FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Magic of Source
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Seven
Little Visit To Source World

Sunlin and Moonlin used their magic to get to Magic World and then they froze the time. They flew to the jail and got their parents out and they went home. "Unfreeze the time! Mom, dad, how are you." "Sunlin, Moonlin, what are you doing here?" "We borrowed Sakura and Li's cards to help you get out of jail." "You mean you took it." "Mom, you don't understand, we have no choice!" "I know it's your sister's idea isn't it?" "My gosh, you don't believe me do you mom? I'm your only daughter and you hated me." "I don't hate you I'm just saying that it's not right to steal." "We're not stealing, we just borrow it and when Sunlin and I get married, we will have a lot of power and we'll rescue the world and look like a hero." "Honey, you're the goddess of Source, Moon that's your name, couldn't you forgive them and just hear their adventure?" "I know that! The god of Source, Sun." "Okay, I'm going to hear your story first and then I'm going to judge whether you're right or wrong." "I love you mother!"
"The first part you already knew, Dark Shadow kidnapped you and you fell in sleep. Then we went on Earth to call for help. Sakura and Li and the Clow Scouts helped us to capture the Source Cards and we had a situation but they solved and they almost died for that. We had all the Magic World Cards and then we brought to Greece to finish Greek Legend. We got some of them but we have to walk a hundred miles to the next city but we can use some cards but it's dark then and we are almost half way done. Then we borrowed some of their cards and rescued your guys." "Pretty nice, son but you have to get those cards back and we don't need your help to help us out you know." "I know that dad but I can't stop thinking about Source World so we came all the way here." "I really appreciated Moonlin."
"You are not going to appreciate anything now Source Brats!" Said Dark Shadow. "Why you are here if you know we're already here. Can't you just give us some private time to talk?" "I did and you told your parents about your little story. I know you're all here win the first place because I can predict things and now you're finished. Should all of you go back to your jail now?" "No way Dark Shadow, they are Source future and you can't lock them up and put them in sleep forever." "Okay, either all of you die or you send the cards back and let all the Clow Brats get here and I lock up all of them." "Fine Dark Shadow, you can't kill the future of Source so you can bring all the Clow Scouts here." "No, mom, he's going to kill all of us after he had Sakura and her friends." "Moonlin, we have to do this because then we can be with all our friends."
The cards were sent to Sakura and they all woke up. They got Dark Shadow's little message and they went to Source World. "Release Glow! It's too dark in here." "Sakura, don't you realized that Sunlin and Moonlin betrayed us?" "I don't care, they are still my friends and I'll help them no matter what." "Me too." Said Li, but Meilin is keeping complaining. "Welcome my guests and you are all in sleep." "But…" Dark Shadow didn't let Madison finish her sentence and they all in sleep. In Sakura's dream, she is thinking about how she's going to escape and help Sunlin and Moonlin. Li is thinking about how to wake up. Madison is thinking about how she will live without all her annoying bodyguards and Meilin is thinking about how to fight. No one is waking up now and who knows who will help them wake up but suddenly there's a very strange feeling inside all of their hearts. "You guys, you have to wake up to help the others who are in danger." Said the strange voice but Sakura memorized her, it was Miss Mackenzie. "Miss Mackenzie, what are you doing here, I can't wake up right now and we're in very deep sleep." "Sakura, I know you are the bright one but you have to be a role model." "Okay, I'll try."
Layla gave all her powers to Sakura and wake up her and she couldn't contact with Sakura for a while. "Everyone, wake up! How come Sunlin and Moonlin's parents weren't here but they are?" Sakura asked herself but no one is waking up so she went to their dreams and wakes them up in there.
Li is dreaming about Hongkong and his 4 sisters and family are all there. "Li! You have to wake up and I don't have much time so if you woke up, you can go to Meilin's dream and I can go to Madison's dream and then we go to the next person and we need to go fast." "Sakura? I can't believe that! You died 2 years and I haven't seen you from the day you died." "Huh? I didn't die!" "You did, the day when we were helping Sunlin and Moonlin you died and we all woke up after Dark Shadow led us out. Then I don't know what to do and now you're back! I'll show you everywhere." "Li! Where were you when you woke up in the jail of Dark World?" "I don't know. I had a weird dream and then I woke up. I think I was capturing a card." "We'll go there."
Sakura went to the place where Li woke up and she tried everything to wake Li up but it didn't work. Sakura had an idea and she pushed Li down from Tokyo Tower and Li was streaming and saying, "Why are you doing this Sakura? I thought you loved me!" Li doesn't have any thing to say from that point and both of them woke up. "Sakura? Why? I thought you loved me." "It's a dream and I have to let you wake up. I loved you and I still do, please don't be mad at me." "I won't, I'm always here."
Li and Sakura went to Madison and Meilin's dreams after they totally awake. Madison dreamed about a lot of stuff and she's very rich and Sakura has to kill her to wake up so she fired Madison's dream house then Madison was crying and she woke up. Meilin is kind different, she lost her memories in her dream and Li has to murder her and then she woke up screaming as usual. Then Li and Sakura went to Sunlin and Moonlin's dreams and Madison and Meilin were getting ready to escape and getting all the stuff they needed. Li killed Moonlin in Sunlin's dream and Sakura locked Source's God and Goddess in Moonlin's dream and all of them were screaming when they woke up.
"Sakura, I don't know what to say, Sunlin and I betrayed you guys and you guys still likes us." "Moon, you don't have to apologize, it's all for the Magic of Source." Sakura gave Moonlin a big hug and they used The Time card to freeze the time and they used The Power Card to break the jail and they escaped.
Actually, Dark Shadow knows all about this but he just pretend that he doesn't until the last minute of their lives so he could kill all of them. He must revenge someday.
Sakura and the rest reached back to the camp safely. "Today is another day and I think we should go back to work." "What are you saying Meilin? It's 2:30 in the morning and we have to get some sleep!" "I'm saying that we have to pack up and get to the next town and then we could rest." "Meilin, I agree with Sakura, we should all get a little rest with all those screaming and fighting stuff." "Madison, you're always on Sakura's side and you never liked me." "That isn't true Meilin, I always liked you but Sakura doesn't like you because she was afraid that you're going to steal Li away from her." "Stop that Madison! And Meilin, I think we all better get some sleep." "Fine, it's only because Li said it was okay." "Here we go again!"
They didn't talk much but they always complain but I liked it that way because our old friends are back.

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