FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Kyralea: Howdy! Sorry, yall, we couldn't get onto the site for, like, two days, there were technical difficulties or somethin'.

Annie: But, hey! Were here now! This is a TOTAL cliffhanger, just so you know. If you don't like cliffhangers, you'll hate this chapter.

Kyralea: Annie! Stop it, your scaring off readers!!!!

Annie: Oh, whatever!



We don't own Cardcaptors.

We don't own anything!

We want to, but we can't.





_Enforced words_


[Editors notes]


Near or Far

Chapter three

"We're going to go ahead and go in separately, or it would be WAY suspicious." Madison said.

"What? A teacher, a slut, a secret service drop out, and a transvestite would look weird together?" Sakura asked sarcastically(duh). Madison gave her the look(not the
glare, you know which one I'm talking about.)

"Just for that, you go in first." Madison said.

"Oh, no, no, no! I'm not going in there first! The transvestite should go it first! He's the weirdest, it'll avert more attention from me!"

Zachary fixed her with a death glare. She just shrugged.

"It's true."

"No, you go first. you insulted me." Zachary said in his high voice. Li snorted.

"And you go after her!" Zachary pointed to Li, still talking in his high voice.

"And then you, and then me." Madison said to Zachary.

"Hey, why me before you?" Zachary said, talking normal, which was even funnier.

"Well, after such a weird display of peoples, I could add some relief." She pointed out. "Now, you go!" Madison push Sakura toward the opening gate.

"Okay, Okay!"

Sakura stepped onto the plane, and quickly headed to the vicinity near her seat. The flight attendant looked at her weird, a fact she tried her best to ignore as she swept
past into the cabin of the airplane. As she walked down the isle, trying to find her seat as fast as possible, all of the passengers when silent. She walked past an old man,
who was talking to a flight attendant. She heard a little of what he was saying which included "Trash like that has no business flying first class." He said, glaring at her.
Sakura rolled her eyes.

'Rich asshole snob. If I want to ride here, he can't do anything.'

She found her seat and quickly sat down, pulling the cape she had made Madison let her wear around her as best she could. There was a little girl sitting across the isle,
staring at her, wide eyed. The girls mother leaned over and whispered something Sakura couldn't quite make out, but was pretty sure it was "That's what you'll end up as if
you do drugs.". Sakura smiled at the little girl, but with all the layers of makeup Madison had applied, it looked more like a satanic smirk. The poor girl whimpered, and
burst into tears. Sakura sighedand turned to look out the window, but realized she wasn't alone. There was some kid around 14-15, staring at the exposed length of her leg,
that had somehow found it's way out from underneath the cape.

"Damn. You are _fine_." He said. Sakura grimaced

'Oooh, someone wants to sound like a big boy, so he cursed! How naughty! Oh, but here's something naughtier!'

"Really? Why thank you." Sakura batted her eyes.

"No, I mean it. You are _Fi-hine_!"

"Well, that's very kind of you, but before you get any idea's, I have to tell you something...." Sakura leaned over and whispered something into his ear.

~*~*~*~*~*~(Li's P.O.V.)~*~*~*~*~

Li walked onto the airplane looking very mysterious indeed. He gave a meaningful glance at Sakura, and it wasn’t till he passed her that she realized he was sitting in the
seat directly behind her. There was a little shit to her right that was checking her out.

"Damn you’re fine," he said to her face. Li narrowed his eyes, and sat down. But not before he saw Sakura grimace.

"Really? Why thank you." He heard her say.

'What is she doing? Please tell me she isn't going to live up to her character..."

"No, I mean it. You are Fi-hine!" He heard the little asshole say.


"Well, that's very kind of you, but before you get any idea's, I have to tell you something...."He heard her say, but just couldn't make out the rest.

'What did you tell him?'He ached to ask, but restrained, knowing it would blow their cover. Much to his surprise, there came an answering voice in his head.

'I told him I used to be a guy. Hey, wait, how did you get in my head?' he heard.

Li looked a little confused. He decided to try to answer

'I-I don't know! It just happened! How do you get in my head?'

'I don't know! This is seriously weird!'

'Tell me about it! What's it feel like to you?'

'It feels kind of like I'm flying. And when I close my eyes I see just fog.'

'Fog? Really? When I close my eyes, I see a lot of different colors.'

'I guess I'm just a colorful person.'

'Ha, ha. So very funny. Hey, while your in there, don't touch anything.'

'Why? Do you have some secrets hidden away in there?'

Li tried to avoid the answer. 'I just want you losing my mind. So you told that kid you used to be a man?' He asked, trying to change the subject, he still had memories
fresh and flowing of the incident that morning.

'Yep, and he actually fell for it.'

Just then the captain’s voice came over the intercom.

"Welcome to flight 666. We will be lifting off in a minute. Please put your seats in an upright position and turn your attention to the flight attendants, who are giving
instructions on emergency procedures. Thank you for flying Starbright Airlines."

He finished, and they began their mental conversation again.

‘ Well, I’m not talking to you the whole trip. I’m planning on sleeping a lot.’

‘I wonder what Zachary and Madison are doing right now?’

‘Who knows? They know where we’re supposed to go after we get off the planes, right?’ he replied.

‘Relax! Everything’s going to go fine.’

‘How can you say that?! My thoughts aren’t even mine anymore!’

‘Well, I’m not incredibly glad myself! Do I really need to know where you used hide your crush's pictures from Meilin?! Hey, she looks kind of familiar, do I know her?’

‘I told you to stay out of there! Can we turn this function off somehow?’

‘How should I know?!’ she replied, getting frustrated as the plane left the runway.

‘Maybe we can figure it out. It could work on authorization.’

‘Translation please?’

‘Means we can’t invade each others minds without asking first.’

‘How will we know if it works?’

‘Ask me if you can talk to me, and I’ll say no, and If I don’t hear you, I’ll know that it worked.’

‘Can I talk to you?’


‘Aw come on, Li!’

‘Guess it doesn’t work that way.’

‘Maybe it only works if we’re thinking about each other at the same time, and we can only hear the thoughts we direct to each other. Call me a really nasty name, and I’ll
tell you if I hear it.’ She struggled not to think about Li, and thought about the book she had been reading instead. She waited for about 2 minutes for a response, but she
didn’t hear anything, until…

A loud whirring noise sounded in her head, causing her to cry out in pain, and apparently Li heard it too, because she heard him groan. Everyone on the plane turned
towards them.

"Ears popped." She said in the husky voice she had been practicing all night long, then returned to her thoughts.

‘Li? What was that?!’

‘I don’t know. What was that voice all about?’

‘SILENCE!’ someone hissed.

The new commanding voice entered both their heads at the same time. Despite being commanding, it was also unmistakably feminine.

‘Who are you?’ Sakura asked.

‘I am the teacher.’

‘Huh?’ Li was obviously confused.

‘The teacher. If you are successful in this capture, I will be your teacher.’

‘Ummmmm, ooookay. What exactly will you be teaching?’ Li asked.

‘The secrets of Clow. It is promised that the one who captures the card Seek will be taught the secrets of Clow’s magic.’

‘SAKURA!!’ Li was catching on.

"Oops. I must have…uh…forgot!’

‘You would not forget something like that!’

‘SILENCE!! I will not listen to this infernal bickering a moment longer!’

‘Why does she get the teachings? I’m the direc…’ no matter how much he liked her,or how many years they had known each other, he was still slightly resentful that she
got chosen for everything.

'Oh, stop it, Li.'


'STOP!!! I will not teach anyone anything unless you two stop fighting.'

"Hey, are you a professional?" Sakura heard someone say. She turned to look at the person standing in the aisle. Sakura sighed.

"Yes, but I don't like plane bathrooms. Get back to me when we land." She smiled at him, he smiled in what HE thought was a seducing manner, and walked off.

'What did you just tell him? Tell me your not living up to your character.' Li said, now very mad.

'Hey, why don't you live up to yours? You know, stare into space and NOT SAY ANYTHING?!?!?!'

'I'm not saying anything. I'm thinking things.'

'Argh! That's it!'

Sakura ignored him the rest of the flight, thinking about stuff other than him most of the time, but seeing what he was saying a few times. Which was mostly consisted on
'Why do YOU get everything?', or, 'Listen to me!', or stuff like that. After a while Sakura was feeling pity on him, since all that she had heard in about half an hour was
'Please listen to me!', but then he started whining again. She groaned. At least ten guys had stopped by her seat and asked her if she was busy. She either told them that
she was, or that she was a guy, or that she hated airplane bathrooms. And though she couldn't hear any of the times, Li would always say 'Bastered', or 'Asshole', or 'If he
wants a slut he should go home to his wife.'. The numerous passes that were made to Sakura really annoyed him. And after what seemed to Li like a million corny pick-up
lines, a flight attendant FINALLY came over the intercom.

'Please restore your seats to an up-right position, and secure your seatbelts. We are about to land."

The plane touched ground, and after she was given permission Sakura quickly got out of the seat and walked to the waiting room. Li caught up to her, trying to look like he
just had somewhere to be, not that he was associating with a slut.

"Why weren't you listening to me?"

"Oh, you were talking? I thought you had decided to go to sleep like you said."

"You knew that I was talking to you, you blocked me out."

"What? Jealous that I thought of how to block you before you thought of it?"

"I'm not jealous of anything. You don't have anything that anyone would be jealous of."

"I'm the mistress of the Clow caards, and your not. Your justsome wannabe warrior that decided to tag along and act like he was protecting me, thinking that it's as close
to doing what you were planning to do in the first place, so you'd do that instead."

"I did help you, numerous times. If it weren't for me you would probably be dead by now."

They had sat down in the chairs, waiting for a teacher and a cross-dresser.

"And if it weren't for me you would have a high chance of dying a virgin. Considering your social status when I first met you."

"Well, rest assured YOU wont die a virgin. At least I'm fully covered."

"Your funny. Ok, no your not. Let me tell you something, Li. You may think your hot stuff, you may think that, hey, since you can fight and I can't you could be my
bodyguard and get credit for more than you did, but you are so very wrong. Actually I think you deserve a round of applause. Anyone with as little pride with enough gall to
walk the earth without shame as you deserves a cheer. Hip, hip, hurrah."

"And just because you can think of a quick comeback doesn't mean your queen of the world, either. Just keep hoping that you accomplish something in life, and keep
telling guys that you don't like restrooms, happiness WILL come, really!"

"And keep telling girls that you already have a girlfriend, you'll get one eventually, really!"

"Hey, are you busy at the moment?" The guy that asked her out first lived up to Sakura's challenge, and was asking again after they got off.

"If I throw a stick, will you leave me alone?" Sakura asked, losing all patience.

"Only if it feels good." Sakura growled. "Oooh. That cute."

"Ok, fine come on." Sakura stood up and dragged the guy to a group of restrooms. They went in the one that was for family. Li stared after her, not believing what he just

"Ok, how do you want to start, sweetheart?" The sleaze bag asked.

"Well, first, you have to close your eyes." She said.


Sakura grabbed his head and slammed it against the thing that
was used to changed babies' diapers.

"I don't like going to the bathroom with company." She said. The man lay unconscious. Sakura stepped over him and out the door. She straightened her skirt and looked
over at Li. Madison and Zachary had caught up, and were staring at her. Sakura looked at Li. And glared. Yes, glared. She had gotten it down. She glared at him. Then she
turned and walked off.

'I'll get it without anyone.' she thought, forgetting the advice Kero had given them.

'Oh, god, what have I done?' Li thought. He got up and followed her, making sure she didn't know, glad that it fitted his character to do this.

"God these places are a maze!" Sakura said. She closed her eyes, and decided just to follow what she sensed at the moment. She walked down, and into the parking lot,
and she walked out of that. She ran to the street, and figured how long it would take to get anywhere. She couldn't use any cards, that would blow her cover and give fair
warning to the Seek that she was there. She ran back to the parking lot, and onto a bus that was heading for downtown Houston. She had the same problem here as the

Li looked around. He had lost her. He could have sworn she ran out to the street. He tried to sense her.

'She's back in the parking garage. What's she doing in there?'

Li ran back to the garage, and got to the bus just as it was leaving the airport.

"Damn it."

He looked at the next bus. It was headed to down town Houston. He got inside at stopped the driver.

"Excuse me, sir. Were is this bus headed?" He asked, sounding very official. The driver looked frightened.

"Uh, to down town Houston" He stuttered.

"No need to be frightened, sir. Is this headed to the same place as the bus that just left?"


"Thank you." Li took a seat near the back of the bus. The driver was about to close the door, when someone stopped him.

"Just need to catch this one." Li heard a high pitched voice. A cross dresser stepped on the bus. Li sighed. The guy immediately headed to Li.

"Hey, man." Zachary said quietly.

"You are totally blowing our cover."

The driver, still very frightened, took off to down town Houston.


Come on! Hurry up and get there!' Sakura thought to herself. The bus just kept going. Sakura looked out the window. It was all streets. Every were there were streets. It
was like a knot, there were so many. She looked ahead, trying to see were they were headed. It as like an island. A whole lot of buildings all crushed together. And all of
them looked like they were made of glass.


The bus finally came to a stop. Sakura got off and looked around. She focused her powers, and felt the card. She ran after it, into the island of buildings. Street after street.
She kept going, the street lights on her side, letting her pass just as she got there. But finally she had to stop. She stood on the corner, waiting for what seemed like
forever for the light to change. Three guys stopped for her. She just sneered and ignored them. She had had too bad a day so far to mess with it. She had gotten in a fight,
and ran away angry, and now she had no idea what was going to happen. She could only figure it out as it came. Kero wasn't there anymore to help put it down in black
and white for her. The light finally turned green, and she ran to what she was certain was her death.


"Thank you, very much sir. I'll be sure to put a good word in for you with the president. Once we know who it is." Li stepped off the bus. Zachary walked behind him.

"What's going on?" He asked Li.

"Sakura and I got into a fight, because I'm jealous of her. She ran off to get the card herself, and is probably going to get killed if We don't get to her in time."

Zachary gasped.

"Your-Your joking, right?" He asked, not able to think about if he wasn't.

"No. I'm not."

"Well, how are we going to find her? I mean, she could be anywhere!"

Li stopped and closed his eyes.

"Li? Buddy?"

His heart started to pound, the first sign that it was working. He became flushed, blood pounding through his veins, tingles going through-out his body, a garentee that she
was close. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his ecstatic heart.

'I know she's ok.' He told it.

He tried to focus his happiness on his powers, trying to find that cloud of pink aura, knowing it was his love. He tried, and tried, and finally caught a glimpse. He
immediately set off toward it, knowing that he wasn't going to get a better reading, as Kero had said, being so close to this strong of a card is warping his powers.

"Hey, were are we going?" Zachary asked, still following him.

"To help Sakura."


Sakura stopped in front of the building. She knew it was in there. She stepped inside. No one was at the desk. She walked over, and glanced at the papers on the desk. A
name caught her eyes.

Henry J. Vargus


"May I help you?" She turned around, to she a very square looking woman, almost as bad as Madison.

"Uh, yes. I'm here to see someone."

The woman raised an eyebrow.

"I doubt anyone here would want to see someone like you." She said, sounding very stuck up.

"Well ,that's funny. I was sure Henry told me to come here. He said he would tell his stuck up secretary that he was expecting someone named Tanya, by the way, that's
me, and that she would let me right up. Oh, well." She looked past the woman, slowly making her way to the door.

"Wait, um, what is this man last name?"


The woman frowned.

"That sounds like him. I don't know why they hired him in the first place...." The woman muttered under her breath.

She walked over the desk.

"Henry? there's someone here to see you. She says her name is Tanya."

There was a pause. Sakura started to think her cover would be blown.

"Tanya? So she came crawling back, eh? Send her up."

Sakura grinned triumphantly. The woman got up to show her the way. She led her to a hall, and pointed.

"It's the third door to your right." She said snottily, and walked off.

"Ok, whatever."

Sakura made her way to the door.

"This guy has to be a real sleaze bag to know someone who's name I picked off the top of my head."

She walked inside the office, bracing herself for lame pick-up lines.

"Hey. You don't look like my Tanya. Oh, well, either way, your hot."

Sakura looked at the man behind the desk. His hair was black, in that flat top type style(Eeeeww *shudder*), his complexion was a Mexican color, and, ok, to put it
plainly, he was UH-HUGLY. And I don't just mean ugly, I mean UH-HUH-GLY. Sakura squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, trying to give herself better barings for the
level of ugliness. Sakura opened her eyes and smiled.

"You know, no wonder you have to pay for sex. If all of you is as ugly as your face, I wouldn't want to touch you." She said in her husky voice. Henry looked surprised.

"You aren't supposed to insult me, are you?"

"Who said I wasn't allowed? You? As if I would ever do what you say?"

"If you won't, then you can leave."

He reached for the intercom, about to call his stuck up, square assed secretary. Sakura, in record time, ran over and karate chopped his hand, and then took one of his
paperweights and smashed the intercom. Henry looked yet even more surprised.

"I'm here on business, and I won't let some sleaze bag like you ruin what I came here to do." She said, or more or less growled.

She smiled and left his office. He just sat there, bewildered. Sakura walked to the elevator, and pushed every button. She wanted to be sure to check every floor so as to
know which the Seek was in. The first floors held nothing. Around the 20th floor someone walked in, and started to hit on Sakura. She 'let him off' at the next floor. She kept
going, waiting for the pinpoint location of the card. She reached the top floor and realized it was closest. She stepped off, looking for the card. she followed what she
sensed, and came to the middle of the floor. It wasn't there. She narrowed her eyes, and looked up. It was on the roof.

"Damn it."

"What was that?" Someone walking by asked. Sakura looked back down.

"Oh, nothing. I think I might have lost a contact, but I'm not sure. There to change the color of my eyes, are both of them green?"

The woman leaned in a little.


Sakura was a little confused.

"Do you see what I'm wearing?"She asked.

The woman smiled.

"Don't worry, I don't mind. I have a sister that's just like that. I don't like her much, but I don't mind anyone's business. Their the ones who choose it, not me, so I won't
waste my breath."

Sakura smiled.

"Thank you. And if I ever see your sister, or any other slut, I promise I will slap her for you. Do you know how to get to the roof?"

The woman was a little stunned by the change in topics. Or maybe it was the promise of slapping what she thought were people undergoing the same business as Sakura.

"Oh, yeah. Go down the hall, turn right, keep going till the end, turn right again, and at the end of the hall there will be a door that leads to the stairwell, and you just go up
the stairs." The woman pointed.

"Thank you so much. You are truly a blessing to this fucked up world."

Sakura ran down the hall, leaving a yet even more stunned lady behind. Sakura dashed down the hallway, following the directions perfectly. She opened the door and felt
the cold wind blowing through her, uh, everything. She didn't see anything, but realized that the flat of the roof lasted about four or five feet, and then dropped to a slight
drop, which then dropped off to a freefall, landing on a steeply slanted(can you think of a better word?) part, and a dead drop to the ground. Sakura shivered. She tried to
look for the card, but was too scared to look anywhere other than at her feet. She mentally hit herself.

'Wuss! And you expect to beat the strongest of the cards? Your pathetic!' She prodded herself, but a sudden sadness swept over her at the 'your pathetic' part, which had
always been Li's pet insult for her.

She crept along the rooftop silently, like a tiger hunting it's prey. She heard a noise behind her, and suddenly realized that she was no longer the hunter, but now the
hunted. She whipped her head around in the direction from which the sound had come from. Floating about a foot off the ground was the Seek. It's hair was cut short, and
very dark. It's dress was black, a slit up the side, and two strips of fabric crossed over, wrapping around her neck. Sewn to that were two strips leading to the sleeves, that
would otherwise be detached. It had a blue, cape like thing, that stuck up behind it, showing spikes behind it's short hair. It was holding sort of a purplish, metallic orb low
in front of it, that glistened in the afternoon sunlight. It's eyes were narrowed, and it regarded Sakura as if she were a insect, that could be effortlessly swatted away.
Sakura drew herself up to her full height, high heels included.

*card fakes a yawn*

"Could we get on with killing you now? I was kinda looking forward to a challenge, but now all I want is a nap."

Sakura sneered.

"You are so funny....." Sakura quipped.

"And the sound you make falling down to the ground below will be equally funny."

"Or maybe I was mistaken..." Sakura continued like she hadn't heard it. "Maybe it's just the way you look."

The card sneered at her.

"Can we get ON with it?" It asked in a VERY annoyed voice.

"Oh, what? Don't you like talking to me?"

"No, I do, really. It helps me to look forward to killing you." The
card said with a smirk. It brought up her hands, letting the orb float between them. A light developed inside of it, rather fast, and shot out toward Sakura. She dodged out of
the way.

'This is by far the WORST place to do this.' She thought, dodging another shot.


Li kept running, trying to get there before something, anything, happened.

'Stupid, stupid, stupid.' He thought to himself. He finally stopped in front of a VERY tall building. In fact, it was the tallest one out of them all.

"She's in there." He pointed. Zachary barely still with him, he was running so fast, dropped to the ground next to him.

"How can you run so fast?" He gasped.

"I've been trained to all my life." He answered simply. "You stay out here. I'm surprised Sakura's in this type of place with her costume."

Li walked in, leaving a defiant Zachary behind, or at least he thought. He walked up to the secretary.

"Hello, ma'am. Have you seen a woman, looked about 18, 19,-" He was cut off.

"You came to get her out of here! Thank god. I just don't feel comfortable with a slut in this building. It's just disgusting! She went to the office on the third floor, to Henry
Vargus. Do you want me to show you?" She said all too eagerly.

"No, thank you, ma'am. I'll make do." Li said, and walked down the hall.

"Rich bitch, square assed, I bet she's still a virgin." He muttered under his breath. He walked to the elevator, and pushed to go up to level three. He asked a woman there
where henry's office was, and, looking very frightened, pointed to a door.

"Thank you." He opened the door, to a VERY ugly man tinkering with the remains of what looked like a phone.

"Hello, sir. I've been informed that someone, a woman, came to you a littlewhile ago?" He said in a official voice. The man didn't even look up.

"Yeah, the bitch broke my intercom. I hope she makes enough money here to fix it. Bitch." Li narrowed his eyes. He quickly walked to the man and grabbed him by the

"Listen here, you ugly assed, man slut, annoying son of a bitch. You will NOT bad mouth this girl. You WILL tell me where she went." He said in a deep voice, almost a
growl, that would make anyone pee their pants. And this literally included Henry.

"I-I don't know! She just said that She came here to do something and she wouldn't let me stand in her way, and walked out!" He said. Li growled, let him go and walked
out the door. He went to the elevator and waved his hand over the buttons, trying to make them tell him were she went. Only the higher numbers responded. So he pressed
all of the buttons above 60. The door were about to close when someone walked in. the doors closed, leaving him and the cross dresser in private.

"I thought I told you to stay put?" He growled. Henry had made him lose all patience.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't hear you."

Li snorted.

"How'd you get passed the square assed virgin secretary?" He asked, just picturing him threatening to tell her about big foot in new Mexico.

"I knocked the bitch out."

Li's head snapped to the right.

"You did?"

"Mmm Hmm."

"Hey alright!" Li gave him five.


"Jump card!" Sakura called, jumping out of the way of another attack.

"Aaah!!" The Seek threw another blast, which finally connected with Sakura. She fell backwards, knocked out. Her head and torso hung off of the side of the roof, and she
was slipping. The seek smiled to itself. She walked over to her.

"I had hoped it wouldn't be so easy. It has been so long since I've had a challenge. Wait, I've never had a challenge." The card grinned evilly. She raised her leg to kick
Sakura off the rest of the roof.

"And your the card mistress?"

It's foot connected with Sakura's, giving it the momentum it needed to let the young woman the rest of the way off the roof. She slid off, going into the freefall...........

To Be Continued


Annie: I TOLD you it was a cliffhanger, but did you believe me? Noooooooo!!!!

Kyralea: Hey, We've decided to answer the oh so frequently asked questions.

Annie: One: Yes, this is two people. We are both working on this fic, so it's both of ours

Kyralea: I'm the one who writes these little dialogs at the end, so I might go a little off on Annie personality.

Annie: Maybe you should ask me?

Kyralea: I think I will, the questions first, though.

Annie: This fic IS still being worked on, but we're totally impatient, so we're posting what was supposed to be a one shot in chapters.

Kyralea: And I've been asked numerously if I was a cowgirl, referring to my traditional 'Howdy, yall!'. For your interest, I'm from Texas.

Annie: We base the fic on places we know.

Kyralea: I'm not sure if Annie wants people to know were she lives, so we'll wait for that bit of info.

Annie: Yeah, you'd better!

Kyralea: If we seem a bit immature, that's cause we are, so don't lose your head thinking we're just being funny. We aren't. We are TOTALLY serious. And if you don't
believe us, we'll send 50 highly trained master ninjas to rip your heart out and....

Annie: Excuse Kyralea, she has a temper.

Kyralea &Annie: REVIEW!!!!!!

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