FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Don't Let Real Love Pass You By
by Angelina

Chapter 3

Meanwhile in Hong Kong, Syaoran was having soccer practice.
''Heads up, Li!''said one of his friends. Syaoran saw the ball coming,
kicked it and scored a goal!
''Yeah, Li!''cheered Meilin,''I bet theres nothing you can't do.''
Syaoran groaned. Even though Meilin isn't his fiancee anymore that didn't
stop her from bothering him like she always does. Soccer practice was soon
over and Syaoran headed for home.
''I'm home!''he cried out. He stepped into his house and looked for his
mom. He found her in the Li clan's magic room.
''Mother, what are you doing?''he asked.
''Li, stand inside the circle,''she said,''now close your eyes and clear
your mind.''
Syaoran obeyed her. Suddenly, he felt a strange, cold aura. It was two
auras and they were very strong. He looked at his mother for an explanation.
''Li, two powerful, evil forces are here on Earth. I don't know who they
are or what they want, but you need to stop them from completing whatever
mission they are set here to do. track them down and stop them.''
''Yes, mother.''he said. He went to his room and returned with his Lasin
Board. He recited:
''Forces know my blight! Release the light!'' The beam of light hitted
the map of the world. It landed on Tokyo, Japan.
''Go, my son. I've already sent Weng to your old apartment with most of
your things, heres your ticket, leave now. Good luck!''
''Yes, mother.''he said. I can't believe this, he thought. I get to go
back to Japan. I get to see Sakura again.
Syaoran stared outside the airplane's window. It has been four years now.
He sighed. Has she changed? Does she know about the danger? What's new in her
The next day, Sakura walked stepped into the classroom. All of her
classmates ran up to her.
''How are you doing, Sakura?''
''Are you feeling better?''
''You scared us yesterday!''
''Come on, you guys, give her some room!''
Sakura sighed and reassured everyone. She then walked to her desk. The
teacher walked into the classroom.
''Settle down class! We are all relieve to see you with us Sakura-san.
First things first, we have a new student with us. He's from Hong Kong and a
few of you probably might remember him from 4th and 5th grade.''
Sakura and Tomoyo stared at each other. Tomoyo whipped out her video
camera. Sakura's heart gave a leap. Could it be?
The classroom door opened and a handsome boy stepped inside. The boy has
dark, brown hair and serious anber eyes.
''Class, this is Li Syaoran! Li, you could sit behind Sakura and in front
of Kobak.''
Syaoran walked to his seat as he examined Sakura. She's still beautiful,
he thought. He stared at Sakura's long auburn hair and her emerald eyes. He
then noticed a bandage on her forehead. She's hurt! As he sat down, he felt
two powerful auras other than his and Sakura's. He studied the room and saw a
girl and a boy behind him. I don't trust them, he thought.
Lunch finally arrived.
''Syaoran-kun!''cried out Sakura as she hugged him tightly,''I can't
believe you're back!''
He smiled down at her as he stroked her soft hair.
''It's great to see you again,''he said,''but I'm here on another
''Does it have to do with two new evil enemies?''asked Sakura.
''Yeah, how did you?''he said and his eyes stared at her bandage,''did
they attack you?''
''Yes and we know who they are and what they want.''said Sakura. She then
explained what happened yesterday. She also told him about what Yue said.
''So all we need to know is the reincarnation of Kakaroff, right''he
''Right.''Sakura replied.
''By the way, Sakura, I recognize our old class, but who are those two
new people?he asked,''I don't trust them.''
''I know what you mean, I can sense powerful magic from them. Their names
are Velandra and Kobak. They just came from Hong Kong yesterday.''
''Is this coincidence or what?''said Tomoyo,''we get a new boy and girl
in our class and as soon as they came to our class, troubles starts to
happen. Could they be the enemies?''
''Could be, Tomoyo,''said Syaoran,''we'll soon find out.''
Inside the classroom, Velandra and Kobak were inside talking fiercly at
each other.
''This is like dejavu all over again!''said Velandra,''once again
Kakaroff and Selensia are together.''
''I know, but they have been reincarnated, so they have no memory of what
''But Clow Reed does, he must have told The cherry blossom and the little
wolf by now!''
''If so, what did the cherry blossom asked us all of those questions
yesterday? She wouldn't have asked, if she knew who we are.''
''Good point, Kakaroff. the reincarnation of Clow Reed is located in
England, so he can't come to help his friends anytime soon.''
''No, Velandra! The little wolf has sensed our powers and he arrived to
aid the cherry blossom, we don't know how soon, Clow Reed will come. We
musn't take any chances. We must get the crystals and the pieces of the key.
And we must kill Selensia and Kakaroff tonight!''
''I don't want to kill Kakaroff, Kobak. Let's just gat the crystals and
the key. But I want Kakaroff alive!''
''Velandra! Magic cannot tamper with the force of love! You know that! If
we can use magic to make them fall in love with us, they would have been ours
a long time ago. Even in this life, Selensia and Kakaroff are together. They
are destined to be together.''
''You're right. But let's try to break them apart. They were wise and
older in their last life. In this life, they are young and naive. If they
remain together, we could kill them. Is that a deal, Kobak?''said Velandra as
she looked pleadingly at Kobak.
''Alright, Velandra, we'll have it your way.''
''Great because here's my plan!''

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