FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A.N. Hello!! My name's Kimon. This is just my first fanfic on CCS.
Well, I am working on a digimon story but it's a series and it's really long,
so I started with this. I hope it's good. But  Piggy? If it's too long,  can
you just spilt it up into chapters?? If you can. Heheheheheheh. -_-;;;;  ->
^.^ Well, anyway Syaoran should be around college by now and Meiling's here
but with a less brattier attitude. I'm making her kind and caring instead of
possessive and well, you know. I do feel sorry for her but she did make a few
laughs in the anime. ^o^. Sakura's still missing and...I shouldn't tell you
everything. ^.~ Well, I probalbly spent, ooh maybe a couple minutes of your
life. *grin*
         Oh, and please e-mail me on how the fanfic is? Please oh pretty
pleez with the bananaspilthotfudgesundaefrostingwhippedcreamandcherryontop?
*looking at reader with sparkly eyes* *grin again* Now, on with the

Disclaimers: Well, you know the whole story that I do not own any of these
characters or anything else that belongs to CLAMP. Well, duh. Although I'm
asian, I am not Japanese. (Although, it would be a pleasure knowing how to
read Japanese.)

         Memories...by me! Kimon!

        "NOOO!!!! SAKURA!!!!!!!!!" Syaoran yelled as helplessly watched
Sakura fall into the freezing, rapid river below. He was hanging from a
broken bridge with one hand.
        "Syaoran!!!! Help me!!!!!" Sakura yelled as she was swallowed by the
rushing river.
         No....NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Sakura? Gone? This can't be happening. Sakura
has to live. She's the Clow Card Mistress. Sakura...SAKURA!!!!!!!!!!!!
" Syaoran? Syaoran? Yoohoo~ Earth to Syaoran? .......WAKE UP SYAORAN!!!
     Syaoran woke up abruptly. " Huh? Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to. I
really..." He looked at his cousin who was laughing while pointing at his
face. " Huh? What's so funny? What's so funny?" He looked at Tomoyo who was
recording him but was giggling along with Meiling. " What's....oh. " Then he
found out that the girls were laughing cuz there was ice cream spread all
over his face except around his eyes and nose.
    It was a weekend and Syaoran was spending the day with Meiling and Tomoyo
since there was nothing to do and Meiling suggested it. He already finished
all his homework and he had no classes today, so might as well.
     He took a napkin and started to wipe the dessert off his face when he
went to la-la-land again.
     Tomoyo noticed this and her bright smile became a sad, sorrowful
expression.  He's thinking about her again. Oh Syaoran, I feel really sorry
for you. I really do. I miss her a lot, too. But it wouldn't be the same on
how you feel.
      Meiling nudged her and asked, " What really happened out there? How did
he lose Sakura-chan?"  Tomoyo looked at her and saw there was a worried look
at Meiling's face.
      *sigh* " Well, it happened when we were about to go into college. All
the cards were captured and stuff like that. A week before school started, we
decided to go on a camping trip.
       Sakura's father said that she could bring two friends along with her.
Her brother was already inviting Yukito-kun.  She first chose me. Then, for a
couple of minutes, she chose Syaoran-kun. Of course, her brother wasn't too
happy. Her father couldn't sleep there because of business so he said he was
going to pick us up three days later at the same time.
       We reached there and set up camp, and food. Sakura was a bit freaked
out because her brother kept teasing her that there were ghosts in the area.
But Syaoran and I calmed her down for a while." Meiling giggled and Tomoyo
continued with the story," The older kids left us to find a safe trail for us
to travel the next day.  All of us ate, slept, and woke up, feeling fine and
refreshed. Then the older boys packed our backpacks with goods, snacks,
drinks, a flashlight (just in case), and a compass. Too bad, Kero-chan
couldn't come. " Meiling and Tomoyo knew what kind of appetite Kero-chan had
and giggled. Tomoyo continued," We followed the trail......

      " I guess these ribbons will lead the way. I wonder how it's gonna take
to go and come back," Sakura asked.
      " I bet it'll take more than one hour. Now hurry up! How come you have
so many stuff, Sakura??" Syaoran asked exasperatedly.
      " Hold on. Just my water bottle."
      " Well, then, hurry up. We can't wait forever."
      " Ohohohohoho!!! Kawaiiiiii!!!!!!! So cute!!" a voice said behind them.
       Both of the two sweatdropped. " Tomoyo-san? You're gonna take your
camera? I don't believe this," Syaoran said while he shook his head.
       *whining tone* "Tomo~yo~-san~....." Sakura whined.
       " Well, let's get going. Can't wait around forever, you know," Tomoyo
replied, pushing the two up the trail as she ignored their comments.
         They walked the trail while taking in-between, rests, snacks,
drinks, and Tomoyo's video recordings. Then they came across a bridge which
was dangerously weak and fragile. But they didn't notice that there was a
road down the river. All they saw was the ribbon hanging loosely from a tree
on the other side.
        *Gulp* " Are we supposed to cross this inferno bridge?" Sakura asked
       " Um...I was gonna ask the same thing as Sakura-san," Tomoyo said.
Suddenly, she snapped her fingers. " Hey, why don't we use the Clow Cards?"
       " Not a bad idea, only that we left all of them in the tent, even
though I told Sakura to pack'em, just in case," Syaoran replied, shrugging
his shoulders.
       Sakura lowered her head in disappointment. " Well, I guess we have to.
Um...Tomoyo-san, why don't you go first? Then, Syaoran-kun. Then I'll go
       The other two looked surprised but agreed with Sakura.
        Tomoyo closed her eyes and ran through the bridge, lightly. She held
her breath till she reached the other end. She made it successfully and waved
to Syaoran and Sakura. But all of them didn't notice that the ropes were
slowly ripping.
        " Um...Syaoran-kun?"
        " Yes, Sakura?"
        " Can I go with you?"
        " No, Sakura. Our weight might be enough to break this delicate
        " Pleez? Pleez? I'll be careful. Honest. Pleez?" Sakura looked at him
with big sad eyes. This was just too much to bear.
        " All right, all right. But stay behind me. I don't want you to get
hurt. Besides, how will I tell your brother about it if you did get hurt? Now
come on!"
         Sakura gave a small cheer and stepped gently onto the bridge, behind
         During this moment, Tomoyo was video taping and was complimenting
herself. " Ooooohh!!! They are sooo cute!!!!!!"
         " Sakura? Are you not scared?"
         " I'm all right. Just a bit tense. That's all." But she was
obviously not telling the truth.  She was shaking from limb to limb, closing
her eyes whenever she looked down at the river. Being swallowed by a cold
fast river, did not feel pleasant to her. " Syaoran, can we speed it up more?
Like what Tomoyo-san did?"
          " Sakura..." But before he could've said anything, the bridge broke
and instincts told Syaoran to grab on the bridge. And on to Sakura's hand.
           Tomoyo looked down in horror as her two friends were struggling
for life.  " I'll...I'll get help....Hold on, you guys. Just hold on a bit
more. I'll...be back. " She ran off, praying that the two will be okay. But.,
unfortunately, that wasn't possible.
           " Sakura. Don't...let..go... Tomoyo-san...went...to...get..help.
Sakura...just...don't...let...go," Syaoran gasped as he struggled to go up
the bridge.
           " Syaoran-kun...I can't hold on much longer... Only one hand can't
pull my whole body up to the land...Let me go...Save yourself..."
           " NO!!! I won't let you go. Both of us has to go up there."
           " Syaoran...pleez."
           " NO!!!" he yelled firmly.
           " As you wish," she replied sadly.
          Suddenly, their hands slipped and Sakura was falling, falling. Kero
wasn't here to save her this time. The cards weren't here. No one was here
except for Syaoran. But with only one hand available, he couldn't anything.
          " NOO!!!!!!!!!! SAKURA!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled.
          " Syaoran!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed back but it was
too late. She was already gone into the icy waters of the river.
          " No. No. SAKURA!!!!!!!!!"
          " Syaoran, we're here! And *gasp* where's Sakura!!!!!" Tomoyo asked
worriedly. Syaoran just hung his head.
          Then, Touya came into view. "What did you do to my sister, brat?!
What did you do?!"
           "I'm not that stupid!! Do you think I'd do this on purpose?!! I
care about your sister, too, you know!!!!" Syaoran screamed at Touya's face.
Touya and the rest looked startled when Syaoran yelled into his Touya's face
and when they saw that there was tears in his eyes.
           "Well, anyway, I think we should pull you up first, Syaoran? (A.N.
 Gomen. I don't know if I did the 'kun' or'san' or 'chan' thing right but I
don't know what to call Syaoran if an older person calls him. Please someone,
e-mail me!) Yukito said gently as he threw down the rope.
          "Thanks," Syaoran said quietly as he clung on to the rope.

*flashback ends*
          "Well, that's what happened," Tomoyo said sadly," Everybody thought
she was dead. Well, since it's been several years, I guess it is true. It
would have been impossible for Sakura to live but by a rare chance she could
be livin right now. But now, that 'rare chance' is gone. I thought Syaoran
and Sakura were destined for each other."
           " I know. But we still need to keep our hopes up," Meiling said
dejectedly. There was a silence but Meiling broke the ice by saying, " All
her friends, family. It must have been a real shock to them." Tomoyo only
"Especially him," she replied while lifting her face towards him. But no one
was there.
           "Hey? Where did Syaoran go?" Meiling asked.
           "That's funny. He was here, " Tomoyo said as she stood up.
           Both of the girls looked around in confusment.
            But a dust of wind only answered them.


      Well, well. What ja think? Is it good? I hope so. But who would e-mail
me anyway? Sheesh.
       I decided to change it into chapters. I can be soo changable.
       Special thankz to AnGeL Of SaTuRn 33 for the inspiration of this fic.
She didn't tell me or anything like that. I made up the plot. It's just that
I chatted with her and to me it was a wow! A complete wow! I mean, she was
the only CCS writer that I've chatted with for a couple of days now. Cool
isn't it? She is so kind and friendly.
     Well, I really don't have anything to talk about right now. Heheheheh.
 Syaoran: You're a nice author. You're making Sakura die!!!! *reading the
Me: You idiot. You don't know what I'm planning next. Jeez. I'm not that
Syaoran: Oh yes, you are. And that hurt.
Me: You're starting to act like my younger brother. Now get out of here!!
You're not supposed to be in here anywayz!!!!! *kicking him out of the door*
Sakura: *while watching from the door* That gotta hurt.
      Well, anywayz, pleez e-mail me and tell me how you like it. Thankx!!!
*sniff* You're so kind if you do. Thank you, thank you. And thank you for
reading , my fanfic. *sniff* So kind, so kind.
       Flames? Ah...well...if you want to, but pleez, not too harsh or using
cussings. I rather will delete them if they do come a bit overboard.
      So, e-mail me. And I will greatly appreciate it. Tips to improve my
story? Will be greatly welcomed.
      Uh....so..um...have a nice day, morning, or night or whatever it is.
And don't forget!
Syaoran: I bet they will forget....*bonk*
Sakura: *dragging unconcious Syaoran away* She said not to come in, Syaoran...
 Sorry. Besure to read the next chapter!
Syaoran: *groaning* It's going to be horrible. Don't read it. *bonk*
Sakura: You always manage to insult the authors some way or another. *sigh*
Syaoran... You really need to stop that bad habit.
Me: ;;;;; Um...there they go. Out the door. Well, you heard that nice Sakura.
Until, then, byebye!!! ^.^
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