FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Magic of Source
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Six
Greek Legend

"Sakura, wake up!" Said Li. "Where are we?" "I don't know yet but all our friends are here." "Who?" "Madison, Meilin, Sunlin, Moonlin and you and me." "Why are they all here?" "We have to find this out ourselves." A person come close to them and told them this is Athens, Greece. "What? We're in Greece?" Asked Meilin when the person left. "I think so." "I think we just went through a portal and end up here.
"Welcome to Greece." "Who are you?" "I'm the legend manager, I brought you guys here as Li captured The Death Card. All your cards are here, take it." "Why you brought all of us here?" "You have to help us. On the same day Li captured the Death card, all the Greek symbol talismans disappeared. You can say that they released and they end up on someone's head and you have to find them and place them in the correct building in the Greek Yard." "Where?" "This is the Greek Yard, each building process the power of its own. There are 25 buildings in here and each of them is the Greek symbol building. And when you finished all of them, you go to the end of those buildings and you could go home but on your way, you are going to Dark Shadow World and defeat Dark Shadow and then you could go home."
"This doesn't make any sense to me! Athens is a really big city and how are we going to find them?" "There are 24 selected shops, each processes the symbol and one person in that shop is the one who has the symbol. Well, they doesn't know you have to use your power to see the symbol on their forehead and bring them to the exact correct building and let the person go in that portal. And then, he is free to go and the talisman will be in that building and you finished one mission but you have to bring the person home." "Okay, this doesn't sound fun, could you give us a map of this city and give us a list of the symbol shops?" "Here you are and all the supplies you needed." "Thanks, I guess."
"Li! How come you want to do all these junk?" Asked Meilin, "Meilin, you have to understand that we're on a mission and we have to go home!" "Yeah, Meilin, the nearest shop is the Phi, should we go?" "Of course!"
"Force know my plight, release the light!" Li used his Lasin Board to find the symbol of Phi. They found the person and he refuse to go with them. "Why should I go with you? You guys are just kids and you don't know anything about Greek. Greek is a great legend with all the great ancient gods in there." "Whatever, release Time! Freeze the moment. Release fly! Li, you can go find the next shop which is Mu and I'll transfer this person to the correct building." "I'll go with you!" "Sure Moonlin."
"Moonlin, do you know much about Greek?" "No, do you?" "No but I don't know which building should we take him to." "I think it's the twenty-first." "Are you sure?" "I read the book about it and if that book is wrong, then we're wrong." "Okay, here goes. Time, unfreeze the time!" "Huh? Where am I?" "You're at Greek Building Area." "I dreamed to go some place like this!" "We're giving you an opportunity to visit The Phi Building. If you see a place full of mysteries, go in and discover what's in there. We can't go with you so good luck!" "Thanks." The person entered the mystic place and the symbol got out of his head and flew over to Sakura's hand. "What does this mean?" "Hi again, I'm your guide remember? Now you have the talisman, keep it and until you got all of them and place to the last building and you'll challenge Dark Shadow." "But…" "There's no but, if you don't do what I tells you to, you'll be stuck here forever." "Okay."
"Fly! Bring us back where Li and the others are." When Sakura reached the Mu shop, Li and the others are in a big fight. "Li! You can't fight in Greece! We don't belong here!" "I know but he has magical powers and I have to defeat him incase to continue this mission." "Why don't you use The Time card and get ride of him?" "Don't you think I've tried? He has magical powers so Time doesn't work with him." "But it worked on me!" "That time you didn't have much power!" "Well fine! I'll do it. Sleep! Release and dispel!" The person suddenly gotten in a deep sleep and Sakura placed him in the building and got the talisman. "You see Li, it's not about skills, but it's about smart." "Yeah, yeah."
The got all of them very well and Li got Eta, Madison got Iota, Sunlin got Nu and Meilin got Xi. There's only two left in that little town but they couldn't find the two shops. "Hi guys, I have to tell you something. There are three little towns surrounded by the Greek Buildings. The first one is the most powerful one is called Ailaden, the second one is called Blindael, it's the second powerfulest and the third one is Crila and it's the least powerfulest. You're in Crila and you have to find the things that are selected on the map. Good luck!"
"Wait! Where are the last two shops?" "She's gone." "Sakura, I have an idea, we can sense things so we have to do this together." "Okay." Li and Sakura were sensing the last two shops and suddenly Sakura fainted and there's a symbol on her head. "It's the symbol of Pi! I read about that, whenever the first one who discovered the Pi, she has to capture it and the place she standing is where the shop used to be." "Then you have to capture it Moonlin." "Okay. The Magic of Source, surround my wand of Moon to process the power of my own! Release! The Blood! Give blood to Sakura! The Miracle! Make Sakura wake! And we can have the rest symbol talismans!" The symbol Pi and the Rho flew over to Moonlin's hand and Moonlin smiled.
"Congratulations! You finished the first mission! You have to walk a hundred miles to the next city." "What? We have to walk a hundred miles? It'll take forever!" "Well, what can I say, you have to walk a hundred miles to the next city and walk a hundred miles to the last city and walk another hundred miles to go back to Greek Buildings. Don't worry, I think you could use your cards and I'll give you enough supplies. You can use The Move Card, The Fly Card, The Float Card, and The Jump Card and that's the only exception. Have a nice trip!" "Okay, Sunlin and Moonlin could use The Move Card; Meilin and Madison could use The Fly Card; and Sakura and I could use The Float Card." "Sure." "Fine with me."
In the middle, they switched cards and Sakura was jumping but it's really dark now and they had to sleep. "Let see if we have some tents." "Yes we have a big one and a small one. I think Li and Sunlin could use the small one and our girls could use the big one." "That ain't fair!" "But girls are more than boys you know." "Okay, fine sis." "You know bro, we can sleep in a tent because we are twins and we're engaged but I don't think the girls wants to sleep next to Li." "I think Madison was the only one." "Okay, okay, you guys, please, we'll use the small one." Li said with a blush. It's nighttime, there's a bird moaning and Moonlin woke up and she walked out. "Wow, I couldn't imagine what Source World looks like now. I still can remember that the moonlight, it's pretty and that's my symbol." "Moon, what are you doing here?" "Sun, I can't forget about Source World and I really want to go home." "What? You crazy? If you go back there before everything back to normal, Dark Shadow is going to kidnap you just like he kidnapped our parents remember?" "I know but we could borrow Sakura and Li's Clow Cards and we have all the Magical World cards and I'm sure we're going to win." "Okay, I think I have an idea, we take the cards without them noticing and we use The Sleep card to make them sleep for a long time. Then we go to Source World and freeze the time and we take our parents out and we head home. Then we could get married and our power could kill Dark Shadow and we get all those Greek Talisman for Sakura and Li and they could go home. How is that?" "I love you brother!"
Sunlin and Moonlin escaped and they headed for Source World.

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