FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

*Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Kero, and the other Card captor Sakura characters are owned by Clamp. Mika, Shoji, and all the rest of the crazy cast belong to then anime team 2k group: Scott, Milo, George, and me!

*'S indicate someone's thoughts.

I won't use Chan or Kun much, since I don't really know when to use them. And I'm not too good at punctuation, so the paragraphs and other things might be wrong.

Magical Quest
Part 3: Survival
Syaoran jumped out of the way of another energy blast, getting worried. *What should I do? I won't be able to dodge this thing much longer... and where's Sakura? Is she in trouble? What should I do?*
The mecha prepared for another shot at him. *This is too easy...* Genna thought, as he prepared to attack. *Honestly, I don't know why Katsoru is so interested in them. They're nothing, really.* He smirked, as he looked at Syaoran. "I'll get you this time!"
"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Syaoran yelled, as he charged at the mecha with his sword. *I hope this works... can my sword cut through that robot?* He brought the sword down, summoning all the strength he could. He closed his eyes, and pulled it through. When he opened them, he stared at the mecha in surprise, as it was now missing half it's arm. *Well... I guess that's a yes.*
"You'll pay for that, kid!" Genna yelled with fury, completely outraged as he tried to squash Syaoran.
"Ha! Missed again!" Syaoran yelled, regaining some of his courage. He held up his sword again, as he prepared to charge the mecha once more.
*Where did those brats go?* Tatsuki asked herself. *They were running away, and then they disappeared! Well, they won't be able to hide for long...* She picked up the communicator next to her. "Shimoru! Any sign of them?" she asked into the communicator.
"No, Tatsuki, there's no sign of them anywhere. How could they disappear so suddenly?" Shimoru's voice replied. "Shina hasn't had any luck either..."
"Argh! How could they have disappeared so suddenly? If we don't bring her back, Katsoru will be really angry..." Tatsuki muttered. "Okay! Shimoru, you scout south of here! Tell Shina to look west. I'll stay around here, and go north. They couldn't have gone far... Now, go find them!" she commanded, as her mecha moved forward.
"Ow!" Sakura exclaimed as she and Mika hit the ground. "Where are we, Mika?"
"I'm not sure... we seem to be in some kind of cave. I haven't been down here before... I don't like the feel of it here," Mika replied, her voice sounding through the pitch-black darkness.
Sakura looked around nervously. "This is creepy... I'm afraid that something's going to jump out or something..." She shivered slightly.
"Just stay calm... We'll think of something. We fell from way up there," She pointed to a dim patch of light far above their heads. "and we just need to find some way to get back up," Mika replied, trying to think of a way to get out of the predicament. "And we aren't really in a hurry, since there probably isn't anything down here..."
"I'll destroy you, Shoji!" Chimera yelled into the small radio, charging the Gunbolt at Shoji's Rayth. "After all you've done to me... I swear that I'll destroy you!"
"What have I done to make you hate me, Chimera? Before, when you were assigned to kill me, you didn't hate me this much! And... hey!" Shoji exclaimed suddenly. "Why aren't you dead? I thought I defeated you onboard the Levetha..."
"Don't play innocent, Shoji! You completely ruined my life! I've suffered because of you. But actually, for once I'm enjoying an assignment given to me by Katsoru... because I have a chance to kill you." Chimera grinned coldly.
"But what did I do to you?"
"What did you do to me?!" Chimera yelled. "Everything! I didn't realize it then... But now I know! You've made me suffer humiliation, pain, and defeat! My own mecha student, better than me! You made me lose my job! You caused me countless failures! I suffered unimaginable pain, all because of you! My life has become a complete wreck, and there are only two things I live for... Shena, and my desire to utterly destroy you!"
"Umm..." Shoji was at a loss for words. "But Chimera, I-"
"The time for words is past! Die, Shoji Aida!" Chimera yelled, as his mecha collided with Shoji's.
"You can't kill me that easily!" Shoji exclaimed as he maneuvered his mecha, which had not been severely damaged by the collision. *Chimera... I'm sorry it has to come to this.*
"Hiya, Mister Syaoran!" Michu chirped as she fought back-to-back with him against Amoru. "Are you having a good time?" She shot an exploding slingstone at Amoru, who barely missed the shot, as he prepared to retaliate in fury.
"I- don't- think- that this- qualifies- as- having a good time," Syaoran groaned as he once again swung his sword across Genna's mecha. He jumped out of the way, but could not avoid the mecha's left hand becoming chopped off. "Not so confident now, eh?" He yelled towards Genna, who was shaking in fury.
Michu giggled behind him, as another of her slingstones found it's mark, causing Amoru's mecha to become black and charred. "You'll never get me!" she cried happily, as Amoru yelled at her furiously. "You'll pay for that, runt!" he exclaimed as he shot an explosive down to the ground.
"Watch out, Mister Syaoran!" Michu exclaimed as she pulled him away. The explosive started to glow and then exploded, but it didn't hit Syaoran or Michu- it found it's mark on Genna, leaving the bottom half of his N'toru completely and utterly demolished.
"My mecha!" Genna exclaimed as he looked at the destruction caused to it. He looked at Amoru with a furious gaze. "You meant to do that! You want all the glory for yourself! But you won't get away with it, don't worry..." Genna started to smile with a half-crazed look, as he pulled out a small grenade.
"Don't get along too well, do they?"
"I don't think so, Mister Syaoran!" Michu replied as they watched the two pilots start attacking eachother, yelling and neither gaining a decisive advantage, their quarry forgotten.
"Hey, you're kinda slow for a mecha pilot!" Toshi taunted as he jumped behind a rock, dodging the giant sword's thrust. Otami, with anger written all over his face, now had his mecha draw back it's sword- then slice the rock in half, leaving Toshi standing, completely visible as the rock crumbled away in front of him.
*Hmm... seems like this sword-based N'toru model is a little more than I reckoned with. But still, without laser beams, it probably can't beat me... Let's hope that 'probably' is a good enough chance,* Toshi thought to himself, as he ducked another of the mecha's sword swipes. Suddenly, he pulled out a large grenade from his pocket, and took out the pin, as he threw it towards Otami. It was a direct hit, but much to Toshi's surprise, there was no fatal damage done to the mecha, it was only charred a bit, with it's left leg slightly torn.
"You'll have to do better than that!" Otami yelled, a note of superiority in his voice as he looked happily down at his clearly inferior opponent.
"Don't worry," Toshi said, his face grim with determination. "I can!"

"Tatsuki!" A cold, cruel voice rang in the small radio in her mecha.
"O-Oroku!" Tatsuki exclaimed, recognizing the voice of Katsoru's second-in-command. "What is it, my liege?"
"Katsoru is not at all pleased with your work down here."
"Give my lord his greatest apologies! We are doing our best here! But why are you not reporting this to Captain Chimera?"
"Chimera is actually doing something. You, however, appear to be lounging around..."
"I was looking for Mika and the girl!" Tatsuki exclaimed.
"Not much success, eh? Katsoru is disappointed in you. 2 carried away in battles with those fools Shoji and Toshi, 3 roaming the hills in search of 2 little girls, and 2 fighting each other... I think that Katsoru expected more from the lot of you." Oroku ended on a cold note.
"Please ask Katsoru to forgive us! We're working to the highest of our abilities! And I wasn't responsible for those 2 idiots fighting each other!"
"The highest of your abilities, eh?" Oroku laughed with sarcasm. "Well, how would you like to know that the little girls you want are in a small subterranean cavern, right beneath your feet? Shamefull..."
"B-but how were we to know that? I'm sorry! We'll get to it right away!"
"And who chased them into the cavern where they couldn't be found, eh? Fortunately, your blundering has not gone in vain. The cave they fell into is fortunately infested with Tetsu. I'll bring them to my command shortly." With a click, Oroku closed his connection, leaving a stricken Tatsuki sitting in her cockpit.
*Right underneath us... but how? Why didn't I notice? Katsoru's gonna kill us! At least Chimera will probably take all the blame...* She gulped. *But I'll be second.* Tatsuki picked up her communicator, and started yelling. "Shina! Shimoru! Those brats were right underneath us, in a cave! Why didn't you idiots notice them? Now Katsoru's furious, and we'll take the blame. But the situation's under control now. Don't go near the area, unless you think your mecha could stand up to a horde of tetsu."
The two voices hurriedly replied into the communicator. "Yes, officer!"
Chimera looked at Shoji, a crazed glint in his eye. His mecha was a bit battered, but nothing more. He watched as the Rayth pulled it's laser cannon out.
"So, Shoji, going to challenge me to a duel now, eh? I'll be too happy to agree..."
"I wish you'd reconsider this, Chimera! We used to be friends!"
"Scared, then? The great Shoji Aida, trying to avoid a fight?" Suddenly, he was interrupted by a booming voice on his communicator.
"I'm not trying to run away!" Shoji exclaimed. "It's just-" He cut himself short as he listened to the faint voice of Chimera talking to someone on another connection. He listened closely, trying to pick out conversation. *Strange,* he thought, listening. *I could swear that that other voice was-*
"THEY WHAT?!" Chimera thundered, causing Shoji to back away from the communicator in haste, rubbing his ears.
"Tell Master Katsoru that I was not aware of those insolent fools' behavior!"
"Yes..." Oroku replied. "You were to busy fighting this worthless boy...Couldn't you have managed your time differently?"
"Give Katsoru my sincere apologies!"
"You're always the one to make apologies, aren't you? If I remember correctly, you've needed more chances than even Kiriki..."
"That's not my fault!"
"Well, Katsoru certainly expected more of you, Chimera. Hope that he's not in a bad mood when you return..." Oroku replied, as he closed the connection.
Shoji waited in his mecha, confused, as he watched the N'toru Gunbolt standing stock still, Chimera contacting the other Wolff pack members.
"What is it?"
"Who's there?"
The voices of the Wolff pack members spoke as they stopped what they were doing in order to talk.
"I'm very disappointed in your efforts," Chimera remarked. "Why couldn't you find the girl, idiots! Oroku told me she was right underneath the search area! Fools! And Genna, Amoru, you were fighting each other? Oroku just contacted me, and Katsoru is furious! I hope you're happy..."
"I'm very sorry, Commander! Please, forgive us! We'll improve!" Tatsuki pleaded, as a hail of voices swarmed in.
"We'll do better!"
"Forgive us!"
"It was this idiots fault!"
"You liar! It was his, commander!"
Shina and Shimoru stood quietly, suffering the criticism for a second time.
"It's so quiet..." Sakura mumbled, standing perfectly still alongside Mika.
"Yeah... now we just have to think of a way out of here."
"Hmm... Maybe if there was a rope or someth- What was that?!" Sakura exclaimed suddenly.
"You felt it too?"
"Yeah!" Sakura replied. "It's hard to describe... Mika, there's something evil down here, I can sense it somehow! All around us..." Suddenly, a rustle was heard to their left.
"What was that?"
Another squeak echoed off the walls of the cave.
"T-they sound like- bugs..." Sakura muttered nervously. "Only louder... which means-"
"Bigger," Mika replied. "I think we just ran from one trouble into another, Sakura. If I'm correct, we're standing in the cave of a pack of Tetsu!"
"Gigantic spider-like creatures. They're black, and have skin as tough as armor, and can breathe fire... the original settlers on New Gaia thought that they were dragons." Mika grinned for a second, then resumed her serious face. "But worst of all, the Taronian empire can control them... Katsoru's advisor, Oroku, had a talent communicating with them. But I thought he was destroyed! I remember, he and Takaro fought one-on-one on that final battle on the Levetha, and then it was destroyed. How could he have survived that?"
"Ghosts and spiders..." Sakura trembled, her face fearful. *Oh no... why did we have to fall into this cave? I'd rather face the people up there than what's down here... and what's Syaoran doing? I hope he's all right,* Sakura thought anxiously. *Well, we have to do something, I guess... It's so scary here!* Sakura turned towards Mika. "So swords and things like that can't hurt the tetsu, can they?"
"No, their hides are too thick."
"Then... what about magic?"
"I can't produce enough to deal with a whole pack of them!"
"But can two people?" Sakura asked, as Mika looked over at her.
"But... well, I suppose it's possible. I hope this works..."
"And can magic do things like teleportation and stuff?"
"Yes... so you're suggesting we hold them back, then teleport, Sakura? It could work..."
Suddenly, a glowing pair of red eyes appeared in front of them. And then another...
"They're here!" Mika exclaimed. In response, the Tetsu made rustling noises, as pair after pair of eyes appeared.
"What type of magic should we use?" Sakura asked anxiously. "And how do I do it? I haven't used any type of magic besides clow cards before!"
"Just concentrate, it'll come naturally. We should try a light spell of some kind, that'll stun them. You can do it, Sakura! And then we'll teleport," Mika explained. Seconds later, Sakura shrieked and jumped away from a blast of fire. "Now!" Mika exclaimed.
*I can do this, I can!* Sakura thought to herself. *Please, something happen, light, I want light, give me light, please!* She closed her eyes tightly as the Tetsu moved closer. *Give me light!* She silently pleaded, as words came to her tongue.
"D's teki re'd'jai no k'ntari"! She yelled with Mika, as bright explosions of light illuminated the cave.
"See?" Mika looked at Sakura, as loud squeals echoed off the cave walls. "And now, to teleport! This is a simple spell..."
Sakura was already ahead of her, her face white and her eyes closed. *Teleport! Please, teleport me away from this cave, up to the land above. Now, I command you, please! Teleport me!* "Jikoren'ni!" And Sakura was gone, Mika quickly following after.
The situation was not looking good for the Wolff pack. Genna and Amoru, in particular, were not in the best of shape, various mecha limbs missing and the rest black and smoking. They were now refocusing their efforts on Michu and Syaoran, but it was clear that it wasn't an even match. Toshi was gaining the upper hand on Otami, and Shoji resumed his fight with Chimera, neither obtaining an advantage. And Tatsuki, Shina, and Shimoru stood, waiting for something to happen in the cave below.
"At this rate, we're going to beat them!" Syaoran remarked to Michu as he brought down his sword again. Michu nodded happily, as she skipped around Amoru, forcing him to spin around in circles in order to attack her. This caused Amoru to yell an array of insults in frustration as he spun, vainly attempting to hit her. All of the Wolff pack were feeling the oncoming dread of defeat- until the Tetsu swarmed out of the cave.
"Syaoran!" A sudden voice caused Syaoran to turn around, as he saw Sakura running towards him, relief written across her face. "Syaoran, are you all right?"
"Sakura! I'm fine, are you? Where were you?" Syaoran cried, starting to run towards her as he momentarily turned back to swipe at Genna.
"I was so worried! Mika and I fell into a big cavern, and there were these monsters..."
Suddenly, Syaoran noticed something behind Sakura. It seemed to be a great army of something, and they were closing in fast. Sakura, however, hadn't noticed them. He turned once again to look at the mecha pursuing him, as he ran towards it, his sword slicing through it's legs, which were rendered immobile. He then looked back at Sakura, still running towards him. He could see them clearer now, they looked like a horde of gigantic black insects, and they were only a couple of yards away from Sakura. "Sakura!" he yelled. "Watch out behind you! There's something chasing-"
Sakura paused and turned around, as the Tetsu charged, only a few feet away. Sakura tried to run, but they were already there, and the head of the pack reared it's head, preparing to unleash a blast of flames, as she cringed in fear, waiting for the end to come...
With a thud, Syaoran brought his sword down upon the Tetsu's skin, but only a scratch was present. There was no wound, no dent, on that hide, the hide as tough as armor. The Tetsu screeched, and Syaoran tried to shield as the wall of flames hit him- the flames meant for Sakura. He fell, as Sakura opened her eyes and saw what had occurred. She gasped, and tears began to fall.
"Syaoran!" She cried, bending over him.
"Sakura..." Syaoran replied, slowly smiling. "You're not hurt... thank goodness."
"No! It doesn't matter about me, why did you stand in the way? I don't want you to die, Syaoran!" Sakura wept, and she hugged him. "I love you, Syaoran! Please, don't die!"
"I love you too... Sakura," He whispered, as his eyes began to close.
The Tetsu moved in, anxious to get their prey at last. Sakura, looking up, saw them, as her expression turned from grief to anger. "You..." she spoke, unblinking. "You killed him! You killed my Syaoran!" She yelled, her face becoming a mask of fury. All fighting, except between Shoji and Chimera, was stopped as everyone looked down at her.
*Uh oh...* Toshi thought to himself. *If Sakura is anything like Mika... I'd better put my shield up now.* He did so, as Mika, Michu, and Takaro, who was sitting on the other side of the field, did the same.
Fury enwrapped Sakura's mind, as she looked at the Tetsu. "How dare you! How dare you kill him!" She yelled, as she closed her eyes. "Laeko kura'jime koretsu aleiro'su kasao!"
An explosion of gigantic proportions spread across the field, destroying grass, Tetsu- and Wolff pack mecha, as they were enveloped by the blast.
Sakura opened her eyes, as she looked around in amazement at the charred landscape before her. The Wolff pack was nowhere to be seen, as were the Tetsu. Mika and Michu were rushing towards her, Shoji had just jumped out of the Rayth, Takaro and Piku were walking towards them from a distance, and Toshi made his way towards Sakura too.
"Wow! That was neat, Miss Sakura!"
"You're getting good at using your powers. That was an advanced spell!"
"Are you alright?"
"What's wrong with Mister Syaoran?" Michu asked, looking down at him.
Sakura looked down at him, his face still. Tears once again fell from her eyes, as she put her hand on him. Then, she noticed something. "A- a pulse!" She exclaimed. "There's still a pulse! He's still alive!" She turned towards Mika. "Is there a spell for healing? Can you heal him, please? You have to!"
"Yes, it's fairly simple." Mika replied. "You'll be able to do it easily, if you put your mind to it. What happened to him?"
But Sakura wasn't listening, as she gathered up force for the spell. *Please give me the power to heal Syaoran! I need to heal, please give me the strength to heal him...* She silently pleaded, as her fingertips started glowing and she touched Syaoran. He groaned slightly, as his eyes opened.
"Sakura! I'm so glad you're all right!" He exclaimed, sitting up. Suddenly, he looked at himself in amazement. "Hey! What's going on? I thought I was dead..."
"Sakura healed you," Toshi replied to him.
"She showed great inner power and strength, and has carried out her destiny very well so far," Takaro said, as he walked up to the group.
"By the way," Syaoran asked Takaro, "Where were you during all this? I didn't see you or the hamster fighting..."
"I AM NOT A HAMSTER! I AM PIKU! THE IMPORTANT, ALMIGH-" Piku was cut off as Mika pounded him on the head, knocking him unconcious.
"We were fighting off the other forces Katsoru sent," Takaro explained. "He wasn't content just summoning the Wolff pack."
"Oh... I see." Syaoran resumed silence, as he looked at the ground.
Shoji then walked up, looking relieved, though not entirely content. "Hello," he said to the group, when suddenly, to Sakura's amazement, Mika ran up to him with her sledgehammer, yelling.
"But I did!"
"I destroyed them, I swear! I have no idea how they came back! And speaking of that... I swear I heard Chimera talking to Oroku while we were battling. Didn't Takaro kill him?" Shoji asked, looking in Takaro's direction.
"We fought a noble battle onboard the Levetha. Neither gained a decisive advantage, though it was to my belief that he was destroyed when the Levetha exploded," Takaro replied.
"Umm... what's going on?" Sakura timidly asked. "I don't really follow what's going on..."
"Oh, it's nothing that concerns you," Toshi explained. "Don't worry about it."
"I'm hooooooome!"
Everyone turned around as a young woman with long black hair ran towards them. She was carrying what appeared to be a grocery bag in her hands, and didn't seem to notice the destruction around her.
"Hello Maya," Shoji replied as the woman walked up to him.
"Hello, Shoji. How are you and your friends?" She asked. "And who are those two?" Maya looked over at Sakura and Syaoran.
"I'm Syaoran, and this is Sakura. We're- umm... friends who need somewhere to stay for a little while until we can move into our new house..."
"Oh. Nice to meet you! My name is Maya Minage," she replied. "Let's go inside now, shall we? It's a bit cold outside..."
They all walked inside, as Syaoran walked up to Shoji. "If you don't mind, I have a couple of questions for you guys once we get some time..." He said, as they went to their respective rooms.
"Master! Master Katsoru, come quickly! There's something on the screen I think you should see!" an official complained, beckoning the black-robed figure to the computer. "Katsoru, the Wolff pack has been utterly defeated, and the Tetsu as well. They disappeared, just like that! Gone!"
"The child unleashed her powers. A bit more than I had expected... though I'm not surprised. I could never count on Chimera for anything. I suppose now I'll need another plan..."
*end of part 3*
Well, that's all! I hope you liked part 3! And I forgot to type something after part 2, so I just want to say that I'm really really sorry for sending it in so late! It took longer than I though. And also, my friend RaythS, aka Scott, wrote the last part of part 2. Thank you, RaythS! His e-mail, in case anyone wanted to know, is RaythS@hotmail.com . And also, if anyone cares, Legend of Levetha now has a website at fly.2.levetha.html.
So, I hope you like part 3. It's my longest yet, and I really hope you like it. Sorry if I'm repeating myself... ^^* Well, that's all. Sayonara, everybody!

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