FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Love Stinks, Part 1

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that has to do with Carcaptor Sakura/Cardcaptors.

Author's Note: This happens when Li and Sakura have captured all the Clow cards, except the LOVE card, which no one but Kero knew about, but he somehow forgot about it. Now that we got all that over with...

Love Stinks, Part 1

It was a hot summer day. Li, Melin, Madison, and Sakura had spent the day at the pool. There really wasn’t much else they could do because it was so hot. Now they were all walking home.

Madison: That was fun! We’ll have to come back tomorrow!

Melin: Yeah ‘cause I hear It’s gonna to be even hotter tomorrow!

Sakura: Well I gotta get home. Dad’ll kill me if I’m not home soon.

Madison: Okay. See you tomorrow Sakura!

* * *

Sakura: I’m home! Hello! Anybody home? Where is everybody?

r dad’s at that convention for the day and your brother’s at sports camp.

Sakura: Oh yeah.

Kero and Sakura start walking up to Sakura’s room.

Kero: How was the pool today?

Sakura: It was great! But all day I sensed some sort of magic.

Kero: A Clow card?

Sakura: Well it sure did feel like one. Are you sure we got all of them Kero?

Kero: Yeah. Didn’t your dad say you needed to be in bed by now?

Sakura: Oh yeah. ‘Night Kero!

Kero: Good Night Sakura.

Sakura turns off the light and both of them go to sleep.

* * *

Sakura: Yawn?lt;P> Sakura looks at the clock.

Sakura: Oh no! I’ve got to go meet the others at the pool!

Sakura races downstairs and bumps into her father.

Aiden: Whoa, slow down honey! Do you want some breakfast?

Sakura: Sorry no time dad I gotta go and meet the others at the pool! Bye!

Sakura runs out the door, slamming it behind her. She rushes to the pool at breakneck speed.

Sakura: Hey guys! Sorry I’m late?lt;P> Sakura suddenly notices that everyone else is wearing their normal clothes.

Sakura: Hey guys, I thought we were going swimming today.

Madison: We were, but we can’t. Didn’t you get my message?

Sakura: No.

The others lead Sakura into the woods.

Melin: Li says he senses a Clow card.

Li nodded.

Sakura: but I thought we got them all!

Kero floats up from behind Madison.

Kero: Actually, there was one we forgot about, the LOVE card.

Li: So we have to go find it.

Sakura: Oh.

Li takes out his Lasin Board.

Li: Force know my blight, release the light!

The blue glowing light shot out through the woods.

Kero: Quickly, follow it!

The group runs through the woods, coming to a small clearing with a shack in it. Melin: The light’s pointing to the shack!

They all run up to the shack and Sakura opens the door. The shack is empty except for a familiar looking metal box reaching all the way up to the ceiling.

Melin: What is an elevator doing in the middle of nowhere?

Li concentrates, using his powers to determine where the Clow card was.

Li: It’s down there somewhere.

Li points at the ground.

Kero: All right everybody, be careful. Who knows what’s down there.

Madison pushes the “going down?button on the elevator. Almost before the button starts glowing, the elevator door opens, and they all get on. Li pushes the button for the first floor. Once they get to the first floor, they start walking down a long corridor, passing many doors. Li and Sakura use their powers to find the Clow card.

* * *

After walking for what seems like an hour, but is actually only a few minutes, they stop at a room with no door.

Madison: I wonder what this place is.

Li and Sakura: It’s in there!

Li and Sakura point to the room with no door.

To Be Continued?

Feedback? Questions? Contact me at JonathanS8602545@aol.com! If you want my story to be on your homepage, or on any page, please contact me first. Thanx!

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