FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Meeting in Hong Kong



'Why did I come back?' Syaoran thought, 'why did I come back when I didn't want to leave? I'm sixteen and Sakura should have a boyfriend better than me… so why? Why did I come back?! I guess I'd rather die!'
'I came here because Mimi has a boyfriend. Why?! Did she choose him! We're soul mates and she chose him… ::sigh:: might as well become The Ten year old Matt again…' Matt thought, then the two boys crashed into each other,
"Ouf! Watch where you're going!" Matt yelled.
"Hum! I thought no one came to this place." Syaoran said, he was referring to a ancient garden which he discovered when he was 13. and Matt found when he moved there.
"me too, any way if I'm going to share this place, my name is Ishida Matt."
"Well I wouldn't mind company so my name is Li Syaoran."
"Nice to meet you Syaoran well… I only come to this place because my girlfriend chose a guy that wasn't as good as me."
"well I guess I have to tell you, I have to tell someone soon anyway. I met this girl in Japan and when I had to leave I left for my family and I haven't gone back, I broke my promise. And I don't bother going back because she must have a boyfriend by now anyway."
"I guess we both have the same problem, we don't have our girls."
"yeah… so what did your girl look like and what's her name?"
"well her name was Tachikowa Mimi. She looks like this." He pulled out a picture of her posing with her digimon

"Wow… pink hair?"
"yeah but she's a nice girl."
"you can see that she is."
"how about your girl?"
"well this is a picture when I last saw her."

"we went to a festival and Tomoyo took the picture and gave it to me."
"she looks ten!"
"that's how old when I met her."
"where dose she live?"
"her last letter she moved to Japan, Tokyo for collage with Tomoyo."
"hey that's where I used to live! Why don't we go together!"
"nah… I mean I don't want my heart broken if she has a boyfriend and I don't want to break her heart if I have to leave."
"you are sixteen Syaoran."
"so let's go!"
"O.k. I want to see her anyway."




To Japan we go!


"I haven't been in a plane since grade five!" Syaoran said.
"Really?! Wow you do need to travel."
"What?!" after meeting in the garden Matt and Syaoran became best friends.


"We are in Japan Tokyo place get off this is the last stop."
"Matt wake up." Syaoran said, "Matt we're here."
"Hun? Wha? Oh thanks Syaoran."
"Whoa Matt it's been ten min. and you started sleeping."
"What? Airplanes make me sleep. But I don't take a plane very often I usually go in the digital world."
"The digital world, it's in a computer, you can come if you have a digivice."
"Sure…" Syaoran said to himself.


"So where do we go first?" Matt asked.
"Well let's go meet your girl."
"Fine… now let's see… well let's go!"
"hey!! Wait up!!!"


"Here we are." Syaoran said,
"wow that was fast. You can run."
"ring the doorbell."
"O.K." ::ding-dong::
"I'll get it Sakura."
"K!" was what they heard in the house.
"Hi there may I help you two?"
"Yeah, is Sakura home?" Syaoran asked.
"Why? What do you want from her?" the girl asked.
"Well… this."
"Matt shut up!"
"Fine Mr. Li Syaoran."
"No not in front of-"
"Li-kun!!!!" Tomoyo screamed and shut the door.
"hehehe." Matt laughed.
"Matt!!!!" Syaoran yelled,
"well it's not my fault you have that name."
"it's not the name, that was Tomoyo. The person who took the picture."
"Great now she's going to take her camera and start taping us."
"Sakura!!! It's Li-kunn!!!!" Tomoyo yelled from inside.
"Li-kun?!" she exclaimed.
"Oh god." Syaoran's face started to turned red.
"You look like a tomato!!! Haha!!!" Matt laughed really hard.
"Syaoran-kun? Hoe?"
"Hi there." Matt greeted while he tired not to laughed,
"Syaoran? He's behind the door," Matt said still trying not to laugh,
"Syaoran-kun… Hoe!!!!!" Sakura yelled,
"S-s-s-orry Sakura… sorry I broke my promise and sorry that I scared you."
"It's O.k. Syaoran-kun. I want you to meet somebody." Syaoran's heart broke.
"this is Machika Ray. My boyfriend."
"Hi…" Syaoran said,
"Hi." The boy answered, while Matt gave him glares.
"well Sakura I've gotta go I just thought I'd give you a little visit. Bye." And Syaoran led himself out of the house.
"Syaoran-kun… what's wrong?"
"Nothing O.K. I'll leave."
"Well thanks for visiting Li-kun." Tomoyo said,
"bye Tomoyo see ya around, I guess…" he sighed.
"I know what's wrong." She continued.
"You know?" Matt asked.
"Li-kun-" Tomoyo started.
"That's Ishida Matt we met in a garden." Syaoran interrupted.
"Nice to meet you Matt." Tomoyo said, "well I know what's wrong, your heart broke when Sakura said she has a boyfriend. But… I don't trust him."
"Me neither. He's my friends boy friend too!" Matt interrupted.
"he's your problem too?"
"yeah well I'd better tell Mimi. See you at the Hotel Syaoran!" Matt left.
"K! Bye!"
"Bye Matt!" Tomoyo waved.
"well I'd better go Sakura." Ray said,
"well O.K. Ray. Bye."

~~Scene Change~~

Matt was in an alley, a pretty dark one too.
"Hey." A dark shadow said and Matt stopped. Matt got scared he might get beaten up, "well you better not tell Mimi about me." he heard a knife, "or there goes your head."
"I don't care!" Matt yelled.
"Well for your information Mimi's still my friend. And you broke my heart because she chose you as her boyfriend. I don't want her heart to break, even if I die."
"Well no one can save you now…"
"NO!!!" a boy flew out of shadows and kicked the knife out of Ray's hand.
"and I don't want Sakura's heart to break either." Matt looked back and saw Syaoran with a sword at Ray's throat and Tomoyo in the back taping.
"S-S-Syaoran!" Matt exclaimed.
"Leave, Machika, I don't want to see you here again."
"why what are you going to do?"
"this, Force know my plight, release the light! Lighting!!" then a lighting bolt struck the sword and hit ray.
"O.K. O.K.! but you won't win Sakura. Or Mimi!" he yelled and walked off.
"Thanks Syaoran." Matt said while he walked to him.
"No problem. But no one cheats on my Card Mistress…" Syaoran's eyes started to glare.
'whoa!' Tomoyo thought, 'good old Syaoranran. Always protecting Sakura.' She smiled at that thought and walked over to the boys.
"so how are me going to tell this Mimi person?" she asked,
"well…we could go to her house but that would be a problem and I know let's go to the digital world!" Matt said.
"I heard about that. It was about four summers ago. And eight kids floated in the air and saved the world. Then later that summer a digimon, they called it, turned into a virus and ate everything on the computer and Matt and Tai went in the computer to help, and save the world."
"Well you're right, because I'm them. We're called digidestend. And we're going to the digital world."
"O.K.!" the trio high fived and off they went.




Digital world?


"Well here we are. At Tai's." Matt said.
"I thought we where going to your girlfriends." Syaoran said.
"Well. No we can't do that because she lives in New York."
"No way!" Syaoran exclaimed.
"Yeah. That's why we are going to Tai's. He's my best friend. He's a digidestend to, we both wanted to be leaders the first trip to the digital world but know we made up and best friends."
"Well ring the doorbell so we can talk to your Mimi!" Tomoyo exclaimed,
"Sorry Tomoyo." ::Ding-dong::
"I'll get Tai!" a boys voice yelled.
"Uh oh…" Matt muttered.
"Oh uh hi… can I help you?" A boy asked, he had blond hair, blue eyes and dressed in green.
"Hi um well… we're here to see-"
"Hi T.K.!"
"Matt! What are you doing here! I thought you got jealous at Mimi's new boyfriend."
"T.K.! How would you feel if Kari chose Davis over you!" matt exclaimed.
"O.k. O.K. but who are these people? We're going there."
"I know, I know. This is Syaoran, I met him in a garden and this is Tomoyo his friend. And Mimi's boyfriend as you so call it is cheating on him with this guys girl and we're going to the digital world to tell Mimi."
"Well for your information you just can-"
"T.K. this guy has magic and we probably can bring us there so don't worry and they know."
"Would you tell?" T.k. asked them.
"Why? I keep my magic a secret and Tomoyo hasn't told any one I have magic." Syaoran said.

~~Scene change~~

"Who was it T.T.?" Davis asked,
"My Name is T.K., T.K. Got yet?" T.K. said,
"O.K., O.k. who was it T.M." Davis said.
"How stupid…" Tomoyo whispered.
"Yup." Syaoran agreed.
"Hi guys!" Matt said.
"Matt? Matt!" Kari yelled.
"ow! Kari not in my ear!" Tai yelled.
"Sorry Tai."
"Well, well, have the mighty fallen." Sora said.
"No you don't get it!" Matt yelled.
"What is it this time?" Yolei sighed.
"Well, Mimi's boyfriend, as you so call him, is cheating on her and-"
"You don't know who else he's cheating on. Predictable." Joe said,
"No!" Syaoran yelled.
"Who's that?" Tai asked.
"My name is Li Syaoran. And Matt is right! Your friend Mimi I guess is being cheated. Her boyfriend is cheating my Sakura! Mine! And nomater what I'm going to get her back."
"Go Syaoran!" Tomoyo cheered.
"Who Mimi?" Davis asked,
"Davis no! He said that Mimi and Sakura is being cheated by Ray." T.K. explained,
"Ohhh……….. I don't get it."
"::sigh:: Davis!!!!!!! Go away!!!" Yolei yelled.
"Well then who's this girl?" Sora pointed to Tomoyo.
"My name is Daioji Tomoyo and I'm Sakura's best friend and I needed help giving her to Syaoran. They looked soooo cute! Even now!!! They look even cuuuter!!! You wanna see?" Tomoyo said.
"No! No! Not those tapes!!! Tomoyo!!!!! No!!!!" Syaoran exclaimed.
"you friend is weird…" Matt whispered to Syaoran.
"watch… she'll be your friend veeery easily." Syaoran said and Tomoyo started the tape.
"TOMOYO!!!!!" Syaoran yelled.



Off to the digital world!

"Syaoran you did look cute." Kari said,
"what?" he said,
"and so did Sakura." Cody said,
"hey kid she's my girl." He answered,
"hehehe…" Matt laughed, "Let's…(laughter) go… (laughter) to…(laughter) the…(laughter) digital world…(laughter) now……(laughing)"
"why are you laughing blond boy?" Syaoran asked,
"you looked so funny when you turned red-"
"yeah and he looked like you. A tomato." T.K. said.
"T.K.!!" the two boys yelled,
"hehehe." T.K. laughed a bit.
"well how are you going to the digital world? You don't have a digivice." Kari asked.
"well… he dose have magic." Matt said.
"I'll try… Su nth atri se, br ingm mand Tomoyo tod ig tal wor ld. Michi." Next thing you know Tomoyo and Syaoran where in the digital world and in the screen of the computer.
"that was so cool!" T.K. said.
"yeah I mean he just went in there!" Kari agreed,
"c'mon!" the two yelled form in the screen.


"where do we go?" Tomoyo asked.
"I guess we look for a little T.V. that says U.S." Matt said.
"Well O.k." Syaoran agreed and so did the rest.


"Hi Guys!" Mimi came running to them.
"Matt what are you doing here? Unless there's a portal in China too." Mimi said.
"no I came back." Matt answered.
"for a few days." Syaoran whispered.
"what did I do?"
"who's this?"
"before we get to that, I have to tell you that your boyfriend is cheating on you,"
"Matt! You're just jealous!" she yelled. And walked over to the U.S. T.V.
"Mimi. Come to Japan please!!! I'm sorry!!!" Matt got on his knees.
"hehehe." Syaoran laughed.
"well it wouldn't hurt… to go back." Mimi said, "let me pack." Every one started to run because they knew that she would bring everything.



Meeting Sakura

"Matt if this isn't the last of it, I'm gonna kill you." Syaoran said,
"it's not my fault she packs everything." Matt said,
"Tomoyo's like thins but at least she doesn't pack her whole closet."
"Wow Syaoran you're really strong." Mimi said,
"thanks…" He sighed,
"Well I'd better go home now. See you guys tomorrow!" Tomoyo said and left.
"well we're tiered so we're going our Hotel Mimi. See yeah!" Matt said.
"yeah, well bye Mimi see yeah!" Syaoran agreed.
"Well O.K. Bye guys!" and she walked off to a park. 'why am I here? Am I here because I'm scared that Matt would be right? I don't know-' Mimi thought.
"Hoe!!!" a girl tripped on a rock.
"Oh are you O.k.?" Mimi asked.
"I'll…(sniffle) be fine… (sniffle sniffle) if I knew… (sniffle cry cry) what was wrong with Syaoran…(sniffle)" she cried.
"well tell me your name and we can talk about this…" Mimi said.
"well my name is Kinomoto Sakura and when Syaoran saw my boyfriend he said he had to go."
"what's your boyfriends name?"
"His name is Machika Ray."
"that's my boyfriends name… Matt was right."
"Matt? That's Syaoran's friend."
"who was that boy who never let you fall? For me it was Matt. Who was the boy who told you to get up when you where down. Matt. Who was that boy who took care of you when you where alone or feeling sad? M-"
"Syaoran." Sakura interrupted, "he took care of me when my bother wasn't there, whenever I cried he would say "sakura don't cry I hate to see you hurt." And then he would always protect me when I was in danger… i… I know now… that I love… him…" Sakura broke down in tears,
"I guess we both are in the same boat hun?" Mimi said.
"well now I know that ray- I mean Machika has been cheating on me. rrr I'm just going to dump him."
"hey I know! We have tell him to meet us here at one then we can just say what we have to say." Sakura said.
"O.K.!" the two high fived,



The dumping and the getting

'meet me at Jesi Park at one bye!' Sakura said, ' meet me at Jesi Park at one bye!' Mimi said. This is going to be hard her than I thought.' Ray thought, and when he got there he saw both of them crossed arms and fiery eyes. Then they yelled, "MACHIKA RAY… I HATE YOU!!" and they walked away.
'I told those boys not to tell them rrrrrr…' then he saw them walking down the road.
"Hey!" he yelled.
"oh it you." Matt said,
"what do you want?" Syaoran asked rudely.
"Well I told you not to tell Mimi or Sakura and they just dumped me!"
"so…" the two said.
"rrrrrrrrr." And then he just left defeated.
"Syaoran!!!!" Sakura yelled and Syaoran gulped hard.
"Syaoran… I'm…. well…"
"Sakura… Shhhh…just for get everything…" she nodded and Syaoran just hugged her then she shook her head.
"this isn't right."
"it isn't?"
"no because I love you." And sakura kissed him and they stayed that way. Then it started to rain.
"Matt!" Mimi ran to Matt for cover.
"Mimi…" they stared at each other until the stare drew them closer, and closer till their lips touch. In the rain you see two pairs of teenagers standing in the rain as a silhouette.


The End
By Pichu

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