FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks



Annie: Shush, Kyralea.


Kyralea: It's your own fault.




Kyralea: You didn't even TRY to stop me from eating all that chocolate.


Annie: *Sticks out her tongue*


Kyralea: I bet your all screaming 'FINALLY', huh?


Audience: Yep.


Annie: *pouts* Oh, this is harder than it looks! So STOP with the death threats?


Kyralea: Yeah! They freak me out...


Annie: Anyways, here's chapter Five of Near Or Far.


Kyralea: I thought it was Near And Far.


Annie: Whatever.










Near And/Or Far ([Kyralea: LOL! I sound like a cafeteria woman!])


Chapter Five.





“Okay, who’s driving first?”


It was the next morning. Madison jangled the car keys in front of Zachary’s face, and he snatched them away from her.


“If I drive first, that means I’ll get it over with first, so I’ll do it.”


Madison seemed satisfied.


Sakura came in and pulled out a chair at the table. It scraped noisily across the hardwood flooring. She yawned and plopped down on the chair, her eyes half closed.


“Late night?” Zachary raised an eyebrow grinning, and longing to know.


“Ummphuurgeouu.” Sakura muttered something through her cornflakes.


Li glared at Zachary, as usual. “I thought you said I’d be the last one you came after.” Li said, and returned to his dinosaur pop-tarts.


“Hey, what’s wrong with everyone?! It’s our first road trip! This should be a happy time!” Madison was too cheerful to stand. Apparently she had gotten a full night of sleep,
and that was enough to make everyone else resentful. After all, how is it humanly possible for someone to wake up at 7:00 AM and be that optimistic? It just isn’t right.




After breakfast, they loaded all their stuff into the rental car, and left yet another mansion behind them. Zachary was at the wheel, driving like a maniac, apparently determined to get to
Canada as quickly as possible, and at their current speed, they would probably arrive there before sunset. Eventually Madison freaked on him and reminded him that if anything
happened to the car, he had to pay for it. This effectively brought his speed down about 50 kilometers to the speed limit.

By 11:00, after driving nonstop for hours, and everyone sleeping (Except Zachary, duh!), he finally pulled over at a gas station. They all piled out and stretched their limbs. Sakura
looked at the sign just ahead of the entrance of the gas station. It read “Welcome To Missouri. Sakura blinked, then re read the sign. It definitely said, “Welcome to Missouri”

“Zachary, exactly how fast did you drive once Madison fell asleep?!”

Zachary gave her a look that obviously meant, “Shut up before she catches on.” Sakura just went along with it, figuring he’d owe her one.

Zachary fueled up, while Madison and Sakura went into the store to pay for the gas and buy snacks. Sakura emerged about five minutes later carrying a plastic bag bulging with food.
She opened the back door of the car and got in, tossing the bag in before her. Li was sitting in the back seat, staring off into space.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”
”Just talking to sensei. You know, the Voice.”

“Oh. What’s she screaming at us for today?”

"Something about "That Idiot Zachary, blah, blah, blah"

"Oh. Hungry?” She picked the bag up off the seat.

He searched through the contents for a sec.

“Sakura, did you happen to buy anything without sugar as the first ingredient?”


There was a seemingly long pause. “I’m going to go get something. Don’t let them drive away without me.”

Sakura barely had time to respond before the door slammed in her face.


He had to get out of the car. It was just feeling too awkward. After the Voice was saying all that weird stuff to him, he couldn’t stand it.


Sakura was in the car all alone now. She could hear the voice in her head. ‘You feel affection for him?’

Sakura finally decided to answer. ‘…Maybe…Like a brother.’

‘Are you sure?'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Sometimes people are not too sure of their feelings.'

'Well, I just.....I....I like him as a brother......that's all, really.'

'Sure it is. Just make sure your not denying anything to yourself. Denial is the worst possible way to go through life.'

'I'm....I'm not denying anything......'


Li returned about seven minutes later with a massive bag of jellybeans. Sakura was starting to wonder about him.

“I thought you said you wanted something without sugar as the first ingredient.”

Li thought quickly. He couldn’t tell her that it was too much to stand just sitting in a car with her.“The first ingredient is dextrose.”

“Isn’t that just another name for sugar?”

Li just shrugged.

Zachary and Madison returned finally.

“WHAT!?!” Li was getting annoyed with Zachary staring at him all the time, and he was doing it again.

“I am not driving. You drive. I need to sleep, unless you want me to fall asleep at the wheel and kill us all.”

“Fine. I’ll do it.”

“I’ll navigate.” Sakura volunteered.

They all got out of the car again to switch places, and then finally they were on the road again.


It was just past 9:00p.m. Li was still driving. Zachary kept falling asleep and falling over onto Madison, which she did NOT particularly like. Sakura was staring out the window, not
really doing the greatest job at navigating. As far as he could tell, they were somewhere in Buffalo. Snow was coming down lightly, covering everything in a soft, fluffy blanket. (Wait a
second! They just graduated, and that happens sometime in the summer. How is this going to work?? Oh well. Screw it.)

Li’s stomach gave a deep grumble. The food had been gone for a long time by then. Sakura looked over at him.

“Bit hungry?”

“Hmmm, ya think?”

“You don’t need to get mean.”

“Sorry. Yeah, I’m hungry. How far is it till we get to the border?”

Sakura looked at the map for a second, but by the time she figured it out, they were already there.

The Canadian (What’s it called? I’ll just make up my own name) boarder guard stopped them.

“Can I please see your license and registration?”

Li pulled out his I.D. The customs guy looked at it.

“Okay, sir, how long have you been in the United States?”

“About two days.”

“Have you bought anything?”


“Mind if we search the car?”


“Standard procedure. We’ll try to be as quick as possible.”


They woke up Madison and Zachary, and made them all stand outside in the snow while they searched the car.

“Well, everything seems to be in order here. Can I ask the purpose of this visit?”

“Just a little vacation.”

“Oh, well, enjoy your stay in Canada. And remember, don’t drink and drive.”

“Ummm, thanks. I guess.”

They all got back into the car.

The customs guy turned to his partner, “Nice bunch of kids, eh?”]


Within seconds, Zachary and Madison were sleeping again. Li nudged Sakura with his elbow. “Hey, want to go grab something to eat? I’m sure they won’t mind (snore)”

“Okay. Know any good places?” Sakura joked.

“I’ll just drive until we find something.”

“So, this is Niagara falls. Never thought I’d ever see it.”Sakura said after a pause, as they drove slowly past. It was partially frozen, and it looked beautiful with the multi-colored lights
shining from behind it.

“Pretty, huh? Do you want to get out and get a better look?”


Li drove around for a bit till he found a parking spot, then they got out again. Sakura ran up to get a better look, with Li following close behind.

“Whoa, it looks even better up close.”

Sakura shivered. After all, it was WINTER.


“Just a little!”

“No need to get mean,” Li mocked her.

“Come on, smart ass. Let’s get back to the car.”

They took off running again, and Sakura slipped on a patch of black ice.

“AAAH!” Just when she was about to fall flat on her ass, Li caught her again.

He helped her back to her feet. They stood there for a moment together, Li still holding her around the waist.

“OH!” She felt like a total ditz. “Uh, thanks.”

“Hey, no problem.” He definitely thought of it as no problem.

“Li, I…”maybe she could say it now.


Sakura shivered. She paused for a moment. “I… Li…Syaoran…”

“…Yes, what… is… it?” He couldn’t believe it. She actually called him by his first name. It was the first time in… Actually, he couldn’t remember another time.

“I just…um, never mind.”

She chickened out. She just couldn’t do it. What if it screwed up their friendship? What if he didn’t feel the same way about her? She couldn’t take the possibility of rejection.

Li couldn’t hide the disappointment in his face or voice. “Oh. Okay,” he tried to sound as normal as possible. He took his arms away. “Come on. I’m starved.”

Li took off jogging towards the car. Sakura mentally slapped herself for even thinking about telling him.


“Okay, he caught her around the waist! I bet they’re going to kiss!”

“No way!” Zachary looked up over the seat.

“They’re talking. That’s a good sign.”

“How do you know?”

“I just know, and that’s all there is to it.” Zachary hated how Madison always did that.

“Oh no! He looks disappointed!”
”Oh no! Here they come. Pretend we’re asleep again!”

They both flopped back down as fast as possible.

“Ouch! That was my arm, you idiot!”

“Yeah, well, I don’t really think you want to know what you just touched!”

“Oh gross! Shut up! They’re coming!”

If Sakura and Li found out about the bet that they had on, they’d never hear the end of it.


Li opened the car door and slammed it, not bothering to think of Madison and Zachary being asleep, but when he did, he wondered why they didn’t wake up. Sakura followed a
moment later.

Li drove until they came to a little Italian restaurant on the main street.

“Want to stop in there?”

“Okay.” Sakura couldn’t care less.

“I guess we can just leave these two in the car.” Li had a sneaking suspicion that they were already awake, and sure enough, a second after he said that, Zachary sat up and faked a

“Wow, what’s going on guys? Where are we now?”

Madison followed, stretching her arms out.

“Wow. It’s so great that you guys decided to wake up at just this minute!”

Li turned to Zachary.

“Whoa, sorry to kill your big plans there, stallion! What’s the big deal?”

Li was about ready to kill him. Sakura couldn’t help but notice the vein popping out of Li’s neck.

“Never mind. Come on.”

"What is this, Italian food? Ew!" Zachary said.

"What's that, A HUGE growl, and I think....Oh, my gosh, it's coming from your stomach!" Li said in an annoyed tone.

Zachary blushed and covered his stomach.

"Ok, I guess it's ok......" He said.

"Oh, you guess, ok, whatever." Li looked like he was about to go insane.

As soon as they entered the restaurant, a waiter approached them and asked how they would like to be seated. There were only tables available for two people to sit at.

“Oh, uh, I need to talk to you about something Sakura.” Madison said quickly.

“Okay, then, I guess I’ll sit with you.”

The waiter led them to a table, leaving Li and Zachary behind for the moment.

“‘Ere are de menus. Would vous like someting to drink?”
”Umm, no, I’m fine for now.”

Madison nodded in agreement.

Neither of them could help notice how hot he was, despite the fact that they had a hard time understanding English, let alone English with a French accent. He was about their age,
maybe a little older, with black hair that was kind of oddly spiked.

(Li’s POV.)

“Ugly frog.” He muttered, watching Sakura and Madison chat with the waiter.

“Oooh, do I detect a bit of jealous rage?” Zachary was really getting on his nerves.

“Shut up.”

The waiter left the girls’ table and came back to them. Li automatically wiped the death glare off his face and tried to look bored.

“Dis way.” The waiter led them to a table across the room from the girls.

“Anything to drink?”
”Yes, I’ll have anything with alcohol in it.”

“No he won’t,” Li cut in, “He has to drive.” He grinned, glad he finally got the better of Zachary for once.

Now it was Zachary’s turn to glare.

“Okay, den I must be getting back to de kitchen.” And he hurried off.

(Sakura & Madison’s POV)

“So, what did you say?” Madison had to find out.

“When are you talking about?”

“When me and Zachary were- uh, -asleep.”

“Well, I was about to say it,”


“But I couldn’t.”

Madison looked very disappointed. “Come on, you’ve got to tell him sooner or later.”

“No I don’t. I could avoid it like the plague for the rest of my life.”

“You know that won’t work.”

“Of course I know.”

“You’ve got to tell him.”

~*~*~(Li & Zachary’s POV)~*~*~

“Well, did you do it yet?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You know, do IT?”

Li spit his drink out all over the table.


“Well, did you?”

“I haven’t even told her I like her yet, and I’d appreciate it if you’d stop with the comments about me, ‘cause you’re really starting to piss me off.”

“I knew I would sooner or later.”

“Well, just don’t do it anymore, okay?”

“Hey, you can’t change a man.”

“No, but I can change the arrangement of his face pretty fast.”

“Point acknowledged.” Zachary was looking a little scared.

After a long silence, he started to speak again.

“Well, are you going to tell her soon?”

(Okay, it’s going to get a bit confusing now. Black font is Li, gray is Sakura, Purple is Madison, blue is Zachary)

“I don’t know. Maybe.”

“I just don’t want to screw up our friendship.”

“She’s been like another sister to me, except a sane one.”

“He’s like the brother I always wanted to trade mine in for.”

“What if she doesn’t feel the same way?”

“What if he likes someone else?”

“I think you should go for it.”

“Just try it and see what happens.”

(Aren’t you glad that’s over? All the font’s going to be normal now. By the way, we’re back in Li’s POV.)



“Exactly how long were you and Madison awake back there?”

“Ummm, Indiana?”


Every head in the restaurant turned towards Li for about 5 seconds, before they lost interest and returned to their food. The frenchie waiter finally brought them their food. They ate the
rest of the meal in silence. Li kept thinking about Sakura, glancing at her over and over. She and Madison didn't talk much, either.

'I love you so much, Sakura.' He thought silently.

Sakura's head jerked up, but she didn't move at all afterward.


Madison looked at her friend. She looked a little preoccupied, though She wasn't sure what was so interesting about the three noodles Sakura kept moving around on her plate. Her
head suddenly jerked up.

"Sakura?" Madison said. Apparently Sakura hadn't heard her, for all she did was mutter 'Wishful thinking.'.

"Sakura, are you ok? You seem a little...preoccupied?" Madison asked, worried for her friend.

"Huh?" Sakura muttered lazily. "Oh! No, I'm sorry. I was just thinking. Li would be SUCH a better brother than Tori...." Sakura trailed off.

"Ok, we DEFINITALY need to get you out a little more. And to play along with that topic, one VERY good reason Li wouldn't be a good brother is the fact that if you ever got married, you
would have mutant babies." Madison said, giggling. Sakura giggled, too.

"I thought that only applied to cousins?"

"Oh, so what? Same thing." Madison looked at her friend. Sakura was still smiling, but she was now playing with her food again as the smile faded. Madison looked down, trying to
think of something to do with her friend, who was obviously depressed. She suddenly remembered something.

“Hey, know what? We can shop duty- free!”

“Come again?” Sakura looked up from her food, confused.

“Means we don’t have to pay taxes or whatever. Want to go?”


Sakura swallowed the three noodles she had left and went to tell the boys where they were going, while Madison paid for dinner.


“Well, let’s go find the girls. I want to get going soon.” Li said.

“Okay, let’s go. How long do you think it’ll take us to find that mall?”

“Can’t take more than an hour.” Li left a VERY small tip for the waiter, and they left to go find Sakura and Madison.


“What do you think of this headband, Madison?”

“Too fluffy. Try that one.” She pointed to another one that ended up looking perfect on Sakura.(Okay, I can’t think of anything for this part)

Twenty minutes later, once they had picked out as much as they could carry, they went to the checkout counter. It took the salesgirl about ten minutes to ring up all their
purchases, and once she did, Madison’s face went twisted.

“WHAT! It can’t be that much! Isn’t this supposed to be duty free?!”

“That’s what duty free shops are for.” The woman behind the counter crackled her gum. “Do you want to buy all of this stuff, or do you want me to take some of your
purchases off?”

Madison blushed a bit. “No, it’s fine. I just wasn’t planning on spending so much, but I’m due for some new accessories, so I guess I’ll just pay for them all.”

“Don’t forget, some of that’s my stuff too. Give me the receipt and I’ll pay you for what’s mine once we get a chance to sort it all out.”

Actually, only about ten items were what Sakura was buying. The other 60 were things Madison just HAD to have.

“Why are the taxes so high in this country?!” her friend looked frustrated.

“This government. If you think this is bad, you should see what those idiots up there at Parliament Hill in Ottawa are doing with the school system. Totally screwed up! We
have to buy our own text books if we want ones published after the first moon landing.”

“Huh. Too bad for you guys.”

“Yeah I know, eh? Well, enjoy your purchases. I guess I’d better go restock the shelves now.”

Madison gave her a look, and Sakura couldn’t help laughing a tiny bit as they walked out of the store, on their way to the various clothing stores.

“You know, if we want to get this stuff home, we’re going to have to buy some more luggage just to transport it all,” Sakura thought out loud.


Zachary and Li entered the shopping mall. It was finally the last one on the street.

“This has to be the one! If it isn’t, I say we ditch them and go by ourselves. I can’t take much more of this elevator music.” Zachary was complaining loudly.

“Well it would have been a lot faster if you’d just remembered which one they said they were going to!”

“I’m sorry, but you were sitting there too. It’s not like you couldn’t have tried to remember!”

“Oh bite me.”
”No thank you. How are we going to find them in here?”

“Just look for the pinkest store you can find.”

“That shouldn’t be too hard.”

Right across from the mall doors there was a store that looked to be completely pink and purple, called Claire's. They walked in. There were two girls that looked about 14
years old in a corner giggling and glancing their way. Li rolled his eyes, and they continued to search through the rows of hair accessories, makeup and other items that
are oddities to most boys for their friends. There was a girl that looked about their age or a year younger kneeling on the floor opening a cardboard box full of fluffy hairclips
and sticking them on a display rack.

“Can I help you two? Looking for something a little glittery to add to your drag outfits?”

“Umm, we’re not gay.” Zachary said to her.

“Riiiight. Just keep telling yourself that.” She looked into his eyes that still had purple eye shadow covering his lids. Li just couldn’t resist not telling him so far, but at that
moment he exploded in laughter at the puzzled look on his friend’s face as he checked to make sure he wasn’t wearing the high heeled shoes or anything from his disguise
still. He finally realized what tipped her off, and wiped it off, turning several shades of red in the process.

“Actually we’re looking for two girls,” Li told the salesgirl. He heard a giggle from the far corner of the store.

“Well, we don’t have any of those for sale, but I’m sure if you paid them enough those two over there would go out with you.” She gestured to the corner where all the
giggling was coming from.

“Actually, we had two specific ones in mind, and it looks like they’ve already been here,” he said, looking at the near empty racks along the wall.

“Oh, the big spender and the little brunette? They left about 5 minutes ago. They went that way.”

“Thanks. That must be them.”

They turned around and started to leave the store, but the two giddy girls were standing there.

“Hi!” a undernourished bleach blonde girl directed at Li.

“Uh, hi.”

“So, are you new to this town?” her rather chunky friend asked Zachary.

“Me no speak-a English, but you very, how you say…” he started saying things in Japanese. What he said was “ugly and gross looking and I think you should get away
from me before I catch something. When was the last time you bathed?” with a smile on his face. The girl obviously had no idea what he said, because she smiled and
tried her best to look cute. Li collapsed in a fit of laughter and could hardly breathe at all. Zachary said some more insulting stuff in Japanese, smiled, and waved as he
dragged Li away.

Five minutes later, Li had finally stopped giggling. They continued walking in the way that the salesgirl had directed them. They were just passing a store with a whole
glass front and Zachary spotted them, with their backs turned to the window. They decided to sneak up on them, and went in.


“So Madison, what color should I get?”

“Definitely the rainbow colored ones.”

“GROSS! How can someone so cool have such bad taste?!”

“Hey, I just think it would reflect your colorful personality.”

“Har, har, so funny. Stop it, you’re killing me. Besides, why would I want multi-colored underwear anyways? Why would anyone want multi-colored underwear? That’s just

“Well, I myself have always liked the look of black…” Zachary snuck up on them, making the girls both jump.

“Yeah right. The only time you’ve ever seen underwear is on a rack, let alone girl’s underwear.”

“Hey, commando is the style these days.”

“Oh, gross!”

“Notice how he didn’t even challenge that last remark?” Li spoke to them.

“Hey, you’re right… You’re one messed up guy, Zachary.”

Zachary decided to ignore that one too. “Come on! I’m tired! I wanna go!”

“Oh stop whining,” Madison said as she held a shirt up to herself.

He turned to Li. “Why do girls like to shop so much?”

Li shrugged. “He’s right. We should get going soon.”

Both girls looked thwarted despite the large amount of shopping bags that they were already hauling, but they gave in reluctantly, and at last they were on their way again,
this time to a hotel for the night. Sakura and Madison sat up front (Sakura drove), and Li and Zachary dozed in the back, surrounded by a mountain of shopping bags.


When the car stopped again, they were in front of a huge hotel in downtown Toronto. Li was woken by cold air rushing into the car when Madison opened her door. He
stretched his cramped muscles, and suddenly became aware of the creases that had been left on his face by the plastic bag he had been sleeping with his head on. He
groaned as the car light came on again. Sakura had opened the back door.

“Come on, Madison just went to get a room,” she peered inside, “Unless you want to sleep out here all night.”


“Can you bring those purple bags with you? Me and Madison have some stuff we need to sort out.”

“You’d make a dying man carry your baggage?” he yawned again.

“I’m sure you’ll live. The room can’t be more than 20 floors up. Besides, they have elevators.”

“Hooray. Zachary, wake up.”

“I’ve been awake for the past half hour!”

Sakura glared at him, and Madison leaned in and joined her once she heard what he said.

“What?!” He put an innocent look on his face.



“Well he didn’t have to be so rude!”

“Madison, all he did was bump in to you! It’s not like he did it on purpose!”

“Oh, right, like a dirty guy like that just bumps in to beautiful girls every day.”

“You’re so humble.”

“I was just kidding.”

Madison was mad because a guy had accidentally tripped her coming out of the elevator. Li and Zachary followed them into the room. Li threw the bags of stuff onto a bed
and collapsed onto it with a deep sigh.

“Uh, Madison, what’s with this room?”

“Huh? Oh that. Someone’s going to have to share.”

Li sat bolt upright. A quick scan of the room told him there were only three beds in it. Three beds, four people.

“What’sgoingon!? Whatareyouupto?!?!” Li looked pale.

“Down boy,” Madison said as she swept past him. “It’s no big deal. Someone’s just going to have to share. This was the last room they had here. Apparently there’s a
bunch of schools going on overnight trips or something. I could make a suggestion of who should share-“ Sakura and Li both glared at her.

“Forget it Madison. No matter how much you beg you’ll never get me in bed with you.” Zachary tried to keep a serious look on his face, even though he knew Madison
would be yelling any second.

“OH, THAT’S JUST NASTY! Zachary, you need some help!”

“Just trying to keep you out of trouble,” he said, which puzzled Li and Sakura.

“Actually… I was going to suggest-”

“Don’t_you_dare.” Sakura glared at her again.

“Relax! I was going to say, Li and Zachary.”

“You can just forget that. I’ll sleep on the floor.” Li said as color returned to his features.

“No, you don’t have to do that,” Sakura said from the place on the floor where she was kneeling beside one of the three beds.


“I found a cot,” she said in true innocence, looking at him like he was crazy.

“Oh.” He felt really stupid now.

Madison grabbed a bag of the things they had bought from Claire's and dumped it out onto her bed while Sakura came over and started searching for her stuff in the heap.

“Why do you girls need all that stuff anyways?” Zachary asked as he came over, picking up a neon green hairclip that had fallen onto the floor.

“Why do you think?” Madison asked him.

“I think it’s because you like to spend money. Why would anyone want something this ugly? What is this anyways?” He held up something that looked like a sequined

“It’s a headband.”

“Could have fooled me.” He threw it to one side with a confused look on his face. “What do you think?” he directed at Li. “Why would a nice girl like Sakura want to wear all
this glittery crap?”
Li thought for a moment, then spoke. “I have no idea,” he didn’t stop there, “Why a girl that pretty would want to cover any part of her body.”

The three of them stared at him with their mouths wide open, most of all Sakura. Li finally realized his mistake and turned a deep shade of red. “I mean, why she would
want to cover her body with… that…stuff…never mind.” He trailed off, realizing the damage was already done.

Sakura became aware of Madison nudging her in the back with her elbow, and could see a grin tugging at the corners of her best friend’s mouth. “Let’s just get into bed
after we get undressed…separate beds…away from each other…in pajamas,” Sakura stumbled over her words.



To Be Continued


Kyralea: So? Satisfied?

Annie: Good, because the next one isn't coming out for three months.

Kyralea: *Evil laugh*

Annie: Hide the chocolate.


Annie: Anyway, we hope you liked it, and hopefully, the next chapter will be out sooner.

*Drags a babbling, giggling, and spasming Kyralea away.*


Preview of the next chapter:





“Feelings change, Sakura.”



“What I don’t get is why a guy that hot would have to buy a date! I’d screw him in a minute.”



"A double shot of Tequila!"



"I love you, too, Li."

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