FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

*Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Kero, and the other Card captor Sakura characters are owned by Clamp. Mika, Shoji, and all the rest of the crazy cast belong to Scott, Milo, George, the Anime Team 2K people and me.

*'S indicate someone's thoughts.

I won't use Chan or Kun much, since I don't really know when to use them. And I'm not too good at punctuation, so the paragraphs and other things might be wrong.
Magical Quest
Chapter 2: Dark Shadows
The next morning:
It was a quiet morning at the shrine in Binkoru. Everyone was starting to wake up, and all was peaceful- but not for long.
*Ah, that was a nice rest…* thought Sakura as she slowly woke up. *But… hey! Where am I? …. Oh yeah, we're in New-something. It's so quiet…*
Sakura jumped up. "What in the world is that?" She rushed outside…. To witness Mika chasing Shoji around, furious expression on face and giant sword in hand. Shoji was running in panic, while Syaoran and everyone else was watching them.
"HELP MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Shoji yelped as he tried to escape.
Sakura looked over at Toshi. "Aren't you going to stop them?"
"Nah, this is regular here. Happens nearly every morning. They're going to stop and have breakfast sooner or later." He replied.
Suddenly, a voice came from inside the house. "Hey Mister Shoji! Come look at what I did to your Mecha!
"Mecha?" Sakura asked. "You have giant robots?"
"Only Shoji. Though I fly planes and space ships and stuff, he's the only Mecha pilot." Toshi replied.
"Meanwhile, Shoji had run into the house. As he rushed into the chamber where his Mecha was kept, an all-too-familiar sight met his eyes. "Nooooooooooooo!" he moaned, as he saw what Michu had done.
"What's going on in here?" Syaoran asked as he rushed into the room. "You sound like you're really upset about somethi-" He suddenly noticed Shoji's Mecha. "Umm… I hope you don't mind me asking, but… why are your mecha's wings pink?"
"I know!" Michu said, a huge smile on her face. "Isn't it cute?"
"My sweet Rayth…" Shoji wept. "Why does this always have to happen to me?"
"He certainly is taking it hard, isn't he?" Sakura mentioned as she walked in. "Though I must admit, the pink wings do make it look a little less threatening… and… hey, aren't it's wings the same color as Piku's?"
"Yes." Mika said, as she walked over to Michu. "You see, Michu's my little sister-"
"Really?" Sakura asked.
"Well, come to think of it, they do look alike…" Syaoran admitted.
"Yes. Anyway, for as long as I can remember, Michu has always had a desire to paint wings pink, whether they're the wings of animals or stuffed animals, or even machines. Shoji's Rayth has been a target many times, and, Piku was also a victim.
"But he looks so cute!" Sakura pointed out.
"I don't want to be 'cute'! I want to be cool! Powerful! Almighty! Taken seriously!" Piku complained.
"Oh… well… I'm going to have breakfast right now, okay?" Sakura decided as she walked off the chaotic scene. Syaoran followed her, and they sat down at the kitchen table. An awkward silence followed, as neither one of them was quite sure what to say.
Sakura tried to make conversation. "Umm, How do you like New Gaia so far?"
"It's ok, but I think I preferred Japan. The weather was much nicer." "You know, I think this world is a little more chaotic
than our own. I mean, I may fight with Touya at times, but not to this
"I know what you mean." Syaoran replied. "Do you want to go home?"
"Yeah." Sakura admitted. "It's just that this world seems more dangerous
than home. I know people there, and I have lots of friends and no real
enemies. But everything here seems so dire and serious… the way Shoji acted when he talked about Katsoru, it was just frightening… and he sounded so evil! I just want to go home where everything is friendly and familiar, where I know everyone and they know me!" She was almost to the extent of tears when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw that it was Syaoran.
"Don't worry, Sakura. You heard what they said. You posses magical
abilities! You may not have the Clow Cards now, but that doesn't mean you can't use magic. And besides, Mika said she'd find a way to get us home. I'll stay by your side, Sakura, and together, nothing can come between us."
"Oh Syaoran…"
"Enter." The hooded figure ordered.
On his command, the great doors of the main chamber opened, and 7 people stepped inside.
"Chimera." He said. "I have an assignment for you."
"Yes master." A man replied as he stepped forward. He was wearing a stiff, blue uniform with the insignia of the Wolff Pack on it. His hair was down to his chin, and was a dark brown. His face wore a serious expression, and on his right eye was a silver metal patch. He looked relatively normal, though on closer inspection you could see that instead of a right hand, he had a robotic claw. He waked over to what looked like a highly advanced computer, where the hooded figure was waiting.
A picture of Sakura popped onto the screen. "I want you to capture this person." The hooded figure commanded. "Bring her directly to me. I need to examine her. It appears she possesses The Gift, so your work will be challenging." A wicked smile appeared on his face. "Do whatever you wish with the others."
A grin spread over Chimera's face. "Thank you, master." He walked over to the other people, briefly conversed with them, and then they left the room.
"So we're to capture her then, Chimera?" A woman spoke.
"Yes. I've been looking forward to this for a long time…"
"We won't kill all the others, will we?" Another woman asked.
"No, Shena, I doubt the master would like that. Apparently, he has a score to settle with some of them. There's only one person I want to destroy." He frowned slightly. *Shoji Aida… You will pay!*
Twenty miles away, The Jotsuiya Kai, Once again under the command of Chimera shade, floats over the forest. Chimera is busy writing a report to Katsoru, when his concentration is broken by a knock at the door.
"Who is it?"
"Chimera, It's me, Shena. Can I come in?" The question sounded shaky, as if the person asking it was sad or worried or both.
"It depends. Are you off duty, or is this official? I'm not in the mood for official right now."
"This is your soon to be wife, worried about the way you're acting. You haven't said a word to your old friends in days. What's wrong?"
Chimera sighed. "Listen. You know about my history with Shoji, right?" Shena nodded. "Now here's what you don't know. Shoji was convicted for murder. He was sentenced for execution, when I uncovered that the only evidence was splatters of blood on his clothes."
Shena was shocked. "What!? They convicted a kid for that?"
"That's what I said. Next thing I know, I've been fired, and he's been kicked out of the country."
"So?" Chimera stared at her. "I'm not trying to be ignorant, but what does that have to do with anything?"
Chimera sighed. "Now, five, six years later, I'm trying to kill him. It's just ironic."
"It may be but-" Shena was interrupted by the announcement.
Emergency! All personnel report to attack stations! Enemy target in range! This is not a drill! All Wolff Pack pilots prepare for capture mission, Chimera will lead delta group. Commander LaGrange is head of bravo support! All pilots, scramble!
"Well," Chimera sighed. Time to get to work…."
Sakura and Syaoran were sitting outside of the shrine when Mika walked towards them, wearing a slightly worried expression.
"Oh! Hello Mika!" Sakura chirped, noticing her. "Do you want to talk to us about something?"
"Oh, well… it's about you getting home. It will take a little longer than I thought, because I'm not really sure how to do it. I've tried a couple of
experiments with stones, but they haven't been very successful." Mika
"Do you think we can come and watch you try?" Syaoran asked.
"Sure!" Mika agreed, as she dragged them both over to the entrance of the shrine. "You see, when it comes to dealing with magic, there are some basic spells that come naturally, such as simple ice, fire, or earth spells, but for the most part, you have to experiment in order to find out more complex magic." She explained. Mika then uttered a strange chant, and 3 sharp ice daggers flew out of her hand. "That's one of the basic spells. Very simple."
"This is advanced magic." She closed her eyes and began to chant.
"Kai tatsuri no sai chitsu sariku no takiri haaa!!!"
Suddenly, the ground in front of Mika started shaking. A rumbling sound could be heard from under their feet. It grew louder and louder… until a giant blast of energy burst out of the earth and flew up into the sky,
creating a huge explosion after a few seconds. Sakura looked after it,
*Wow! That could easily defeat nearly any of my Clow Cards! Do they really expect me to have that kind of power?* "So… are we going in?" She asked timidly, and they walked into the shrine.
When they walked in, Syaoran noticed the piles of stones in the corner. Some were charred, some appeared to be glowing, and some even looked like they had exploded into several pieces.
Mika noticed Syaoran's gaze. "As you can see, I haven't been very
successful." She picked up a stone. "Terai ch saiko rin kotochi!" Much to
her surprise, the rock disappeared. "Yes! I think I've got I-"
But just then, she heard a voice from outside. "OW! Hey! Where did this rock come from?" Mika sighed. "Oh well. And I was sure I had it too…"

The people in the town of Chitan gasped as they saw the organized fleet of mecha flying overhead. There were 7 of the giant robots, and though no one down below could see, each was stamped with the logo of the Wolff Pack. But though they weren't able to see the logo, many of the people recognized the mecha flying at the front - the infamous N'toru Gunbolt, the mecha of Chimera Shade.
Shoji suddenly sat up. *What was that?* he wondered. *It's not there now, but I just felt something… evil…* He dismissed the possibility. *No,
probably just my imagination.*
Chimera thought to himself as the Wolff Pack flew towards Binkoru. *Shoji…* Even the name caused a fierce burst of hatred in his heart. *You ruined my life! Through all my life, while I was training, fighting… you were there. Always one step ahead of me, always better at everything! You were the "gifted" one, and I was always left in the dust! You… you gave me THIS!* He touched his robotic eye, and a wave of anger flowed through him. *You destroyed my life, Shoji… and I swear that I will make you pay!*
Toshi was enjoying his pleasant nap… until a large #CRASH!!!# woke him up. "What in the…! What was that?" He exclaimed as he got up, rushing toward the sound, until he saw…
7 gigantic mecha heading his way.
"Nope, that didn't work…" Sakura sighed as Mika tried another fruitless attempt at sending the rock into another dimension. "Maybe you should-"
Mika ran outside. "That was Toshi! What was he yelling a-" her face turned white as she saw the approaching mecha. "Oh my gosh…" she turned toward the house. "IT'S THE WOLFF PACK! SHOJI! GET YOUR RAYTH READY! NOW!"
She turned toward Sakura and Syaoran. "Follow me out back. We have a bit of a problem…"
*We're almost there…* Chimera took out his communicator. "Shimoru! Tatsuki! Your job is to capture the girl. I'll join you later. Shina, you take care of Mika if she interferes. The rest of you, take down anyone who gets in the way. I'll deal with Shoji." He frowned slightly. "And I don't expect you to make mistakes! Got that?" he yelled.
"Yes master!" Multiple voices hurriedly replied into the communicator.
Shoji rushed into the chamber where his Rayth was kept. *I thought I took care of them! But how…* He turned toward the mecha. "Nu'ma shyome!"
In response, the Rayth's eyes started glowing. Shoji closed his eyes, and suddenly disappeared, only to appear in the mecha's cockpit a few seconds later. "Rai'tako kyi tsun're! Der'tai!" The Rayth teleported to the field outside, where it watched the Wolff Pack approach.
"Get out your weapons, if you have any." Mika told a very confused Sakura. "Right now we're in a little bit of a fix. You see, the dark forces have several servants. Look over there." She said, pointing over towards the field. Sakura gasped as she saw the 7 giant robots. "Chimera Shade is one of their top commanders. Chimera has his own mecha fleet, called the Wolff Pack. And, as you can see, they're here. The Wolff Pack is extremely tough, and I advise you keep your guard up. I don't know why they were sent here though…" Mika broke off. "Anyway, do you have any weapons?" She asked the two.
"I do." Syaoran replied. He quickly rushed to the shrine, and came out a few minutes later, wearing his green and yellow outfit he usually reserved for dealing with Clow Cards. He was holding his sword in his hand. Mika looked at Sakura, who shook her head. "I don't really have any weapons with me…" Sakura murmered.
"That's fine." Mika reassured her. "You have magical powers, I'm sure you do! You can use them when the time comes. Now, let's go meet Shoji and the others." They rushed off towards the field, where Shoji and his Rayth were waiting.
"I have my slingshot, Mr. Toshi!" Michu cheerfully told Toshi. "Let's go help Mister Shoji and the others!" She rushed outside, with Toshi trying to catch up. Takaro walked behind them, his sword unsheathed.
Suddenly, 3 mecha swooped down from above. One, piloted by lieutenant Amoru Hiroi, turned towards Michu, and fired a glowing orange beam of energy.
"Ha! You won't get me!" Michu yelled, nimbly dodging the blast. She took out her slingshot, and fired it at the mecha.
Amoru had expected her to attack, and waited for the slingshot bullet to come close to his Mecha. What he didn't expect, however, was for the bullet to explode in mid-air, nearly destroying his mecha's arm. "You'll pay for that, kid!" He yelled, swooping down out of the air and charging directly at Michu, who shielded her eyes.
Shoji felt his Mecha being blasted to the ground. "What the!"
"Shoji Ma'en Al Aida, Its time for you to meet your maker!" Shoji dodged the extended arm. Turning in midair, Shoji let loose with his six missiles.
"I'm not going to meet my maker yet!" Chimera easily dodged the missiles and then let fly with his own. From there on in, It was an aerial ballet, each pilot dodging the blasts of one another, then letting loose with their own ordinance
Sakura was frightened. All around her things were exploding and Mika was pulling on her hand. "Come on," Mika urged. "Run faster! We need to get out of here"
"The Wolff pack must have found out that you have the gift!" Mika pulled Sakura into a cave. "We'll be safe here. " Sakura shivered. "What's wrong?"
"I don't know... There's something about this cave. I don't like it." She shivered again.
Suddenly, The floor collapsed sending Mika and Sakura falling into a massive subterranean cavern!

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