FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Heartbroken MeiLing-Chapter 1- MeiLing's Rival



She waved her last goodbye, and then she vanished. She looked at her ticket
to see which seat she was sitting in. It was 24-B, all the way in the back.
When she got there, she saw this young boy with black spikey hair, sitting
there, writing Chinese Calligraphy.

MeiLing: ::sits down:: Wow, that's really good calligraphy you're writing

The boy was startled. He looked up with his cold black eyes and said, "Be
quiet, you're messing me up, little girl. Go play with your toys or

MeiLing: ::frowns:: Hohoho....excuse me? I'm NO little girl, and if you say
that one more time, I'll make you sorry! ::clenches fist::
Boy: Oh? ::puts down writing board and laughs:: You know, I have fighting
skills too, I'm a third degree black belt in Kung Fu, Judo, and Karate!
::gives cold glare::
MeiLing: What? But....that's impossible! I was ALWAYS better than everyone!!!
Awwww.....I'm only in SECOND degree black belt in Kung Fu, Karate and Judo!!!!
Boy: Well, little miss perfect, I guess you've met your match!

Plane Pilot: Ok, ladies and gentlemen, we're about to land in China, Hong
Kong airport. We hope you've enjoyed your flight as much as we have with you.

The plane suddenly landed and stopped short enough to make everyone jerk
forward. Everyone got up and off the plane. The two new rivals stayed outside.

MeiLing: Hey, what's your name!!!????
Boy: It's Dayang Syau, but like it's any of your business!!!
MeiLing: Well, Dayang, I'm MeiLing Li, and I challenge you to a fight!!!

The two kids were standing there, giving each other a cold glare, and they
were ready to fight.

Well, how did you like my first chapter? It was sorta boring, I know, but if
you keep on reading my fanfics, it will get really exciting, ok?

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