FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Don't Let Real Love Pass You By
by Angelina

Chapter 1

''Morning, Sakura-chan!''said Tomoyo happily as her best friend sat
down,''rumor has it that we are going to have two new foreign exchange
students from Hong Kong.''
''Really?!''said Sakura.
''Don't get your hopes up, it might not be Li-kun.''said Tomoyo.
Sakura blushed a crimson color. How did she know, she thought.
''Class, settle down, we have two new students to introduce today.''said
the teacher.
The door opened and a girl and a boy stepped inside the classroom. The
girl had long, silvery hair and bewitching gray eyes. The boy had dark, ebony
hair and drowning blue eyes. The two were indeed beautiful and handsome. the
two looked around the room untill they spotted Sakura. Their eyes penetrated
Sakura's eyes.
What is it with me and new students, she thought. It's like even before
we meet, they already have a grudge against me. Sakura felt a very strange
and powerful aura coming out of the two. They must have magical powers! I
better keep an eye on them.
''Class, this is Velandra,''the teacher pointed to the girl,''and this is
Kobak,''and he pointed to the boy,''they both came from Hong Kong.'' The
teacher looked around the room.
''Velandra, you can sit behind the seat behind Tomoyo and Kobak, you can
sit behind the seat behind Sakura.''
The two went to their seats. Sakura can feel their eyes looking at her.
Why did they have to sit here? She moved around in her seat nervously. There
was something about them that made her feel cold.
Lunch had finally arrived! Sakura and Tomoyo headed for outside to have
lunch with Chiharu, Naoko, Rika and Takashi.
''Oh no!''cried out Sakura,''I forgot my lunch, it's in the classroom. Go
on without me, I'll meet you outside, Tomoyo-chan!''
''Alright, Sakura-chan,said Tomoyo,''please hurry!'' she then walked out
the door.
Sakura ran into the classroom. She went to her desk and snatched her
lunch. The door suddenly closed. Sakura spunned around. But there she was the
only one in the room. Strange! The classroom went pitch black and Sakura
could feel the presence of someone in the room. Quickly, she pulled out her
key and recited:
''O, Key of Clow! Power of magic! Power of light! Release the wand! The
force ignite! Release!''
She pulled out her ''Light'' card and strucked it with her staff.
''Light!''she cried out. The room was once again filled with light.
Sakura looked around the room and she spotted two figures. One in red and one
in black.
The figure in red was a female. The figure in black was a male.
''We finally get to meet, Clow Mistress!''said the girl,''I've waited so
''What do you want and who are you?!''shouted Sakura gripping her wand
''We're here for the three crystals and the key! Hand them over!''said
the boy.
''I don't know what you're talking about, I have only Sakura cards. And
they belong to me!'' Sakura replied.
''Don't play stupid! we know that you have at the Star crystal, the Sun
crystal and the key! Hand them over so we can search for the Moon
crystal!''said the girl.
''You're the ones who are being stupid! I don't have any crystals or
keys!''said Sakura.
''If you don't hand them over, we shall kill you. Look around, two
against one, your little wolf isn't here to rescue you!'' said the boy.
How did he know about Syaoran-kun? How did they know she was the Clow
Mistress? What should I do?
All of the sudden, something hit Sakura and knocked her down. She went
''Sakura! Are you alright? What happened?''asked Tomoyo with teary eyes.
''Tomoyo, I'm ok''Sakura looked around,''wheres my staff and where am
I?'' Sakura looked around the room, it looked very familiar.
''Sakura, I found you unconscious in the classroom. I took your staff and
hid it, then I went for help. Your dad came to pick you up from the nurse's
room and took you home. We're in your room.''
''Wow! I must have been out cold. Kero! Tomoyo! We have two new enemies!
It's a boy in black and a girl in red. They want the Sun, Moon, Star crystals
and the key! They said if I don't give the Sun and Star crystals, they're
going to kill. They know I'm the Clow Mistress and they know about
''What!'' said Tomoyo and Kero with their mouths opened.
''This is not good!''shouted Kero,''we need to get Yue into this
conversation, I can't remember what Clow Reed said about the crystals and
key, but I'm sure Yue does.''
''Whoever they are, they're dangerous and you might need help!''cried out
Tomoyo,''maybe we should contact Li-kun. I know it's been four years since
we've last seen him and we haven't kept in touch with him, but we might need
his help!''
Kero frowned at the thought of Li.
''Sakura doesn't need the brat! She got us and her own powers! The little
brat would cause us more trouble!''
''We can't rely on Syaoran for this!''said a voice. the three turned
around and found themselves staring at Yue.
''How long have you've been standing?''asked Kero.
''Long enough!''Yue replied,''I know what crystals and key your new
enemies are talking about. And I know who your enemies are, Sakura.''
''Really? Please tell us, Yue!''said Sakura.
''Sit down everyone, this is a long story. And no interruptions form you,
Kero!''said Yue. And he then began the story.

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