FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Magic of Source
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Two

All The Source Cards
"How could I ever help them?" Said Meilin. "I'm just a weak power girl who loves to fight so much?" "Don't feel bad Meilin? I'm same as you and I don't feel bad that much." "Yeah I guess." "Hey you guys! Lero called for a meeting." Shouted Sakura. They hurried to Sunlin's house and Lero looks so worried. "You guys, have you ever taken The Gel Card?" "No I didn't." "Me either." "So didn't I." "I didn't take it but one day night I saw a blue light coming out of your house but I thought that you are just practicing magic." "But I wasn't. I guess that The Gel Card was released." "Do you remember anything that night?" "I think I was playing with my wand and I think I said some kind of magic word that made The Gel Card release."
"I had the dream that you said 'Gel releasement' and The Gel Card released." "Oh ya think?" "I should play with my wand to impress Kero." "Don't worry about this now! We have to find The Gel Card before it does something bad." "I don't think it can do something bad you know, it's the weakest Source Card." "What does it do anyways?" "It wants to find a keeper for itself. Whenever he finds one, he will turn into a regular Gel bottle and appear into the person's house. Or he just turn into Gel and be in someone's bottle." "So lucky that the six of us didn't have Gels." "But Julian does, what should I do?" "The Gel Card only works when a person uses the Gel. Whenever he thinks something in his mind, his hair will turn into that thing. And the only solution is let the person think to get ride of Gel and then The Gel will find another keeper. I think when the Gel wants to find another keeper, capture it." "Okay, I think I better check Julian's house."
"Julian, hi, is my brother there?" "Oh yes Sakura, wanna come in?" "Sure. Em, Julian, can I use your bathroom?" "Okay, it's right down the hall upstairs." Julian's house is so big that Sakura has to check every single one to find that Gel. But Sakura couldn't find it so she went into the bathroom because she really has to use it. She saw a bottle with blue Gels in there so she picked it up. Her hair is kinda messy so she used a little. She murmured, "hem, nice gel. I wonder what my hair will look like when it's dry." Then in the mirror, it shows what Sakura's hair looks so beautiful. "Oh no! It's The Gel Card. Think fast! Okay, what kind of Gel you are? I hated it! I want to get ride of you!" Then the Gel that's in Julian's Gel bottle is gone and Sakura just sighed. There's still some Gel in that bottle but it's the regular ones so Sakura just gone downstairs.
Julian's mom came back and Sakura just stepped into the living room. "Tori, I know that you wanted Gel so much so I bought one for you. It's really cheap and why don't you try it." Said Mrs. Star. "Oh thanks Mrs. Star but I can't accept other people's gifts." "It's okay, just say that your last birthday I didn't get you anything and this time I can pay back. And you and Julian were closest friends." "Okay, thanks Mrs. Star." "Squirt, what you doing here?" "Oh, dad told me to tell you it's time to go home, today is mom and dad's anniversary dinner." "Oh okay, see ya Julian and Mrs. Star."
The Gel quickly gone into Tori's bottle without anyone notice. Sakura sense something really strong but she couldn't tell where it's from. "Dad, look my new gel bottle that Julian gave me." "Oh it's nice, I think that Julian is a good friend." "Tori! I need to use the gel!" "What? You never used gel before." "It's about my Magic, The Source Cards. Please, I need your help! If you don't do it, you will be dead!" "I know squirt, you can be so serious sometimes I know you just want to see if the gel is safe. You can invite some of your Clow Scout friends here." "Oh thanks Tori!"
Sakura called the Clow Scout for a public meeting at her house and they were in the bathroom talking about The Gel. "Okay, the only way that we're going to get ride of this is to use it. Who wanna try?" "I'll do it." Said Li. Li put on some gel and he thinks about Lasin Board and her hair turned the shape Lasin Board is like until the Lasin Board appears to his hand. "Wow, it's pretty powerful." "Li, think! You have to think to get ride of it! Madison, close the door and the windows and make sure that The Gel don't escape." "Okay." "Now I'm thinking, I want to get ride of you stupid gel!" Li shouted out loud and the gel got ride of Li and trying to find another keeper.
"The Key of Clow, the power of night, the power of Magic. Surround the wand, the source ignite! Release!" The Key turned into a wand and Sakura begins to capture the Gel Card. "The Gel Card, the card of Source, return to your power confined!" The Gel Card quickly turned into a card and appears into Li's hand. "Ha, I knew I'd get the card."
"That ain't fair! I captured it!" "But I think the reason you can capture it is because I got ride of it." "Okay, I won't complain. We have to get Lero fast and we have to find Zachary and we have to get to his parents' basement." "Let's go."
"Lero! We captured The Gel Card! Now what do we do?" "Find the person who told you where he found the book." "Okay." All of them including Sunlin and Moonlin and Kero and Lero headed to Zachary's house. "Hey Zachary, how's it going?" Asked Li. "Not bad, what you doing her for?" "I came for visit and Wei is interested in the place where you found the book. He said that it's an ancient Chinese book and he thinks that your basement is built on the ancient Chinese ground." Li lied. "Oh ya think?" "Yeah, but Wei is busy so we decided to check it out." "Sure, you can go there alone because I'm playing a video game. It's right down the hall and you make a left turn and there's the stairs down the basement." "Thanks."
"This place is so creepy." "I know that, Meilin. That's why I brought 8 flashlights." "Why you needed eight?" "Because I think we all might need it." "But there's only six of us." "What about Lero and Kero?" "Oh, right." "Oh wait, I see a light!" "Where?" "Over there! I think it's the Source Cards?" "Okay, let's check it out."
"There they are! The Source Cards! I saw the seal and all the cards surround them." "Okay, listen you guys, Li and Sakura are the Clow Master and Mistress so they have to get the cards. If anyone else gets those, they will be released." "Okay, what we do?" "Li, you'll use your left hand and Sakura, you'll use your left hand. Li stand on the left side and Sakura stand on the right side. Listen carefully. Find The Bad Card and The Blood Card on your sides. Pick them up at the same time. You have to pick them by patterns and give them to your own assistant. Now I'm going to tell you by patterns, listen careful. Cold, Computer; Catch, Copy; Flow, Froze; Like, Love; and that's all the patterns. Now comes none patterns. Above, Energy; Grass, Key; Picture, Rose; Tired, Wheel; and down to one left." "Wow, everything is going very well now and on." "Sunlin, you'll pick up the book with both of your hand and Moonlin you take The Death Card with both hands." Sunlin did well but Moonlin sneezed when she got that card and the Card is released." "Oh no! It's the most powerful card of all!" "Don't worry Lero, we'll capture it by our own hands." "You don't understand! If that card is released, everybody will die!" "I don't think it's that serious." "It is! That's why it's called The Death Card! Oh, well, it will come with Dark Shadow Cards."
"Tomorrow is another day so we can do it then." "Li? Are you down there? My parents want to take me to a restaurant so you better get out." Said Zachary. "We're coming!" "It's okay, we'll get it someday." "Yes we will." They don't know what is in the front of their face, and that is death.

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