FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

blah blah blah.....let's go!

Chapter 4
"I........."Sakuras words wondered off.She didn't know
what to say to him."Why didn't you tell me?"Li says impaitient."Can you
-"Sakura was cut off."No im not letting go of you untill you give me an
answer!"Li softly yelled back."Because!I was afraid of what you might say to
me!What you might think of me!I felt so confused.....Meiling was right you
never did came for me you came for those clow cards!Then go ahead take the
book and leave maybe you'll be happier."Sakura got out of his grip as all the
sudden Li grabbed Sakura's arm, made her come closer to him and kissed her
(0.0 yepeee!!!what a moment people!)Sakura blushed deeply and closed her
eyes.She couldn't believe what Li just did..."Was I wrong?"Sakura thought as
she put her arms on his chest and his arms around her waist.Few moments later
Li broke the kiss and stared at her.There heads where near eachother and they
were really soaking wet.....
"Li.....um......I......."Sakura couldn't get her
words out of her mouth as Li just looked at her with a little smile.Sakura
than fainted on Li and he almost fell to the floor.."Um........"Li said as he
carried Sakura out to his apartment to rest.
At Li house........................
Sakura found herself in a bedroom...it was Li's apartment..."What
happened!"Sakura says jumping out of the bed .Li walked in and stood there."I
bought you here cause you fainted...remember?"Li says carrying a tray with
tea.He sets the tray down and sits on a chair.Sakura sat back down on the
bed."Li uh...(Blushing)why....why did you kiss me?"Sakura says as Meiling and
Tomoyo burst threw the door."What is she doing here!"Meiling says as Tomoyo
holds Meiling back."Calm down!"Tomoyo says."Why do you like barging in her
all the time!It's not your apartment!"Li shouts."This is not about me it's
about her!Don't you remember she went into the clow cave without you
knowing!"Meiling says"But I-"Sakura was cut off."I knw it wasn't you
Sakura...I don't believe you could do such a thing....thats why I know it was
you meiling!"Li pointed at Meiling as she just stood there."Me?How can you
say that!"Meiling says as Li crossed his arms."You gave yourself away
meiling.....you know Sakura isn't that stupid!You keep going on and on about
it...."Li says as Meiling looked down."Is that true meiling?"Sakura says
looking at her.Meiling turns around."Fine!It was me!"Meiling says facing
Li."But why?"Tomoyo says."You should know why!(Meiling stares at Sakura)Why
do you always hang around her!?It's not like she did any good to your
life!She's always bringing trouble everywhere we go!Dont you under-"Meiling
got cut off as Li shouted out something that shocked Sakura."Because I love
her!!"Li shouted realizing what he just said.Everyone glared at
Li."You....you don't mean that!"Meiling says with watery eyes.Li turned to
Sakura and then looked at Meiling."Yes I do mean it!And I always have.....You
have to face it Meiling....sometimes you just don't get what you want..."As
Li says this Meiling runs off and leaves the building."I think I should leave
you two alone..."Tomoyo says closing the door and heading to the living
room.Li turned around to Sakura to see that sh looked shocked."You.....you
love me?"Sakura says as Li approaches her."I do love you....I always loved
you...the part I was scared was of how you would respond..."Li says looking
down as Sakura throws her arms around Li.Her heart overflowed with love.All
of her questions were answered and all of her problems went away.he loved her
and she loved him...thats all that mattered.....
"I love you so much Li!"Sakura cryed as Li hugged her
back.He seemed much happier.....
The next day..........
"What!?"Nikki yelled out.It was an end of the school day."No way!whos the
lucky guy!?"Chelse says jumping up and down."You should know very
well."Sakura said looking at Li as everyone turned around a
jumped."Li!?"Everyone says as Sakura sweatdropped.Li looked around and wlked
over to Sakura..."Want me to walk you home?"Li says putting his arm around
Sakura."I'd love that...."Sakura says as they both leave a group of Tomoyo,
Chelse, Rita, and Nikki glaring at them...."Wow they hooked up!"Rita says in
amazment."Thats what happens when your both rivels and have feelings for
eachother....."Tomoyo says smiling as they all looked at the new couple
walking away............. The end...............

So how did you like it?...was it great!?huh huh huh???I hope u read other
ones...RelenaSa18 typing out
peaceout my peeps!!!!!=)...............

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