FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

*Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Kero, and the other Cardcaptor Sakura characters
are owned by Clamp. Mika, Shoji, and the rest of the crazy cast are owned by
me, Scott, George, and Milo, the Anime Team 2K group..

*’s indicate someone’s thoughts.

I won’t use chan or kun much, since I don’t really know how to use them. And
I may not have my punctuation too accurate, since I’m not very good at using

Magical Quest
Chapter 1: New Gaia
*Wonder why she asked me to meet her here?* Sakura thought. Tomoyo had
wanted to show her something, but why did she ask Sakura to meet her at the
boat dock? *Maybe she wanted to look at the ocean?
Suddenly, Sakura noticed someone on the dock. *Is it Tomoyo? No, wait a
minute? Sakura’s heart leapt as she noticed the familiar figure. *It’s
Syaoran! But what’s he doing here?*
*This looks like the right place?but where’s Tomoyo? She said for me to
meet her here. Is that her on the dock? No?wait?that’s Sakura!* Syaoran
blushed. *Wow?she looks so pretty, her hair blowing in the breeze?but why
is she at the same place I’m supposed to meet Tomoyo at? Unless Tomoyo
invited her too? He quickly dismissed the possibility. *No, it’s probably
just a coincidence. Sakura?
His thoughts were interrupted as Tomoyo bounded onto the scene, wearing a
bright blue summer dress and a yellow hat. “Hi! Sorry I’m late. I had to
find something...?She noticed Sakura and Syaoran staring at each other.
“Yes, I invited you both here because I wanted to give you two something. I
won them at a bookstore!?
Sakura peered over Tomoyo’s shoulder at the two tickets she was holding.
“Two tickets for an all expenses paid week long trip to a mystery island
resort? Wow! Really, Tomoyo??*A week with Syaoran?Maybe I can admit my
feelings to him?
“You betcha!?Tomoyo chirped excitedly. “And the boat should get here in
about two hours or so, so I suggest you get ready.
“WHAT?!?Syaoran panicked. “I need to get ready! Thanks Tomoyo! Bye!?He
rushed as fast as he could toward his house. Tomoyo smiled as she watched
Sakura react in a similar manner.

------4 hours later------

Sakura stepped off the boat. *Wow? she though, *This is really nice.* She
was standing on a beautiful white sand beach with palm trees in the
distance. She could also see the towering white hotel to her left, sparkling
in the sun. “Do you want to go to the hotel, Syaoran??
“No, not right now. Can we go walk around??*It’s really amazing here. I’m
so glad I got to come with Sakura! *
“Sure!?Sakura exclaimed, and they walked towards the trees. *It’s really
quiet here, and nice. I really have to thank Tomoyo when I get back?
Fifteen minutes later, they were walking through the palm trees, everything
peaceful and quiet. Suddenly, Sakura noticed something glowing about 15 feet
away. “Look Syaoran! Do you see something over there? Let’s go check it
“Over where? Wait!?Syaoran yelled as Sakura pulled him over to the spot.
“Hey! What is that??He wondered as he finally noticed what appeared to be a
strange, glowing orb suspended about 3 feet in the air.
“I’m not sure? Sakura said as she bent down to examine the object. Suddenly
she felt a wind that seemed to come from the object. She started to move
closer to the orb. “Hey!?She exclaimed as she realized that the object was
sucking her in. “Help! Syaoran!?
"Sakura!?He yelled, and grasped her hand as they were both sucked into the
A few seconds later, they both dropped to the ground in what appeared to be
an ancient shrine. Sakura looked around. *Where are we?* She wondered. Just
then, she noticed that in a corner, a girl about the same age as her was
watching her with an amazed expression.
“I can’t believe it! It worked! But there shouldn’t have been two of you?
And for you to be summoned here would mean that?you posses magical powers!
Not ones caused by the reactor! Real ones! I didn’t expect to be able to do
it, even with my magic abilities! This is amazing!?The girl exclaimed. She
was wearing a plain white kimono, and had bright purple pigtails. Sakura
noticed that the girl had a gigantic sword strapped to her back, and
wondered why.
*Wow!* The girl thought. *I have to show Shoji and the others!* “HEY
she seemed to notice Sakura and Syaoran. “Oh! Sorry if I’ve been rude. My
name’s Mika. Who are you??
“My name is Syaoran, and this is Sakura. Where are we? And don’t even THINK
of harming Sakura, or you’ll regret it!?Syaoran snarled. *Who is she? And
where are we? I don’t trust her?
Just then, four other people burst into the room. The first one looked about
the same age as Touya or Yukito. He had square glasses and brown hair down
to his chin, and was wearing jeans and a brown jacket. The second person
looked only about seven or eight, and had bright blue hair tied into two
small, curly pigtails. She was smiling and wearing a bright, colorful blue
kimono with yellow and pink flowers on it. The third person to enter the
room looked about twenty or so, and had short, black hair. He was wearing a
blue jacket with a hood, matching pants, and had a red travel pack on his
back. The fourth person was wearing what looked like a white karate uniform,
tied with a red belt. He had light brown hair that was a little past his
shoulders, and had a calm expression on his face. They looked curiously at
Sakura and Syaoran.
The girl with the blue hair was the first to speak. “Ooh! Mika-san, who are
“Well, Michu, I’m not really sure. I think I summoned them here. They
appeared a few minutes ago.?
“WHAT?!?Syaoran thundered. “Why did you summon-?
“Wow!?Michu exclaimed. She turned to Sakura. “Hi! My name’s Michu! I’m
eight years old, and I posses psychic powers!?
“She doesn’t really, does she??Sakura asked Mika.
“Of course not! She only has artificial magic created by the reactor.?Mika
“What??Sakura asked. “I don’t think I understand?
Syaoran got to the point. “Where are we? And who are you? Why are we here,
“I think that’s my fault.?Mika explained. “You see, I was practicing my
magic in the shrine-?
“Magic created by the reactor??Sakura questioned.
“No, real magic. The Gift. It’s only given to a few specific people on the
planet. Anyway, while I was practicing my magic, I was trying to perform a
summoning charm. I didn’t think it would work, of course, since it’s so rare
to find someone with true magic abilities, especially in another dimension?
But, I suppose it turned out that you fit the description, and were summoned
here. I’m really sorry. Anyway, right now you are in the town of Binkoru, in
the country of Tsutai.?
“Which is...?
“On the planet of New Gaia.?The boy with the glasses spoke. “Your name’s
Syaoran, right? My name is Shoji Aida, and I’m sixteen years old. You see,
this planet is a bit unusual, mainly because of the fact that at it’s core,
there is a giant reactor. This reactor sends out a type of energy, and it is
this energy that allows the people here to posses certain types of magic. I,
for example, posses ice magic, and Michu, as you know, controls psychic
powers. This magic may be powerful, but it’s artificial magic. True magic,
or The Gift, is a very, very rare power that allows the user to use a
variety of different, powerful magic abilities. There are two people on this
planet that are known to have magical abilities: Little Mika-?
But he was cut short as Mika punched him in the face. “DON’T CALL ME
LITTLE!!!?She yelled. Then she turned to Sakura and Syaoran. “Sorry about
that. I just really, really hate being called little or cute.?
Syaoran turned to the man in the blue jacket. “Is this normal??he asked.
“Oh yes!?The man replied. “Except that most of the time, Shoji's glasses
As if on cue, at that moment a cracking sound was heard and Sakura looked
over to see that the glass in Shoji’s glasses had shattered. He picked up
the pieces and quickly pulled out a new pair. “Sorry. Anyway, the two
possesers of the gift known to us are Mika?and Katsoru.
“Who’s Katsoru??Sakura asked.
“I can explain that,?the man with the blue coat spoke. “My name’s Toshi.
I’m twenty-one, and I travel. Katsoru is very, very evil, and more powerful
than you can imagine. He’s somewhat insane, and is the leader of the
Taronian Empire, an empire that has gained power over nearly all of New
Gaia. He loves chaos and destruction, and believes that technology is more
powerful than magic. We’ve fought against him once before, and it was one of
our hardest fights yet.?He noticed the serious expressions on both Sakura’s
and Syaoran’s faces. “But, let’s get on to more pleasant matters. You
already know about me, Shoji, Mika, and Michu.?
Shoji spoke up. “The person standing over there is Takaro.?He pointed to
the man in the karate uniform. “He, err?doesn’t speak much. He’s a martial
artist. Some one else, who’s not here right now, is Maya. She’s my friend
from childhood, and she doesn’t fight. I’m not sure where she is right now?
and thats all of us."
"Hey!" Toshi piped up. "What about Arelle-"
"SSSHHHHH!!!!" Everybody else yelled, as Shoji nearly burst into tears. Mika
turned to Sakura. "Sorry about that." she said. "Arelle has kind of a long
story attatched, I'll tell you about her later. Anyway, that's about all of
Suddenly, a movement occurred in the backpack Shoji was carrying, and Sakura
and Syaoran heard what sounded like a muffled “hey!?from inside the sack.
Just then, what looked to be a cross between a kitty-cat and a hamster
popped out.
Syaoran groaned. “No matter where I go, there’s always some kind of little
winged stuffed animal around!?He moaned. For the creature in front of him
did indeed look quite a bit like Kero. True, he had bigger eyes and pointier
ears, and his body was white instead of golden orange, but he did look like
a stuffed animal and had wings, though his were bright pink.
“I AM NOT A STUFFED ANIMAL!?The little creature yelled.
“That’s right!?Michu said. “He’s not a stuffed animal, he’s a winged
“No I’m not!?He pouted.
“Oh, this is Piku.?Shoji explained. He’s a-?
“Strong, powerful, legendary, magnificent nameless soldier(“Winged hamster!?
yelled Michu) who has taken on the name of Piku.?
“He’s so cuuuute!?Sakura squealed.
Shoji spoke up. “Anyway, we are a group of soldiers fighting against the
dark forces. I’m really sorry you got transported here.?
“You can spend the night here,?Mika added. “I’m really sorry, and it’s
getting late. I’m sure we can settle this in the morning. Right now, just
relax, okay? I can show you to your room.?
“Okay.?Sakura and Syaoran followed Mika out of the shrine into another
building, where she showed them a nice, cozy looking bedroom with two small
beds. Sakura thought to herself. *Well, this has proved to be an interesting
day. It’s certainly not the vacation I’d planned!* Then she dropped off to
Syaoran looked over at the now-sleeping Sakura. *She looks so cute when
she’s asleep?

“Master! Come over here!?a young man yelled. In response, a dark hooded
figure moved over. “Master! We’ve just detected a very high energy level
that seemingly appeared out of nowhere!?
“Very interesting? Can you detect any magical abilities??
“Well, master, it seems that two people just came from nowhere about 20
minutes ago. One of them posseses very advanced magic, though I think that
it’s artificial. I believe that, impossible as it seems, the other one may
posses The Gift! The energy coming from it is so high?
“I see.?The hooded figure spoke again. “How unusual?this needs to be
investigated.?He pulled out a type of communicator, which he proceeded to
speak into. “Chimera! Call all the members of the Wolff Pack and meet me
here. I have a job for you?
End of Part 1

I'm tired... this is the first fanfic I've written and it took me a couple
of hours to write. I'm aware that it may be a little far fetched to have
Sakura and Syaoran win tickets for a week long vacation, but hey, I had to
get them to the island somehow. The other characters here belong to a series
called Legend of Levetha, which is NOT a real series, just one I'm creating
with my friends. It would be so cool for it to become a reality... but
that's impossible, especially since we're only 12 years old. Oh well. I hope
you liked the first part of the series!
Well, that's my fanfic. I hope I did everything right. And my name's Lauren,
my address is laurenb@usa.com, the series' name is Magical Quest, this is
part 1, and I'll try to write the second part soon.

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