FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

I'm just gonna say this once,
I don't want to think about it every chapter,
I do not own Cardcaptors.
CLAMP owns Cardcaptors.
I'm just a fan that likes to write about them.
[Editor's note]
_Enforced Words_
-------=Scene changes
The New Cardcaptors
Part One: Who's the Hottie?

'Oh, no! Not again!'
A faint outline of Sakura(With longer hair)Appears. In the background is a very large tower.
'Are those.....the...Clow Cards?'
All around her Cards were falling.
A figure appears. It's a boy, wearing a green robe.
'Hey, He's kinda cute. I wonder if he has a girlfriend. Why can't I see his eyes?'
The boy jumps down.
'Hey, where is he going. And why is he wearing that funky looking robe?'
Sakura's eyes flew open.
Sakura sits bolt upright, knocking Kero onto her bed.
"And it's out of the park, folks!"Kero says sarcastically.
"Oops! Sorry, Kero."
"Of course you are, now apologize."
"Oh, ha ha."
"What were you dreaming about? You were acting kinda weird."
"Well, I've been having it for a while now. I'm on some type of building, and there's this boy, and he's got the Clow cards."
"Well, it ma-"
"Hey, Squirt!"
"Oh, I can't believe it! The monster got up two minutes earlier than usual!"
"Ha, ha, giggle, giggle, Get out!"
"You know, I think I liked you better when you were ten."
"Well, learn to live with it! If you can learn anything."
"Well, you need to get up, and hurry....(eyes kero)Still sleeping with your dolls I see. Can't wait until I tell-"
Sakura opens her window.
"Still thinking about that dream?"
"Yeah. I wonder if I'll meet that boy. I mean, I had a dream like that before I met you."
"YOU DID!?!?!?!"
"Yeah, I didn't tell you?"
"NO! You know, we still haven't tested how strong your magic is, Sakura."
"So, It may be stronger than I thought it was at first."
"SAKURA! YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL!" Tori yelled from down stairs.
"OK! OK! I'M COMING!"Sakura yelled back.
"We'll talk about this later, Kero."
"Yeah, Okay."
"Madison! Another camera?"
"Oh, Yeah! My mom just bought it. It's digital."
"Oh, great. And what's the difference between this one and the last one?"
"I can do touch ups on my computer. You know, like if the lighting was wrong, we don't have to do it all over again?"
"Not like we can."
"Well, you know what I mean. What's wrong? You look kind of depressed."
"I had that dream again. A boy, on a tower, with Clow cards."
"Was he wearing a costume? Oh, That reminds me! I designed a new one for you!"
"I'm sure."Sakura said, giving her friend a bored look.
"Sorry. Why would a dream matter so much?"
"I don't know. It's just kind of weird."
"Well, you know, you had a dream like that before you met Kero. Maybe you will meet that boy soon."
"Well, if I am, I've got dibs on him."
Madison laughed.
"You could see enough to know he was cute, huh?"
"Ooooooooohhh Yeah! With a capital O"
Madison started to laugh again.
"Ok, Everyone! Take your seats please!"Said Mr.Terada from the front of the class. Everyone sat down.
"I hope you all had a good weekend. Ok, I don't! You all are monsters!"Mr.Terada smiled. Everyone giggled.
"We have a new student with us today. Li Showron. Come on in."
Li walked into the classroom, and looked directly at Sakura. Sakura looked a Madison with an 'I-told-you-so' Look.
"That's him?"Madison whispered.
"Your right! He is hot!"
"I had dibs!"
"Ms.Avalon?Ms.Taylor? Do you have something you'd like to share with the class?" Mr.Terada had walked up to them.
"No, not really."Said Sakura, obviously nervous.
"I think if we wanted to share it with the class we would have stood up and announced it."Said Madison, Sakura looked a her, knowing what Mr.Terada would make her do now.
"Well, Ms.Taylor, Why don't you do so?"
"Do so, what?"
"Stand up and announce what you were talking about?"
"Okay."Madison stood up. "Sakura has dibs on Li Showron."
Sakura hit her head on her desk. Madison started to giggle, and sat back down.
"Well, considering her feelings in the matter, Li may sit behind her."Mr.Terada said.
Li walked past Sakura's desk. She looked at him. He raised one of his eyebrows. Sakura tried her best to hold down giggles. She waved a him, and he sat down behind her. Sakura kicked Madison.
"I'll get you after school."
Li smiled.
'This is gonna be easy'He thought.
"What? Excuse me?"
Li looked down to a board with a lot of symbols and things on it.
"Source of light with ancient spin
Send forth the magic power within
Oracles of Gold, Wood, Fire, Earth,
Clouds, Wind, Rain, And Electricity
Force, know my Plight, Release the light!"
A beam of blue light shot out, pointing straight at Sakura.
"I Knew it! It is you!"
"What? Is that like, A mach maker thing?"
"NO! It's a lasin board! It knows all!"
"So, it would know who to mach you with, hence my question."
"The Clow cards!" He said, rather annoyed.
"The Clow cards? I don't know what your talking about."
"I know you have them."
Sakura looked at him. She wasn't sure what to do. She was new at this. The only things she knew about was what Kero told her. And he had never told her about anything like this. But it was obvious that this Li kid knew about the Clow cards. And that he knew she had them.
"What do you mean, no? Give them to me!"
"Even If I had them with me, I wouldn't give them to a jerk like you! I'm collecting them for Kero!"
"Kero? You mean Kero-beros?"
"Since when does a guardian beast let a little girl handle the Clow cards?"
"Ok, first off, I'm am most defiantly NOT little. I am more than worthy of collecting the Clow cards."
"Really? Do you know how they got out of the Clow book?"
Sakura looked down
"Yeah, I accidentally let the cards out. Why?"
"YOU let them out?"
"Yeah. I didn't even know what it was."
"Did they ALL escape?"
"Yeah.."She said hesitantly.
"But you got some back?"
"Yeah, some. Wait, how do you know about the Clow cards?"
"That's none of your business."
"Yes, it is. I'm a Cardcaptor."
"Not anymore. I'm taking over. Give them to me!"
'He is getting less and less cute by the second!'
Sakura backed up against the fence.
'Now where did Sakura go? I could have sworn I had heard her.'
Madison rounded the corner of the school to find Li grabbing Sakura's arm.
Madison ran up to Sakura.
"Just what do you think your doing?"
"This isn't any of your business."
"Yes it is! This is my friend. And I don't care how cute she is, you don't try to hurt her."
"He doesn't want me, he wants the Clow cards."Sakura said.
Li gasped. He didn't know that Madison knew about the Clow cards.
"You can't have them."Sakura said.
"Sakura, I am not gonna talk to you right now. Wait, yes I am. WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST GO KUNG-FUIE ON HIS BUTT?!?!?"
"At first I didn't want to hurt him, then he had me in a bad position."
"Oh, Yeah, Right!" Madison said, Not believing her.
"Hey, What's going on over here?"Said Mr.Terada.
Li panicked.
'What am I gonna do? She is going to say something, I know she is!'
"Nothing. Mr.Terada! I just fell down!"Sakura said.
Li looked at Sakura, surprised. Sakura got up, and walked past him, to Mr.Terada.
"I fight my own battles."She said to him as she walked past.
"Why do you think Li wanted your cards?"
"I don't know."
Sakura and Madison were walking home from school.
"Do you think that he's a cardcaptor?"
"No, at least not the chosen one. I'M the chosen one."
"You make it sound a lot more dramatic than it is."
"Are you so sure? I didn't choose to be a Cardcaptor. It just happened."
"Do you think that Kero knows about Li?"
"Probably. I'll ask him when I get home."
"You be careful, okay? Your only Sixteen.
"ONLY Sixteen? And your ONLY sixteen, too!"
"You know what I mean. You aren't used to this. You could get hurt."
"I know. But I don't have much of a choice. I let the Clow cards out of the book, now I have to put them back in."
Madison smiled at her friend.
'She's matured alot since all this started.'She thought. 'I just hope she doesn't get hurt.'
Suddenly, out of nowhere, Lightning flashed across the sky. Sakura and Madison screamed. They ran under the Penguin slide in the park.
"Is it going to rain? It was so clear out a second ago."Madison said. Sakura stuck her hand out from underneath the slide.
"It's not raining. That's weird."
Suddenly lightning hit the lamppost right in front of them. They screamed. It jumped to the next one, and the one it was just on lit up. It kept jumping on the lampposts, and lighting them up.
'This isn't what lightning does.'Sakura thought.
It jumped down onto the sidewalk and went after a Electrician. And then, just as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. The sky cleared up, and Sakura and Madison climbed out from under the slide.
"That was not normal."Sakura said.
"Kero! Wake up! You will never believe what happened to me today!"
Kero was asleep, floating over Sakura's bed, and even drooling a little bit. Sakura took a deep breath.
"WAKE UP!" She screamed.
Kero flew across the room and hit the wall.
"And then he tried to take the Clow cards."
Kero took a sip of his tea.
"Sakura, Have you been up against magical cards that are wrecking havoc all over town?"
"And have you had some one know you are a Cardcaptor?"
"So, what difference does it make if another person, Who just happened to have magic, Knows your a cardcaptor?"
"Kero! He tried to take the Clow cards!"
"Sakura! He can't take them! YOU captured them. They belong to YOU."
"But that doesn't stop him from taking them!"
"Ok, look. You captured the cards. You signed the cards. They belong to you now. No one else can make them work."
"I don't get it. How is that possible?"
"My master, Clow Reed, Was a very powerful sorcerer. He had special powers, which enabled him to make the Clow cards. The Clow cards are made up of a different kind of magic, and only a special type of person, with a special type of power is able to make a different kind of magic. Now, when he made the book, he locked it with a seal, and only a person with specially chosen powers, like him, was able to open it. You are the one with those powers. Your the one who broke the seal, the one who signed the cards. Your destined to have them!"
"Ok, I'm starting to see the big picture, but how does Li Showron fit into it?"
"Uh, I'm getting to that."
"Excuse me?"
"Li Showron is a descendent..."He stopped to take a drink of his tea."...of Clow Reed."
Sakura gasped.
"What? What's wrong?"
"If Li is part of Clows family, No wonder he was trying to take them! But...If he's part of Clow Reeds family...Oh, No! Does he have the powers Clow had?"
"No! Just because he's part of the family of a sorcerer, doesn't mean he has the sorcerer's powers. I'm sure he has powers, but not Clow's powers. If anyone has Clow's powers, It would be you."
Sakura blushed. Her cell phone rang.
"Hello, Sakura speaking."
"Oh, Hey Madison."
"Sakura! Look outside! You were right, this isn't normal. And I think you know what it is."
Sakura looked out her window. Lightning flashed, but still no rain.
"Uh-huh. I'll meet you in ten."
"Now we're talking!"Kero said.
Sakura, Madison, and Kero were behind a small patch of trees. Madison had her camera ready.
"Madison, what do you like so much about outfits that show my stomach?"
"Oh, You look cute!"
"I look like I just came out of a seventies magazine!"
Sakura was wearing a very pink outfit. The top stopped short of her stomach, leaving about seven inches between the bottom of the shirt and the top of her skirt. The collar was low, and the sleeves were kind of normal until about her elbow, were they were widened into a skirt type of cut. Her skirt was short, and it had a black,leather belt. She had boots, which were black, and they came up to about an inch from the hem of her skirt. She also had a black choker. The entire outfit felt remarkably like rubber. Kero had a black leather jacket.
"Well, then, the seventies were a very cool era."
"Is this....rubber?"
"It'll protect you from lightning."
"I'll be fine."
"Of course you will."
"She has a point, Sakura. Your not immortal, you can get hurt." Kero said "I am though, and I wish that you would stop dressing me up!"
Lightning flashed.
"I think that would be our cue." Kero said.
"Fly!"Sakura called fly.
"Oh! What a shot!" Madison said, as Sakura flew off.
(Sakura is flying in the air)
"Sakura, Was this Li kid carrying some type of magical object?"
"Yeah. It looked like a Chinese checkers board. He called it a Lasin Board. Why?"
"That gives him a type of edge that may be a little problematic for us."
"Oh no!"
"It's ok we'll cap-"
"NO! That!"Sakura flew strait up, barely missing the bolt of lightning.
"Oh. Ok, that is most definitely the Thunder card."
"Isn't thunder just the noise that lightning makes? Why isn't it called the Lightning card?"
"Don't ask me! I was just supposed to watch them. I didn't name them."
"Aaah!"Sakura dodged another bolt.
"KERO! How am I supposed to do this?"
Sakura jumped onto a building and called Fly back.
"First, you have to get Thunder into it's visible form."
"And I'm gonna do that HOW????"
Another bolt headed strait for them. Sakura called jump and started to jump over and onto buildings. She finally stopped at the roof of her school.
"Kero, I'm not a genius, I admit it, now HOW DO I DO THIS?"
"You are pathetic!"Sakura heard someone say. She looked down. On another part of the roof, stood Li.
"LI!!! What are you doing here?"
Li held up a sword. Then he held his first two fingers to it, and chanted.
Force, know my plight.
Release the light!
Lightning shot out of his sword, shooting toward the Thunder. It hit the Thunder and[I know, it doesn't make sense]Thunder went down. Sakura and Li slid down the roof to the gutter. Sakura looked at were the Thunder landed. The ball of lightning it used to look like was gone. In it's place was a wolf looking thing. It of course still snapped crackled and popped, But now it looked serious. And I mean Rambo serious. Sakura went through her cards in her mind.
'Water wouldn't work.'
The Watery card flashed through her mind.
'Cause water conducts electricity. Windy isn't strong enough. Wood wouldn't do anything. And neither would Silent. Rain, the same as Water, And Fly the same as Wood and Silent, Though I wouldn't mind using Silent on Li.'All of this, with the cards flashing trough her mind.
"Hello? Cardcaptors? This might be a good time to start your engines!"Kero said.
'That only leaves The Shadow. Hey!'
Sakura took out the shadow.
"What are you doing? You don't even know what this is! How are you going to beat it?"
"It's the Thunder card, And watch and find out."
She threw the card in the air and summoned it's magic.
Trap The Thunder within yourself!
She hit the card with her wand. Black smoke like stuff shot out of it, and around the Thunder, trapping it.
Release and dispel!
Return to your power confined, Thunder!
She swung her wand, stopping only a few inches from the sphere, and two magic spirits returned to their card form. They both flew into her hand.
"That was pretty good. For a girl."Li said, walking up to her.
"Pretty good? For a _Girl_? If that was pretty good for a girl, I'd be freaked out of my guts to see Fantastic!"Kero said, flying up.
"What is this?"Li said, poking at Kero.
"This is Kero."
"_This_ Is Kero? You have to be kidding!"
"What's wrong?"Sakura asked.
"He is so tiny! I thought you were supposed to be a mighty beast! You look like a stuffed animal!"[Now were have we heard that before?] Kero bit Li's finger. Li didn't really acknowledge, except by throwing Kero off of him. He glanced at Sakura's outfit, and raised an eyebrow.
"Getting ready to disco?"
Madison ran up to them.
"Sakura! Are you ok?"
"I'm fine Madison."
"Ok, Good. Did I hear some one say disco?"
"Where'd you dig this up?"Li pointed to Sakura's outfit.
"Oh, Give it up, Li! You know I look cute. You just don't want to admit it."Sakura said.
"Right. And you have dibs on me! Isn't it just perfect?"He said, walking off.
"Hey, Actually, it really is!"Madison said.
"Oh, really? What happened to'Why didn't you just go Kung Fuie on his butt?'? Glad that I don't like to fight now, aren't you?"
"Oh, hush."Madison said blushing."Did you get the card?"
"Yep!"Sakura said, holding up the Thunder.
"Hey! That's great!"Madison took a look at the card."That's Thunder?"

To Be Continued.
That was SO unoriginal! OK, The next ones that I make are gonna be SO different from the actual TV show. A sakura is gonna kick butt!!!!!! Yeah!!! She's #1!She's #1! Ok, I need to take my medication, I know! I really like cardcaptors!

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