FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Magic of Source
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Ten
Fight For Survivor

"Dark Shadow, this is the first time and the last time I'm going to beg you. Please let me and Li say something to our good friends and we could finish this match." "Okay, fine with me." "For all, I can't leave you alone, I promise that I'll come back and make you proud." Said Li and Sakura together. "Okay Dark Shadow, we can begin this match." "Release Death!" "That ain't fair, you use Death first!" Li and Sakura is going to die but Sakura used The Time card to go back time before Meilin fainted and go over again. "That was close one." "Release Sucking!" Said Dark Shadow. "Meilin, watch out!" Meilin is not in danger and she is in good health. "Thanks Sakura." "I don't want to lose you again. Windy, Wood, Earthy, Watery, Firey, release and dispel!" All five cards released at once and all those five cards disappeared but Dark Shadow lost a lot of power.
"Release Darkness!" "Release Shield! Protect us! Glow! Light up the place!" "You're smart Clow Mistress but this time you aren't going to get it. The dark darken power of Shadow; send out the darkest power out! Destroy all those shields, and kill them all!" "Time Card, freeze the time! Freeze Card, froze Dark Shadow! Unfreeze time!" "Huh? What just happened?" "I froze the time and Dark Shadow, I hope it's working." "Clow Mistress, this is your second chance and you only have one chance left. I only have 70% of power and I think I could beat all six of you. Release Blizzard!" "My turn, release Above Card!" The Above Card made all of them up really high that Dark Shadow couldn't catch them. "The ancient power inside Dark Pyramid, release all your power to kill them all!" They all died except Li and Sakura but then Li and Sakura fainted and they went to another world.
"Welcome to High Land." "What?" "The High World in Magic World, please show me your ID and I'll lead you to where you wanted." "We don't have any ID's." "No problem, is that a wand in your hand? Let me scan it and you're in. You're Sakura right? And you are Li." "Who are you and how you know my name and what is this place?" "I'm DS, stands for Dark Shadow, I'm only 14 and I'm assistant in High World. Your wands gave me information about yourselves and so I know you." "What year is this?" "1997." "What? 1997? But we were in year 2000 when we fainted and now we're three years younger?" "Sakura, I should remind you, this is the exact date you released all those Clow Cards." "So it's been 3 years? I don't believe that!" "Of course you don't Sakura, I think we're enemies." "And why is that? Down there, you can see the cards you released but you can't go down there because then we changed History and we'll not be same again." "I don't think so Li." "We gotta go. DS, tell me if there's something like a time machine in here." "No I don't think so Li." "But how can we go back to year 2000?" "I know there's a portal in Dark World, but I don't think you want to go there." "Of course we need to go there." "It's hell! It's dark and cold and cruel there and if you go there I think you're going to die." "I don't care about that!" "Fine then, I won't go with you." "Well, I don't care that much. Let's go Sakura." "Release Fly!"
"Welcome to Dark World, may I help you?" "We need to go to the portal." "Do you have a passport?" "No." "Then you have to go to Source World and ask the God and the Goddess for one." "Can you lead us there?" "Sure, go in this elevator and press the key Source." "Thank you." Sakura pressed Source and they went to Source World. "Wow, it's pretty cool here." "We need to go Li!" "Right! Hi, we need to see the god and the goddess of Source." "This way." "The God and Goddess of Source, we need two passports to go to the portal and go back to our world." "If you know what's our name then you could pass." "That's easy, do you want anybody hear it?" "No, go to the Dining room, no one is there." "Sir, your name is Sun stands for the Sun; Madame, your name is Moon stands for Moon. You had two twins called Sunlin and Moonlin and you will be locked up by Dark Shadow and then Sunlin and Moonlin will ask us for help." "How do you know that?" "We're from the future, we know everything." "You passed and you got the passports, I'll lead you there." "Thank you very much."
"We got the passports and can we go now?" "Sure, press the key 2000 and the day you were lost and you can go." Li and Sakura went back to the time they died and they woke up." "What? It's impossible! I set you up and I knew you're stuck there but I can't believe you're back!" Said Dark Shadow. "Not only that Dark Shadow, your nickname is DS and you were working for High World and you're not very nice." "Stop that or I'll kill you now! Continue our match."
"What are the rules now?" "As I suspected, I'll tell you everything. There are three parts of this match. You passed the first one and you passed the second one. This is the third match and you only could use 10 Clow Cards and I only could use my skills, my magic and Death Cards. But this match is just between three of us and the rest are dead." "What 10 Clow Cards?" "They are The Windy, The Watery, The Firey, The Earthy, The Wood, The Thunder, The Fight, The Power, The Shield, and The Sword. You can go first."
"Thunder, release and dispel!" "That didn't scare me, magic power Dark!" The Dark covered the thunder and the card burned. "I forgot to tell you only could use the cards once and that's all and I only have 50% power left." "Sword! Release and dispel!" Sakura cut Dark Shadow in half but it just turned into two pieces. "Fight, Power, kill one of those Dark Shadows!" Those two cards did work it out but Dark Shadow called out Death Card so Li died and Sakura fainted. This time she ended in a dark shelter. "What is this place?" "This is the heaven and you want to sign up or you have a question?" "What? I died?" "I think so girl." "I beg for the last chance please!" "Do you have anything for me?" "I don't but I have my love with Li." "Li huh? The descendant of Clow Reed, that's nice but no. Only if you have Golden Love Crystal or I won't do it." "Where can I find it?" "You can't find it anywhere but you can take a test and maybe you'll find it. Here, go in this portal and find your love."
Sakura entered the dark place and all she could see is The Ratio Tower and Clow Cards flew over. "It's that dream that I had in 2 years! Miss Mackenzie is there! Layla! Help me!" "Sakura? Wake up!" "Huh? I'm in Math Class?" Sakura went back to math class with Miss Mackenzie. "The time I captured The Firey card! I gotta go." "Sure." "What? You just let me go like that?" "Yes, indeed." Sakura went through a day but she lost all her memories when she got home and the weird thing is everybody is too nice to her. "Kero, I don't understand why is everyone so nice to me." "You gotta expect what's unexpected." The next day, Li told her that he likes her and she thinks it's very strange but she couldn't remember everything until Li kissed her. "That's it! I remember now! Everything I see isn't true! You are too nice to me and I can't get use to it! Li always teases me but now he is nice to me. You aren't real!" Sakura yelled out loud and all those people turned into mud and Sakura felt something in her hand and it's The Golden Love Crystal. "I got it!" Sakura went back to heaven and found the registrar. "I found the crystal." "Have your wand out." "Okay. Oh key of Clow, power of Magic power of light, surround the wand, the force ignite! Release!" "Repeat after me." "The magic of Golden Love, make things go right again!"
All of a sudden Sakura is back and Dark Shadow doesn't have much power left. "Windy, Watery, Firey, Wood, Earthy, attack once!" A bright light sprayed out and Dark Shadow died and Sakura fainted but she smiled.

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