FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Don't Let Real Love Pass You By
by Angelina
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It was a dark and stormy night in Tokyo, Japan. The storm's fierce winds
blew like an invisible wind. Its deafening thunder did not cease but only
grew louder. Its lightning bolts looked like golden knives slashing the dark
heavens above.
Two dark strangers stood in front of a house. One of them was a girl. She
has long silvery hair and misty gray eyes. The other one was a boy. He had
dark, ebony hair and serious dark blue eyes. They were both pretty and
handsome but something about them was cold, hateful and dark.
Without warning, they flew up to one of the house's bedroom window. They
peeked inside the room.
Inside was a young girl sleeping peacefully. She was quite pretty. Her
long, soft auburn hair spread like waves on her pillow. Her eyes were shut
but the strangers knew that she has the most enchanting emerald eyes. The
sleeping girl's name is Sakura. She is the new Clow Mistress.
The strangers continued to watch her silently. Then they disappeared.
Sakura continued to sleep without a worry in the world. But little did she
know, a new destiny awaits her. Her new adventures will begin now........

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