FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Moonlight and cherry blossoms

A perdy little fanfic be the guenius, me mercury

Yes it is I! The beautiful, the wonderful, the intelligent (ok too much self flattery) mercury! As you might know I kinda been hanging out with washu and since I am soooooooo much smarter then her I think it is my duty to take the role of....*drum roll* GREATEST MIND IN THE GALLEXY! A hahahahahahahaha. Ok anyways back he point. I sometimes get carried away with this so if there are interruptions in my fanfic just for talking about how smart I am! >^-^< Oh and please don’t mind my odd behavior (that just means im drinking diet coke hehehe) ok im sure you don’t want to sit here and lissen to me go on all day (*smerk* and believe me. I CAN) so on with the fanfic!

Note: this is a s&s finfic! If you are a big fan of meling then well....uumm i don’t like her! Don’t really care go ahead all of you can read it! I will share the love! And oh yes email me!

Oh yes, I do own sakura card captors....just kidding its not mine it is clapms, so don’t sue me or nothin

“ These mean talkies

*This means a action scene or just making a spiffy word spiffer

[These means there thinking

(These are my little notes hehehe *grins evily*

****** Is when you switch scenes or someone wakes up or something

Chapter 1: what dreams may come

“Sakura...I..... I..” Shaolan studerd not being able to find the words he needed to

Tell her how he felt. “Sakura I love you!”He bursted out yelling louder then he originally

Entered. She just looked at him, nice and dense like. Her beautiful green eyes gleamed in the

Sunlight like emeralds looking at him with that smile that made him go week in the knees.

Suddenly her soft eyes had turned very aggressive and angry. “I hate you!”She screamed.

shaolan was shocked he thought she would take the news with some confution but nothing

like this, she had never shown him any hatred like this, it hurt. “im...sorr” he begain but

was cut off by a painful slap! “You have made my life a liveing hell from the first day I

meet you! You rouand my life! you suck, i hate you!” sakura was geting right in his face

now, and each coment was more painful then the last. she leand down over his so there

faces were nerly touching, his face turned a bright shad of crimson as he gulped

nerviously. suddnlt a smile grased her lips as she just back with increadable agility she

stared at him hands on her hips and her mouth curved into a evil grin. “Have you meet my

new boyfriend?” she asked evily “your...your...BOYFRIEND!?!?!” erios poped out from

behind sakura and huged her from behind. [no! thats not fair! sakura is mine! mine i tell

you! no one can touch her like that but me! you here me! me!] “SAKURA IS

MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Shaolan screamed in pain watching the one she loved coudled

in the boys arms. they glared at him with the same evil smile as before “she is mine!



shaolan shot out of bed. sweet driped down his face “just...just a dream” he gasped

“what a nightmare.” He shoke his head trying to clear the terbble images of the dream, but

he just couldn’t do it. the way she was staring at him, full of anger and madness. he had

never seen her look at him that way, and never wanted to.

He arose from his bed and walked to his bathroom. he fild a class of water and

drank it in one gunlp, then droping the class on the floor. class went ever but shaolan

didn’t seem to notice. He walked back to his room and laid back down.it was raining hard,

the sound ecoed though out the small apartment. some reason the rain always coferted

shaolan even when he was a chiled. when he felt bad all he needed was the rain to wip

away his sorrow. and even now he felt alot better from just lying there hearing it on his

roof. he stared at the celling like this just thinking and leting the gentle sound of the rain

put him to sleep.


“oh oh oh this is so perfect!” exlamed ruby moon. “that boy is in love with sakura” spinal

stated. “ya ya this will be great!” “calm down you too!” yelled erios. for some reason he

was anoyed by the fact that the little wolf loved sakura so much. and what was worse was

that it was geting harder to read sakura’s feelings like she had set up a block or something,

and he really wanted to know her feelings for shaolan.

“Of course he loves her’ elios scowled “he is my descendent and it is descend that

The card captor that is so is descend for the mistress of the clow” [my mistress of the

clow]. He slowly walked to his room. “But master elios shouldn’t we try and use this to

Our advantage?” yelled desperately after him, but he was paid no attention.

[Oh why am I even here?] Thought elios. [All of the cards have been transformed and

Have reached their final stage, so why do I stay?]

End of chapter 1


Author’s notes:

Like it? Love it? Hate it? I know it’s a load of crap, but I don’t care! My fanfic! All mine! *Grabs the stack of papers witch is her fanfic and hugs it tight*

So please send me comments, questions, hate mail? Just send me something (im so lonely) I welcome it all contact me at ss_mercury@email.com and if you have aim please IM me at princess6mercury.

Now I need to get back to work. *Goes back to a dark room in the back of a Mr. Pie restaurant ware all there is, is a computer and a limitless supply of diet coke. Evil laughter can be heard from within* bmwahahahahahahahahaha *door shuts and locks with a huge time lock.*

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