FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Hey! This is SakuraBubbles! Gomen nasai for not getting this up sooner, I kept having some problems with my computer. I had to start this over! ::cries:: Wahhhhh! ;_; Anyway, Chapter Eleven! Finally!

The Kyn Cards

*Moon's Attack*

Syaoran woke up in a non-familiar room. He was in a bed and he had a thick bandage on his head. He looked over to the right and I see Sakura. She is sitting upright in her bed and staring at Syaoran. She has cuts and scrapes on her arms and legs. "What happened?" asked Syaoran, startled by her appearance. He sits upright stares into Sakura's eyes. "The Thought Card controlled you," answered Sakura. "What do you mean?" "It took over your thoughts and changed them." "Huh?" "It made you think I was the enemy." "What?" "You attacked me." "I couldn't have! I protect you, not try to hurt you!" "You didn't try to hurt me, you tried to kill me." "I didn't!" "Syaoran! It wasn't you! The Thought Card was controlling you! It's okay!" Syaoran just looked at her with a worried face. Sakura put her hand on his hand. "It's okay, I know you would never hurt me on purpose." Syaoran still felt guilty. He wanted to hold her close as he told her that, but he knew he couldn't. There was a knock at the door. "Come in," said Sakura, letting go of Syaoran's hand. Quatre and Kyn walked in. "Sakura! You're up!" exclaimed Kyn, running to Sakura. Quatre stepped in but he was knocked over by Kero in his Keroberos form. "Where is that brat? Ah, there you are!" yelled Keroberos. He jumped at Syaoran but Sakura yelled out, "Stop Kero!" Keroberos stopped in midair and looked at Sakura. "What? You don't want me to knock him out? He hurt you!" "He did not! It was a card! Don't lay a claw on him, Kero!" Sakura was obviously annoyed. Yukito and Tomoyo walked in; Yukito with breakfast and Tomoyo with some of her newest dresses. "Sakura! I got these from my house! You should try them on later!" Everyone but Tomoyo sweat dropped but Tomoyo didn't see them.

Touya was practically going crazy. "Where is she? If she's at that Li-kun brat's house…" "Touya-san, I don't think you should be so hard on Syaoran-san. He's a nice boy, and Sakura-san seems to like him a lot," said Fujitaka. (That's Sakura's dad's name! Fujitaka-Aiden) "She shouldn't. I don't trust him." "It's her life, and if she wants Syaoran-san in her life, you shouldn't keep her from that. Plus, she's not even at his house. Yukito-san called and she slept over his house with some friends of hers." "Why?" "He said that Sakura and her friends were really tired and they were at his house anyway so he let them sleep over." "Why didn't he tell me?" "I have no idea." Touya just scratched his head and shrugged. "All well, I'll go see her now. See ya," he said. He grabbed his coat but Fujitaka said, "Why don't you call first?" Touya grabbed the phone. "Hai, mushi mushi," said Yukito over the phone. "Hey Yuki. Is my sister there?" "Hai, here she is." "What Touya?" "How come you're over there?" "Because Tomoyo, Kyn, and I were at his house and we grew tired and fell asleep. Yukito-san let us sleep here. He called otousan (father) didn't he?" "Yeah, but he didn't tell me until this morning. When do you think you can come home?" "We're having so much fun, so maybe about 5:00." "5:00??!!" "Hai, I told you. We are having lots of fun." "Alright, see ya." "Bye." Touya put down the phone. "Well, I'm going to the park. See ya," he said. Fujitaka waved and Touya left. Sakura put down the phone. "I have to go at 5:00." "What? No way are your wounds going to heal by then!" exclaimed Syaoran. "Well, we're going to have to cover it up somehow," Sakura replied. "How?" asked Quatre. "Um…I don't know," answered Sakura. "You have the Mirror Card, right Sakura?" asked Kyn. "Hai, of course," answered Sakura. "Well make a double of yourself and then have that one walk home," suggested Kyn. "Won't work. My brother will know it's not of this world. None of the Clow Cards can help us right now," replied Sakura, looking down.

As the group thought of what to do, there was a loud banging on Yukito's door. "I hope that isn't Touya," said Sakura. She and Syaoran hid just in case it was. Sakura hid because she didn't want Touya to see her wounds. Syaoran hid because Touya would have his head if he saw that Syaoran was in nightclothes like Sakura. Yukito opened the door not to Touya, but to a scorching mad Meilin. Meilin ran in screaming, "Where is Syaoran?!" She saw Syaoran and Sakura hiding under the table, and definitely took it wrong. {Uh-oh} thought Syaoran and Sakura. Meilin shoved her face right up to Sakura's and yelled, "What are YOU doing with Syaoran????!!!!!!" "Hoeeeeee! Nothing Meilin!" answered Sakura, scared. A mad Meilin is scarier than a ghost to Sakura. "Syaoran! How could you?" asked Meilin, turning her rampage to him. "I didn't do anything! You are worse than Touya," replied Syaoran, crossing his arms over his chest. Kyn pulled Meilin away so Sakura and Syaoran could get out of the hiding place. Sakura decided since Meilin was here, she should not go near Syaoran. Suddenly, Sakura felt a chill down her spine. "Hoeeee…What was that?" she shivered. Kyn looked around the room with her eyes narrowed. She put her hands together and then slowly pulled them apart like Moon. Her sword appeared as she pulled her hands apart and she gripped the handle tightly. "Sakura, get behind someone," she commanded. Sakura nodded but Meilin gripped Syaoran. "Don't even think about it!" "I wasn't Meilin," said Sakura. She walked and got behind Tomoyo. "Sakura, I meant someone with magic," said Kyn. "Oh," said Sakura. The closest person was Quatre, so she walked and hid behind him. Quatre blushed and Syaoran looked annoyed. {Damn it Meilin} Syaoran thought, glaring at Meilin. "Quatre, get your sword out, you too Syaoran. Yukito and Kero, transform," ordered Kyn. Everyone did as they were told and suddenly, a blast came at Kyn, knocking her down. "Kyn!" yelled Sakura. Syaoran pushed Meilin off of him and prepares to battle. Moon appears in front of Quatre. "Move it, you're blocking something," she ordered. Quatre didn't move, but raised his sword in defense. Meilin jumped at Moon and kicked her. "Hiya!" Moon stepped to the side and Meilin kicked her. "Meilin! Don't! She's really powerful!!" yelled Syaoran. Too late. Moon gripped Meilin's leg and threw her. "Meilin!" yelled Sakura and Syaoran. Meilin hit the ground hard. Although he didn't care for her like Meilin wanted, Syaoran cared about her enough to thrust at Moon with a harsh blow. Kyn got up after saving her energy and then aimed at Moon. Moon held out her sword and it was about to strike Syaoran straight in the gut. "Syaoran!!!!!" screamed Sakura. Luckily for Syaoran's life, Kyn shot out at Moon with an energy blast. Moon was knocked back and Syaoran landed safely on the ground.

Moon landed close to Quatre so she tripped him and then grabbed Sakura. "Sakura!" yelled Quatre after he landed. Moon held out her hand at Quatre's head and said, "I'll blast you if you try anything." Her other hand held her sword at Sakura's throat. Syaoran found himself near the kitchen so he snuck in unnoticed. He pulled out the Time Card. "Time Card! Freeze the moment!" He hit the card and time stopped for everyone but him and Sakura. That's the way he wanted it. He ran into the room and moved Moon's hand away from Sakura. Sakura stepped to Syaoran. "Good thinking," she said. "Release!" When her key was her wand, she called upon the Move Card. "Move Card! Move everyone here but Moon to the park! Move!" She hit the card and everyone, not including Moon, appeared at the park. There was no one around, which was a definite good thing. "Time Card! Unfreeze!" As soon as the time continued, Syaoran dropped to the ground, resting on his sword. "What?" asked Quatre. "I used the Time Card to freeze the time and then Sakura used the move Card to get everyone away from Moon," explained Syaoran. "She'll be here any moment," said Kyn. As if on cue, Moon appeared behind Syaoran and kicked him forward. "Syaoran!" yelled Meilin. "You cheat! Using the Time Card!" yelled Moon. She kicked him in the gut again and again. Sakura ran over and punched Moon. "Don't touch him!" Moon stepped back and grabbed Sakura's arm. "I knew that would work," she said. Sakura gasped as she realized she had been tricked. Moon twisted Sakura's arm behind her, making Sakura cry out in pain. "Sakura!" yelled Tomoyo, Keroberos, and Yue. Syaoran tried to trip Moon, but Moon put her foot on his back, holding him down painfully.

Meanwhile, Touya was continuing his walk in the park. Suddenly, he felt something. "Sakura?" he asked. He ran in the direction he felt the evil presence. Yue and Keroberos felt that he was coming and transformed to normal. Yukito grabbed little Kero and ran. Touya ran up to the scene: A girl with white hair holding my sister as if she were a hostage and also holding down the brat harshly with her foot. "What are you doing?" Touya yelled. Moon eyed him and Sakura yelled out, "Touya!!!!" "Let go of my sister!" "No way," replied Moon. She held her arm out to blast him but Sakura said, "Don't hurt him! I don't care if you kill me, just down hurt him or my friends!" Moon widened her eyes at Sakura's statement. {She would rather die than have her friends hurt! Why? Why does she do that?} Moon thought. She dropped Sakura. She held her head and cried out. She disappeared and Touya ran up to Sakura. She had landed on Syaoran. Meilin saw where Sakura had landed and was pissed. "Kinomoto! How dare you!!!!" she yelled, running to her. Sakura just looked up at her. Syaoran didn't dare to look at Touya. But after Touya helped Sakura up, Touya held out his hand to help Syaoran up. Syaoran looked at his hand, and then looked up at Touya. "Just grab my hand," stammered Touya. Syaoran grabbed it and Touya pulled him up. Meilin took over and allowed Syaoran to lean on her for support. "Thanks, Touya" said Syaoran. Touya nodded and then looked at Sakura. "How did you get all of those cuts?" "That girl you saw. She's a big bully," answered Sakura. Syaoran looks to Sakura. He mouths "Thanks," and Sakura nods. "But those cuts look like they were made yesterday," Touya states. Syaoran face falters and Kyn sweat drops. "Um, yeah, she attacked us yesterday. Sorry, Touya, but we lied to you. Tomoyo, Kyn, Syaoran, and I were in the park yesterday and that girl attacked us. Yukito came and stopped her and she ran off. Yukito took us all to his house and decided not to take me home because of my state," explained Sakura. Syaoran exhaled a puff of relief and Kyn did as well. "Oh, hey Li brat," said Touya. Syaoran looks to him. "Protect my sister from that girl, ok? You too blondie boy." Quatre glared at Touya but Touya just smirked. Sakura stumbles to Touya and he leads her and Tomoyo home. Moon appears again and looks to Kyn. "You are not worthy of having the Clow Cards named after you." "I don't want them to be called the Kyn Cards anyway," replies Kyn, glaring at her sister. Moon disappears and Quatre allows Kyn to follow him to his house and sleep there for the night. "No way am I sleeping in the room next to Moon," said Kyn. Syaoran walked Meilin to her house and then started toward his own house.

"That boy, Sakura's brother," Moon says as she looks out upon the town. She pulls out a card and then finishes, "He's my new target."

*End of Chapter Eleven*

Hey minna, gomen nasai for not getting this up sooner. Stupid computer. ::throws computer:: Sorry it took me so long to get this up! You guys are going to hate and throw me in a dumpster! ::smiles:: All well. ::bows and runs away, making sure she's not near any dumpsters::

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