FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A word from SakuraBubbles-Hey! I came up with new ideas and lotsa new cards. By the way, I forgot to tell you all. Sakura, Tomoyo, and all of them are 12 now. And Syaoran never told Sakura he loved her yet. Meaning also he didn't go back to Hong Kong. By the way, I don't really like Meilin but I'm not going to kill her or anything, but she will be the butt end of some of the jokes in here. Also, in the Japanese version, they keep changing the incantation on how Sakura seals the cards: it's different almost every time. So I'm using the WB one: "Return to your power confined!" and then the card's name. Well, here we go, Chapter Two!

The New Clow Cards-Another Beginning

~~Moon, Kyn, and the Ground Card~~

"What is this?" Sakura asked. She was having a dream of her and Syaoran on top of some strange hill. It had Syaoran holding her in his arms, glaring up at two figures on another hill in front of them. Sakura in the dream looked very weak, and Yue and Kero in his Keroberos form looked very injured. Sakura was holding three cards in her hands. The Moon, The Sun, and The Windy. Suddenly the cards dropped and Sakura was slumped in Syaoran's arms, and Syaoran looked down at her with his eyes were covered by his bangs. The cards flew up to the two other figures on the other side of the hill. The two figures laughed evilly and Syaoran looked up with tears in his eyes. The dream couldn't go on, much to Sakura's dismay, because Touya had flung open the bedroom door. "Sakura!" he yelled. Sakura flew a couple of feet into the air yelling and landed. "TOUYA!" she screamed. Touya laughed. "We have the week off of school! Don't wake me up! I needed to finish that dream!" Sakura growled. "Oh a dream? Was it about that stupid brat, Syaoran?" replied Touya, looking mad. "No! It was not! Go away! I'll be down for breakfast in five minutes!" Sakura exclaimed, getting out of her bed. Touya closed the door and after hearing him step down the staircase, Kero bounced out of doll form and flew right up to Sakura's face. "What was the dream about?" he asked. "I had a dream about pudding. It was..." Sakura looked at him with a pout. "Well, Syaoran actually was in it, but I couldn't tell that to Touya," replied Sakura. She then explained her dream and then ran down to the breakfast table. As soon as she sat down, the phone rang. She jumped up and ran for it. "Mushi mushi," she greeted as she answered the phone. "Tomoyo! What? A costume design? Sure, come on over. Ok, bye!"

Sakura hung up the phone and gobbled up her breakfast. After she ate she opened a window. "Hey monster," said Touya, coming into the kitchen. Sakura glared but Touya continued. "Dad won't be home until later tonight, and I'm off to one of my part time jobs. I'll be back at four. Syaoran will not, I repeat, NOT come inside. If I find out he did...," Touya's voice trailed off as he heard a car beep. "My ride, bye squirt." Sakura threw a chopstick at him as he exited the house. Seconds later, Tomoyo walked in. "Hey Sakura," she greeted. She had four paper bags in her hands. "Geez, Tomoyo, you need some help with that?" asked Sakura, grabbing two of the bags. "Thanks. I also brought some cake for Kero," Tomoyo explained. As if on cue, Kero flew down the stairs and rummaged through one of the bags. "CAKE!" he squealed. Sakura and Tomoyo laughed and then the phone ringed. "Mushi mushi! Syaoran? Uh...hi, you don't sound happy," Sakura answered the phone. "Yeah, hi. I was just talking to Meilin. She somehow heard of the new cards and wants to come back. She'll be back in a month," said Syaoran, sighing. Sakura, for some reason, liked Syaoran's voice over the phone. His voice is so mature, she justs thinks it's nice sounding. At the thought of Meilin, she frowns but then smiles. "We could use some more help. Quatre certainly not going to help us anytime soon..." says Sakura. "Hey, I know my brother said you couldn't, but I need you to come over." Sakura could tell Syaoran was blushing as usual by his silence. "I need to tell you about a dream I had," explained Sakura. "I'd like to hear about it too," said Tomoyo. Sakura and Syaoran said goodbye and Sakura hung up.

Sakura went to get changed into one of Tomoyo's many outfits. After five minutes she came downstairs. This outfit was a dark green leotard with a white and dark green skirt. The skirt was a little longer than her elementry school skirt and it was silky. There was a black belt with a white ribbon on the back and she wore white gloves that went a little past her elbows like those you would wear as a bride in a wedding. On the end were tiny white bows of course. Syaoran knocked on the door. "Who is that?" asked Kero. "Syaoran," answered Sakura, opening the door. Kero spit out his tea. "What?! He's here? Might I ask why?" yelled Kero, wiping up the tea. Syaoran and him glared but Sakura gently pulled Syaoran to the couch. "What is it?" he asked, blushing as she moved him. "I'm going to tell you my dream," Sakura answered. "Now sit." Sakura told the dream (she had to tell it twice because Kero and Syaoran kept exchanging insults throughout the first explaination) and Tomoyo was trying to imagine the outfit Sakura was in. ("I don't remember what it looked like, Tomoyo!") Syaoran, on the other hand, was worried about the two figures. "I wonder who they were," he pondered. "Possibly Quatre and the Clow Card user," answered Kero. "I don't like that Quatre brat one bit." Suddenly a car pulled up. "What? But it's only noon! Syaoran, hide! My brother's back early! Go into my room!" yelled Sakura. Syaoran ran upstairs and Kero flew behind him. Touya came in as Tomoyo pushed Sakura into the bathroom. "Where's Sakura?" Touya asked. "In the bathroom," Tomoyo replied. A few moments later Sakura came out in her regular clothes. She couldn't have Touya see her costume; he would ask too many questions.

"Sakura, did you make lunch yet? I forgot to tell you that Yukito is coming over for lunch and to watch you. Hey, what are you hiding?" asks Touya looking Sakura's face over. "Um, nothing," assured Sakura. "Someone's in the bathroom!" yelled Touya, rushing toward the bathroom door. Inside, he saw of course nothing. "Huh?" he asked. "Told you," Sakura smiled. That's the worst hiding place, Sakura thought, everybody always looks in the bathroom first. Plus there's not many places to hide in there either, she couldn't picture Syaroan squished in the cabinet or anything. The doorbell rang. "Ah, Yuki's here. Bye, monster, and you Tomoyo," said Touya. He had to dodge a bowl as he went outside, and Yukito came in with a big smile. He waved bye to Touya and then closed the door. "Sorry to intrude," he said. "No problem. Syaoran, Kero, you can come down now!" called Sakura. Syaoran came down rubbing his finger, and Kero was flying happily down. "Stupid stuffed animal," growled Syaoran. "You want me to bit your finger again kid?" yelled Kero. Sakura rolled her eyes as did Tomoyo. Suddenly, there was a crash heard outside. "What was that? Did Touya get in an accident?" asked Sakura, running to a window. The ground was not where it should be: it was ten feet up into the air. "A Clow Card!" yelled Sakura and Syaoran. Sakura ran to the door when Tomoyo yelled, "Wait! The costume!" Sakura sweatdropped but went to change anyway.

After Sakura was back in costume, she ran out with Syaoran. "I'll go get my sword and stuff, try to lead this guy away from the public," ordered Syaoran. "I'll bring him to the beach," said Sakura, taking out her key. "Release!" After the key was a wand, Sakura called opon the Move Card. "Move Card! Move the figure in front of me to the beach! Move!" She hit the card with her wand and the ground dropped back into place. As it did, Sakura could see Quatre in his battle costume. "Quatre?" she asked. "It's the Ground Card. Very dangerous, leave it to me," he returned. "As if!" Sakura said. "Fly!" She hit the card and her wand spread it's wings. Tomoyo jumped on and they flew off, Yue and Keroberos flying behind them. Quatre looked up. "So, the Card Mistress has spunk. I like that," he said. He clutched his sword and ran after Sakura.

Meanwhile, Syaoran was getting into his costume and getting his sword. He walked out of his apartment and was about to use the Dash Card when he felt a strange presence. He raised one eyebrow and looked behind him. There was a girl with long snow-like hair and golden eyes. She had the same marks as Quatre, the two black stripes on her right cheek. "Who are you?" Syaoran asked. "I'll tell you later, when your with the Card Mistress," she said in a some what deep and serious voice. "What? Sakura? How do you know of the Clow Cards?" Syaoran asked. The girl shook her head and disappeared. "What the?" Syaoran asked. "Dash Card!" In an instant he was running next to Quatre, and then past him. He was at the beach in five seconds flat. The Ground Card looked like a monster made of pure earth, and he had spikey hair. Syaoran put away Dash and used his lightning attack. Sakura, Tomoyo, Keroberos, and Yue landed next to him. "It's the Ground Card, Syaoran," said Sakura. "Right," he replied, as Quatre jumped into the scene. "Syaoran," he growled. "Quatre," Syaoran stammered. The Ground Card didn't like to be ignored so he raised his massive hand and a chunk of the ground came out and flew at Keroberos and Yue. "Woah!" Keroberos yelled as he dodged the chunk. Yue was hit, however. "Yue!" yelled Sakura. Yue fell to the ground.

"Ow, this guy's powerful," Yue said, getting up. "All of the Kyn Cards are, you fool," said a voice from above. Everyone looked up, including the Ground, and saw the girl with white hair Syaoran saw earlier. There was also another girl, but this one was shorter, had short blonde hair and blue eyes. She also had the two stripes on her cheek. The white haired girl landed softly on the ground, as did the blonde haired girl. They both bowed and the girl with white hair said, "I am Li Moon, of the Shadow Li Clan." "And I am Li Kyn, also from the Shadow Li Clan," said the girl with blonde hair. She had a higher voice than Moon. Moon picked up her head looking at Sakura and said, "I am the user of the Clow Cards, which I have renamed the Kyn Cards." "In honor of me!" Kyn exclaims. Moon keeps her eyes on Sakura and Kyn is staring at Quatre. "Quatre? You're helping them?" "No, I'm here to get the Clo- I mean Kyn Cards for myself," Quatre replies. The Ground, again not liking being ignored, picks up another chunk and throws it at Syaoran. "Shield!" yells Sakura. She hits the card and the barrier surrounds Syaoran, protecting him. Moon raises her eyebrows. "She has quick reflexes. Well, how about this?" she yells. She puts her hands together and then slowly pulls them apart. As the hands split, a sword appears. She uses it to attack Sakura. "Up and at 'em!" yells Keroberos as he sweeps Sakura off of the ground. Meanwhile, the Ground throws a chunk of rock at innocent Tomoyo. Yue flies over and picks her up too. Syaoran gets out of the barrier, which disappears, and then uses his Lightning attack. The Ground lands on the ground (funny sounding huh?) but gets up throwing another chunk of the earth at Syaoran.

"If this keeps up, all the ground at the beach will disappear," says Yue. "Yeah, and the sand and shells and all of the other cool stuff at the beach," Tomoyo sighs. "Sand? That's it!" Sakura pulls out the Sand Card. "Trap the Ground Card in a mountain of sand! Sand Card!" She hits the card and the sand on the beach flies up and lands on the Ground Card. It is completely buried except for its head. Sakura raises her wand and shouts, "Return to your power confined! Ground Card!" Wind whooshes around Sakura as the Ground is sucked back into its card. The sealing is complete and the card flies to Quatre. Kyn stomps on the ground with her foot. "Damn! Moon! You should have given it more power! What's wrong with you?! Huh? Moon?" she yells, but she notices Moon staring at Syaoran. Sakura was busy puting all of the chunks of earth back together but when she was done, Moon stepped up to her. "That was a test, Card Mistress. You passed, but how long can you keep it up?" she asks. Sakura watches her and Kyn closely as they disappear. "A test?" asks Tomoyo, walking up to Sakura. "By the way, I got some great shots. What's wrong?" "Those two girls, Moon and Kyn. They were the figures in my dream," Sakura said. Quatre looked up at Sakura. "Moon and Kyn are sisters. They are the most powerful females in the Shadow Li Clan. I don't know how they inhabited so much power as to control the Clow Cards though. You better watch your back. You too Syaoran," he explains. "I'll watch Sakura," Syaoran replies. "Same here!" exclaims Keroberos and Yue. Sakura giggles and looks to Quatre.

"Quatre, I know that your probably not used to working with other people but if Moon and Kyn are really as powerful as you say they are, we might need to work together on this. If not now, would you consider after we've gotten used to each other and it's not such a rivalry?" she asked, looking straight into his sky blue eyes. Quatre returns the gaze, closes his eyes, and shakes his head. "Eh?" Sakura squeaks. "Not now. You and I are on different turfs. You'll just get in the way," Quatre answered. Sakura straightened up. "I'll get in the way? I'm the Card Mistress! There is no possible way for me to get in the way! Much anyway...Plus! You didn't do anything but tell me the card's name. I did all the work! With Syaoran, Kero, and Yue," she pleaded. "Sakura, you are the Card Mistress you're right," said Quatre, his eyes now gazing straight through her emerald ones. "And I was sent here to make sure the Card Mistress was safe. Moon is after your life. Not so much Kyn, but Moon hates you and wants you dead. I didn't know that Moon was controlling the cards but my father knew that the Card Mistress was in danger so he sent me to seal the cards so you wouldn't notice and have to. But on my first seal the card went to you. I want you to stay away from the cards Sakura." Sakura stood there with her mouth open, surprised. "Promise me you will," Quatre finished. Syaoran looked to Sakura and said, "Quatre and I can get the cards so you can have a normal and safe life." Sakura looked to Syaoran and burst into tears. "I can protect myself! I don't need four people watching over me! I can take care of myself! Just like Syaoran can!" she cries, then runs off. "Sakura!" yells Syaoran. He's about to run after her but Tomoyo's hand is on his shoulder, stopping him. "Let her be for now, she needs some time alone," she explains. Syaoran nods and watches Sakura disappear down the road.

~~End of Chapter Two~~

Woah! Long long long! It also took me a while to get this up because my mouse was busted up the ying-yang. It wouldn't move on the screen so when I go into AOL, if I can, I couldn't click on any of the buttons! Anyway, how was it? What does everybody think of Quatre? At first he was a moody jerk but he just did it to protect Sakura! ::smiles:: How sweet. Uh-oh, this means rivalry between Syaoran and Quatre! If you're confused on who Yue is, it's another guardian like Keroberos, whom is the real form of Kero. Keroberos is a lion with wings like on the front of the Clow Book and I think Yue is too. ::cries:: No! I actually don't know what he looks like! I haven't seen all of the episodes! ::stops crying:: Also, can the Sand Card do that? I don't know what it can do because ::cries again:: I've never seen that episode! I don't have it on any of my Japanese tapes! ::stops crying:: Well, see you! ::bows and runs away:: -SakuraBubbles

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