stopped crying and didn't feel alone anymore."I don't know what
to do.."Sakura said as Li kissed Sakura on the forehead.Sakura blushed."Let's
find our way back together....."Li said as they both disappear.
End of dream........
Li woke up as he found himself floating......"Where am I?Where is
everybody?"Li said as he saw Sakura a few inches away from him."Li!!Are you
ok?"Tomoyo yells out as Li looks down to see Meiling and Tomoyo."You guys
ok?"Li shouted."Where fine kid!"Kero said.Li goes to Sakura."Sakura..wake
up!!"Li said..as Sakura woke up slowly."Li?"Sakura said weakly."It's ok"Li
said.Then Sakura felt pain in her head.She backed away and her eyes were
blank again.She was in a black outfit.A sowrd appears in her hand and she
almost hit Li with it."Li showron, I want to duel with you!"Sakura says as
the scene changes.
Li is now standing on a clear floor as he
looks around, he sees Meiling, kero, and Tomoyo trapped in a big box."How am
I gona get you out of there?"Li said looking at the box.Then a bolt of
lighting went crashing down almost hitting Li."Let's get it on!"Sakura says
as she starts using her sword on Li."Fine you want to fight!"Li said taking
out his sword."No Li don't!"Tomoyo yelled as Li got into a sword fight with
Sakura."Why are you doing this!?"Li yells out as Sakura grins."Let's see how
much magic can be powerful than name calling you patheic
fool!Lighting!Fire!Release!"Sakura says as she does a back flip and the fire
and thunder come out of the sword.And makes a explosion."How could she do
that!?"Li said."Force no my plight, release the light!Water!"Li said as
sakura uses water and stares hitting Li with her sword again but he blocks
her attacks.
"Fire!"Sakura shouts out as fire makes a big
flame around Li....which his suroundded by now.Sakura goes threw the flames
and cuts Li's arm and leg.Li jumps up and uses wind.Sakura uses wind back but
hers is stronger.Li falls to the floor and Sakura about to hit Li until he
rolls over and dodges it.Li kicks Sakura in the back."Your kinda good for a
rookie!"Sakura says evily as she uses jump."Fire, lighting, release!"Sakura
says as Li dodges the attacks.As an explosion goes on and the smoke
disappears Li looks around and doesn't see Sakura."Darn box!I have to help
Li!"Meiling says as she starts kicking the box."Meiling..calm down!"Tomoyo
sweatdrops."Where she go?"Li says looking around.Kero sees a sparkle falling
from the sky.Tomoyo and Meiling look up and start banging on the glass.Li
couldn't hear them because it was a sound proof box....
When Li looked at the box, he saw the
girls point up.But it was to late.Sakura was coming down like a fireball, she
was surounded by fire.She hit Li with her sword but Li defended
himself."Just give up!Your yesterdays news!Fire!"Sakura said a sLi and Sakura
were in a ball of fire.Li was sweating from the heat.Now only one hand was on
his sword.He kept sinking down to the floor."Sakura stop!"Li shouted as he
used his feet to kick Sakura off."Water!"Li said as water hits
Sakura."Freeze!"As Sakura summoned freeze, she was now riding on a big layer
of ice that was heading for Li.Li used fire to hit the ice as freeze started
crashing all over the place.As Sakura was riding on freeze, she didn't
realize that she was about to crash!So Li stopped running and turned around.
As Sakura headed for Li, Li jumped on
freeze and pushed Sakura off.As Freeze crashes and disappears Li protects
Sakura from the ice explosion.As Sakura opens her eyes she sees Li ontop of
her.Now he has a cut on his face."Huh?"Sakura says looking at Li."Are....are
you ok?"Li said as Sakura looked at his waist.There was blood on his
robe."You saved me?"Sakura questioned."Li!"Meiling yelled."Were friends
aren't we?"Li says smiling a bit as he feels pain in his waist.Li gets off of
Sakura and falls to the floor.Sakura stands up and the sword appears in her
hand."Don't do it Sakura!"Tomoyo shouted.
Sakura lifted the sword over her head as fire and woody just did a surprise
attack on Li.Woody takes Li and ties him up with its branches.Then woody
let's go and fire and watery blast Li to the floor.Sakura just stood there
not knowing what to do."WATCH WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE!!!"Meiling said banging
on the glass."Shes lost it."Kero sweatdropped.Than Sakura started to have
flashbacks.The time when her and Li first met.....when they captured cards
togther....when they would argur over yikito.....and when sakura realized
that she was in love with Li.

I hope you like it so far....on to chapter 3!!!

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