FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Magitech War
A CCS Fanfic
by SyaoranSword

Summary: Based on the anime and occurring after the Sakura Card series, Sakura and company get thrown into another world where they are caught in the middle of a war. Can the gang help restore order to this world and find a way back to their own?

Disclaimer: I am only going to say this once. I do NOT own anything related to Card Captor Sakura. CLAMP and other companies I may not know of own it all. This is a fanfic and not part of the "official" storyline. Any similarities between this fanfic and any other creative work are merely coincidental.

Notes: I will not use any suffixes (-chan, -kun, etc.) because I don't know how they work. This is my first fanfic, and I don't know if I've gotten everything right. Any advice and corrections would be greatly appreciated. All of these events take place after the 2nd movie. The kids are 12 years old and just beginning 6th grade.

Throughout the fanfic, you'll see many symbols representing different things. Here's a handy list:
~~~ (place) ~~~ = scene change
+++ (time) +++ = time change
" " = dialogue
[ ] = thoughts
( ) = commentary by me


(Obligatory Narrator's Beginning Monologue)
There is a land that exists beyond the imagination of those that seek it. It is a land where magic and technology coexist. In this land exist three realms: the kingdom of Adelphi, the kingdom of Hurdonia, and the kingdom of Kazu. Adelphi is known as the kingdom of magic, for its people were proficient magic users. Hurdonia is the kingdom of technology, constantly researching and creating new devices. Finally, Kazu is the kingdom of unity, for it found ways to blend magic and technology in unique ways. The citizens that lived in the three kingdoms loved peace and respected each other. However, the peace was not to last. The Demon Warlords hated the kingdoms and desired to destroy all that was good. With the threat of being annihilated, Adelphi, Hurdonia, and Kazu forged The Magitech Alliance. And so the Ancient War was fought. With the powerful combination of magic and technology, the Alliance defeated the Warlords. Peace returned to the land.
Hundreds of years later, the Alliance continued to prosper, while the memories of the Ancient War faded from the minds of the people. The current rulers of the Alliance discussed plans to merge the kingdoms into one nation to eliminate the need for national boundaries. When an agreement was reached, the rulers announced they would meet to sign the treaty that would form the Magitech nation. Unfortunately, that day would never come. Reports came back to each kingdom that their rulers have been assassinated while on their way to signing the treaty. This was the spark that started the Magitech War. The prevailing feeling among the people was that they did not want to fight, but they had no choice. However, all is not lost. There is a legend that speaks of three young kids that will come to end a foolish war. They are heroes in their own world, and will become heroes in this world as well...

~~~ Sakura's House ~~~
"Sakura..." the voice said softly.
"Huh?" Sakura had no idea where she was. She was standing inside of what looked like a palace, and she was dressed in a beautiful white gown. On her head was a crown. [Where am I?] she thought.
"Sakura..." the voice said again.
"Who are you?"
"Sakura. You must come to Midos..."
[What?! Midos? What is that?] "Who are you? Show yourself!"
"Come to Midos before it is too late..."
"What is Midos? Who are you?"

Sakura wakes up at this point because of her alarm clock. "Tell me!"
"Tell you what?" Kero asked.
"Oh, it's just you Kero." Sakura said. "I must have had another one of those dreams, but…" trying to recall her dream "I can't remember anything."
"Well while you're not dreaming, aren't you forgetting something?" Kero said while pointing at Sakura's alarm clock.
"HOE!!! I'M LATE!"
Sakura screamed as she sprang out of bed and hurriedly got dressed. Her teacher was not going to be happy about her being late for her first day of sixth grade. Kero sighed as he watched a routine that he has seen for over a year now. "Sakura, you've got to be more disciplined. You are the mistress of the Sakura Cards, but yet you still can't get up on time for school?"
"Kero! Give me a break! I haven't gotten up this early since the end of last semester." Sakura argued.
"You'll have to learn someday, Sakura. I guess today just wasn't that day." Kero sighed again.
Sakura grabbed her backpack and rollerblades. "I'll see you later, Kero." she said as she left her room.
"Morning, Dad! Morning, Brother!" Sakura said as she came downstairs.
"Still can't get up early, can you squirt?" Touya said from the table. Sakura fumed at his statement.

~~~ Tomoeda Elementary ~~~
Sakura catches her breath after skating really fast.
"Morning Sakura." said a voice behind her. Sakura turned around and saw a familiar face.
"Morning Tomoyo. So who do you think our new teacher is?"
"I just hope that our teacher is really nice."
"Yeah. Me too."
Mr. Terada had decided to take a yearlong break from teaching, much to the distress of Rika.
They open the door into their classroom and take their seats.
Syaoran walks in a few minutes later. Sakura looks shocked to see him and blushes. "S- Syaoran?!" Sakura gasped. "You're still coming to school here? I thought you were going back to Hong Kong."
"Yeah, I was, but my mother told me I could stay." [I'll get to spend more time with you.] Syaoran blushes as he takes his seat.
"Here comes the teacher." one of the students said as the door was opening.
The man walks up to the front and introduces himself.
"Good morning. My name is Mr.Fujisawa. For the last couple of years, I have taught at Shinanome High School, but it was too stressful for me. That's why I wanted to teach at an elementary school, and here I am. Please bear with me since this is my first year as an elementary school teacher." ( <disclaimer> Mr.Fujisawa and Shinanome High School are from El-Hazard, which is owned by Pioneer. </disclaimer> )
[This guy is going to be in over his head.] thought Syaoran.
"What do you think Sakura?" Tomoyo whispered to her friend.
"I think this will be an interesting school year."

~~~ End of the school day ~~~
"Class dismissed. Oh, and please don't tell your parents what happened." (Heh, I guess he still hasn't laid off the sake ^_^.)
[He had no idea what he was doing.] thought a frustrated Syaoran. [I probably won't learn anything at all this year. Oh, well. At least I get to see Sakura everyday.] Syaoran blushed a deep red at that thought.

And so our story begins...

So what do you think? Comments or Questions? Send me an e-mail at sniper42g@yahoo.com.

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