FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


MeiLing's Broken Heart-Chapter 2-A Spark


They stood there, ready to fight, still giving each other a cold glare.

MeiLing: Come on, show me what kind of a man you are, or are you too scared
to hit a girl !?!?!?!?
DaYang: Well, MeiLing, we'll just have to find out! ::charges towards
MeiLing: ::jumps to the side and falls on the floor:: Hah, you'll just have
to do better than that! ::legsweeps DaYang::
DaYang: ::falls onto floor:: OWWWW!!!!! ::holds his leg in pain::
MeiLing: What, huh? OMG! I didn't......mean to do that!!! I'm so sorry! I
didn't think-
DaYang: Shut Up, ok? SHUT UP! You won, okay? You happy!!?? ::limps away::
MeiLing: No, wait!!!! Can I at least take you to my place to help you???
DaYang: ::sighs and looks at leg:: fine, but don't think I'll loosen up on
you, because I won't!
MeiLing: Ok, fine.

*MeiLing and DaYang at her apartment*

MeiLing: Hold still, still! Don't move or I'll never get to help you!
DaYang: Well, if someone hadn't of legsweeped me so hard, then it wouldn't
have hurt that much!!!
MeiLing: Look, I have nothing else to offer except that I'm sor-
DaYang: Don't be! That was a pretty good move, for a beginner I mean. I
mean...er.....oh, just forget it.
MeiLing: ::blushes:: okay, whatever you say.......hey, I think your wound is
doing pretty good, for someone who just cut it....I
mean....I-.....ummm....well, you know what I mean.
DaYang: Hmph. I have to go now. ::runs out of door::

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