FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Magic of Source
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Three
The High and Low Cards

"Sakura! Catch it! It's the Sky Card! That's why we're flying like in the universe." Sakura and the Clow Scout are capturing a High Card. They suddenly felt a very strange thing and then they were flying. Li told Sakura it's The Sky Card so Sakura captured it fair and square but the card flew over the Li's hand because he discovered what is that card. "Hey! That ain't fair!" "It's okay Sakura, you can have it." "No thanks Li, you deserve it."
The next day was a very cold day, "A cold day in summer?" Asked Meilin. "I think it's card that's doing all those stuff." "I think so too." "What?" Sakura and the rest were sinking in a mud road like in fast sand. They can't fly out or do anything else. When ever they tries something new, they sinking a little fast and they end up in a really big room.
"What is this place?" "I don't know but I hope this is a dream because I hated to be dead!" Said Meilin. "Don't worry Meilin, I taped everything in my camcorder and well, I think you'll not miss it." "Madison, what do you think of this place? I think maybe try your Arrow Wand to poke a hole and so we can go up." "Good idea, Meilin, hold my camera." They poked a hole and they all climbed up. The day was over.
The next day was another cloudy day and the people were wondering if the weather people were right that today is a hot day. "I don't get it, all those weird stuff going on but we didn't do anything." "Anyways, we've gotten some cards but we have to work a lot harder to get the rest." "I sense something." Said Sakura. "I did too." "It's coming from underground." "It might be some kind of card from upper space!" "What? Sakura, you sense something from the sky and Li sense something from underground. What do we do?" Asked Madison. "Okay, Clow Scout, we have to work and this time we're going to work alone. Madison, Moonlin, you go with Sakura upper in the sky and Meilin and Sunlin are going with Li. I'm staying home waiting for your news. This is the time I'm going to test your strength so go alone." Said Kero.
"Madison, Moonlin, get on my wand and we'll fly up there!" Madison and Moonlin got on Sakura's wand and they flew up on the sky and they yelled out happily when Li and his team dig a hole and go underground.
The weather is getting worse so Sakura called out a card. "Release Light!" The sky is full of light and Sakura were happily returned. "What? The sky turned back? We have to go again. Release Float!" The three of them take the float so they won't waste any time. "Sakura! It's The Cloudy Card! It's the only High Card we haven't discovered so it might be it!" "Thanks Madison!" "I dare to show yourself Cloudy!" The Cloudy showed herself and she looks just like Sakura's mother. "Sakura, I don't think you're able to capture this card so why don't you give me an opportunity." "Sure Madison, I truly miss my mother really much." "Release Fight!" Called Madison. The Fight Card is fighting with The Cloudy Card but they were from different cultures so it's a tie so Madison decided to call out a Source Card.
"Release Energy! Power up and defeat The Cloudy!" It doesn't work well either so Madison called out The Sky Card. Seems like it's working well because The Cloudy is falling so Madison used her Arrow to capture it. "Oh Arrow of Clow, the power of Magic, the power of light, surround the wand, the force ignite! Release!" Madison's heart Arrow appeared and she captured the card. "Cloudy! Return to your power confined!" The Cloudy was going to escape but it's too late, Madison captured and they finally finished their mission.
"Kero! Guess what! Madison captured a card herself!" "Good job Madison, you're getting better and you're now good at this!" "Thanks Kero. Where's Lero? She's drinking some tea." "Why don't we visit her?" "You can't now Moonlin, I sense your brother is in danger so you better get to the hole." "Okay, are they going with me?" "Of Course."
When they got to the whole, they saw big rocks are dropping on Li and his team. "Li! Watch out! Release Shield!" The Shield protected them and helped them get out the hole. "Shoo, that was a close one." "That was. So what kind of card you think it is?" "Wait!" Said Meilin, "I want to capture this card myself!" "Sure Meilin. You're now training."
"I think you're The Mud Card because you can control the rocks!" When Meilin said that, everyone shoot their heads because that they knew Meilin was wrong. "Meilin! It's not The Mud Card." "How do you know Sakura? I'm catching this on my own. "Okay!"
"Release Watery! Surround the rocks!" The Watery card melts down the rocks and they turned into mud. "I knew this would work. Show yourself Mud Card!" The mud turned into a little girl with mud all over her. "I told you its The Mud Card." "No offense but even the Clow Master and Mistress didn't think that was a trick." Said Moonlin. "Oh shut up sis." "Mud Card, return to your own form!" Meilin captured the Mud Card and she looks so proud of herself.
"Well, I guess that's over." "I don't think that is possible because there's still one more left. "I think we're going to have good weather after this day!" "No wait! What about The Rock Card?" "Doesn't matter!"
The next day was worse! It's not a raining day; it's a rocky-raining day. "What? Is this what The Rock Card meant?" Asked Meilin. "I can't tell you guys, The Rock Card suppose to appear underground but it appears on the sky. Don't you think it's weird?" "Well we do, duh!" "I can't wait! I got to capture that card on my own!" Said Sakura. "Release Fly!" "Sakura! It's in public!" "Who cares? I got Madison's raincoat costume and this is during a 'rock-raining' day and no one will notice!" "Be careful!"
"Oh key of Clow! The power of Magic, the power of light, surround the wand, the force ignite! Release! Thunder! Make this weather worse!" "Sakura!" Said Li on The Float Card, "I think you're crazy! This is a bad weather and why you're making it worse!" "Li! Get everybody back to my house and wait there. I got to catch this on my own like I always did to my Clow Card!" "I'm the one who always helped you capture Clow Cards." "I'm in a situation here! You can take the float to my house, now hurry!" "Fine!"
"Release Cloud! Cover up the bad weather!" The Cloud Card covered the bad weather but then the big rock began to drop. "What? Release Shield!" The Shield protected Sakura from the rock dropping but the rock hit a house and people are in danger. "Bubbles! Surround the rocks! Shot! Shoot those rocks! Storm! Make this weather worse so no one will see me! Windy! Blow all those rocks back to the sky! Rock Card! Return to your power confined!"
All those rocks that Sakura sent back to the sky suddenly turned into a card with so many rocks dropping from the sky shape. "Mist! Release and dispel!" The Mist covered up the place and Sakura began to fix the house.
"Oh the power of Clow, surround my wand and turn it to Source! Release Miracle! Fix the houses that rock dropped. Rain! Clean up this place! Sleep! Turn everyone sleep! Dream! Let everyone have a good night dream and erase their memory about today!"
Sakura returned and she saw Li and everyone else was sleeping in the living room and she went upstairs and she wants to get some sleep. Suddenly she felt something around and she look up the Tokyo Tower, there's a big black whole is taken over the city.

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