FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Magic of Source
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Four
The Death Of Cards

"What is that?" Sakura murmured. "I think it's a card so I better catch it now before anyone gets hurt." Sakura flied to the Tokyo tower and she saw the black hole getting bigger. "Card! Show yourself!" Sakura suddenly feels something inside her body as the dark magic getting in her body. "Oh no! It's the Sucking Card! It's going to suck up my power…" Sakura fainted and a shot shock through Li's body and he woke up. "I sense a card! But I can't getting anyone else involve to this.
"What? Sakura is there? No! She's falling from the sky! Element! Wind! Save Sakura!" Li ran really fast to the Tokyo tower and caught Sakura. "Sakura! Wake up!" "Li, there are five black holes, each process a power of its own, one is in my body and it's controlling me. Help please…" "I'll take everything to help you. Force, know my plight, release the light! I think you're either The Powerless Card or The Sucking Card, but I have to take a guess. Sakura, help me." "The second one!" "Okay, here goes. The Sucking Card! Return to your own form! Return to your power confined!" Li used Sakura's wand to capture that card and Sakura's face turned back to normal but she's still a little pale. "Release Fly!" Li flied Sakura back home and put in her room. He is taking care of him but a shadow came into the room when he didn't notice. The Shadow went into Sakura's body and Li saw it. "Sakura! No!" Sakura woke up and she began to grow really big and she looks like her mother but her face is so scary.
"Sakura! You have to wake up!" "Enough of that Elian, I knew you're going to revenge some day." "Who? Are you talking about Manura? Are you her? You gotta wake up now!" "Elian, stop this, you're getting so creepy." "Release Darkness!" "She had Darkness? That means she's taken control by Dark Shadow! It's the Shadowness Card!" "Ha, Elian, it's too dark to see in here so I'm going to finish you off!" "Okay, release Glow! Shadowness Card, you can't take the one I love so you better give up! Return to your form Shadowness Card!" "You ain't getting it too easy," said Shadowness then she flew and disappeared in the house.
"Li? What are you doing here?" "Sakura, you finally woke up! We all here are waiting for you to say something." "What happened?" "You were taken control by Shadowness Card." "Ha, I still didn't go away!" Said The Shadowness Card. "It's impossible I saw you left!" "I squeeze in when you looking at me!" "Madison, you have to help me!" "How Li?" "Help her to remember something while I doing something to her." "What?" "Use my element to cure her."
"Element Water!" A splash of water came to Sakura's face but it didn't work out well. "Li! I think you should just catch it then it will be easier." "You don't understand Meilin, if that Shadow don't get out Sakura's body and you captured it, she will stuck in there forever." "Then do something!" "I'm insulting the card's pride and then maybe she'll come out. Hey you card! Get out here before I get mad! You're one stupid useless harmless little thing! I dare you to show yourself!" "Shush Li! I know you're insulting me but I don't like it. You think it's easy for me to stick in this body? I can' do anything I want and I have to listen to something else. Do you ever think about how I feel?" "No but you're hurting the one I love!" "Fine then! I'll come out because of the beautiful love. I meant Sakura! Everything she thinks is you Li! You should be proud!" "Madison, quick capture it!" "Oh arrow of Clow, the power in the night, given power to the wand, the force ignite! Release! Shadowness Card, return to your power confined!"
Madison captured that card and Sakura suddenly fainted but she isn't awaking because that she's cold. "I think she's too powerless." Said Meilin. "That's it! The Powerless Card is inside her body! Man, why they always headed for Sakura?" "Because they want to make you mad!" "Very funny Meilin." "No! I can help Sakura!" "How?" "Just watch and see. You better not messing up with me Avalon! I know that you're in a situation here but I do not care! You stole everything from me you know, and now I'm going to take this chance to revenge! You stole my fiancée, you stole my heart, and you stole the fact that I'm not a card captor and everything that I couldn't list! Madison, get your wand I think Sakura is waking up." "What? What's going on?" "Madison! That shadow! Capture it!" "The Powerless Card! Return to your power confined!" "(Sigh) That was over." "Yeah." "Meilin, I really appreciate the way you help Sakura today." "It's nothing Li, I'm just trying to help your fiancée." "Thanks, I know why I like this cousin the most." "Stop that Li! I'm blushing!" "Sakura! You okay?" "Yeah, I think but I'm tired." "Of course you are because you haven't sleep for days. Go to your bed now. And everybody I think it's time to go home." "Okay."
"Kero, what was wrong?" "Well, little trouble." "I was having the dream that I was taken control by three different kind of Dark Shadow Cards." "That's exactly what happened." "Oh really."
The next day was so dark and no one could see the way to school. Its spring and it suppose to be warm and it should be a good day. "What is wrong?" "I don't know Sakura, you have to find it out yourself." Said a voice from behind. "Who are you and what you want?" "It's your day Sakura, it's your birthday!" "It is? I almost forgot. So what you want anyways!" "Here is your gift. Today is a very dark day and it's the time that Dark Shadow take over in Magic World." "I won't let that happen!" "It's too late Sakura, the dark is covering up you see, the only two card you haven't capture are the most powerful ones. That means when the dark is covering up, everyone will die in this city except you and Li." "Why? And how can I clean up this mess and who are you." "I'm the Dark Shadow, the one you always want to kill. You only have three things for yourselves and that's your wand, Li's sword and The Miracle Card. That's all you get and you have to get all those things running around right in less than a day or all of you are going to die because of The Death Card." "Help! I think it's a dream." "Sakura, wake up yourself! Ha, ha…"
"Sakura! Wake up! We got a mission to finish ourselves." "Li? Don't tell me, everyone are dead huh?" "How do you know?" "I think after Dark Shadow told me that, I just fainted and that's all." "I think so too and now we gotta hurry up!" "How? We only got one card to use!" "But I have an idea. We use The Miracle Card to fly us to The Source World and then we get everything back to normal and then capture the cards." "I think it's a good idea because that's all I can think of because we are all dying here." "Don't think like that Sakura, if you think like that, we're going to die." "Okay."
"The Power of Source! Take us to Magic World using The Miracle Card!" The Miracle Card brought them to Magic World and they began to hunt the cards. "Force, know my plight, release the light!" The light lighted up the place but it's still dark. "The Darkness Card, I challenge you a match! If I win, you give up and give all our friends and back and if I lose, you can kill me and Li." "Sakura, don't promise someone so easily." "That is the only thing that we could do to save the world. Trust me, with your skills and my brain; I think we could finish this off! Don't forget, we're the Clow Master and Mistress!" "Right Sakura, I'll help you when I can."
When Sakura and Li didn't notice, a shadow came and hit Sakura on the head…

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