FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Magic of Source
By Margaret Chen Li
The History of Magic World

"Class, we have two exchange student. They're from some where around here. Let me introduce you Sunlin Source and Moonlin Source. They're twins but Sunlin is a boy and Moonlin is a girl. Why don't you guys take a seat behind Li and Meilin." The teacher announced.
The new student looks really cool. The boy had red hair and blue eyes and the girl had blonde hair and blue eyes. Sakura wondered why they're twins if they don't look the same. After the class, Sakura wants to talk to the twins so she went over their seats. The girl whispered, "You're Sakura Avalon huh? You're the Clow Mistress and a good Card Captor right? You need to help me. Take me to Keroberos and he will explain everything." "How…" The boy told her not to say things loud and they met in Sakura's house.
"Hi, Keroberos, long time no see. I'm Sunlin remember? I'm Sun's son and we talked before." The boy said. "Of course I remember you Sunlin, where's Leroberos? We're dating before my master Clow Reed got kicked out of Magical World because of Low's complaining." "I know Kero, I brought Lero too but now it's some where around here and we have a lot of trouble." Said Moonlin. "I'll explain everything to Sakura and to Li and everyone else."
"There's 5 worlds in the Magical World. My father and my mother were on the heaven. Our kingdom is called Source. High World is one of our friend but they're not high as us. In the hell, there's Dark World and Low World. The Low World was keeping people from falling down to hell. If Low World sees you're a bad person, you have to go to Hell. Then below that, it's Dark World. It's really shadowy and really dangerous. It's the hell of Magical World for punish people who doesn't follow the rules. The Master Magic was the one who control everything. In the middle, it's Clow Reed. He's really powerful so he gets to stay in the middle and travel around the Magical world he wants. He's Magic's cousin. First, Clow and Source and Dark were close and we were friends but then Dark became really bad so he told Source to not to hang out with Clow Reed. There're angels in the world that can see those things and they were not really happy with it. Then Dark told Low to complain about how Clow Reed does things then Clow got kicked out of Magical World. But he is really famous and he's power much better than Magic after few centuries. He creates his own book and let Kero guard it because he's sad that he left Lero. Dark betrayed Source and my mother and father were trapped and they were not able to use magic then Dark controlled Magical world when Magic passed away. When my parents got locked up, we went to see them and they gave us the last power to let us go to see Clow Master and Mistress and help them. We got their wands. Now we have to do is find all the Source Cards that Dark released. It's really dangerous because Dark gave them dark magic. But my sister and me use our little power to get one of them good. The Miracle card is the card we saved. First, the card is for destroy stuff like have a big earthquake. But it's good now and you have to find it before Dark did. If Dark does something wrong or killed people, you can use Miracle to bring them back. Help please!"
"I've heard it before somewhere. I think if we wants to find all the other Source Cards, we have to seal them because they're released and we have Miracle card to help right?" Asked Li. "Right." "I told Lero to hide it somewhere no one can find it and guard it. We have to find them before it's too late!" Moonlin told them. Sakura and the folks are in shock and they decided to help them.

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