FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Magic of Source
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Nine
Challenge With Dark Shadow

By the time Sakura and the rest reached the city of A, their guide appeared. "Hi there, I see you finished your mission. Now each of you grab the talisman you captured and go to the selected buildings. Then, you go to the end of the building and place the papers in order when you get them in those buildings. You have to put it at the same time incase to get back on Earth." "Sounds easy to me."
They all placed the talisman in the correct place and they all got a paper card that has the symbol on it. Finally they placed the cards in the correct order at the same time and a very bright light came out of those symbols. "Wow, I never saw such beautiful thing." Meilin said when the light came out and all of them stepped in and it brought them somewhere else.
"Welcome Clow Scouts and Source Twins. You finally made it. I couldn't believe that you made to the end of this game but I definitely sure that you are going to lose. Here is the game; there are 52 Clow Cards and 21 Source Cards. Clow Scouts only could use Clow Cards and Source Twins only could use Source Cards. I'll take away High and Low cards and also Dark Shadow cards. The only Source Card that I'm taken is The Death and that is the game. You can use your cards as many times as you wish but if it disappeared or I burned it, you can't use it anymore but if you wins, you could still get it back. I don't think it's possible that you guys will win so well, I won't go easy on you. Give me your best shot! I'll give you time to think about what card you are going to use. Remember I am your only enemy and I only have 9 cards and the match is tomorrow in Source Stadium." "We're going to win!" "Whatever."
"What are we going to do Li?" "I have a plan, since we only could use the card we've been selected, it made it easier. Sakura and I could use some powerful cards and Meilin and Madison use fighting cards to back us up. Sunlin and Moonlin just have to guard us when they are attacking us." "I think it's cool though, we have 6 people and that is enough." "I don't think so, here, Sunlin and Moonlin are guards, Meilin and Madison are fighters and if you guys couldn't hold it much longer, we will finish it up." "Li, don't you think you sounded like we're not coming back?" "I don't think we are going back but if we did, we have to make everything back to normal and now we have to get some sleep." "Sure."
They all had a good night rest but Li was worried about tomorrow. The day had finally come and they all saved their energy for the fight and they had good breakfast. "Come on Clow Scouts, win this and make Clow Reed proud." "That's right! Make the Magic of Source very proud!" They needed a lot of cheering and happiness and then stopped smiling when Dark Shadow came.
"Here are some of my rules, I could use Dark Magic; I could use my 9 cards and I could kill you right when I wanted." "That means you want to cheat." "Well, you can say that or I could just destroy everything and you will all be dead. Which one you like?" "Okay, as long as we keep everything alive, we could accept your rules." "Good one, release Sucking Card!" The Sucking Card sucked out Madison's power and she fainted. "Meilin, quick, get in Madison's dream and help her!" "Okay." "I can't believe you did that Dark Shadow." "I don't cheat a lot and now each time I killed someone we could take a break." "Okay. Everyone, if they died, don't cry and we have to finish this one on ourselves, okay?" "I can't do it, if Madison died, I want to die too because she is my best friend." "You can't do it Sakura, think about if you died, and the rest will die too and the world is gone bad." "I'll try to stay positive."
Inside Madison's dream, Meilin is a prison in jail and Madison is the detective. There was a murder and Meilin was the only one found in the house that's been murdered. After that, some strange ghost haunted the house and no one will come out that house alive. Madison brought Meilin to the haunted house, no matter how long time Meilin had been telling Madison she has to wake up, Madison won't listen.
"Madison! Listen! Anything you see or hear isn't true! Your friend Sakura is in danger and we need to go and rescue them!" "Save it Meilin, you are a murderer and you have to tell me what is going on in that house!" "I don't know! I am stuck here! All the things aren't real except you and me. If we died in here, we will be gone forever!" "I know that Meilin! If we died we can't come back and still I don't believe a thing that's coming out of your mouth. We have to go in now and I don't want to waste time." "Fine then. At least I can make a spell so Li and Sakura know that we're dead." "I don't know what you are talking about." "Madison, think fast, think about Magic Arrow and Magic Key and some Clow Cards." "What Magic Arrow and what Magic Key and what's Clow Cards?" Those items appeared when Madison said those things." "Thanks Madison. The Magic of Clow, give a message that we are dead to Li and Sakura and tell them and don't worry. Okay, Madison, let's go in."
Inside the house is very dark, and no one could see what's going on. "Meilin, Madison, you finally came." "Who are you?" "I'm Dark Shadow's shadow and you have to beat me incase to continue this mission." "What about if we died?" "Then Sunlin and Moonlin will die too." "You are so cruel, I am Meilin and I'm not afraid of anything!" Meilin began to find the shadow. "Meilin, I just realized that you are not a murderer but the shadow is." "You just realized? It's too late you know." "I'm taking care of this. Release Fight!" The Fight card is taking care of shadow but it didn't work out that well so Meilin tried The Power. The Power hold a lot of weight and shadow is losing a lot of power. Then Meilin used The Shadow to beat shadow. "Ha, this ain't scaring me at all. Release Blizzard." "This is what I'm afraid of! Release Firey!" The fire is all over the place and Meilin's costume changed. "I am the fire and now if I can't finish this, we both are going to die. Death Firey! Kill both of us and leave Madison alive!" The fire killed Meilin and shadow and Madison woke up with the wands and the cards in her hand.
"Madison, I'm so happy you're back! Where's Meilin?" "She died for me." "What? How?" "In my dream everything is messy and I don't remember a thing and shadow is trying to kill us but Meilin used The Firey to kill both of them and I survived." "Okay, break is over and is anybody having fun? I got a little message and now I have to kill somebody because Meilin died. I only kill one because the other one finished her mission then it's either Moonlin or Sunlin. Which one you want me to take?" "Can't you take me or Li or Madison? Why Moonlin or Sunlin?" "If you and Li died, the world is dying and if Madison died I have to kill both Sunlin and Moonlin because she didn't finish her mission. You get it now?" "No! They are my friends." "Then I'm going to take one myself. Sunlin, die!" Sunlin died in the front of Sakura, Li, Madison, and Moonlin. Moonlin fainted and she couldn't hold the pain and Madison is very mad.
"You monster! How could you do such a thing? The power of Death Firey, kill me to wake up Moonlin! Release!" "NO! Madison!" The fire hurt Dark Shadow a little but he is still fine and Moonlin woke up. "Now I'm going to take Moonlin too because Madison died." "NO way!" "Let me go Sakura, it's the only way that he loses some power and you can save your energy and I still can be with Sunlin all the time. It's artificial." "But Moonlin, you can't do it!" "I'm using Death Firey also and this is for Sunlin. Bye my good friends!"
The fire flew over Dark Shadow's body and all their friends died except Li and Sakura. They cried very hard. And now they are in a really big trouble.

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