FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Don't Let Real Love Pass You By
by Angelina


''It began long ago in Clow Reed's time. It was the time when magic was
common. You all know that Sakura's dad and Eriol are the reincarnation of
Clow Reed, right?''
''Well, duh, Yue,''said Kero,''but what's that's got to do with
''Well, if you would shut up, you little stuffed animal! I could tell
you. But if you don't want me to continue, I'll leave!''
''No, please stay, Yue. We need to know.''said Sakura,she then looked at
the very grumpy Kero,''Kero-chan, please don't say anything until after the
''Oh, fine!''Kero said grumpily.
''Please continue, Yue.''said Tomoyo.
''Ok. Well, Clow Reed had a partner. His name was Kakaroff. Kakaroff was
just as powerful as Clow Reed and he was his best friend. Kakaroff was very
handsome, he was what you call a ladies man. There was two powerful beings, I
can't remember their names right now. One of fell in love with Kakaroff. But
Karkaroff heart belonged to someone else. Her name was Selensia. She was as
pure in heart as she was beautiful. She also has some srong powers of her
own. Those two were the most envied couple in the universe. When the girl
found out that she could not have Karkaroff's heart, she teamed up with a boy
who fell in love with Selensia. Those two plotted a way to break the lovers
apart, but when their plan failed, they resorted to killing. Clow Reed found
out about the plan, he, Kakaroff and Selensia created three crystals and a
key. Clow Reed made the Sun crystal, Kakaroff made the Moon crystal and
Selensia made the Star crystal. Then the three made a key together. They used
the crystal to weaken the two, they trapped them into a chest, but before
they could lock the chest, the chest disappeared into space. When Clow Reed,
Kakaroff, and Selensia died, they were reincarnated and the crystals are
inside the new beings. The key was changed into a key. The key was split into
three pieces and was given to the three beings in different forms. The three
crystals and the key are very important and powerful, if fallen into the
wrong hands, it could mean serious problems.''
''Wow!''sais Sakura,''what a story!''
''Let me get this straight, we need to find the three beings who are the
reincarnations of Clow Reed, Kakaroff and Selensia. So we can get the three
crystals anf form back the key, so we can lock up the two enemies in a chest
for enternity.''said Kero.
''We have our work cut out for us!'' said Sakura.
''We already know where one of the crystals and piece of the key
is.''said Tomoyo.
''Who?!''shouted Sakura, Kero and Yue.
''Eriol, of course!''she replies,''Eriol is the reincarnation of Clow
Reed, or at least one of them. He must have the crystal because he has that
staff he carries all the time.''
''Smart thinking, Tomoyo!''said Kero,''now all we need is the other two
''No, we only need one more person!''said Yue.
''Who's the other person, Yue?''asked Sakura.
''It's you, Sakura!''said Yue.
''Sakura?!''cried out Tomoyo and Kero.
''Me?!''said Sakura.
''The enemies wanted the Star crytal from you, remember. They can tell if
you're the reincarnation of Clow Reed, Kakaroff or Selensia. You must be the
reincarnation os Selensia and you staff is one of the pieces to the key.''
''But then, why did they ask for the Sun crystal if Eriol has it?''said
Kero, looking rather puzzled.
''They must have sense your sun power Kero. You've must have been in
contact with Sakura earlier today that some of your aura was rubbed into
Sakura. The enemies sensed the sun power along with the star and thought that
Sakura has both crystals and pieces of the key.''
''Wow! Well thought of, Yue. All we need is Eriol to come back here from
England, protect Sakura and find the reincarnation of Kakaroff!''
''Wow! I lived before and had a lover!''said Sakura, her emerald eyes
widened,''I wonder who it can be.''
''We'll soon find out!''said Kero.

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