FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Name: Mimi N.
E-mail: SiLeNt_RiVeR@hotmail.com
Title of my fanfic: Meant to be
Chapter: 1

Meant to be: Chap. 1

Author's Note: Hello again..so here's my first chapter..hehehe...I know the prologue was confusing.so I don't think you should mine that.. I did that to confuse you on purpose. you'll understand it soon... I guess..Well just read this first chapter..and please write to me and give me your comments or opinions or ideas.dun be cruel by the way ..hehe..cuz I'll get you J j/k.
And no.I do not own CCS I am writing this fanfic for my enjoyment and hobby because there's nothing to do.. ^___^


The last day of school was over. The sun was out and shining as if nothing would go wrong for the day.or will it? Sakura, Tomoyo, Meilin and the others walked out of the class.

Meilin dragging Syaoran with her started chatting noisily with Zachary, Rita and Chelsey about something important and didn't notice the conversation Tomoyo and Sakura was having, except though for Syaoran who has been looking at Sakura secretly all day. Though he seems very worried at the same time when he blushes. You can't really tell because he acts like he's so serious and into other businesses but he's not. He still standing there being dragged by Meilin and hiding his blushes and worries with a straight face as they kept walking (and he was walking behind Sakura!).

He stared at her hair as he walks behind her. He then heard a painful sigh from Sakura. Her head was down. A pound went to Syaoran's heart as he keeps watching her and heard her sigh. * Oh no.not this feeling again...maybe I'm sick* he said with a weird frown on his face as he rubbed his chest from how hard his heart raced. Melin notices and sweat drops and frowns also wondering why he's frowning and acting weird, but then shakes off the situation and started talking continually to Zachary, Rita and Chelsey.

Sakura's head was still down as she keeps walking beside Tomoyo. Tomoyo however was talking about a wedding gown she's making and planning for that big special day for Sakura. Sakura hasn't realized that Syaoran's walking behind her and listening to what Tomoyo said. She should have seen Syaoran's reaction on his face as he turns from serious to hot blushing to really worried. But he went back to reality as he still see Sakura's head down and locked in her own thoughts.

****** Flashback of the dream she's been having all week *******

" Where am I?" There was a dark figure standing before her. * hmmm..he seems to be wearing a tuxedo.I wonder why??*

Sakura saw a young boy about her age stand before her come closer. She saw a closer view of the young boy...brown messy hair but she can't seem to get a glance of his eyes for her heart was beating. She felt a warm familiar aura from him. The aura was green.

"Syaoran is that you?" Then there was another figure beside him who was pulling him away from getting closer to Sakura.


"What's happening you guys? Why are we here? Why won't you guys speak??"

The two figures disappeared. All of a sudden she was left in pitch-blackness. A big brown door appeared in front of her. Through the walls she heard bells. Wedding bells.

"Why do I hear wedding bells?? Am I supposed to open this big door?"
She pushes the door cautiously and then the wedding bells that she heard disappeared. The room glowed brightly and a woman's voice whispered " dear young Sakura..you'll understand this message soon honey."

********** End of flashback*******

She was listening to her own thoughts, feelings, and trying to understand the message to the weird dream that was in her sleep all week. She tried get closer to those two figures but couldn't seem to do it. She remembered the women at the end of the dream who whispered into her ears. *I wonder if that was mom?* As she was still locked in her thoughts, she didn't pay any attention to what Tomoyo was talking about.

She didn't see Syaoron's weird reaction as Tomoyo keeps talking about her future wedding gown for her special wedding. Tomoyo noticing Sakura wasn't listening, teased Sakura also hiding her own worries for Sakura and Syaoron.

Syaoron however was still walking behind them listening closely to every word with Melin attached dragging him with her and chatting noisily with the others not noticing Syaoran was paying attention to something else instead of her conversation with the others.

" What's wrong Sakura? You don't like the idea of your future wedding gown? Or you're worried that you have to wake up early to school everyday? You don't have to worry about that though...hehe..school's over already." Tomoyo grinned teasingly and waited for a reply.

"Hoe..?..umm. haha.Tomoyo..why would you think of my wedding gown now.. we're still too young and not even close to that kind of situation. Anyways I don't have anyone in mind Tomoyo, to make you think such things like a wedding gown for me.and of course I'm excited school's over. No need to wake up late and get tardy anymore J " she stretched her right hand over her head rubbing and hitting it lightly as if to hit away her other thoughts away and hide them forever. There was also a flash of Syaoron's face across her mind. Sakura then finally realizes with a sudden hot chill that was Syaoron was walking in back of her while she acted all weird from her strange reaction.

" Of course Sakura.you need to have a beautiful wedding gown if you're going to get married to your future husband on your special day." Syaoron's face turns red by now hearing what Tomoyo said and still questioning him self that there was something bothering Sakura and she didn't isn't telling anyone.

" Besides Sakura I'm already done the sketches for the groom and maid of honors so now I need to focus on the beautiful bride.hehe.."

" Tomoyo what gave you the sudden idea of weddings? Is there something I don't know?" Sakura asked looking up from the ground with a smirky smile.

" No...I'm not hiding anything..what makes you think that?.it's just that you've turned the Clow cards to Sakura cards already and I don't have anything to tape as much anymore..hehe..so I'll just focus for your future wedding." She smiled widely trying to keep from telling Sakura that Syaoran seems to like her. Anyways they've been through a lot. Just think about it. When Syaoran helped Sakura up from the dream card. Consoled her when she found out Yukito didn't love her the way she did for him. Helped her catch the cards and help her turn them to Sakura cards. Tomoyo thought by this time they would realize their love for each other. But I guess not. They are still trying to realize their love.

Meilin broke in the conversation, "Hey Avalon what have you guys been talking about?" she frowns. "Were you guys listening to what we've been planning yet?"

"Gomen Meilin. We haven't been listening. What were you guys talking about anyways?"

" Arghhhh" Meilin looked at Syaoran curiously. "Syaoran...What's wrong with you.you've look like you caught the flu? Are you sick?"

"No Meilin. I'm fine." Syaoran said seriously. Sakura notices this and looked at Syaoran. He looks back at her feeling soften by her emerald eyes staring at him.

"Syaoran if your sick you should get home." Sakura felt his forehead just like she felt it before when he had the flu long before. Syaoran looked at her and was lost in her emerald eyes for a few seconds.

" No I'm fine.I'm just red because of the hot sun I guess." He said in a serious tone and pushing her and taking her soft hands from his forehead. Sakura looked hurt and Syaoran turned away yelling at himself for pushing her.

The gang looked at them curiously. Tomoyo however had her camcorder with her and she was taping the moment thinking that they would both blush and embarrass themselves, but instead it came out the other way and she was frowning.

"Avalon get away for my Syaoran.He's mine!"

Everyones sweat drops at Meilin's word.

"I didn't mean anything. I was just worried. Sorry Syaoran." She looks away from Syaoran and smiles at Meilin.

Syaoran looked at her as she turns away.sad that she took his push to the heart.

"humph" Meilin grabs Syaoran again with her.

Chelsey spoke thinking there wasn't anything seriously wrong. "Well back to the main subject. We were talking about having a big party at Tomoyo's house.you know since school's over.what do you guys think about it?"

"That's a great idea! You guy meet at my house at 6 and I'll have everything ready. It'll be cool. Plus let's make it a sleepover." Tomoyo smiled.

"YEA!" everyone chimed in instead of Sakura and Syaoran. Sakura however was picking up a fallen cherry blossom while Syaoran was looking serious and hurt and just staring at Sakura. Sakura was thinking of what Syaoran did and then started to start back to thinking about that dream of hers.

Tomoyo saw her friend at the sakura tree picking up the blossom and ran to her. "Hey Sakura! Did you hear what we were going to do? Well there's a party at my house today at 6 and it's going to be a sleepover. What do you think about it?"

"That's a great idea, but then I have to ask Dad and Tori about the sleepover. Well, it's ok, I'm sure they'll let me go," she smiled brightly and Syaoran was still looking at them talking.

They grouped up together and Tomoyo said, " Well that settles it. Meet you guys later at 6!" They all said bye and went separate ways, Sakura walked with Tomoyo. Rita and Chelsey, Takaisha walked home together, and Meilin and Syaoran went the other way.


Welps.I'm finished with my first chapter..tune in for my second...buh-bais

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