FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Magic of Source
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Eight
Gotten All The Talismans

"Finally we had a nice sleep!" "Me too! So now we can go to the next town and get some talismans done." Sakura and the Clow Scouts had a nice sleep and they are ready to go. Sakura is hungry and so is everyone else so they had sushi for breakfast. All the sudden, Li sense something around and they got ready to capture whatever that's working. "Hi, I'm Alpha-Kun and this is my brother Omega-Chan." "Who?" "We're the owner of the Alpha shop the Omega shop." "Do you want a match or something like that?" "No, we just trying to find out where are we." "If you're not looking for a match but I am!" "Li? Are you crazy? They are guests!" Said Meilin. "Li was right, those two people have the Greek Talismans so we have to fight them." "Give me your best shot!"
Li and Sakura were fighting with those two strangers but Alpha-Kun puts Sakura in deep sleep so Li is on his own. "Force, know my plight, release the light! Element, fire!" The fire is all over Alpha-Kun and broke Alpha down. "Return to your power confined!" Li captured The Alpha but Omega-Chan is very mad so he used a knife trying to kill Li but Li zapped time. "That was a close one. Omega, return to your power confined!" Li captured both of them and they fainted. Sakura woke up after the "Greek Twin" fainted and Madison and Meilin were amazed by what Li could do. "Wow, Li, very nice." "Of course he is always nice because he is my cousin."
Madison got the symbol of Meta and Meilin got the symbol of Delta. Moonlin got Epsilon; Sunlin got Gamma and Upsilon; and Sakura got Omicron when those people showed up. "Not again! We have to walk another a hundred miles to get to the next town!" "Meilin, it's not that hard and I promise this time we'll be better." "How do you know Sakura? All you did was riding the float with Li and I was flying with Madison!" "I thought you weren't mad at that!" "I know but I need sometime with my cousin alone." "Fine then, this time you take the float with Li and I'll fly with Madison." "Thanks Sakura, you're a good friend."
"Li, do you have plans for your future?" Asked Meilin when they were on their way to the next city. "I don't know Meilin, I think you should marry someone you should be like someone who cares about you and who loves you." "What about our engagement?" "It's been destroyed for two years." "I know that but our parents still wants us to get married because of the old tradition." "How do you know?" "The other night I was playing with Madison's camera and I had a problem with it so I want to call her and I heard Wei is on the phone talking to our parents." "What they say?" "Wei didn't tell them anything about the engagement thing but my mom asked her about it so she just have to tell the truth and they are sending the copy of their form and Wei is trying to force us to sign it." "I won't sign it or I can type it out and write Sakura's name on it." "You can't, there's a stamp on it!" "I guess we have to take care of that when we get back to Hongkong." "And when is that?" "Someday."
They reached to the next town on time and Lambda is challenging Madison a match. Madison is getting pretty good at everything so she captured it just like Sakura did on the final judgment. "Hurray! We can celebrate and I suggest we go to a Chinese restaurant because I didn't eat Chinese food for a long time!" "Meilin! Concentrate! This is ancient Greece and we're stuck somewhere in time and I don't know what we can do and I don't think those old Greek people knows what to do with Chinese food and I don't know they know how to eat it or even cook it." "I think Chinese people could come here and cook it for the Greek people and they will love it." "I don't think so."
"Hi, I'm Kappa and you could call me De Lou. I'm Chinese and I came here to cook Chinese food. I'm the owner of Kappa Chinese Restaurant and I overheard your conversation so do you want some Chinese food?" "But we don't have much money." "That's no problem, this is my first day and the first costumer eats for free!" "Hurray! I knew I will have luck after I bought that Amulet!" Meilin is so happy and she followed De Lou to his restaurant to eat Chinese food. The rest don't know what to do with her so they just follow along.
When they got in the restaurant, the chief came out and introduce himself. "Hi, I'm Lou Law and I'm the chief. I'm into Psychology so you can call me Psi." "Why those people have nicknames?" Asked Madison. "I don't know," said Sakura, "I think because their real name is hard to pounce." "Maybe." All of a sudden that Li sense something is around and he found out that's Psi so he followed him into the kitchen.
"I know you're up to something." "I don't know what you're talking about." "I can't find any evidence now so beware, I'll come back someday." All the chief thinks is that Li is very weird. Meilin ordered all her favorite foods and she ordered something for Li and Sunlin and Moonlin and Sakura just ordered a soda and sushi. "I think you're going to here much often so I'll introduce everybody to you. You already know the chief and me, the other chief is Tau; my assistant Sigma; the secretary Theta; waiter Zeta and Chi. I named them because I like it and I hope you'll like it also." "Nice, very nice."
The lunch went very well until there's a bad feeling inside everyone heart. "Did you feel something?" "I truly did, and I don't like it much." "Me either. Do you think Kappa put something in the food that made us sick?" "Definitely not, I had this feeling that this restaurant is been set up." "Why is that?" "I sense something around here." "Me too, and now I'm going to throw up!" Sakura throw up in the bathroom and then a shadow came to her. "Tau? What you doing here? This is the ladies room." "Clow Mistress, you're in trouble now! Li is fighting with Psi in the kitchen and all your friends are unprotected. That's why we put things in your food especially yours and Li's to make you guys sick so we could take over." "Who are you?" "I'm a secret assistant from Dark Shadow World." "I knew it, I knew there shouldn't be a Chinese restaurant in the middle of nowhere in ancient Greece." "No matter how sick I am I could still capture you. Oh key of Clow, the power of Magic, the power of light, surround the wand, the force ignite, release! Tau, return to you power confined!" "No!" Sakura captured that talisman and she just sit there and starring at the door for a long time.
"Clow Master, you're very stupid and now the dark is taking over." "You can't do it! Force know my plight, release the light!" "Li!" "Sakura, capture it quick!" "Psi, return to your power confined!" "That was a close one." "It is and we have to get back because they can't handle those many people." "Right."
"Moonlin, you take Theta; Madison, you take Zeta; Meilin, you take Chi and I'll take Sigma." "What about the last one, the owner!" "We have to get that one done later!" They captured all those people very nicely except the Kappa. "I'll take it!" "No Sunlin, I should do it because I caused you all those trouble. Now I don't care who you are but you must do what you must do. The Symbol of Kappa in the ancient Greek, return to your own form confined!" Meilin captured that symbol on her own and she is very happy and she even forgot about her stomachache.
"The only thing we have to is walk another a hundred miles to get back to the first city and place all those stuff in the correct order." "Let's go!" They are on their way back home.

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