FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A Merry Christmas
By: Sakura Lilly

Disclaimer: I don't own most of the characters, they belong to Clamp. Takeru, Taichi, and Zen are mine though, so please don't use them without my permission.


Sakura Kinomoto: She is now 15 years old and still afraid of ghosts. Tomoyo and Syaoran are hwe best friends and her brother Touya still likes to give her a hard time.

Tomoyo Daidouji: Is Sakura's best friend. Even though Sakura is not capturing cards anymore, she still likes to design weird outfits and pretty dresses for her friends. She also loves to film everything in her camera.

Li Syaoran: Syaoran returned to Japan at the beginning of 7th grade and is one of Sakura's best friends.

Eriol : He also returned to Japan at 7th grade. He became of their group of Sakura and her friends soon after returning.

Takashi, Chiharu, Naoko, Rika, and Meiling: They are all Sakura's friends, even Meiling got over being jealous of her.

Takeru and Taichi Yamato: They are brothers and friends of Sakura and her group. Takeru is 17 years old and Taichi is 15 years old.

Zen Ki: He is Meiling's boyfriend now and he also comes from Hong Kong.


Sakura and her friends are now 15 years old and in the 9th grade. It was about mid-December, their last week of classes when Tomoyo suddenly had an idea for celebrating Christmas.


Chapter 1


Sakura and Tomoyo were walking home from school when Tomoyo suddenly remembered something she wanted to tell Sakura-
-Tomoyo: Sakura, what will you do on the first day of vacation?
-Sakura: I don't know, probably stay home with my brother.
-Tomoyo: I've got a great idea. I want to make a Christmas party with all our friends at my house that night.
-Sakura: Tomoyo, that's great! But I don't have any pretty winter dress.
-Tomoyo: Don't worry about that, I have designed a very pretty dress for you to wear, why don't you come over to my house so I can show it to you?
-Sakura: Ok, I just need to call my brother to tell him I'm going to be late.
-Tomoyo: You can call him from my house.

When they got to Tomoyo's house Sakura called Touya on the phone.
-Sakura (on the phone): Touya, I'm going to be late home today, or at least I won't arrive until dinner.
-Touya (on the other end): Mmmmmm, you do that just because it's your turn to make dinner.
-Sakura: Please Touya, can't you take my turn this time?
-Touya: Ok, I'll do it, but you will have to take my next turn.
-Sakura: Thank you dear brother, I promise I will. Bye
-Touya: Bye.
-Sakura: I can stay for a while.
-Tomoyo: That's great! Now let's go to my room .

The girls went over to Tomoyo's room to see the dress Tomoyo was designing for Sakura.
She took out her computer and her digital camera.
- Tomoyo: Sakura stand right there, beside the window I need to take a picture of you to see how the dress looks on you since I have the design in my computer.
-Sakura: Ok, here?
-Tomoyo: Yeah. Right there.
She takes the picture and then she passes it to her computer. Tomoyo entered to a designing program and puts Sakura's picture in it. Then she selected one the dresses she had there and put it over Sakura's picture. It was a pretty dress. It was all red. The top had spaghetti straps attached to the dress with holly leaves. The skirt reached only to her knees to display a pair of beautiful knee-long, red boots. On her head was a red headband with holly decorations too. Sakura was really impressed.
- Sakura: Wow Tomoyo! It's a very pretty dress, but will it be expensive to make?
- Tomoyo: Well, I don't think it will be so expensive, I can afford it. I really want you to wear it, if you like it.
-Sakura: I love it.
-Tomoyo: Then please wear it, will you.
-Sakura: Ok, I will.
-Tomoyo: Thank you Sakura.
-Sakura: Do you have a dress already?
-Tomoyo: I do, but I want to surprise everyone with it.
-Sakura: Please show it to me, I'm your best friend!
-Tomoyo: It's not ready yet.
-Sakura: Ok, I won't ask anymore.
-Tomoyo: All right, now we have to make the list of who we are going to invite to print out the invitations.
-Sakura: Well, obviously you will invite Chiharu, Rika, Naoko, and Meiling right?
-Tomoyo: Yeah, and I was thinking Syaoran, Eriol, and Takashi.
-Sakura: How about Takeru and Taichi. And I think Meiling may want to bring Zen with her too.
-Tomoyo! Now we got our list. How about if we make a gift interchange?
-Sakura: Yeah that would be cool.
-Tomoyo: Ok so I will print out the invitations and send them tomorrow and I'll tell everyone about the gift interchange, to see who will give a present to whom.
-Sakura: Ok

The clock on Tomoyo's room strikes 7:00pm
-Sakura: Oh gosh, I gotta go home now or I'll be late and Touya will get mad at me again.
-Tomoyo: Ok, then see you tomorrow

Sakura Lilly: I finished the first chapter. Ok maybe it is too much talk but they had to organize the party and hey, it's my first fanfic. Ok maybe the next chapter will be better ok. Meanwhile you can send any comments to me at sakura_lilly@hotmail.com.

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