FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Magic of Source
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Five
The Legend

"Watch out Sakura!" Li pushed Sakura aside and no one was hurt. "That was a close one." "Thanks Li." "You're always welcome Sakura." "We have to capture the card!" "Right, let's do it together." "I dare to show yourself!" "That's right! You're killing the people we love and we have to stop you! Force, know my plight, release the light! It's that way and we have to hurry!"
They entered a room with ten flashlights in it. "We have to hurry before all those lights run out." "What? How do you know?" "We have to bring all those flashlights with us and each time one light is run out of light, we throw them away." "Why?" "I think Lero told me once that when you enter the room like this, you have to reach the top mountain and get the other flashlights and get back. Then you place the lights in exactly where you found those and then you can challenge the card." "Wow, it's pretty hard." "We have to do it together remember Sakura?" "Yes, I'll try my best."
Sakura and Li hurried up to the Mountain and then they found the other lights but they only have three flashlights left. When they only have one flashlight, they run really fast and then they placed the others in the first room. The door opened and they entered another world. There's a tree and has weird leaves on it. "What is that?" "It's The Human Tree. If the leaves falls down, you have to catch them or if those leaves gets down, the person's name on that leaf will die." "That's something really serious." "I know so we better breathe really soft." "'Kay."
A leaf fell down and Li caught it and it was Wei's life. Then another leaf fell and it was Sakura's mother. "What? My mother is already dead!" "I think this tree is beyond lives so after we got all the leaves, we can go to another room full of weird stuff." "That is so complicated!"
All the leaves are in Sakura and Li's hand. It's not too much, those are the people they knew and finally they got into the last room. "I think this time we have to beat the Death card." "Okay, here comes."
"You finally made it!" Said Dark Shadow, "this time you have to beat the card to find yourselves home with the ones you loved. But you only gets ten cards to do this." "Fine with us!" "The Firey, The Watery, The Earthy, The Windy, The Wood, The Time, The Thunder, The Shadow, The Fight, and The Freeze. And you also could use your fly now Clow Mistress." "Cool, we're definitely going to win." "Not so easy, you only could use one card once."
"Oh Key of Clow, the power of Magic, the power of light, surround the wand, the force ignite! Release!" Sakura got her wand and she gave Li an eye to tell him to work together and Li nodded. "Release Fly! Freeze Card, release and dispel!" The Darkness Card was frozen but they have to work together to capture that card. "Release Thunder! Sakura! Watch out!" The Darkness got ride of the ice and then the ice almost hit Sakura. "Release Shadow!" It didn't work out either. "Okay, this is for Meilin! Release Fight!" It worked pretty much well and Darkness is losing power. "Release Firey! Burn The Darkness! Release Watery! Get ride of The Firey! Wood! Tight him up! Earthy! Don't let him go! Thunder! Shock it!" It worked so well that Li doesn't have to help Sakura. "Windy! Blow it away! The Source World! Given power to my wand! The Darkness Card! Return to your power confined!"
"YES!" Said Li with excitement; Sakura captured the hardest card on her own. Sakura looked so happy that they hugged each other and cry for a long time.
"Not bad Clow Mistress, but you still back to go back home on your own and then you have to capture the Death Card." "I totally forgot about that but anyway, I'm happy!"
They got back to their own world and they saw all the people are still dead. Sakura can't hold her feelings so she just called, "Death Card, return to your power confined" but nothing worked. "Sakura, I think you better rest, last time you saved me and this time I'm going to save you." "Okay Li, you always had been a good friend." "Am I only a friend?" "More than a friend." "Thanks."
The place was full of dark just like in Magic world but it's worse because everyone was dead. Li tried everything he can to find the place with The Death Card is but nothing worked. "Li, how many minutes do you think you'll take? I think we're running out of time here!" "Don't you worry Sakura, I think I know where it is." "Where?" "Under Tokyo Tower." "Huh?" "Don't ask anything else, I'll show you and this time you only have to watch.
Li and Sakura reached to the Tokyo tower and they were starring the top. "Up there." "Fly! Li, get on and I only have to help you once because you helped me once last time." "Thanks Sakura." "Force, know my plight, release the light! Element Thunder! I dare to show yourself!" "Li, finally came, I'm your father, the one you never known. I can't raise you because I was stuck in the dark's body and now I'm bad also. Do you really want to kill me for Sakura?" "You're lying! My mother told me that you're nice and caring, I can't believe you're bad and I don't believe you!" "You have to Li, you have to face the truth." "I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna!" "Well, that is your choice Li, and now I'm going to tell you your Chinese name." "Huh?" "Your Chinese name is Xiaoran Li, it pronounced Syaoran Li." "Why I needed to know that for? I'm in a whole new world!" "Face it Li, you're not that strong and you can't do things on your own." "Li! Don't do it, maybe it's a trick." "I know it's a trick all right." "Back off you little Clow Mistress. Release Dark! Let Clow Mistress faint!" "NO!"
Sakura fainted and Li looked at his father seriously. "How could you do this to the person I love! I don't care who you are and now I have to process the power of my own and help the lives on Earth!" "If you come with me Li, everyone in the world will become alive but you'll have to be part of me and Dark will never going to disturb you ever again." "Okay, I accept." "No Li! You can't do that!" "Who is there?" "It's me, Layla Mackenzie." "Miss Mackenzie? What you doing here?" "I'm here to help you Li. Well you see, I'm not exactly here but I'm always be here to watch you and Sakura and all the good things you've done. I saw you when Sakura captured The Darkness Card. You can say that have magical power that no one knows and now I have to help you. Think about after you gone to Dark. You'll save the world but you'll be bad too you know, and you'll be away from Sakura and all the people you love." "I don't want that to happen but it's the only choice." "It is not the only choice Li, if you defeat this card, you'll still be with your friends and the people you love but you'll also be a hero." "Thanks Miss Mackenzie, now I believed you." "Bye Li, hope you'll doing it well."
"The Death Card, I know that you aren't real and I know the Satan is trying to get me but I know this better than everyone else. I LOVE SAKURA AND I LOVE EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD AND I'M NOT LETTING YOU DESTROY IT. RETURN TO YOUR POWER CONFINED WHATEVER YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Li captured the card with his sword and his tear came to his eyes.
Suddenly he felt warm inside his body and the sun rises. "The beginning again." He saw a lot of familiar faces such as Sakura, Meilin, Madison, Sunlin, and Moonlin. Then all six of them end up in some place else but they sleep deeply inside and who knows what is going to happen to them.

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