FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Howdy, Yall! I'm Kyralea! You might remember me from my AMAZING (yeah right) fic, 'To See You Again'.

And I'm Annie! You might remember me from MY amazing hit fic 'Sweet Sixteen'.

Kyralea: We wanted to write an action/adventure....

Annie: But as you know, we specialize in romance and humor.

Kyralea: So this is kind of each category.

Annie: But it's really cute, because of that!

Kyralea: This is about the last Clow card.

Annie: Sakura and the gang has to journey near and far, to find it.

Kyralea: Kero has decided to explain in more detail for you, though.

Annie: We hope you like our fic!

Kyralea: Enjoy!



We don't own Cardcaptors.

We don't own anything!

We want to, but we can't.





_Enforced words_


[Editors notes]


Near or Far

Chapter One

"I can’t believe I’m already graduating high school."

Sakura Avalon was walking home from school for the last time. She was feeling a bit sorry, too. The next night would be the last time she would see all her friends together
before she went off to college, and they all went their separate ways.

Sakura entered her house with a deep sigh. She went upstairs to her bedroom and turned on her radio. The song "Somethin’ to Say" by B2 Crazy was on.

"Well I know that someday,

He will see

I will jump all around,

Act like a clown,

The world will know that

He’s in love with me…"

Sakura sighed again. "I wish," she said under her breath.

Kero flew over to her and hovered above her left shoulder.

"Sakura, I can sense that something very important is about to happen soon."

"You’re right, Kero. We’re all graduating tomorrow night." She frowned.

"Sakura let me rephrase that. I sense that something very Clow is about to happen."

"I’ve already caught all the cards."

"I can sense another."

"I’ve felt something too, but I just thought it was because I’m nervous. How can there be another card?"

"There is a legend…"

Sakura interrupted him, "Well, what does it say?"

Kero looked annoyed. "If you’ll listen to me, I’ll tell you!"

"Okay, I’m listening!"

"Well, the legend goes, that the last card that Clow ever made escaped, even before it was put in The Book."

"Why didn’t he catch it?"

"Well, the Seek card is said to be able see everything, anywhere in the world."

"So it could see him coming?"

"Right. And whenever it saw him coming, it flew off to another place, making it the most elusive card that Clow ever made. It is said that whoever captured The Seek would
become one of the most powerful wizards ever, and receive the teachings of Clow."

"In that case, show me the way!"

"It’s not that easy, Sakura. The Seek can find anybody, anywhere. It could be watching us right now, and we wouldn’t even know it."

"Than how am I supposed to capture it?!"

"Well, the only thing it can’t see through is Glass"

"What? That doesn't make sense."

"Well, I'm not the card. Hey, if you could see through walls, what would you need windows for?

"Ok, so I have to find a building made of Glass. What do I do after that?"

"You’ll have to change everything about yourself to trick The Seek. From the way you walk and talk, to the way you dress, and even the way you smell. I won’t be able to
go with you either. It would be a dead giveaway."

"I have to change everything about myself?! You can’t come?! How am I going to pull that off?!"

"It won’t be easy. Clow was the only one who ever tried it, and even he couldn’t capture it."

"Oh, that’s encouraging!! If Clow couldn’t do it, then how am I supposed to manage to?!"

"You’re forgetting something."

"Which would be??"

"Technology. Clow didn’t have the same technology that you do today. He couldn’t just hop on an airplane and go to where it was."

"Ohhhhh, I see. But just one thing. If we’re talking about it, won’t it know that we know? Ya know?"

"The Seek uses it’s energy on the five main senses, so it is said. Sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. Use logic. You can see an object before you can hear it, unless
it’s really loud. So the farther away from you it is, the less it can hear you. It has two options. Stay close to you, so it can hear all of your plans with the possibility of being
caught, or staying far away, so it’s harder for you to capture. I’m guessing it will choose the second option. It can’t sense when you are near, but you can sense it, and it
can’t channel to the other cards and find out details from them, so you do have some advantages."

"Uh huh. How can I figure out where it is?"

"I’ll teach you a way. I’m not sure if it will work, though. Clow was just figuring it out near the end of his life, specifically to find this card. First I have to show you the way to
pinpoint it, though. Well, as best you can."

"Why would he go to all the trouble?"

"If the wrong person discovered it, some major damage could be done, so he wanted it found as quickly as possible."

"Well, let’s not keep the man waiting any longer. What do I do?"

Kero took her through the steps, showing her a method similar to the one in 'Double Take' (The Mirror card episode.)

She turned over the cards one by one. The first card was the Earthy.

"At least I know that I’m not going to have to get wet."

"What’s the next card?" Kero asked.

Sakura flipped it over. "Snowy. Ohh NO! If this thing’s hanging out at the North Pole, you can just forget about it!"

"Relax! Try the next one."

"I’m almost afraid to," she turned it over. "Watery. This is getting confusing."

Sakura turned over the last three cards. "Light, Dark, and Flower."

"Now you have to put them all together and think of a place that has all those things."

Sakura rolled her eyes. "Yeah, that should be simple! I’ll get right on it!"

She said sarcastically. "Can you help with the light and dark thing? I don’t get how it helps me distinguish between places that it might be."

"Well, my guess is, that it means a place with equal amounts of light and darkness, so that rules out the Poles."

"Oh, that narrows it down!"

"Come on, Sakura! Think!"

"Okay. Equal amounts of light and…"she paused, "Hey Kero, you know what everyone else is doing right now? Worrying about how they’re going to look tomorrow night!"


"OKAY!!! Now let me think. Somewhere with equal amounts of light and darkness......."

"You know, a globe might be nice..." Kero trailed off.

Sakura slapped her head.

"Oh. Duh."

"So, were would there be a globe?" Kero asked.

"Um, The school!"


Sakura ran down the street, Kero trailing on her shoulder.

"Slow down! I can't hold on!"

Sakura grabbed him and stuffed him in her pocket.

"Now I can't breath!"

"Oh, make up your mind!"

Sakura ran into someone, and went toppling across the sidewalk.

"Oh, I am sooo sorry!" Sakura sat up, to come face to face with.....


"Why in such a hurry?"

Sakura blushed. Kero popped out of her pocket.

"We have a card to get, KID! We're going to the school to look at a globe."

"A globe? You mean it isn't in this city?"

Sakura and Kero did the anime fall. Sakura sat up and smiled.

"Your hopeless." She said, and giggled.

"Hey!" Li said. Sakura stood up.

"Come on, we have to go! Kero will explain in detail when we get there."


"And the only thing it can't see through is glass."

"Oooookay. And what did the reading say?"

"It had Earthy, Snow, Watery, Light, Dark, and Flower. "Sakura answered.

"Snow and flower? Light and dark? All of them are opposites!"

"I know! I'm trying! I think it's somewhere with equal amounts of light and dark, and it's winter."

"If it's winter, then were would there be flowers?"

"I don't KNOW!"

"Moody, moody...." Li said.

Okay, according to this, it should be winter around.....here."
Sakura ran her finger down across North and South America.

"Okay, well.....that's progress....." Sakura hit him.

"What's progress?" Said someone behind them.

"Oh! Zachary! We were just...looking at this...globe...and..uh....."

"Oh! She's speechless!"

Li glared at him like he had just written out his death wish.
Zachary held up his hands in defeat.

"Hey! Sorry, man! I wasn't trying to steal your girl!"

Li's eyes widened, and he blushed.

"Zachary....." Sakura stared, still working on being able to do Li's glare.

"So, What are you doing?"

"We're just looking at a globe! Why do you care?" Li was still glaring at Zachary.

"Um, could you ease up on the death-glare thing? it's giving me the heebie-jeebies."

Sakura giggled.

Li started to glare at her. She bit her lip.

"Hey, Guys! I made it here as soon as I could! Kero told me about the card-" Madison ran in, and cut herself short at the sight of Zachary. "Oh, uh, hi, Zachary..."

"Great job, Madison!" Sakura and Li said at the same time.

"Kero? Card? What's going on?"

"Oh, perfect..." Sakura and Li said at the same time, yet again.

"Ok, stop it with the unison thing, and tell me what's going on! You guys are seriously weirding me out!"

Sakura tried to think a lie up quick, but was cut short by Kero.

"Just tell him! We don't have the time to waste with a lie!"

Zachary's eyes widened.

"Is this some kind of joke? Like, to get back at me for all the stories I've told? Yeah, that's it, and everyone's going to pop out of the corners now....."

"Madison, explain. Your better at it, and Kero is busy having a nervous breakdown." Sakura instructed. She turned around, to look at the globe. She just stared blankly, not
knowing what to do. Li looked at her, amused.

"Ok, I have an idea." Li said.


"Well, if you could get me a flat map of these two places, I could probably walk you through a spell."

Zachary turned away from what Madison was saying.

"Wait, a SPELL?!?!?!"

"Yeah! That was what I was talking about!" Madison grabbed his arm.

"Is this some lame take on one of my stories?"

Sakura sighed. She pulled out her key.

Oh key of Clow,

Power of magic

Power of light

Surrender the wand

The force ignite!


The wand transformed. Zachary's eyes looked like saucers.

"I...What...uh...I....how...di-....what...." He stuttered.

"A map?" Li asked.

"Oh, that would be on the blackboard." Madison said.

Sakura walked over to the roll up map in front of the blackboard and pulled it out.

"Well, that wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but I guess I can warp the spell so it'll work."

Sakura narrowed her eyes at him.

"Ok, whatever. What do I need to do?"

Li got behind her, and wrapped his arms around her, grabbing her wand.

"Is this what they do every time?" Zachary asked, surprise obviously not messing with his sense of humor.

Madison hit him upside the head.

"No! This is a different spell than what they usually do.....I think."

Li rolled his eyes.

"It's to help with the spell in case she doesn't have enough magic." Li said.

Zachary still didn't seem to believe him. Li narrowed his eyes.

"Ok, I'll tell you the spell, and we chant it together."


Li told her the spell, and they chanted, holding the wand in front of the map.

Near or far

Show us now

The hidden place

of this card of Clow

The Seek

The tip of Sakura's wand started to glow. Li moved with Sakura, dragging the tip of the wand across the map.

"Ok, so it's not in South America."

They dragged it across North America. The light at the end brightened. They ran it across Utah and New Mexico, and it brightened even more. They went to Texas, and the
entire front part of the wand lit up. They ran it in front of Houston, and the entire wand lit up, and then went out.

"Ok. It's in Houston, Texas." Li said, letting Sakura go.

"Ok, well, how are we going to get there?" Kero asked.

"I can help with that!" Madison held up her hand.

"Ok, then it's set. The sooner we leave, the better." Kero said.

"Well, we're going to have to wait till the day after tomorrow at the earliest." Madison said.

"Yeah, we have graduation." Sakura looked back and forth between her friends.

"Hey! I want to come!" Zachary waved his hand in the air.

"No." Sakura, Li, Madison, and Kero all said simply.

"WHY NOT!?!?!?"

"It's too dangerous." Li said.

"Your going!"

"We're used to this." Sakura pointed out.

"I learn fast!"

"Not this fast!" Madison said.

"What do I have to do?" Zachary asked.

"STAY HERE!" Kero said.

"Ok, don't listen to the talking doll, don't listen to the talking doll, I'm just imagining things......" Zachary said to himself.

"See? You can even handle the stuffed animal! You will NOT make it through this." Li said. Kero gave him a death glare.

I can handle it! Really!" Zachary insisted.

"God! He's almost as bad as Meilin!" Madison said.

"Meilin? Meilin knew about this, too?"

"Your not coming, Zachary." Sakura said.

"Even if you don't take me willingly, I'll follow you." Zachary said, not budging.

"Zachary...." Sakura looked at him like he was five. And he was acting a lot like he was.

"What's going on in here?" Came a voice. Sakura gasped. She hid behind Li, her back to his, holding the wand up behind him so no one could see it. She silently called it
back to it's key form. Mr.Terada appeared in the doorway. Sakura tuck her key in her pocket, with Kero, who was trying to be a stuffed animal. She walked back around Li.
Zachary just stared.

'It's like the usual, like they go through it every day!' He thought.

"We were just curious about something that we heard on a TV show, and we didn't have a map, so we came to look at this one." Sakura said innocently.

'Why couldn't she think of something like that to say to me?'
Zachary thought.

"Oh, ok, well, you have to get out now, ok?" Mr.Terada said.

"Ok. No prob'!" Sakura said.

Sakura and co. filed out. Kero popped up.

"As SOON as your graduation is over, we're gone!"

" 'We're' is including me, right?" Zachary said.

Everyone groaned.

"Fine, whoever you are, you can come! Gaw..."

Sakura smirked.

"I can't wait to see your reaction to one of Madison's
costumes." She said. Li snorted. Zachary gave them a confused


Madison smiled sheepishly.


Kyralea and Annie: HaHA!!!!!

Kyralea: So? Do you like it?

Annie: Yeah! And don't worry if this was a little boring. The next chapter will be too cute. Hey, do you like embarrassing moments?

Kyralea: Ok, now, don't give it all away.

Annie: Aaawww!

Kyralea: Hey, we might put the next chapter up with in a few days if you review!

The Next Chapter...

"This door? It's going to stay locked...."

"Sakura isn't up yet?"


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