FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Kimon's back!!! *giggle*

I shouldn't be doing that much author's notes....I talk too much.

Disclaimers: YoU kNoW tHe dEtAiLs AlReAdY sO mOvE oN....

Chap 3. Memories Arising

As she walked toward her seat, Syaoran felt a strange sense of aura
around this girl. A familiar pink aura. The aura grew stronger as she grew
closer. 'Sakura...?'
She caught him looking at her and smiled at him. A smile that almost
melted Syaoran. 'Oh jeez...is she really Sakura?' Tomoyo was also staring at
her as well as Meiling.
Syaoran was sitting in the cafeteria, dozing off while thinking about
this new "Cherry".
"Hey. Is your name Syaoran?"
Syaoran looked up. He felt himself turn hot.
*giggle* "You're cute. Lots of other people act like that, too. I
don't know why." She seated herself near him. Meiling noticed this and
narrowed her eyes. 'What kind of person is this girl?'
"So. You came from Hong Kong?"
Syaoran nodded his head.
Syaoran turned stiff. 'I can't tell her about the Clow Cards. How am I
gonna tell her this? And why am I even talking to her?'
"Um...well...why don't I tell you a story first later? Although I'm not
a very good story teller. It'll lead to why I'm here." Syaoran muttered.
"Sure. Why don't you tell me after class? You could tell me it at
um...at the front yard of school. Okay?" Cherry suggested.
"Hey Cherry!! Come over here! We like to talk to you!" Tomoyo yelled as
she waved her hand. They sat a couple of benches from Syaoran.
"Coming! See you, Li-kun!" Cherry went off as Takashi took her spot.
"Wow. You're lucky that she talked to you. Many boys already have
crushes on her. Unbelievable, isn't it? They say that if you are envied by
someone...." But Syaoran wasn't listening. He was listening to the girls'
conversation. They were chattering with Cherry and was crowded around a
"Hey, Cherry. Are you really gonna sing at the stage, next week?" Rika
asked with excitement.
Cherry blushed. "Yeah. But don't expect me to have a good voice. I just
volunteered for next week's dance."
"Wow. You must have some courage to ask if you could sing. I wanted to
try, too but nowadays I just don't have time because of homework," Tomoyo
said longingly.
"Who are you gonna take to the dance?" Meiling asked curiously.
Cherry blushed even redder. " I don't know...this is only my first
Syaoran was waiting in the autumn evening for Takahashi-chan. 'Oh boy,
why did I even bother with the story? The stuffed animal's gonna get soo mad
at me. So? Maybe if I tell her the story, she might remember everything.
Well, if she is Sakura, that is.' He looked at the key in his hand. The key
which had belonged to the one he had loved. 'I'm gonna give her this. I have
a feeling that she's back.' He turned abruptly behind him because he felt
something. It was only Cherry.
"Hi Li-kun! So, what's the story about?" Cherry asked, smiling pleasantly
at him.
Syaoran turned pink and looked down at the ground. "Um...well...it
started out..."
About 30 minutes later, Syaoran was sitting on a branch of a tree and
Cherry was leaning on the trunk.
"Sak..I mean, Takahashi-chan?"
"Um...I was wondering...are you Sakura?"
"You mean the girl that had to find all of those um...what was the word?
Clow Cards?"
Syaoran nodded his head vigorously.
"Sorry, but no. I don't remember in my life that I was catching cards
with a magic staff. The only time I remember was..." She fell silent.
Syaoran raised one of his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong, Cherry?"
"I don't know who my parents are." Syaoran widened his eyes when he
heard that.
"I only remember when my little sister found me in a river. She took
care of me and asked me what my name was. I didn't remember. But I saw a
cherry petal fall down onto my lap. So, I said Cherry. She was happy that she
found a girl like me and she said I was gonna be her sister. Well, I know
it's strange without authorities knowing abut my sister. Her parents
disappeared one day, so she's alone. I decided to take care of her ever
since. She had some enough money for me to go to college so I came here but
she's still waiting in the meadows, waiting for me to teach her. But...all
the time I wanted to know who I am. I don't know what my real name is. I
don't know who my real parents are." She sat down on the ground and broke
into silent tears while covering her face.
Syaoran looked at her with pity and climbed down the tree to try to
cheer her up. ' I do not know why I'm doing this, but if she is Sakura...'
"Takahashi-chan, I don't know how to help you but take this." He held
out the key necklace to her.
"Oh...it's pretty. Wait. You're giving it to me?"
"Yeah. Keep it. It might come in use if you know what you're gonna do
with it," he muttered.
He walked off, leaving Cherry on the ground who was looking at the key with
In the distance, two girls were looking at Syaoran and Cherry.
'Why did Li-kun give the key to her? She can't be Sakura? Can she?' they
thought at the same time.
A few days passed and Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meiling, and Cherry got to be
closer friends. They spent most of the time together, at least when they had
the time.
" Do you guys want to go to my place? Christmas vacation is coming soon
and my sister would love to see my new friends," Cherry asked.
The three looked at each other. They shrugged and said that they had
nothing to do then.
"I just need to tell mom about it," Tomoyo said with excitement.
"You know, Cherry-chan. The dance is tomorrow. Who are you going with?"
Meiling asked again with curiosity.
"I still haven't thought about it. I guess I could just go and have fun
until I have to sing."
Meiling sighed and continued doing her Japanese homework. "Yuck. I still
don't like learning this language." She makes a face which made Cherry laugh.
Her laugh made Syaoran turn his head with a surprise look. ' Her laugh...She
is Sakura. I'm at least 80% sure. I just gotta know how to bring her back.'
But he didn't need to worry about that.
At the dance, lively music was filling the room and people were
having a fun time, dancing, singing, and well, eating. (Hehe. ^_^;; I just
had to put that in.) Tomoyo couldn't come because she accidently didn't
finish her homework with all the clothes now she's making. Mind you, her
fashion is pretty good. Cherry was sitting down in the same table as Meiling
and Syaoran. She was watching everyone having a fun time and was chitchatting
with Meiling. She saw Mr. Terada in the back with Rika. Mr Terada saw her and
told Rika to do something. Rika came over to their table and said:
"Cherry-chan, it's your turn to sing." Rika waved 'hi' t Meilng and
"Okay. I'll be back, Li-kun and Meiling-chan!" She winked at them
and headed toward the stage.
The DJ (which was unbeleivably Takashi) yelled out," Havin' a great
The people roared back,"Yeah!"
"You know, that if you have a great time during the dance, they
"Takeshi-kun!!! You know, what's gonna happen to you if you say that
one more time!!!" Chiharu yelled at him.
Takeshi sweatdropped as he heard that statement and reddened.
"Um...as I was saying...Takahashi-chan has volunteered to sing for us!
Takahashi-chan, you're on!"
Everybody looked at Cherry as she placed herself on the center of
the stage. She blushed a bit because of all the attention.
"Um, well, the song I'm gonna sing, well, I really don't know where
I learned it. I don't remember the title, but only the words. But I hope all
of you will enjoy it."
She took a deep breath and started with a soft tune:


"Your straight eye sight
It's always silence
It always see the dream
Looking at the side, smiling

The precious time
is protected by you
Although it's slow,
but there's a thing
I realized passed on to you

Meeting you went by your side
Now slowly coming out
This feeling,
Hope you'll accept...

Sillly movements
Accompanied me
In this memory
Turn into darling

The time I love,
Please let me love it even more
Although it's slow,
But there's a thing,
I realize, want to beleive

Your courage, your sweetness,
Look at here, there must be,
Tears flooding out, hope you'll accept,

Water, Wind, Sun, Earth, Moon, Stars will surround me...."

As the song continued, floods of visions went through Cherry whilie
she was singing. A vision of a book in front of her and a stuffed animal
coming through it. A vision when a boy familiar like Li-kun saving her from a
huge giant fish that came out of an ice rink. A vision of that boy yelling
out the name of the girl, Li-kun had mention in his story, and was being
lifted by a lion or something with wings. A vision with a boy with dark blue
hair and Li-kun glaring at him. A vision when Li-kun came up to her and said
that he loved her.... (Which startled Cherry, a bit.) All of these visions
started to pressure Cherry and she closed her eyes to concentrate on the song.
When the song started, Syaoran had raised his head immediately. 'I
know that song. That's Sakura's song! And only Sakura knows it!' Syaoran
turned his head toward Cherry. Then he saw that she was in some stress or
pressure. That worried Syaoran a bit. Suddenly, before anyone knew it, Cherry
was running off the stage yelling and apoligizing while covering her face,
"I'm sorry! But I can't take it anymore!!!! "
People stood in confusement while a murmuring was going around.
Takeshi-kun said on his mic. "Please calm down. We'll find Cherry. Now
please go on with the dance!" He left on some soft rock music and headed
toward Prof. Terada. "I'll send Anokiru-kun to find her?" Takeshi suggested.
Syaoran's ears twtiched when he heard another "boy's" name look out
for Cherry/Sakura. He went up to them.
"I'll find her," Syaoran said firmly, but casually.
This surprised the two but they agreed.

He started to walk out when Meiling called out, "Syaoran!! Are you
going to look for the blossom?"
He narrowed his eyes at her playfully and said,"Yes, Meiling. I'll be back."
'But where did she run off to???' he thought.

So, what ja think of this chap.? Not bad, ne? It was long, yes, I
know because of the song. I hope it's okay if I took the words from the S+S
region of Piggyhoho's site...because I didn't see a warning if I can't or can
not. Sowie if I ask without permission. ;_; I didn't know.
Remember when Yamazaki-kun reddened of what Chiharu-chan said? It's
because that if he told another of his stories, Chiahru-chan would kiss him!
But don't you think that she had already kissed him more than once? Oh well.
I guess 'kissing' for him is pleasurable but embarrassing. Hm...Chiharu
probably meant that she would kiss him in public...OOH..how embarrassing!
Next chap will come! Don't worry!
~Kimon =3

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