FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

I'm warning you now, this one is kinda awkward....so...bear with me!!!! ^.^


HeartBroken MeiLing-Chapter 4- Surprises



It was morning time in Hong Kong, and MeiLing just woke up from her sleep.
She went to go take a bath.

MeiLing: ::turns on faucet:: Aww...I'm so beat. Ohhh....I shouldn't have
stayed up so late last night....but I gotta admit, that was pretty fun....
::faint smile::

* Gets into tub *
* 10 minutes pass *
*finished taking bath*

MeiLing: ::Puts on a light weighted red dress:: I wonder what's going to
happen today... ::opens door:: AHHHHH! Huh, Syau!?!?!?!? What are you doing
here? Can't you see that I was taking a bath???
Syau: ::cold glare:: (mumbles) girls......
MeiLing: WHAT did you say?
Syau: Nothing, umm... ::sees dress:: Geez, where did you get that dress? Why
are you dressing so fancy today?
MeiLing: I don't know....

She didn't fully know why she was doing this, but she had this feeling that
she was dressing up for Syau.

Syau: Oh...Well, you look nice..... ::widens eyes:: O.O I
mean......uhhh.....not that I care or anything.
MeiLing: Gee....thanks for the compliment.....e.e (thinks in her head) Yeah
MeiLing: Why are you at my house?
Syau: I came to see you, do you have a problem with that......!?!?
MeiLing: Errrr.....no........so.......what do you plan to do?
Syau: I wanted to talk to you about the Purity Cards.
MeiLing: Sure, what about them?
Syau: Stay out of this, it's dangerous, okay? The Purity Cards are mine!
MeiLing: But-

Suddenly, something crashed open the door. Surprisingly, it was Li!

Li: Alright, Syau, MeiLing, this isn't your business anymore! Sakura and I
will handle this from here!
Syau: ohohoho.....I've heard about you, Li Syaoran. I don't give up THAT
easily! Look, MeiLing and I can do this alone!
MeiLing: But-
Syau: No buts, MeiLing! We can do better than THESE people!
Sakura: ::runs in:: Syau, I'm the Mistress of The Clow! That means that every
Clow Card belongs to me!
Syau: You MAY be that, but you'll NEVER own the Purity Cards! That's OUR
destiny, not yours!
Tomoyo: ::behind Sakura:: Ohohoho.....this is gonna be good.....::films with
Syau: ::kicks camera::
Tomoyo: Oh, that wasn't very nice!
Li: MeiLing, you deserve better than this!
MeiLing: No, Syaoran! This is my life! You can't order me around anymore!
Li: But-
Syau: You may have been MeiLing's fiance, but now she's got me! She doesn't
need you anymore!
MeiLing: But Syau, we aren't togeth-
Syau: ::cold glare at MeiLing::
MeiLing: Oh.....

It was Syaoran, Sakura, and Tomoyo, standing up against MeiLing and Syau.
They all stood there, each of them already having new enemies.



"Oh my gosh, Syau!!!"
"Don't die on me, Syau! Come on!"
Could there be another Purity Card coming?
Is Li going to lose his powers?

All the questions will be answers next time on MeiLing's BrokenHeart-Chapter 4

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