FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A word from the author- Hello! I told you S+?? today, and I will reveal who it is now! S+.....S!!!!! Sorry S+Q fans, but it has to go with the story. By the way, in this chapter, there is a flashback. The flash back in surrounded by these *~~*~~*~~*~~*, OK? All right! Chapter 10!

The Kyn Cards

*The Psi and the Thought Cards*

"Oh that's too bad Quatre. Yeah, I got better in no time. All well, bye!" Sakura hung up the phone and looked outside the window. {Now Quatre's sick. That sucks} Kero comes into the room with about six packets of pudding. "Hey Kero. Quatre's sick too, I bet you'll feel better soon," says Sakura, putting her socks on. Because of his trip to the washing machine, Kero had a very bad cold. It was now a bright warm Saturday, and Sakura had felt better since Thursday. "Well, see you later, okay?" she said as she stepped out of the room. She was going to go shopping with Kyn and Tomoyo. {They will be here any minute!} She jumped from the stair she was on to the floor and then ran to the kitchen and downed a glass of milk. The doorbell rang and she put on her shoes and opened the door. Kyn and Tomoyo stood there with big smiles on their faces. "Hey Sakura. Is Kero feeling any better?" asked Tomoyo. "No, and Quatre's sick now too. Everyone's sick!" Sakura answers, closing the door behind her. They chatted as they walked to the shops. Meanwhile, Syaoran was cleaning. "That baka. Meilin is always messing my stuff up when she comes over," he growls, tossing a magazine back on the table. He picked up a familiar thing. It was the present that Sakura gave him for Christmas that year. It was wood carved in the shape of a wolf, although Meilin had accidentally broke off a bit of the tail. He smiled as he saw it, and thought about that night.


They had been walking home together after Tomoyo's Christmas party. Syaoran and Sakura hadn't given each other their gifts yet, for they were both too shy. As they neared the park, Sakura tugged lightly on Syaoran's shirt. "Syaoran," she said, blushing and nervous. "Yeah?" he asked. "I never gave you your present," she answered, reaching into her pocket. She pulled out the carving, and Syaoran smiled and took it. Their hands touched and they both blushed. When Syaoran put his gift in his pocket, he took out a bracelet with little cherry blossom petals on it. Sakura put it on with a big smile and when she gazed at it on her wrist, she jumped and hugged Syaoran tightly yelling, "Thank you so much!" Although he blushed, he hugged her back.


Syaoran gazed at the wolf with a smile, and then put it on his nightstand.

"I can't believe Kyn is still pissed at me for sending out the Rock Card," says Moon off in the distance. She then raises her eyebrows and grins an evil smile. "Speaking of cards, how about this card! Attack Sakura and anyone who gets in the way! Psi Card! Do my bidding!" Moon takes out her sword and hits the card with it. The Psi Card releases its creature and then the creature flies off. Moon smiles and then says, "And just in case, I'll send out another card. It has to be something Sakura will never be able to handle. Aha! I know! Change Syaoran's thoughts of love for Sakura into hatred! Thought Card! Do my bidding!" She hits this card as well and then the curly haired card flies off as well. "You looked so great in that last outfit you bought!" exclaims Tomoyo. "Thanks! You guys looked great in all of your outfits!" replied Sakura. Kyn smiled and then the girls entered Penguin Park. Back in his room, Syaoran had finally finished cleaning. He had a weird feeling so he got his robes on and headed out. He found Sakura, Kyn, and Tomoyo eventually at the park. "Li-kun? What's wrong?" Sakura asks as she sees Syaoran in the distance. "I had a bad feeling so I came looking for you," he explains. "Oh." Sakura looks around the park. Her key glows and points to some bushes nearby. Lines shoot out of the bushes and Tomoyo drops to the ground, along with everyone else besides Sakura, Syaoran, and Kyn. "What the?" asks Sakura. "A Kyn Card!" exclaims Syaoran. "Release!" Sakura's key becomes the wand and she asks Kyn if she knows what card it is. "I'm not sure, but it put everyone asleep that wasn't magical. To know what card it is, I'll have to see what it can do," replies Kyn. She disappears and then reappears in her battle costume. Her battle costume is a black robe, just like Meilin's old costume, but without the Yin-Yang sign on it. It had the really long sleeves but it didn't have the bells on the end. She faces the bushes that the lines came out of. "Stay on your guard, I feel that this is a strong one," she says. Sakura nods and takes out the Defense Card. "Defense Card! Give me your skills! Release!" Sakura glows a bit as she feels some energy coming out of her to use the card. She stumbles a bit. "It never took energy to use a Kyn Card." Kyn looks to her and says, "Yeah well Moon probably wants you to pay the price and the only way you'll be able to use her cards is through using energy. That also means it will take some energy to seal this card." Sakura nods and looks to Syaoran. He has his sword raised and he is glaring. Then the card finally springs into action by sending a beam straight at Sakura. Luckily, with the Defense's power, she smacks it and it is sent back to the card. The card catches it and emerges from the bushes. "Hmmm…It's the Psi Card!" shouts Kyn. The Psi looks at her and throws the blast back at her and she is knocked back. "Kyn!" cries Sakura. "I'm fine, the Psi is a really powerful card," replies Kyn, getting up. "Then our chance is low!" shouts Sakura, looking back at the Psi, who sends an energy blast at Syaoran. He swings his sword like a baseball bat and it knocks back at the Psi. The Psi knocks it back. Syaoran swings again and knocks it back. The two 'play tennis' but unfortunately, Syaoran is eventually hit and is knocked back.

"Syaoran!" yell Sakura and Kyn. He hits the ground hard and Kyn throws an energy blast at the Psi. The Psi and her have a round of tennis, and Sakura runs to Syaoran. "Are you okay?" she asks, lifting him up a bit. "Yeah, I'll live. Be careful," Syaoran replies. The Psi, instead of throwing the energy blast back at Kyn, it throws it at Sakura. "Sakura! Watch it!" yells Kyn. Before Sakura can react, she is hit harshly by the attack. She is knocked over Syaoran. "Ahya!" she cries out as she hits Syaoran and the ground. "Sakura!" yell Kyn and Syaoran. Sakura tries to get up but she is scraped all over. Syaoran holds her and sees the sleeve of her shirt with blood on it. Kyn is pissed and throws a huge energy ball at the Psi. The Psi catches it, makes it larger, and throws it back at Kyn, knocking her back. She hits the ground and the wind is knocked out of her. "Kyn!" yells Syaoran. Sakura arches her back and manages to push herself up. "Kyn!" she yells as she sees her. The Psi flies over to Sakura and Syaoran. Syaoran raises his sword. The Psi holds out its hands and sends out a wave of tiny blasts. Luckily, Syaoran has quick reflexes and knocks all of the blasts in different directions. But one hits him in the arm, but he ignores the pain and slashes at the Psi, who flies backwards away from him. "Syaoran, your arm!" cries Sakura. "It's fine," replies Syaoran, checking it. Without hesitation, Sakura rips off a piece of her shirt off and wraps Syaoran's wound up. Syaoran looks at her but is distracted when he sees another blast from the Psi Card. He thrusts his body forward, blocking the attack from Sakura. The attack hits him hard and he yells out in pain. "Syaoran!" Sakura screams as his head rests on her shoulder. Syaoran slowly lifts his head up and says, "I told you…before, I'd never let anything hurt…you…" he says, forcing a smile. He closes his eyes and then lets Sakura go. He hits the pavement and Sakura looks down at him. "Syaoran!" she yells. "Don't worry, he's just knocked out," assures Kyn, finally gaining some energy. Sakura looks at her and nods. She stands up and faces the Psi Card. Although her legs are scraped and bruised, but she stands firm. She raises her wand and yells, "Return to your power confined! Psi Card!" She thrusts her wand down and her energy and the Psi creature is sucked into the card and it is sealed. She drops to the ground. "Good job," says Kyn. Sakura smiles but Kyn sees something hovering over Syaoran. The thing then enters Syaoran and Syaoran opens his eyes. He clutches his sword and gets up. "Syaoran?" asks Kyn. Sakura turns around and sees him. "Hey!" she exclaims. She runs over but stops suddenly. There was an evil glare in Syaoran's eyes, and he was staring at Sakura, as if he was piercing her skin when his gaze met it. "Syaoran?" asked Sakura, cautiously.

Syaoran lunges at her with his sword forward. "Ahhh!" screams Sakura as he runs toward her. She jumps to the side and he pierces nothing but air. Sakura looks at him. "Syaoran? What are you doing?" she asks. Syaoran still says nothing, but raises his sword again. "Syaoran!" Sakura yells. He runs at her and Sakura calls upon the Sword Card. Her wand changes into the sword and the two swords clang together. Sakura puts up a good fight but Syaoran sweeps his foot under her and trips her. She lands hard but still hold the sword. "Syaoran! Why are you doing this to me?" she asks, holding back tears. He thrusts his sword down but Sakura blocks it with the Sword Card. Syaoran laughs a "Heh," and pushes against Sakura's sword. Sakura sees that Syaoran's sword is definitely stronger than the Sword Card so she pushed up, knocking Syaoran off balance so she could roll away. She made the sword change back into her staff but in that time Syaoran jumped at her. He pushed her down and held her down with his hand on her chest, applying pressure harshly. Sakura shouted out in pain as he applied more pressure. To Sakura, this was the worst torture she had ever been through: One, the pain that felt like an elephant was standing on her chest, and two, that Syaoran was trying to hurt her, or maybe worse, kill her. She couldn't hold the tears in any longer and she burst out. "Syaoran! Please don't hurt me! You said you wouldn't ever hurt me!" she cried out. It hurt to see him look at her with such a tone. His eyes empty like that. {Wait, no one's eyes just go blank like his. This has to be a Kyn Card!} Sakura thought as she gazed into his eyes. Syaoran raised his blade, but a blast of energy knocked it out of his hand. Both Sakura and Syaoran looked over to see Kyn crouched over, her arm extended. Sakura decided that Syaoran was distracted and this was the perfect time to get him off of her. She pushed up with her arms and legs, but Syaoran looked down at her. He was physically stronger than she was, and he just applied more pressure to her. Sakura cried out again. Syaoran reached into his robes and pulled out a dagger. Sakura recognized the dagger, Syaoran had told her that it was his father's and he only kept it in his robes for good luck. {This definitely isn't Syaoran. He would never use his father's dagger} He used his free arm to hold down her shoulder and then he raised the dagger. Sakura closed her eyes. She wanted him to stop, but the Kyn Card's control was too much for him to overcome. She opened her mouth and said her last words, "I know this isn't you doing this, and you would never hurt me. Goodbye, and I…I…I love you Syaoran." Syaoran hesitated and Kyn looked shocked. Syaoran held the dagger up but looked confused. Sakura opened her eyes and saw Syaoran confused. She made another effort to push him off and in his state she did. He quickly regained evilness and struck down with the dagger, but Sakura rolled away from him and jumped up. He turned and slashed at her, cutting her shirt and her shorts that she had been wearing, also piercing her skin.

Sakura cried out again but then jumped for her wand. Unfortunately, Syaoran caught her leg and she fell short and hit the pavement hard. She knocked her chin and scraped her hands and legs again. Syaoran let her leg go as he walked to her again. Kyn sent out a ball of energy again, and it sent Syaoran back a few feet. "Sakura, Syaoran is being controlled by the Thought Card. That card can change and control anyone's thoughts. Syaoran thinks you're the enemy," explains Kyn, with her last breath of energy. She faints and Sakura realizes what she must do. She grabs her wand and steps up to Syaoran who looks up with a glare. "Return to your power confined! Thought Card!" Sakura yelled as she thrust down her wand. Something was sucked out of Syaoran and into the card, and Sakura's last bit of energy was taken to seal the card. Syaoran and Sakura dropped into each other fainting. Yukito saw Sakura seal the card. "Good job Sakura. I'll bring you all to Syaoran's house. Touya will explode if he sees you like that." He transforms into Yue and picks up Syaoran and Sakura, whom were both bruised and bleeding, then picked up Kyn, then Tomoyo and flew toward Syaoran's house. Meanwhile, Moon stomped her foot on the ground. "Damn it! I had a perfect plan! Why did it go wrong! You are so lucky Card Mistress! And Kyn, how dare you go against me and attack any of my cards!" she yells. She glares out upon the city as her white hair blows in the wind. "I will get you Card Mistress, just wait and see."

*End of Chapter Ten*

I told you Moon was going to make the cards more dangerous! How dare she! But, even so, Sakura told Syaoran that she loved him! What will happen in the next chapter? ::sweat drops:: No, I'm asking you! I don't know yet! SakuraBubbles ::bows and runs away::

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