FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Kyralea: Hi, All!!!!!

Annie: We decided that we GUESS we got a good enough response with the first chapter to let you read this one.

Kyralea: You know we told you the first one was totally to just give you the basic layout of the story?

Annie: Well, this is what comes after it, THE JUICY STUFF!!!

Kyralea: Well, Sakura and the gang are graduating! Sakura has to ask her dad about their little 'Trip', and you finally get to hear about Zachary's costume!

Annie:*Laughs un-controllably*

Kyralea: I'm with her*giggles.*

Annie:(through giggles)On with the fic!



We no own nothin!




_Enforced words_

[Authors' notes]



Near and Far

Chapter Two

"Madison Taylor."

Madison walked up to the speaker, took her diploma, and walked down.[I'm not sure if this is what happens, if it isn't, just live with it!]

"Sakura Avalon"

Sakura followed suite, as did everyone else in her school. Li was yawning his head off before it was over. Sakura giggled a couple of times, causing Li to blush a curious
shade of red.

"That is what all the fuss was about? That was the most boring thing I've ever been to." Kero complained.

Kero had had to stay in Sakura's backpack the entire time, out of site of anyone.

"I'm sorry to say it, but I'll have to agree with the stuffed animal."Li said

"I AM NOT A STUFFED ANIMAL!!!" Kero said, more or less screamed.

"Kero! Hush!"

Madison and Zachary joined the group.

"Ok, I asked my mom, she thinks it's like a vacation. Zachary's mom said it was ok, so all we have to do is ask your dad, and we're set!"

"When does the flight take off?" Kero asked.

"Tomorrow around nine O'clock."


"What if my dad says no?" Sakura asked, worried.

"Your forgetting a major leverage." Kero said.

Sakura looked at him blankly.

"Magic, silly." Madison said.

"Oh. Well, you can't really blame me. I haven't had to do something like this in a long time. And anyway, what spell would make him say yes?"

"Well, you don't necessarily need magic." Sakura spun to look at

"Well, that puppy-dog face has always worked for m- I mean...it's always worked." Li blushed.

Zachary grinned.

"Well, what if it doesn't?" Sakura asked, oblivious to what had just happened.

"Just wave your hand in front of his eyes, he'll think it's a good idea, and he won't even remember you doing it."

"Really? I'll remember that." Sakura said.

Sakura walked over to her dad.

"Daddy? Madison asked me if I could go with her on a little trip." Sakura said. Her dad stopped talking to Tori.

"I little trip? To were?"

"Um, I think it was someplace called Houston....." Sakura put her finger to her cheek, pretending to be deep in thought. Despite the level of cuteness, Sakura's father's
eyes widened.

"Houston? Isn't that somewhere in Texas? And isn't Texas in North America? And isn't North America on the other side of the planet?"

Madison looked at Sakura's temporarily insane father from their group.

"I don't think this is going too well."

"Well, your mom is used to this, and Sakura doesn't have my amazing gift for talking people into things, what did you expect?" Zachary asked. Madison narrowed her eyes
at him

"You mean, your gift for going 'PleasepleasepleasePA-LEASE let me go?!?!'" She asked. Zachary grinned. Madison looked back at Sakura. She was waving her hand in
front of her dad's face. He looked dazed for a minute, then deep in thought. Then he started talking non-stop, with Sakura nodding along with what he said. He sighed, said
something no one could hear, and then Sakura jumped up and gave him a big hug. She ran back to her group.

"Well?" Madison said.

"Well, at first he seemed against it, and then, after I waved my hand in front of his face, he started talking about how it would be educational, yadda, yadda, and agreed!"
She said, talking REALLY fast. She stopped and took a really big breath.

"She can be talkative when she wants to." Zachary commented. Sakura stared, still trying to do the glare.

"Ok, how are we going to work this?" Kero asked.

"Well, everyone is going to pack tonight, and spend the night at my house, and we leave first thing. If you want, I could let you into the kitchen before we leave." Madison
said. Kero went shiny eyed.

"(A whole lot of stuttering)Uh..bu..ha...oh....AAAAHHHHH!!!!"

"I'm guessing that means he's all for it?" Zachary asked.

"Kero always wants food, especially pudding or cake."Sakura explained. Kero looked like he was going to faint any second, so Sakura grabbed him, and stuck him back in
her bag.

"So? What are we waiting for? Lets go pack!" Sakura said.

"I'll go with you, since I have all night for my stuff." Madison said.

"Ok." Sakura looked from Li to Zachary, smiled, and walked back to her dad with Madison. Li was blushing an interesting shade of pink. Zachary grinned.

"Nervous?" He asked teasingly. Li's eyes widened.

"Nervous? About what?"

"Spending an ENTIRE night in the same house with Sakura?" Zachary was grinning ear to ear.

"Why would I be nervous about that? I've spent the night with her before." Li's blush cooled, slightly. Zachary's eyes went like saucers.

"You have?!?!?" He asked/demanded.

"Yeah! I've even stayed in the same bed." Li said, blush gone, and now he was grinning. Zachary just stared in disbelief. Li patted his shoulder.

"I told you, you can get seriously hurt doing what we do. That's what happened to Sakura. She asked me to stay with her, she was that afraid."

"Oh, _she_ asked _you_. _And_ You accepted. Ooooh, do I see a little romance?"

Li hit him upside the head.

"She was hurt. She had been dragged across gravel(Not my idea, I got it from The MOUSE's fic: Dimensions), and she was scared." He said. Zachary was shocked. Li
looked like he was about to kill him, for joking about a matter like that.

"Sorry, man."

Li smiled.

"No, I'm sorry. That......She scared me. I'm going to go pack. Brace yourself, K'?"

"For what?" Zachary asked, looking a little frightened.

"For the outfit Madison is going to make you wear." He answered. Zachary scratched his head.

"What is it with them and Madison's outfits?" he asked to no one.


"Hey! There's the girls." Li said.

He had met up with Zachary, who had been looking for him, after he had realized he had forgotten where Madison lived.

"Hi!" Zachary waved.

"Hey!"Sakura waved back. She ran up to them, Madison trying to keep up. She tripped over a rock, and fell forward, into Li's arms.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

'Okay? I am in his arms, and he asks if I'm ok?'

"I'm fine." She pushed herself up, but fell back down by the weight of her bag. Li took the bag a slung it over his shoulder, and helped her get all the way up.

"Th-Thanks." She tried not to look at him.

"Are you going to carry that for her?"Madison asked.

"Yeah, unless she wants to carry it, and I'm sure she doesn't."

Sakura blushed. Li turned around, and started to walk toward Madison's house. Sakura stole a look a 'little' lower that his back. But Madison caught her.

"Cute, huh?" She whispered before running back to the boys. Sakura blushed a deep crimson.

"I HATE how observant she is."


"And Sakura, you sleep here." Madison pointed to one of here many bedrooms. " and Li, you sleep here." She said, pointing to the one next to it. Sakura opened the door
to her room. She knew what it looked like, with the fact that Madison is her best friend, it would be understandable that she has spent the night at her house before. She
also knew that the room she had given Li had a door that led straight to her room. She gave Madison a stare, still trying for a glare. Madison just smiled and winked.

"Maybe you could get a more detailed look at what you were so interested in before..."She trailed off. Sakura hit her. She walked into her room, and almost immediately
realized that Li still had her bags. She started for the door, but decided to use the connecting one, and give Madison something to talk about. She knocked on the door,
and after a moment, Li opened. He blushed.

"I didn't know about that." He said, trying to cool his face.

"Um, you still have my bag." She told him, pointing inside his room. Li's blush deepened. He picked up her bag and handed it to her.

"Thanks." She said. She blushed a light pink, but was interrupted.

"Hey! What do you want for dinner?"Madison flew in, and Kero popped out of her bag.

"PIZZA!!!"He screamed, knowing very well that the cook made an excellent pizza.

"Ok. You two?" Madison asked, not taking in the situation immediately. But as soon as she asked, she gave Sakura a sly look.

"Pizza sounds fine. Li?" Sakura looked at Li, who was glaring at Kero.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sounds fine."

"Ok. I'll go ask Zachary. Kero? You want to come?"

Kero's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"_DO_ I?" Kero flew over to Madison in record time. Madison giggled.

"See you guys later!" Madison waved.

"Come on!" Kero whined, pulling her hair. Madison walked out, closing the door behind her. Sakura looked back at Li.

"Thanks for my bag." She said, holding it up as proof.

"It's ok. I feel silly." Li blushed. Sakura smiled.

"Here, I'll help. This door? It's going to stay locked. And YOU? Your going to go back to whatever you were doing. K'?" Sakura grinned at him. Li smiled.

"Ok.......I guess......" He smiled again. Sakura closed the door in his face, and, of course, locked it.

"Sor-ry!" Came his muffled voice through the door. Sakura giggled.


Li woke up. The events from last night came rushing to his mind, though the most vivid was when he had realized the attaching door to Sakura's room. His gaze wandered
to that very door.

'I wonder if she's awake.' He thought. He shook his head.

'I need to get up.'He thought. 'Madison is going to want to get us dressed up in our disguises.'

He lifted himself out of the bed, and got dressed, trying to drag it out, dreading the moment when he realizes what Madison made for him. He walked out the door, and
made his way down to the kitchen.

'Why the top floor? It's not like I need the exercise!'He thought, looking down at the three flights of stairs.


He walked down. He walked to the kitchen, seeing Kero breathing(Eating REALLY quickly)his amazing feast of sausage, eggs, pancakes, waffles, and other assorted
breakfast foods. Madison and Zachary were the only two others at the table.

"Sakura isn't up yet?" He asked.

Zachary looked at his watch.

"Well, it's 6:23, did you expect her to be?" He asked. He yawned, and kero burped. Madison giggled.

"Why don't you go wake her up? I'm going to get you guys dressed soon." She suggested. Li groaned. He grabbed one of Kero's biscuits, kero screamed something
greatly muffled from all the food in his mouth, and Li started back up the stairs.

"Sakura?"Li knocked on her door. No answer.

"Sakura? Time to get up." He said, trying not to yawn.

"Sa-KUR-a?"He knocked again. He hesitated, and slowly opened the door.

"Hey!" Sakura yelled. Li jumped and fell on the floor in shock. Sakura was sitting on her bed in her underwear.


"WHAT the HELL are you doing, that it involves sitting on your bed in your underwear?" Li asked, trying not to look at her.

"I Was MEDITATING! I thought it would come useful!"

"In your underwear?"

"There comfortable, and you seem to be the same." She tried to glare. Li's eyes widened, and he turned around, blushing a deep blackish color.

"Sorry...." He said. Sakura's heart was beating REALLY fast. She quickly got on her clothes.

"I would think you would know better than to come into a girls room, what with your FOUR sisters..."She trailed off.

"Well, not really. If I ever DID walk in on them doing something, they didn't mind, since I was their brother."

"Shut up."


Sakura giggled.

"I'm really sorry. I thought you would still be asleep, since your always so late." He tried to explain.

"It's ok, I guess. At least I wasn't as comfortable as I could have been, then you would have been dead by now."

Li's blush darkened. Wow, that is a DARK blush, right there....

"You can turn around now." She said.

"No, I think I'll be more comfortable not looking at you for the next year or so....." He said. Sakura giggled. She walked up to him and turned him around.

"It's ok, I forgive you. It was an accident, after all. Wasn't it?"

"YES!" Li shouted, eyes still closed. Sakura laughed out loud.

"Open your eyes, silly."

"Nuh, uh."



"Your a wimp. You won't even look at me, cuz your embarrassed, which is selfish. I'm dressed, you shouldn't be embarrassed."

"Oh, bite me."

"Mark the spot."

"Can we go now?"

"Look at me."


"Then I'm not going to go."

"Ok, fine."

Li opened his eyes. Sakura WAS fully dressed, in jeans and a black tank top.

"See? That wasn't so bad, was it?"


"Shut up."


Sakura giggled.


"Your up!" Madison exclaimed.

"Whoda thunk it?" Zachary said. He looked at Li, who was walking to Madison.

"I _Hate_ you." He said.

"What's up with him?" Madison asked.

"I have no idea." Sakura said. Li glared at her, and she giggled.

"Um, ok. Whatever. Oh! Time to get ready, we're going to go in about an hour and a half."

Sakura and Li both groaned.

"Ok, Sakura first!"


Madison dragged Sakura into the other room.


"Madison, get me a towel. I’m covering up"

"Oh, it looks so good on you!"

"First of all, was that supposed to be a compliment? Second of all, GET_ME_A_TOWEL!!!!"

Sakura was wearing the disguise that Madison had designed. It was along the lines of what a skanky gothic crack whore would wear.

"Madison, I am not wearing this."

"Of course you are! It looks great!"

"Excuse me?!? I’m the one who has to wear this. In public, and I do not want sleazy guys pulling up to the curb every time I stop on a corner to wait for the light to turn

"Oh, that won’t happen!"

"Oh yes it will!"

The disguise consisted of a black shirt that had holes in some very irregular places and the bottom half ripped off -and was mostly transparent-, with black lacy sleeves in a
spider web pattern, black shorts that were VERY short, fishnet stockings

with tiger print bitch boots, and innumerable layers of makeup. Not to mention inch long black artificial fingernails, and the black purse with a pentagram embroidered on it.
If not told it was she, nobody would know. Sakura had never worn anything so ugly in her whole life.

"I have never worn anything so ugly in my whole life!"

"At least nobody will know who you are."

"I_AM_NOT_WEARING_THIS!! It’s disgusting! It’s the worst thing you’ve ever come up with! Just wearing it makes me feel like I have an S.T.D!!!!"

"That’s the look we’re going for! And relax! Just wait till you see what Li has to wear."

"What are you dressing him up as? My pimp?!? Something gives me the idea that you are taking great pleasure in making me look


"Come on! It’s been 7 years since the last time I got a chance to make you a costume. Just give me this one last time."

"I wore those costumes in the dark."

"Yeah, but also in front of Li, who always got close enough to see

"Sometimes I wonder why I call you my BEST friend."

"It’s because I’ll do anything for you."

"In that case, MAKE_ME_A_DIFFERENT_DISGUISE!!!!!!!"

Just then, in the middle of Sakura’s hissy fit, There was a knock at the door.

"Can we come in now?" Sakura heard Zachary. Before she could say no....

"Sure!" Madison said. Sakura hit her. The boys walked in, and Li’s eyes widened.

"Madison! What are you doing alone in a room with a hooker!?!" Zachary teased.

She gave him the look. "It’s Sakura, dumb ass!"

"Woah." Li was finding it difficult to take his eyes away from her.

"Madison, I haven’t even gone outside yet, and I already have a sleazy guy staring at me!!" Sakura shot back at Zachary.

"How dare you talk about my friend that way," he said, pretending that he thought she was talking about Li.

Li blushed bright red. "Oh no! What’s she going to make me wear?!?"

Zachary looked at Sakura again. "If I were you, I’d burn those."

Sakura nodded in agreement.

"Madison, you’ve got a dirty mind. I never thought you’d end up making stuff like this," Zachary commented.

"Come on Li. I’ll show you your disguise. I can see I’ll get no respect here."

Li looked very scared. He had a good reason to be, as they all saw when he came back 10 minutes later.

"There is absolutely no way that I am going to be seen in public wearing this."

"Oh, great, MORE complaints!" Madison said.

"Madison, that isn't a complain. It's a flat out statement. I. Am. Not. Wearing. This. Outside."

Li Looked like a secret service dropout. Kinda. He was wearing a black suit. And I mean black. Everything was black. The shirt, the tie, the jacket, the pants(Sakura
paused at the pants)the shoes, everything. He had sunglasses, and a hat, and to top it all off, a wire coming from the back of his ear.

"Wanna trade?" Sakura asked.

Li blushed a deep crimson, and Zachary ended up falling on the floor laughing.

"Oh, you think this is funny? I can't wait to see what she puts you in."Li looked at his friend with pity. Madison grinned. She grabbed Zachary's hand, and dragged him to
the other room. She threw him in with his outfit, closed the door and locked it.

"Is it really that bad?" Sakura asked.

"Think of your outfit, and think of something almost as bad on him." Madison said. Sakura was confused.

'She didn't lock me in a room to get me to put this on.....' she thought. She found out soon what Madison meant, though.

"I know Sakura said this. And I know Li said this. Now, I will say it. THERE IS _NO_ WAY I WILL WEAR THIS _ANYWHERE_!!!" He said.

Now, when Madison said, 'Almost as bad as _your outfit_', she meant it. Zachary, brace yourself everyone, was in a skirt. Sakura fell onto the floor, she was laughing so
hard. Li bit his lip till it almost bled, and still couldn't keep in all of the laughter.

"Now(gasp)you know why(giggle)we told you(gasp)this was a(snort)Dangerous business." Sakura choked out.

Zachary was wearing a pink shimmery skintight shirt, with a stuffed bra underneath, a pink skirt, with tassels on the bottom, hose, a pair of huge(And OH so tacky)clip-on
earrings, a brunette hair wig, all curly, with a matching purse and pumps.

Li doubled over.

"And now we do your make-up." Madison said.

"I TOLD you, I'm NOT going to wear this.

Madison narrowed her eyes.

"Zachary, just so you know, we are never serious. We found out ONLY once what happens when we're serious about not wearing what she makes for us." Li said, with a

"What's she going to do? She can't make me wear something worse than this..."Zachary trailed off.

"She won't make you wear something worse. She'll give you a choice. Wear THAT, or wear something worse." Sakura said, grinning.

"Well, why can't I just go put on what I was already wearing?" He asked. He heard a click. Spun around, to find Madison with a lighter in hand, and his clothes in a heap on
the floor, burning.

"Aaah!" He screamed.

"If your coming with us, you need a disguise." Madison said, smiling evilly. Sakura and Li snorted, trying yet again VERY hard not to laugh.

"We warned you, but would you listen? Nooooooo." Sakura said.

"What else can I be?"

"A cross dressed slut. Basically the same outfit as Sakura. Same size, too."

"What are you going to be?"

"You'll see."

"Why can't I look like a normal person?"

"You wouldn't look like a normal person even if you tried."

"Aaah! You got me!"

"Well, Zachary, your choices are narrowed. You come with us, on a plane, to a different country, were no one knows who you are, Or you stay here, your clothes burnt, so
you have to stay in that outfit, and risk someone recognizing you."

Zachary paused. He looked at Sakura, hid a smile, and Sakura tried to glare. And still couldn't. Zachary looked like he was deep in thought(Hope he doesn't hurt himself.)

"To the makeup table!" He said, in a high pitched voice. Sakura and Li fell to the floor, laughing with tears in their eyes.

"Alright!" Madison said.

Madison did his makeup, and went to change into her costume. Zachary had about as much makeup on as Sakura. She couldn't keep down a snort.

"I'm ready!" Madison walked into the room. She looked, and I know you would never expect thiis, like a, oh the suspense!, TEACHER!!! Eeeewwww! She had a brownish
suit like outfit on. The blouse had ruffles down the center, with a jacket that went over it, that was brown. The skirt came to about right under her knee, and she was
wearing VERY low heels. She had old fashioned glasses(That were just glass), and her hair was up in a bun, the little stick visible.

"Oh. My. God. Madison! You look like a freaking English teacher! You are sooo going down!" Sakura shouted.

"HEY!HEY!HEY! It makes sense, though! You guys would never wear something like that, and I would never wear something like this! And you know it!"She shouted, trying
to stop Sakura from lunging at her.

"She has a point." Li said.

"Hey! What's going on it here?" kero flew in, and started to laugh like crazy at the sight of Zachary. He pouted, actually looking very feminine.

"Your just jealous." He said in his high pitched voice. At this Kero fell to the floor. Sakura and Li(And even Madison this time) fought to hold in giggles and snorts.

"Ok, we need to get going. The flight is in an hour, and we want to be early, just in case. Your suitcases are at the door, I told one of the servants to get them as soon as
you woke up." Madison said.

"Ok, last minute advice." Kero started, still holding down giggles.

"Now, pay attention. You might have some weird experiences, like your powers getting a little stronger, or something happening that has something to do with your power.
Being, even just CLOSE to this strong of a card will effect your powers. Voices might come into your head, telling you to do stuff, or asking you questions. ALWAYS obey.
If it's a question, answer truthfully. The consequences of NOT doing this vary. Sometimes nothing happens, sometimes something crucial happens. If something goes
wrong, wait till everyone is fine. Being a team is CRUCIAL. You must stay together. Mostly just you two(points to Sakura and Li), but having everyone is best. And there is
one more thing."

Kero looked at them, examining each(until he came to Zachary).

"There is only one other thing that the Seek cannot see through. Clow left in a kind of a riddle, but here's how it goes.

A link that cannot be broken,

A bond that cannot be bought,

A happiness that exceeds all others,

A mating that is long after sought,

To beat this card that your after,

Two must move as one,

The joining of the two souls,

Assures the battle as won."

"WHAT?!?!?! Are you telling me the only way to defeat this card is in a riddle we're not even sure we can solve?" Sakura shouted.

"No,no,no! It's just the one easiest and fastest way. It's just one battle strategy, really!" Kero tried to calm her.

"Oh(sigh), that's good."

"We have to go, _now_!" Madison said, and started to the door, carrying Kero to the kitchen.

"Ok, remember, no matter how good it smells, DON'T fly out and eat the food if the cook is still there." Madison instructed. The others were already gathering at the door.

"I CANNOT believe I'm actually going out in this." Sakura said.

"Neither can I."Li said, looking away from her. Sakura smiled evilly.

"What's the matter, Li? Embarrassed? (under her breath, but Li can still hear)Wimp."

Li blushed a dark shade of black, the memory of that morning still fresh in his memory. Sakura backed away, satisfied. Ok, we're going in my car, leave it at the airport,
and rent one when we arrive, K'?"

Everyone mumbled an ok, and started out the door.

To Be Continued


Kyralea: HAHAHA!!!!!!

Annie: I TOLD you it would be funny!

Kyralea: Wasn't it just?

Annie: Hey, you want to see the next chapter, complete with the transvestite Zachary? Then REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kyralea: I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!

The Next Chapter:

"That's what you'll end up as if you do drugs."

"Damn. You are _fine_."

"I'm not jealous of anything. You don't have anything that anyone would be jealous of."

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