FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Hello again! ^.^ Kimon here.
Aha. Well, here's chap.2 of my fic.
Someone actually complimented my fic! *sparkly eyes* Thank you!!!! (I'm
not gonna say your name in case you get embarrassed.)

Disclaimers: AH FORGET IT!!! Yu know the whole story!! I don't own CCS!!
Jeez. Just don't sue me! I spent a hard time collecting my money!

Oh yes, Syaoran lost Sakura before they went into high school and now
Tomoyo, Meiling, and Syaoran are about to go into their second year of
college. (don't forget that. you might get confused a bit if you don'. ^.^)
By the way, their college doesn't have uniforms. Touya and Yuki is
hm....well, I really haven't made plans for them yet. (Don't flame me that
you want them in the fic! Just tell me and I'll try to put them in!)
I didn't want to copy anybody's idea for the name 'Memories...' because
I just looked around now and I saw many chapters with the title and
'Memories' I just thought it fit this S+S fic. Okay? Please try not to be
harsh on flames!

'......' Thoughts
*********** scene changes
~~~~~~~~ end of chapter



Chap. 2 The New Girl

"Syaoran? Where did he go?"
"He was here."
Tomoyo and Meiling looked around with puzzled looks.
"Um..I guess he left," Meiling answered.
"He must of heard our conversation. It porbably made him sad to think
about Sakura again. I think he really did go home, Meiling," Tomoyo replied.
"I guess we have to go home, too, cuz the sun is setting."
"Yeah, and tomorrow's the first day of college. Ugh. This is the
second year. I wish we would still have a week left of vacation. *sigh*,"
Meiling said sadly.
"Oh well, I'll see you and Syaoran-kun tomorrow," Tomoyo said, while
packing up her camera into her bag.
"Yeah. Bye."
A boy with cinnamon-colored hair was walking down the street with his
face down. 'How could I let her go? How could I? I could have used the Time
card. But wait, the card was in the tent. I forgot. Besides the card is
Sakura's now. No. She's gone. Because of me. Now, there's no one to protect
the cards. Maybe me, but that's Sakura's job. Not mine. Argh! What am I
supposed to do! She's gone, a huge chance that the cards *could* be scattered
again because she's de..no, she's gone. I don't want to use the other word.
*sigh* Why am I thinking of her anyway? She's gone now.'
"Syaoran! Hey Syaoran! Wait up!"
Syaoran looked behind him. "Hi Meiling."
Meiling looked kinda annoyed. "That's it? Hi? That's it?"
He didn't answer. Meiling felt that he had a dark cloud over himself so
she stayed quiet until they reached home. 'I hope he feels more cheerful
soon, although I doubt it,' Meiling thought. *sigh*
Syaoran looked up at her. "What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing. I'll make dinner, ok?"
"Do you have experience with the kitchen?" Syaoran teased.
"Mother taught me and I can make anything, now. I'm not the little
cousin you knew before," she snapped back at him as they entered the house.
But inside, she felt relieved that Syaoran was at least, talking to her. "Go
to your room and rest. Besides, you are tired, aren't you? I'll call you up
for dinner. Now, come on! I don't want to beg you to go, now come on!!!" she
exclaimed while pushing him to his room.
"Alright, alright, I'm going. Sheesh. Girls are always so pushy," he
muttered as he rolled on to his bed. 'Just like Sakura. She had to do the
same thing when I got a cold. Argh! I have to stop thinking about her. I'll
get weaker. I have to stay strong. Strong...how come I'm always thinking of
strengths and physical stuff? Of course, I do still think about magic. That
was a stupid question. I have magic in my blood. Poor Meiling. She doesn't.
At least, her fighting skills are still improving. Oh well. I miss you,
Sakura. Why did you have to leave.....' He fell into a deep sleep after he
was thinking of the statement.
"Syaoran! Dinner's ready! Syaoran! Huh? How come he's not coming out of
his room? Let's see." Meiling walked over to his door and peeked inside.
There she saw Syaoran, sleeping peacefully without covering himself with his
blanket. "Hmph. He could catch a cold. Look! He even opened the window all
the way! And outside's kinda chilly! He knows better than that!" Meiling
started muttering to herself as she closed the window and covered Syaoran.
Then, her expression changed as she looked at Syaoran. "It must be hard
losing one of your loved ones. I hope Sakura's watching over him if she is
dead. But I have a feeling that she's not...Aiyee!!!! I left the soup on the
stove," she yelled as she walked out of his room. Fortunately, he didn't hear
a single thing. A dream already occured while he was sleeping.
A girl, with long chestnut-colored hair, was standing in the midst. She
wore a white gown that was made of silk and other soft fabric. A breeze
gently blew around her face, letting her hair flow behind her. Her hands were
placed over her heart and she whispered his name softly and delicately. He
couldn't see her clearly because of all the mist that was there. "Who are
you? I think I've saw you before...wait, Sakura???" he asked, surprised. But
the dream ended abruptly when suddenly, he heard Meiling's voice in the
"Oh my gosh!!!!" Syaoran yelled as he woke up and stood out of bed. He
saw Meiling at the front of his door with a not-very-happy frown on her face.
'And I thought I was the one who frowned,' he thought. "Hurry up. I already
made breakfast. We can't be late on our first day, you know," Meiling replied.
"I'm going! Jeez."
"Where are those two? Mr. Punctual and Ms. Hot Temper?" Chiharu asked.
"They say if you're late that means...."
"That's enough Takashi-kun. Don't make me hurt you," she replied.
"He's still making up stories?" Rika asked with amusement.
"Making more along the way," Chiharu said in exasperation.
"They're here!" Tomoyo said.
"At least we made it on time, Meiling. So stop with that irritated
look!" Syaoran said for the 5th time.
"Fine then. Just try not to over sleep again."
Just then their professor came in the room. " Settle down, class. Get
to your seat."
Suddenly Rika yelped out a squeak. " Is something wrong, Rika?" Then
he smiled. The other students stared at him as well including Syaoran and
Meiling. "Mr. Terada!?" Rika squeaked again.
"Professor Terada, now. I just got promoted. I also see some old faces. Now,
I've got something to tell you, so please sit down in your seats, children!"
Then he heard some groans.
"Mr. Terada~ We're not kids anymore. We're college students," Noako
"That's right~" the rest of the class chorsed.
"I forgot. Now will you, please, get in your seats?"
"Yes, sir....."
"As I was saying, we have a new student to this year and class.
Please come in."
A girl came into the room. She had long chestnut-colored hair and
wore a canary-yellow headband. She wore a summer sea-green dress with a jean
short-sleeved jacket to top it all off. To match with her headband, she wore
yellow shoes that had a buckle. Her emerald-green eyes sparkled as she looked
around at her new class.
"Her name is Cherry Takahashi. She's new around here and I hope all
of you will make her feel welcomed," the sensei said after writing down her
name on the board.
"Hello, I am very please to meet you. I hope I will come very good
friends with all of you," Cherry replied.
"Cherry, you can sit in front of Syaoran Li, on the 4th row.
Sitting next to him, is Meiling Li. She's the one with blue-purple hair tied
up in buns."
"Yes, sir."
Many boys in the class whistled and hooted when she greeted all of
them. But Syaoran just stared at her. ' Sakura? No, she said her name was
Cherry. But she looks familiar...she's from my dream!? Is she?'


Ha! So what do you think? Good cliffhanger of bad? I bet all of you
already know who Cherry is. Especially the people from Korea. Heheheh. If you
don't? I'm not gonna tell you. But it's soo obvious who Cherry is.
Um...was this chapter longer than the first or shorter than the first?
Uh...I'm not really sure. -_-;;
I got the last name for Cherry from my friend. Her last name is
Takahashi. I hope no one feels offended right now cuz i don't want to get
into trouble. *grin*
Flames? Don't be toooo harsh. Nononono cuss words. Compliments? Oh, you
guys are so kind. *dabbing my eyes with a hankie*
Syaoran: She is NOT nice. Believe me. Kimon is NOT nice when she's mad.
She has a HOT temper when she is reaaallly mad. She can even cuss when she
can't get a hold of herself. And she hates cussing! But of course, she rarely
Me: Yes, what he said is all true. I hate cussing and I rarely say it.
Sakura: Otherwise, she's a really nice girl. And friendly.
Me: Sakura?
Sakura: Yes?
Me: You are just too sweet and nice like cotton candy.
Sakura: Thank you. Now, Syaoran and I better get out of this room cuz
she said not to come in here the first place. Right Syaoran?
Syaoran: Whatever. *bonk*
Sakura: I wanted a Yes. *dragging Syaoran out of here*
Me: There's Sakura and Syaoran going and gone. Well, remember to e-mail
me after reading. Tips are welcomed as well as compliments. *formal tone* For
now, this is goodbye. *change to kid's voice* Bye!!!!!!!!!! ^.~

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