FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Magitech War
A CCS Fanfic
by SyaoranSword

Disclaimer: See prologue.

Notes: I will not use any suffixes (-chan, -kun, etc.) because I don't know how they work. This is my first fanfic, and I don't know if I've gotten everything right. Any advice and corrections would be greatly appreciated. This fic is probably going to become an epic, much like Legend of Ometin, which is one of the best fics I've ever read. Anyway, on with the story…

<WARNING> S&S mush ahead! </WARNING> You have been warned!

Throughout the fanfic, you'll see many symbols representing different things. Here's a handy list:
~~~ (place) ~~~ = scene change
+++ (time) +++ = time change
" " = dialogue
[ ] = thoughts
( ) = commentary by me

Chapter 1: The Key to Another World

~~~ Syaoran's Apartment ~~~
"Syaoran…" the voice said softly.
"Who's there?" Syaoran asked to no one in particular. He looked at what he was wearing and was a little shocked. The only thing he recognized was his sword, which was sheathed on his left side. Along with the sword, he was wearing a princely blue shirt, a black cape, white pants and shoes, and a crown.
He unsheathed his sword and brought it up into a guard position. "Show yourself! What do you want with me?"
"Syaoran. You must find the key to Midos…"
[Midos?! I've never heard of that place before. And what am I doing in these clothes?]
"Find the key and come before it is too late…"
"I'll ask again. Who are you?"
"A friend. That is all you need to know…" At that statement, Syaoran woke up.
He sat up in his bed. [What does it all mean? Where do I begin to look?] He took a glance at his clock and with a groan, he got out of bed. [I'll think about this later. I need to practice.]

~~~ Tomoeda Elementary ~~~
"Alright, kids. Settle down. Your first long-term assignment will be to write a story with you as the main characters, illustrate it, and present it to the class. You will work in groups of three, but I will pick who's working with who." (Don't you just hate that?)
Everyone groans.
"Oh it can't be that bad. I've placed all of your names in this hat. I will assign groups of three. This assignment is due in two weeks."
Everyone groans again.
Fujisawa reaches into the hat. "First we have… Sakura Kinomoto."
[Hoe. First one picked. I wonder who I will be working with.]
"Next… Tomoyo Daidouji."
"Did you hear that Sakura? I'm grouped with you!"
"Yeah, that's great!"
"I'll get to draw you in really kawaii costumes! It's not the same as having you wear my costumes, but just drawing you will be great too!" Tomoyo is starry-eyed.
Sakura sweatdrops. "Um… yeah."
"Last person working with this group is… Syaoran Li."
Both Sakura and Syaoran jerk up in their seats upon hearing Fujisawa's last statement.
[What!? Me working with Sakura?! What are the odds of that?] Syaoran blushes while thinking.
[Hoe! Me working with Syaoran?!] Sakura felt herself blush.
[Ohohoho! This is too perfect! I know what kind of story we should do.] Tomoyo daydreams.
"Next group… " Fujisawa continued assigning groups, but the three had their minds elsewhere.
[Sakura and Syaoran, two rivals for the Clow cards that end up falling in love with each other with the help of their best friend… this is going to be great!]
[I know what Tomoyo's thinking. Me and Syaoran in really cute outfits and confessing our love to one another. HOEEE!!!]
[A story with me, Sakura, and Tomoyo… Oh no! I really hope Tomoyo's not thinking what I'm thinking!]
Tomoyo is still starry-eyed while Sakura and Syaoran are both blushing like crazy.

~~~ Lunchtime ~~~
The three of them met for lunch like they always did.
"Ok, where should we work on the story?" asked Sakura.
"We should meet at my house. I have some really cute outfits you guys can model for me. Then I can capture the cuteness of you two both on tape and on paper!" Tomoyo is daydreaming again.
Sakura and Syaoran both sweatdrop.
[Tomoyo really scares me sometimes.] thought Syaoran.
"Um… okay. When should we meet?"
"Is tomorrow okay?" said Syaoran.
"Yep, that's alright with me."
"Sure, you two just come over after school tomorrow okay?"
"Great." Sakura and Syaoran both blush as they realized they said it at the same time.
[Oh. How kawaii!] Tomoyo giggled.

~~~ End of the school day ~~~
Sakura and Tomoyo walked home talking about what the story should be about.
"Do you have any ideas for the story Tomoyo?"
Tomoyo smiled at her best friend. "I've got a lot of ideas Sakura, and the outfits to go with them."
"Please don't make them too weird this time."
"But Sakura, you look so cute with whatever costumes I make!"
Sakura nearly fell over while Tomoyo giggled to herself.

Syaoran was walking home alone when he found himself looking through a store window. [This is weird. I usually just pass by this store without even a second glance. Now I want to take a good look.] He entered the store and didn't know two girls were about to stop to go into the store as well.

"Oh, Sakura. This is a great place to find jewelry. Let's go in!"
"Ok Tomoyo."

"Syaoran was looking at the assortment of watches and thought [What am I doing? I should be going home, but I feel as if I'm looking for something.] He heard the bell that signaled the door being opened and looked up to see Sakura and Tomoyo.
The two girls immediately saw Syaoran. "Syaoran?! What are you doing here?" Sakura asked surprised to see him in a jewelry store.
[Quick! Think of an excuse!] "I, uh… wanted to get a watch for Wei's birthday." Syaoran stammered.
"Oh that's sweet of you, Syaoran." Sakura smiled and started to look at the bracelets.
Tomoyo went up to Syaoran and whispered "It's not really Wei's birthday is it?"
"No." Syaoran whispered back. "I actually have no idea why I'm even in here!"
"Yes you do. You wanted to buy something special for a certain someone, right?"
Tomoyo smiled while Syaoran was flustered by her question. "N- No! Th- that's not it!!"
"It's okay. If she asks, I don't know anything about it." Tomoyo winked and went over to where Sakura was browsing.
[Oh man! I need to get out of here fast!] Syaoran turned to leave, but something caught his eye. He approached the object and he was in awe. [Wow! This will be perfect for her!] He looked at the price and almost screamed. [WHAAATTTTT?!?! 15,000 YEN!!! There's no way Wei will give me that much money!] (That was unintentional, I swear!) Syaoran reached into his pockets hoping for a miracle. He pulled out several bills and coins amounting to 7500 yen. [More than I thought, but I'm still missing half.]
"So that's what you're going to get."
Syaoran quickly turned around and was relieved that it was Tomoyo.
"It's beautiful. She would love it!"
"I'm short 7500 yen though." Syaoran was about to leave when Tomoyo said "I'll pay for it."
"No, I can't let you do that."
Tomoyo thought, then she said, "How about we each pay for half. It'll be a gift from both of us."
Syaoran still didn't like the idea, but when someone else started looking at the item he wanted, he quickly said, "Deal." [I must be crazy.] he thought as he emptied his pockets.

~~~ Tomoyo's house, the next day, after school ~~~
"Tomoyooo…" Sakura whined as she looked at herself in the floor-length mirror that was in the room. "I think I look ridiculous."
"What do you mean Sakura? You look so cute!" Tomoyo said while recording.
Sakura was dressed in what an explorer in the jungle would wear: khaki-colored shorts and explorer's shirt, boots and a pit helmet.
"When would I ever need to wear this?"
"If you ever get lost in a jungle, that is the perfect outfit." Sakura just sighed.

Just outside, Syaoran was approaching the entrance to Tomoyo's mansion. He rang the bell as he fingered the small package in his pocket. [I know she loves me, and she knows I love her, so why am I so nervous to give this to her?] His thoughts were interrupted when one of Tomoyo's bodyguards opened the gate.

Tomoyo had left the room to put the explorer's costume back. Sakura had already changed back into her school uniform when Syaoran came into the room. "Oh, Syaoran you're here. Let's get started before Tomoyo decides to put me in something really strange."
"Sakura, I… I…" Syaoran was stuttering really badly while blushing a tomato red. "I… want to give you this." Syaoran reached into his pocket and brought out a package wrapped with pink paper with cherry blossoms on it.
"This is from me an-"
"Syaoran! You're here." Tomoyo said as she returned. She brought up her camcorder and started recording when she saw Syaoran holding out the package to Sakura. Tomoyo smiled slyly. "Is that a present for Sakura you have in your hand Syaoran?"
Now it was Sakura's turn to blush. "A present for me?"
"Y- Yes." said an even redder Syaoran.
Sakura took the package and unwrapped it. Inside the wrapping paper was a velvet box. She opened the box and gasped.
(Okay, I got to say something here. I am guessing that all of you think it's an engagement ring. Well, shame on you!!! I mean, they're only 12! Yes, Mr. Terada gave Rika an engagement ring when she was 10, but there will be none of that here! That's all I had to say. I needed to get a rant out of my system after all those exams.)
"Syaoran!" Sakura ran to Syaoran and embraced him a hug, which Syaoran gladly returned.
"So you like it?"
"Oh, it's wonderful! Thank you, Syaoran!"
"You're welcome, and I'm glad you like it." [Wait a minute. I never told Sakura that Tomoyo paid for it too.] Syaoran looked over to Tomoyo who put her finger to her lips as if to say "Don't say anything about me." Syaoran smiled and looked back at the girl in his arms. They finally let go of each other, even though it looked like they didn't want to.
"So Sakura, are you going to put it on?" asked Tomoyo who was still recording.
Sakura blushed as she said, "I was getting to it." She looked back at Syaoran and asked sweetly, "Would you like to help me Syaoran?"
Syaoran's eyes widened. He finally managed to say "S- S- Sure, S- Sakura." He took the necklace out of the box and placed it around Sakura's neck. The chain was gold-colored, and at the center of the necklace was a yellow star embedded in a sapphire-colored stone.
After he put the necklace on her, Sakura looked at herself in the mirror. "It matches with my key!"
"The star is what reminded me of you." said Syaoran.
"I know I've said this already, but… I love you Syaoran."
"I love you too Sakura."
[This is so kawaii! We should just do the story about these past two days!] Tomoyo thought.
(I could have just ended the story here. Then this chapter becomes a short and sweet S&S one-shot fanfic. But since this is only part of a bigger storyline, I kept writing.)

Sakura went to hug Syaoran again. The moment they were in each other's arms, the necklace started to glow. They parted a little bit as they saw what was happening. [Why is my necklace glowing?]
Tomoyo looked up from her camcorder. "Sakura, what's going on?"
"Something is happening with my necklace!"
The stone part of the necklace floated up in front of Sakura and started to glow really bright. A beam shot out of the necklace and 'attached' to Tomoyo who became frozen in time. Two more beams came out and hit Sakura and Syaoran. However, they weren't frozen.
"Sakura! Hold on to me!"
"I won't let go Syaoran!"
They held onto each other as they became transparent.
"We're fading away!" cried Sakura.
"No! This isn't the same feeling as when I was nearly erased by the Erase card." Syaoran paused for a second. "I think we may be being teleported."
"Teleported? To where?"
"To Midos." a voice whispered.
[That voice! I recognize it from my dream!]
"Who are you?" asked Sakura.
"You've found the key. The rest is up to you. Trust your hearts and you will be victorious. Goodbye and good luck on your journey."
With that, the group disappeared from sight.

To be continued…

What a cliffhanger! I am so EVIL! So what do you think so far? Comments? Questions? Flames?!? Send me any of the above at sniper42g@yahoo.com.

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