FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Hi, Yall! Due to popular request, and repeated threats of brutal injury, here is chapter two of 'The New Cardcaptors'.




Disclaimer: Yadda Yadda, blahblahblah. I don't own it, whatever.










[Editor's Notes]








The New Cardcaptors


Time Will Tell




Sakura's dad was giving a speech at Sakura's high school. This was actually pretty cool, since every one liked

Mr.Avalon, and especially his speeches.


"Oh, looks like I'm out of time. Thanks for having me!"


Mr.Avalon stepped off the platform. The entire assembly started to clap. Later people were hovering around

Mr.Avalon, Asking him questions about his speech.(I have no idea what his speech is about, so just work with me here.)


"If you'd like you could come over to my house later, I have a pretty big library you could look at, and a lot of them

have to do with that very subject." Mr.Avalon told Li, who was exceptionaly nuts about his speech, but in a mature sort

of way.


"Oh, how cooooool?!?!!?"




"No problem. If you'd rather, you could have my daughter, Sakura, show you the way, I'm sure you know her." He

pointed to a waving Sakura. Li's eyes widened.


'Oh, perfect.'




"Was my speech too long?" Mr.Avalon asked his daughter, who had met him outside as he was leaving.


"No, it was great!" Sakura exclaimed, and hugged her dad. Mr.Avalon smiled, and let go as three boys walked up to Sakura, eyeing her father.


"Um, we really liked your speech, Mr.Avalon." Said one.


"Yeah, it was really cool..."


They all grinned at him, trying not to look at Sakura. She rolled her eyes, and the bell signaling th end of the break sounded. The boys ran off, and
Sakura turned to her father. He was smiling.


"They think sucking up to me will win you over, huh?" He asked.


"They suck up to anyone I care about, think it'll win me over." Sakura said in an annoyed tone. "Anyway, I have to go. I'll see you after school,
daddy!" She said, smiling and running off.


Neither of them noticed the auburn eyed boy, watching them from and overhead tree.




'She's getting to my head. This isn't normal.' Li thought, walking home.


'But it's nice....'


'She's so sweet....'


'Why did I hate her to begin with?'


'Oh, yeah, because she has the cards.'


'She's so pretty....'


'Maybe I'll help her....'


'Note to self: Don't suck up to people she cares about.....'




"Kero, don't you ever get tired of that silly video game?" Sakura whined, watching Kero play. He stuck his tongue out at

her, and she went downstairs. Her dad still wasn't home, and her brother was in his room with Julian. And she didn't

even want to know what they were doing. She sat at the table, bored out of her wits. Madison was busy with her mom,

and anyone else she could flirt with was busy, too.


'Maybe I should just go to bed.' she thought. It was only 7:30, though, and she wasn't tired. Just bored. Even though the

excitement level in the room was low enough to cure insomnia. She went back upstairs to watch Kero play his game

some more.


'My life is supposed to be interesting.' She whined to herself.


"HaHA! The next level!"




Outside, Sakura again failed to notice a handsome young man, watching her whine to he gaurdien.


'She looks so cute....' He thinks, jumping from the tree.


'Is it just me, or did I fall for her way too fast?'


[Kyralea: He's catching on! Quick, drug him!]






It was the middle of the night, and Sakura had gone to sleep much later that she thought she would. In fact, she had only

been asleep about half an hour when she was awaken by the loud donging noise.


"What's that?" Kero said sleepily.




"I think it's the clock tower." Sakura answered, just as sleepily.




"Why is it ringing this time of night?" Kero whined, burying himself under her pillow.




"I don't....know..." Sakura said, quietly.






"WHAT? No data?!?! Ooohhhh, man!" Kero whined at the screen. He had forgotten to save it last night.


"What? Oh, no, I'm late!" Sakura said, grabbed her bag and rushed out, Kero still whining about his game.




"The music test is today?"


"You mean you didn't know?"


Sakura had just arrived to school, and Madison was stressing over her lack of practice for their music test.


"I told you the other day! You need to practice for the music test on Wednesday!"


"Oh, keep your shirt on, Madison. (*pause*)And I do mean that literally."


Madison narrows her eyes.


"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll be fine. I always get an A."


"Yeah, and I still don't know how that's possible!" Madison said, annoyed. Sakura smiled.


"Easy, you sleep with the teacher."


Madison's eyes widen.


"You slept with the teacher?" She nearly shrieked. Everyone near her turned with a funny look on their face. Sakura was

laughing her butt off.


"No! I'm just good at playing the flute, Madison."


"GOOD! I don't think I could handle you being gay."




"You didn't even know the teachers a girl?" Madison said, still a little freaked.


"Was I supposed to...?"


"You are hopeless." Madison muttered, holding her head.


"Next up is Sakura Avalon." Said the teacher.


Sakura walked up to the teacher, still confident.


"Hey, sorry if there are any rumors about you being gay." She whispered to the very confused teacher, and started to











She ended perfectly. (MY fic, so nyyyaaaahhhh....) Li watched her walk back to her seat, with a very green Madison

watching her, too. He smiled. ( A little.)




"I STILL have no idea how you do it, girl! I mean, you didn't even know what song we were sposed' to play until the last minute!"


Sakura smiled.


"Madison, Madison, Madison, when will you realize? You are annoyed by the fact that I can do this, correct?"




"And I have a gift for being annoying, so there's your answer."


Madison rolled her eyes, and continued to tape Sakura while she practiced with her baton. She scanned her camera

across the field, coming to land on a guy standing about twenty feet away, watching her.


"What do you want, Li?" She called. He just continued to watch what Madison thought to be her. Even though it was

really Sakura he was watching. Especially when she did a back flip, or a flip, or anything that suggested something

sexual. He found it quite entertaining.


"Watch out!" A boy called from the soccer field. A ball came flying towards him. He instinctively jumped up, and kicked

the ball into a perfect goal. He smirked at the bewildered faces of all the players, and at the flirting expression on

Sakura's. He slowly walked away.




"I am so BORED!" Sakura whined.


"Well, then DO something! And do it quietly, I had to go through the entire game again, I don't want to lose now!" Kero

said, furiously pressing a button on the controller. "Why did the chosen one have to be a teenager?"


"Ha! I'd like to see a ten year old do something like this." [(Pun intended.)]


Sakura played around with stuff on her desk for a little while. She finally got out her flute, and started playing it, the the

annoyance of Kero. Luckily, he made it to the last level.


"THIS time, I'm definitely going to save it!" Kero said, pressing the save button. Sakura yawned.


"Ok, good whatever. Why your so hooked on that stupid video game, I don't know."Sakura said.


They got into bed, Sakura bored out of her wits. Kero saying stuff like 'That bell had better not ring tonight, I'm

exgsausted.', and Sakura saying stuff like 'Oh, shutup. You were only paying a video game.'




"NO DATA!?!?" Kero screamed.


"Oh, would you be quiet?"


"But I saved it! I did! You saw it, didn't you?"


"Yes, Kero. It's probably just a technical difficulty, or something. I'll have it fixed. Now- I'M LATE! Oh, great."


Sakura rushed out of her room as fast as she could.




"The music test is today?"


"You mean you didn't know?"


Sakura furrowed her brow.


'This is really weird.'


"I told you the other day, you need to practice for the test on Wednesday!" Madison said, looking exactly like she had

yesterday. Sakura opened her mouth, and closed it.


"Wait...Madison? We had a music test, yesterday, right?"


Madison gave her a weird look.


"What? No. What are you talking about, Sakura? Are you feeling ok?" Madison asked.


"I'm fine." Sakura said, looking around.


'There's something going on here. And I think I know what it is.'


"Sakura Avalon."


Sakura walked up to he front of the class and played the song, for the second time. Li watched, for the second time.


'There's something going on here, and I think I know what it is.'




"It's like De'ja vu." Sakura tried to explain. "Everything that happened yesterday is happening today." She started.


"What do you want, Li?"


"And you said that, too! Hey, wait, Li?" She spun around. But this time Li wasn't watching her. He was walking toward



"You know that something happened, don't you." Li asked.




"So you notice that yesterday is repeating itself too, right?"




"And you do know that it's a clow card, correct?"


"Of course, what else could it be."


"And you know were it is?"


"Well, no, but my powers aren't that strong yet. My guess would be the clock tower, though."


"Shut up."


"Watch out!"


And Li scored a perfect goal. For the second time.




"Madison, I swear to god, you are a complete slut at heart!"


"Oh, quite your whining."


"I look like I'm about to go to the beach!"


And she did. She had on a type of bikini looking outfit. (I'll say it in in detail)


The skirt was blue, and made of a silk scarf (Only a lot more see-through), over a bikini bottom looking thing. The top

was blue and scarfy like, too, and hung open over a bikini top. Madison had covered her from head to toe in blue glitter (I love that stuff). Her hair
was all piled on top of her head, , curled into individual loops, and covered in green glitter,

and she had a pair of dangly earrings, that hung almost to her shoulders, looking almost like glitter, too. Her shoes'

bottoms were made of stripped leather, for quiet walking, and held to her feet with a number of straps. All in all she looked like a cross between
a Beach chic and a Prom queen.


"This is ridiculous!"


"I think you look cute, Sakura." Kero said, floating down, wearing a scarf around his neck. She rolled her eyes.


"Your powers must be improving to have sensed this card, Sakura."


"Actually, it was only a guess..."


"Well, then, your perception, either way your getting better."


"Oh, thanks."


"Ok, camera's ready!"

"Then lets go!"


Sakura called out fly, and took off, circling the tower. She got closer, and closer, and was almost to the opening at the

top were she planed on getting in, and suddenly, time started to slow down.


"What's Happening, Kero?" Sakura said slowly.


"Time is slowing us down!" He answered, even more slowly.


Then time slowed to a stop.


Then, as everyone knows, it went backwards the entire day. Again.




"You didn't get it last night."


"It was messing with time!"




"Well, where were you, Mr. Highandmighty?"


Sakura was at the side of the school with Li, and I think you can tell they were fighting. Li looked down at his shoes.


"Wei caught me on my way out and made me train."


Sakura rolled her eyes.


"I had to listen to Kero whine again about that stupid game, and I'm so tired of that stupid song that we have to play, I

could vomit."


"Your not the only one who has to do over again!" Li said, just as the bell rang for the end of the break.


Sakura sighed and turned to walk away, pausing only to tell Li,


"Make sure to get past Wei tonight, I need help on this one."




What is all this, Kero?" Sakura asked, waiting for Madison to arrive outside the school, like last time.


"It's a time slip."


"A what?"


"A time slip, a slip in time. But only people with magic notices it."


"Well, why only a day? Why not all the way back to when the wind blew my shirt up and everyone saw my chest?"


Kero laughed at this.


"The time is very powerful, but it's only so much so. The time only has enough power to turn time back one day, and

then only once, at midnight."


"I'm here!" Madison said, jumping out of her van, and dismissing her body guards. "Now for your outfit!"


"Oh! I love mine, gimme!" Kero said, giving Madison a little hug, and flying into the van.


"How does he know what I made for him?" Madison asked.


"Nevermind, just give me the costume." Sakura said tiredly.




"Madison, how can you expect me to wear this?" Sakura said yet again, just for the hell of it.


"Oh, quit your whining."


"I look like I'm about to go to the pool! It's ridiculous."


"I think you look-"


"Cute, I know."




"She does have a point." Came a voice behind them. Sakura spun around, to see Li, leaning on he sword, giving her a

flirting look. She grinned, and crossed her arms over her very bare stomach.


"Not funny."


"Hmmm, I wonder how long Tori's lecture would be if he saw you in that?"


Sakura gasped.


"How did you know he did that?"


"Magic." Li said, smiling vaguely.




"Enough with the flirting, cardcaptors, we have a card to capture." Kero whined, floating down between them.


"Yeah, but how?" Sakura asked, remembering last night.


"Easy. Sneak up on it." Li said, standing up from leaning on the sword, and then sheathed the sword.


Sakura smacked her head.


"Oh. Duh."


"I know."


"Shut up!"


"Get going, Sakura!" Kero said, pulling her along to the clock.


Li watched after her, staring at a not-so-innocent place, and then jumped up to the roof of the clock, waiting for Sakura.




Sakura slunk along the sides of the walls, up the stairs, and down to the floor of the top floor of the clock. She slowly

made her way to the inside, quietly as possible, the shoes she was wearing helping a lot. She came up behind it, and

jumped up, about to seal it, suddenly saying,


"Return to our power con-"


But, the time, being as fast as possible, froze her in place just before she could bring her wand down on him.


"What's wrong, Sakura?" Madison whispered.


Sakura couldn't answer, her mouth frozen shut.




"The time has her!" Kero whispered.


Suddenly, there was a crash, and Li came flying through the window, startling Time out of reversing time, and un-

freezing Sakura.


"Quick, Sakura, use the shield card!" Li screamed.


Sakura threw out Shield faster than she could even see herself, and called it out, forming a sphere around the all of the

gang. Kero floated over.


"Great job!"


"Li told me what to d- It's getting away!" Sakura saw the time floating out the window Li had broken.


Li pulled out his sword, saying his quick chant:


"Force, now my plight,


Release the light,




Sakura looked back at the time, and noticed the Slips of magical paper thingamabobs (Someone tell me the name of

those things!), and then saw lightning shoot out of them.


"You helped me!"


"Seal it!" Li said, not taking (much) notice of her surprise.


Sakura ran over to the time, now laying limp on the rail that it had tried to fly over.


"Return to your power confined, Time card!"


The time exploded into magic wind like stuff, and formed a card at the end of Sakura's wand. The card lifted off, and

floated past Sakura's hand, over to Li's.


"Huh?" Sakura sot a questioning look at Kero.


"The card doesn't always go to the one who sealed it." Kero explained.


"What do you mean?"


"The card goes to the one who worked more to capture it. In this case, Li."


"Oh, ok." Sakura said. She looked at Li, and suddenly smiled.


"Well, I guess you deserve it. Thanks for helping me!" Sakura said happily, confusing Li.


'I though she would hate me for that...'


But completely contrary to his thoughts, Sakura ran over, and kissed him on the cheek, and started back down the

stairs. Li stared after her, and ran to catch up to her.


"Don't do that!" Li said, scared at how much he liked it.


"Ok." Sakura said, still smiling. Li watched her climb out the window, gracefully landing on the other side, and pulling

Madison out with her.






Sakura ran up to meet Madison, grinning as her friend waved her over.


"Man, am I glad that's over." She said to Madison, smiling. Madison gave her a confused look.


"Glad what's over, Sakura?"


Sakura stared at Madison, who giggled.


"I'm kidding." She said, giggling some more.


"That's is so mean!"


"That's what you get for being so annoying the other day." Madison said, smiling, and walking into class. Sakura,

however, was stopped by yet another boy, asking her out.


"Hey, Sakura, um...you were great on the flute yesterday...." Said a boy named Shawn. Sakura smiled.


"Thank yo-..." She stopped, grabbed something out of her pocket, and ran past Shawn, to Li, who was walking

into class. Shawn followed her, but only to be near enough to here what she said.


Sakura looked at Li, and grinned.


"Thanks again for last night, Li." She said in her sweetest voice possible, and kissed him on the cheek, slipping something

into his hand before running off into class. Before Li could see what she had given him, Shawn ran over with disbelieving



"YOU got her? I can't believe this! How did you land a date? Oh, I hate you."


Li opened his mouth to protest, but Shawn had already ran into class. He looked at the piece of paper in his hand. It



"That's what you get for Capturing the card last night."


Li groaned walking into class.




To Be Continued






So? Was this lame? I think I could have done better. I'm finally done! I can't believe it! ^_^ Sorry so slow, guys, but I'm

getting really busy now.


Li: Why did you do that? Now everyone in school thinks I'm going out with her!


Sakura: Li! You don't want to go out with me? I'm hurt.


Me: That's the whole idea, guys.


Li: What?


Sakura: heehee, Really cool!


Li: What? What! I don't get it!


Me: Everyone thinks your going out! It's perfect to get you two together!




Sakura: Aw! S+S mushyness!


Me: Exactly.


Sakura: Yeah!


Li: ~groan~


Sakura: ~kisses Li on the cheek~


Li: Stop doing that!


Sakura.: Ok.


Me: Bye!


Sakura: See you!


Li: Good riddance.


Sakura ~kisses Li on the cheek~


Li: Would you stop that?!?!


Sakura: Ok. *giggle*

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