FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

I'm not gonna drag this out. This is the second part of 'The New Cardcaptors. I'm getting tired of writing so much before I write the fanfic, so I wont.
[Editor's notes]
_Enforced words_
--------=Scene changes
The New Cardcaptors
Part two: Tired Fashion

"Sakura! Could you do me a BIG favor?"Madison ran up to Sakura.
"Sure, Madison! What is it?"
"I need you to model in tonight's fashion show! A model sprained her ankle and can't walk!"Madison looked really stressed.
"Sure! No problem."
"Thanks soooo much! I thought I was doomed! You know, it was Friday night, I thought you would have a date or something!"
"You sure are high strung the day of a fashion show!"Sakura commented. They had just gotten out of school and were walking home.
"I think I get it from my mom."
"So what will I be wearing?"
"I'm not sure, but I know I designed all of them."
"Then I'm sure to look weird!"Sakura said. They both giggled.
"You have to admit, though, you do look cute."
"No, you know who's cute?"Sakura looked at Madison.
"Li Showron!"They both said at the same time. They started to giggle.
"What?"Came a voice behind them.
Sakura turned to find Li stand right in front of them.
"Oh, Nothing."Sakura said, trying to look innocent. It wasn't hard for her, but Madison couldn't keep from giggling.
"What's going on?"Li asked again, a suspicious look in his eyes.
"_Nothing_! Don't you believe me?"Sakura said, pretending to be hurt.
"No, I don't. I know you were talking about me."
"I'm going to model in Madison's fashion show. Not that your interested."Sakura said.
"Your right, I'm not." Li brushed past them.
"At-ti-tude!"Madison said.
Sakura smiled.
"He's just trying to hide the fact that he does want to come and see me model!"She said, giggling.
"Yeah! I bet he really likes you! Everyone does."Madison said.
"Yeah! Hey, wait! Do you know exactly who has a crush on me?"
"Well, exactly all of the boys! They all are trying to impress you! Haven't you noticed?"
As if she called him, A boy named Chris sped by on his skateboard. He did a few tricks, and then stopped and turned to Sakura.
"Hey, Sakura!"
"Hey, Chris!"She said, blushing. Madison looked at her, and Sakura shook her head.
"Are you doing anything tonight?"He asked. Sakura was kind of used to this. Even though she had never been on a date in her life.
"Actually, I was going to model in Madison's fashion show."She said.
"Hey, Then I have something to do tonight!"Chris said.
"You do?"Sakura asked.
'If he had something to do, why did he ask me what I was doing?' She thought.
"Yeah! I'm coming to watch you model!"He said. Sakura laughed.
"Thanks! Your sweet."She said. She walked by him and kissed him on the cheek. Chris blushed and put his hand to his cheek.
"See ya later!"He said and sped off.
"Sakura! Shame on you! You have no intention of going out with him, do you?"Madison scolded.
"Nope, I sure don't. But I like to make sure everyone who likes me knows that I like them back, at least as a friend."She said.
"Friends don't kiss friends on the cheek."Madison said.
"Yes they do. And I never said there wasn't a chance!"Sakura smiled.
"No they don't, and you didn't have to!"Madison shot back.
"Madison! Have faith! He could still win me over!"She said.
"Yeah, sure."Madison rolled her eyes.
They reached Sakura's house.
"You want to come study with me?"
"Sure!"Madison said
"Hi, Kero!"Madison said, walking into Sakura's room.
Kero had been playing Xylon warrior.
"Hi, Madison! What are you doing here?"
"I came to study with Sakura."
"Hey, Kero! Guess what?"
"I hate trying to guess something _you_ came up with."Kero said.
"Ok, I'll tell you. I'm going to model in Madison's fashion show!"
"Yep! Tonight! She has to be there by seven."Madison said
"A fashion show?"Kero asked
"A fashion show is were I put on different outfits and show them to people."
"Don't you already do that?"
"Yeah, I do! But tonight I'm gonna be putting on a lot of different outfits and showing them to a lot of different people."
"Whatever. Hey, I got to the final level in Xylon Warrior!"
Kero went back to playing his game while Sakura and Madison started to study. They couldn't stay focused for long, though.
"Hey, do you think that Li will be there?"Madison asked.
"I think he will. I know he at least thinks I'm cute, if not hot. Even if he still thinks I don't deserve to be a cardcaptor."
"Well, he's wrong. About you not being a good cardcaptor, that is."She corrected herself with a look from Sakura."Your really good at capturing Cards, It just that it wasn't what he expected. If anything, he's saying that to hide the fact that your better that him!"They giggled.
"I wonder how he got up to that roof without any cards to help him."Sakura said.
"He was on the roof!"
"Yeah! And he can make lightning come out of his sword, too."
"I didn't notice that he had a sword!"
"He does, and he looks sooo cute when he's using it!"
"Oh! I wish I could have seen him!"
"I wonder what other powers he has."Sakura said. "I mean, he has a lasin board, and a sword, are there any else? I wonder if _he_ can seal cards."
"He can. With his sword."[I'm not sure if this is true, I heard it in a website somewhere]Kero said, pausing his game.
"Does that mean he's a cardcaptor, too?"
"He can seal cards and command them, but the only cardcaptor is the chosen one, which is you."Kero went back to his game.
"And if he doesn't like it...."Madison started.
"He can live with it, right?"
"He'll just have to settle with a date with you!"
They both broke down in giggles.
"Ok, What's a 'date'?"Kero said, pausing his game again.
Sakura looked at him and doubled over in laughter.
"A date is what Sakura gets asked to too much!"Madison said.
"No, I mean really. What is a date?"
"A date is were I go with a boy, Li for example,"
"Yeah, right, example. Sure."Madison said.
"Don't interrupt me. A date is were I go somewhere, with Li for _Example_ And he pays for a whole bunch of stuff for me, trying to make me like him. And we get to know each other, but he mostly buys stuff for me."
Madison started to laugh.
"What's wrong with her?"Kero asked.
"I have no idea."Sakura said, holding back a bunch of giggles.
"You two are weird."Kero went back to playing his game.
"Sakura! I'm home!"Tori said, walking into the house.
Sakura ran down the stairs.
"Tor-ori!"Sakura said, her voice jumping because of the steps she was taking three at a time.
"Who gave _you_ fifteen cups of coffee?"Tori said.
"You know, your insults are getting worse and worse!"Sakura said."But anyway, Guesswhatguesswhatguesswhat!!!!!!!"Sakura looked very much like she had had fifteen cups of coffee, jumping up and down in front of her brother.
"I don't know, what?"Tori said.
"No! You have to guess!"Sakura said, still jumping.
"Sakura! Don't leave your poor brother in suspense!"Madison said, catching up with Sakura.
"I don't know, uh, you found a monkey? Or in a totally different case, you looked into the mirror?"Tori said, guessing
"Ha,Ha! Very funny!"Sakura said."Just for that, I wont tell you." Sakura folded her arms across her chest.
"She going to be in my fashion show."Madison said. Sakura glared at her.
"Sorry."Madison said.
"A fashion show? Are you sure?"Tori said, trying not to think of Sakura on a catwalk.
"Yes, She's sure!"Madison said, going into total panic mode. "She has to go! I lost a model! She going to cover for her! SHE HAS TO GO!!!!"Madison shrieked. Just then Sakura's dad walked in.
"Who has to go were why? And then some."He said, smiling.
"Nothing, dad. Madison is just worried that I may not be able to be in her fashion show. But I _Will_."She glared at her brother.
"Your going to be in a fashion show? That's great, honey! I wish I could come, but I have to grade these papers......"He trailed off.
"It's okay, dad. I'll have Madison tape it for you if you want."She said.
"That would be great. I'll get to it when ever I have the time."
"I, of course, won't need it, for I will be coming to the show!" Tori said.
"Tori? _Please_ don't go medieval on us again."Sakura said.
Madison giggled and Tori narrowed his eyes.
"So what are we going to do now? I doubt that we will get any studying in."Sakura said
"Yeah, like that's possible!"Madison said.
"Why can't you be sane like most people your age?"Tori said.
"I _am_ sane. It's everybody else who's crazy."Sakura said. Madison giggled.
"You two are impossible."Tori said and went to his room. Sakura's dad laughed and started to the library.
"Why don't you two listen to music or something? Keep it down though, I'm going to be working."
"K', dad!"Sakura said.
Sakura's dad went down to the library.
"Are we really going to dance?"Madison asked.
"I guess so. There's not much else to do until the fashion show."
Madison giggled.
"Except talk about it!"
"That could get boring after awhile,though."Sakura said.
"We should probably take it outside, though. I doubt we could keep it down enough for your dad to work."
"Yeah!" They both giggled.
'There has to be some where to go other than home.'Li thought. He had been avoiding Wei. His mom had called and told him to make sure Li practices nonstop with his sword. She said he needed it.
"I can _never_ get a break, can I?"He said out loud.
He stoped. He heard music.
'What is that?'He thought. He walked closer to it.

All I want is you
Come over here baby
All I want is you
You make me go crazy
All I want is you
Now baby don't be shy,
You better cross the line,
I'm gonna love you right
All I want is you!
'She sounds like she's singing through her nose!'He thought. He rounded the corner to Sakura's house. Madison was standing to the side and clapping. Sakura was standing in to grass and dancing. She clapped and did a backflip, and landed in a split(On purpose). Li's eyes widened. Sakura swung her legs back pulled them back under her(She was standing on her knees)and stood up.
"All right Sakura!"Madison shouted.
Li stepped back around the corner. He didn't want them to see him. But he couldn't stay there. He peeked around the corner again. But the song had stopped.
"What next?"Madison asked.
"Another dumb blonde!"Sakura said, surprisingly lot at any loss of breath.
"Your not a blonde!"Madison said.
"So? It's a song! Any way, I'm the closest to one in this neighborhood. And I like Hoku."
"You are not a blonde. But you do sound a lot like Hoku."
'I bet she sounds like she's singing through her nose, too' Li thought.
Madison put a CD into the player.

I think that it's time that I should just let you go
So I'll tell it to your face instead of tell it to you on the phone
You see I thought that you were special baby, Something unique
But lately I've come to find
That your not really interested in my heart or mind.

Sakura was singing a long and dancing. Madison went to get her camera.
'Hey she's not bad. I mean Hoku.'Li thought.
Madison ran back out.
"Sakura! We have to go! I told you we needed to bring a watch out here. It's six thirty!"
"Oops! sorry." Sakura got her CD player and went to put it away. Li backed up around the corner again. He stopped. Then he ran past Sakura's house and down the street. Madison spotted him.
'I wonder what he was doing here.'She thought.
Li kept running.
'I'm sensing something. And I can get it while Sakura's at her fashion show.'(Yes, He remembered)He thought.
Sakura ran out of her house, her bag in hand. She saw Madison staring out to the street.
"What's wrong, Madison?"She asked.
"I think I just saw Li."
"Li? What would he be doing here?"
"That's what I was wondering."She said. Then she remembered. "Hey! The fashion show! Come on!"
Li was at his house.
"Li! Were have you been?"
"I was walking. I have to go."
He ran up stairs[I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a two story. Someone tell me]and into his room. He went to his closet and got out his Lasin Board.
"You are not leaving again! You have to pract-"Wei had walked in, and his sentence broke off when he saw the Lasin Board.
"Oh. Sorry."
"No prob. I have to go."
Li ran out of the house. He held up the board.

Source of light with ancient spin,
Send forth the magic power within,
Force, know my plight, Release the light!

A blue beam of light shot out and pointed to the right. He followed it.
"I'm not wearing this! It's bad enough in front of Li, but all of those people? I just can't!"
"What are you talking about? You look cute!"
Sakura was in her first outfit for the show. It was a Metallic white, it showed he stomach, like most of the dresses that Madison designed for her friend, it looked like something a cheerleader would wear. The top came up to her neck in a kind of turtle neck, but it had one of those hole things were the button goes.The skirt was very short, though. It kind of looked like a sweater dress. And not like it was made of glitter, but like someone poured glitter onto it. The boots were a metallic white, and the gloves, too. Her hair was done in a braid/bun.
"I look like a show-girl!"
"So? Show-girls look cute, then."
"Show-girls are _NOT_ cute!"
"If you look like a show-girl, and you look cute, then show-girls are cute."
"Show-girls are sluts that can't go through with it! I AM NOT A SHOW-GIRL! And I do _not_ want to look like one. And right now I do!!!!!"
"You don't look like a show-girl! You look like a very cute virgin! I swear!"
Sakura blushed.
"I thought you said the other model was taller than me?"Sakura said, eyeing the skirt. Madison looked away.
"Uh.....She wasn't very modest."
"This is probably why I look like a show-girl! Cause' the person I'm covering for is one!"
"Look! Sakura! I'll get a new wardrobe selection for you. But your going to have to wear this outfit, Ok? I'll pick new ones out while you out there."
"I _look_ Like a _show-girl_."Sakura growled.
"Sakura! Time to get in line!" Madison's mom said.
"Well, It's too late to change."Madison said.
"I. Hate. You."Sakura said simply. She ran to the line.
"Ms. Taylor?"She said.
"Yeah, Hon?"
"Promise to fire this girl I'm covering."
Ms.Taylor giggled.
"Don't worry, hon. Most everyone won't know who you are."
"Right."Sakura said under her breath. She walked out onto the catwalk. She looked to the right and saw her brother gaping at her.
'Maybe there's an up-side to this, after all.'She thought, and smiled. She reached the end, and spotted Chris.
'Oh my god! I forgot!'She thought. She gave him a wink, posed, and started the walk back. She caught a glimpse of her brother, still gaping at her. She didn't even try to hold back the evil grin. She reached the curtain, and ran to her dressing room.
"You had BETTER have something not remotely as sluty as this!" She practically screamed. Madison handed her a new dress. She quickly changed. It wasn't any where near sluty. It was A kind of princess dress. Very glittery, very light pink, And Very pretty. She took her braid out of it's bun, and put it into that U shaped thing that princesses wear.
"Much better. Thanks."
"No prob. Hurry and get back out there!"
Sakura ran back to the line.
"Hey! What's going on?" She heard someone outside the curtain say. She peeked through the curtain. Everyone was dropping.
"Oh, No! All of them! They fainted or some thing!" She said. She ran back to her dressing room. Madison was out, too.
"What could be doing this?" She ran back outside. She hit someone and fell down.
'Someone's awake!'
She turned to see who it was.
"Oh, Great. And I thought I could get away from you to capture this one."
They both stood up.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to capture the card."
They both ran back out to the catwalk.
"I can do this, Li!"
"No you can't."Li un-sheathed his sword.
'OH god hesitate!'She thought.
"SAKURA! Watch out!"
Sakura turned to see a lot of bluish shiny powdery stuff, heading right towards her.
"AAAAHH!!!"Sakura jumped out of the way. Unfortunately, that was also very close to the side of the catwalk. She was swaying back and forth.
'Oh, god, I'm going to fall.'She thought to her self. She was now almost totally horizontal. Then she felt a hand grab her and pull her back up. She looked to see Li.
"That doesn't count as 'I needed your help.'."She said.
The sparkly powder was heading back to them.
"Oh! Why didn't I bring Kero?"
Sakura called out her wand.

Key of Clow
Power of magic, Power of light
Surrender the wand
The force ignite!

The key turned into the wand, and she called Fly.
"Li! Jump on!"She said. Li paused, and then got on behind her. They took to the air.
"Do you know what this is?"Sakura asked.
"It's Sleep!"He shouted over the rushing air. Sakura landed on the other side of the stadium
"You didn't know that?"Li asked, sounding very snotty.
"No! I'm new at this!"
"That is very noticeable!"Li sounded more snotty than ever.
"Careful, Li. Your Ego is showing."Sakura retorted. They jumped out of the way of another attack.
"Sleep Card! Show yourself!"Sakura shouted.
"What are you doing? It's more powerful in it's visible form!"
"I know what I'm doing. And if I don't get it, then you always can."
"I don't back people up."Li said, sounding even snottier.
The Sleep showed it's self.
"Man. It looks like a fairy."Sakura said.
The Sleep waved it's wand at the two of them. But Sakura was fast.

Blow Sleep's powder toward Sleep itself!

Windy released and blew around Sleep and it's powder. It formed a sphere around Sleep. Sleep kept trying to put Windy to sleep, But since it was an Elemental it didn't affect it, and It just ended up putting it's self to sleep. Windy returned. Sakura ran up to the Sleep card.

Return to your power confined
Sleep card!

Sleep transformed into a card and floated to Sakura's hand.
"You know, with how snotty you are, you would think you would capture a card or two every so often." Sakura said to Li. Everyone started to wake up.
"I let you have that one." He whispered into her ear.
"Sure, you did."
Li glanced at her outfit.
'That is _not_ appropriate.'He thought, shaking his head.
"So, You don't remember _anything_ about last night?" Sakura asked.
It was Saturday. Somehow Madison had managed to clear up the whole mess at the fashion show, and everyone had left. Tori gave Sakura an hour long lecture about modesty, and was relieved to find out that Madison forgot to tape the show.
"Nope. Not a thing."
"This card is going to come handy."Sakura said with a smirk.
Madison giggled.
"Hey, did you see how Li was staring at you?"
"No! He was!?!?"
"Yeah, and then he shook his head and left. I think I woke up before everyone else."
"You must have. I guess there's hope for him yet."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, anyone who doesn't like me is crazy........"
Madison started to laugh. Chris walked by Sakura's house.
"Hey, Sakura!"
Sakura gave Madison a sly look.
"Hey, Chris!" She said in her sweetest voice. Madison elbowed her in the ribs.
"You are WAY too full of yourself."Madison said.

To Be Continued

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