FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A word from SakuraBubbles-Hi! It's me! Today is going to have an S+Q scene. ::huddles in a corner:: Yes, I am a traitor! S+S forever but I have to put it in because...::grins evilly:: You'll see! Muhahahahahaha! ::sweatdrop:: I am a little hyper because I read a lot of funny fics before starting this. How silly of me. Anyway, don't kill me for my S+Q thingy, it's not even that good so...::big smile:: On with the story!

The Kyn Cards

~~The Trick~~

We last left Sakura running down the street crying because Syaoran, Quatre, Keroberos, and Yue thought they needed to protect her. She knew she could protect herself, and Quatre had even told her to stop collecting the Kyn Cards and leave it up to them. They were babying her, and that's why she ran. She was mostly mad because Syaoran had said, "Quatre and I can get the cards so you can have a normal and safe life." He had given up on her in a way. That crushed Sakura. "I have the wand, they don't. I'm the sealer, they are just the backups. Well, not the backups but they are helpers. But I don't always need help, I can do fine on my own," she yelled inside her head. She was still crying when she got to Penguin Park. It was 1:32 when she glanced at the clock in the park. "She's weak in this state. She could be easily disposed of, but now isn't the time to get rid of her totally. Instead, have fun with her and trick her into thinking she's not the Card Mistress! Trick Card, do my bidding!" commanded Moon, watching Sakura from afar. She hit the card with her sword releasing the creature inside. The creature disappeared in a flash and Moon laughed evilly.

Sakura sat on a hidden bench that she, Syaoran, and Tomoyo had found a long while ago. She took off her costume gloves, returned her wand to its key form, and sighed, "Stupid Syaoran." (Meanwhile back on the beach, Syaoran sneezed) "Hi, nice outfit," said a voice from behind Sakura. Sakura whirled her head around to see a girl with pink hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a white T-shirt and black pants. "Uh, this, um, yeah. My friend made it, she's pretty good," Sakura replied. "Who are you?" "Kinomoto Sakura. You?" "Kyn Fura. You can call me Fura." "Okay, call me Sakura." The girls talked until around 2:00 and then Sakura decided to walk back to the beach. But she was still mad at the others so she wasn't sure whether or not to go back. Fura decided to trick Sakura now. "By the way, I know all about the Clow Cards," she says. "You do?" asks Sakura, surprised. "Yes, it seems like you're not the Card Mistress that Quatre wants," replies Fura, her eyes flashing. Sakura, for a moment, looks dazed and confused. "I'm not the Card Mistress," she says aloud. "That's right. Stop your card captoring," Fura commanded, eyes still flashing. "Right," Sakura said. In a quick moment, Fura disappeared. She reappeared in front of Moon and Kyn on a building in her true form- the Trick Card. The Trick Card had a long red dress and a cane with little wings. "Did she do it, Moon?" asked Kyn, impatiently. "Not entirely. She has to trick Sakura into helping me before her job is complete. She'll do that tonight," answered Moon, looking out opon the city. "Beware, Syaoran, my love," she whispered. "Nothing is at it seems with me around." The Trick Card looked up at Moon. "What is love? Who's Syaoran?" she asked. Moon shook her head and answered, "Never mind, just go finish your job."

"It's been an hour, where is she?" yelled Kero, flying around frantically. "Maybe she's back at the house, we should go check on her," suggested Tomoyo. "Right, plus, I'm getting hungry," said Yukito. After everybody sweat dropped, Quatre started to walk away. "Where are you going? Don't you care about Sakura?" yelled Kero. "I sense a Kyn Card. And it's not good at all, I'm going to capture it," Quatre explained as his blonde hair swayed in the warm breeze. Syaoran looked up at him and said, "I'll go with you." Quatre closed his eyes and shook his head. "I need you to check on Sakura. I'll get the card," he explained. He turned to leave, but said, "Syaoran, tell Sakura I'm sorry." Then he jumped down out of sight. Syaoran silently nodded. Meanwhile, Sakura was aimlessly walking around the park. "Why am I mad? Wasn't I with Syaoran? And Quatre? And Tomoyo, Kero, and Yukito?" she asked herself over and over. Suddenly, Fura appeared behind Sakura and said her name softly. "Oh, hi," Sakura replied, wondering how Fura suddenly appeared like that. "Want to go for a walk?" Fura asked. "Sure, but can I change into some real clothes? I don't know why my friend makes these outfits for me," asked Sakura. Fura nodded. They arrived at Sakura's house five minutes after Syaoran, Kero, Tomoyo, and Yukito left her house. "Where is she? I hope she's alright," said Yukito. "She could be at the beach waiting for us now," suggested Tomoyo. "Perhaps," Kero sighed. "She could be anywhere, so let's split up. It's very dangerous for her to be alone when a Kyn Card is on the loose. Tomoyo, you check the beach. Yukito check the school grounds. Kero, fly around to try to get a bird's eye view. I'll check in the shops. We'll meet in the park at 3:00, it's 2:30 now," commanded Syaoran. Everyone nodded and went in the direction of their destination.

After Sakura was in regular clothes the two girls walked to the park. On the way, Fura saw something interesting. Two people kissing, but she, being a Kyn Card, had no idea what they were doing. "Sakura?" she asked. "Yeah?" "What are those people doing?" "Huh? Oh, they're kissing, don't stare." "Why are they kissing?" "Because they are in love. Don't stare! That guy will beat you up!" "What is love?" "What?" Sakura stared at Fura for a moment. "I'll explain in the park, c'mon. That guy saw you staring, you baka," she said. (Baka means idiot/stupid in Japanese) Sakura had a hard time telling Fura what love was. She wasn't in love with anyone at the time so it was hard. She had once loved Yukito but she doesn't any more. Fura asked once, "What about Syaoran?" Sakura blushed at that question. "What's wrong?" asked Fura. Meanwhile, Quatre was having a hard time following the Kyn Card's magic force. It kept moving, and it was really pissing him off. Suddenly, he saw Sakura. He was in a tree and he saw her talking with Fura. He glared at Fura, knowing exactly what she was. "What is Sakura doing? Talking to a Kyn Card? Is she that dense?" he cursed silently. "Why can't she sense the aura coming from the card? What's up with her?" Quatre leaned closer to get a better look at Sakura. She didn't have her necklace with her Key of Clow on it. "What? Where's her key?" he asked himself. Fura looked up and saw Quatre. She knew who he was, and Quatre knew he was spotted. He jumped down. Sakura looked up as he landed. "Quatre?" she asked. "Sakura! Where's your key?" he called. "What key?" "The Key of Clow!" "Oh, that's not mine. That belongs to the Card Mistress." "You are the Card Mistress! That girl next to you is a Kyn Card!" "Fura doesn't look like a card to me." "Fura?" "Yes, that's my name, don't wear it out," said Fura, walking up to Quatre. "Which card are you?" Quatre asks. "Guess which card I am," Fura responded. "Go ask the Card Mistress. She will know," suggested Sakura.

Quatre walked up to Sakura. "But you are the Card Mistress." "No I'm not." Quatre grabbed Sakura on her shoulders, and she gasped. He shook her once lightly. "Sakura! You are the Mistress of the Clow Cards! Why don't you remember?" Quatre cried. Sakura shook her head and pleaded, "Let go of me! I'm not who you think I am! Fura told me! She knows everything!" Quatre looked at Fura as he asked, "And you believed her?" Sakura nodded. "Why shouldn't I?" "Because she's a liar, she tricked you. Wait, tricked? Fura, you're the Trick Card!" yelled Quatre. Fura turned to her true form and she glanced over to the left and saw the couple kissing again. "The only way I'll tell Sakura the truth is if you show me what love is," said the Trick. Quatre looked surprised as did the blushing Sakura. "The only way," Quatre said, then he leans and kisses Sakura. Sakura closed her eyes and saw the truth: She was the Card Mistress. As soon as she realized it, she broke the kiss and backed up a bit. Lucky she did too because Kero and Tomoyo spots her just then. "There she is!" He flies down and throws something to Sakura. "Hey, Sakura! Look what you left in your room!" It was the Clow Key. "Release!" she yelled. Her wand appeared and she shouted, "Return to your power confined! Trick Card!" She thrusted down and the card appeared, and Fura, in the Trick Card from, was sealed into the card. The card landed in Sakura's hand and she says, "Bye Fura." Moon stomped her foot. "That stupid card! It was too curious! Damn it!" she yelled. "Curiousity sealed the Kyn Card," said Kyn, with a laugh. "Shut up!" yells Moon, punching Kyn lightly. Back at the park, Sakura looks to Quatre, and Quatre's head is down but he lifts it up and meets her gaze. They both blush and look away. "Tell no one. Don't even tell a squirrel what happened," ordered Sakura. Quatre nods furiously and Tomoyo runs up to Sakura. "Hey, I got the last shot of you getting the Kyn Card," she says, patting her video camera. She then looks at her watch. "Oh wow! You better get home! Touya's going to be home in an hour and that means you try on all of my dresses in less than an hour!" Sakura sweat dropped along with Kero as Syaoran and Yukito walked up. "We got the card. It's called the Trick Card," said Quatre. Sakura looked at Syaoran. He looked jealous for some reason. "Hoeeeeeeee! Does he know Quatre kissed me?" Sakura asked loudly in her head. Yukito nodded towards the direction of Sakura's house and said, "We better get going, I'm starving!" "See you around guys," says Quatre, walking off. Everyone starts to walk toward Sakura's house but Sakura notices that Syaoran is not with the group. She looks behind her and Syaoran is standing, staring off in the direction Quatre walked off into. He turned and faced Sakura with a hurt look on his face. He walks past Sakura and Sakura looks down at the ground with her mouth slightly open. "He knows."

~~End of Chapter Three~~

::cries softly in a corner:: It should have been Syaoran, I know! But I have to have them competitive for the Kyn Cards and for Sakura. ::sighs:: What's an authour to do? By the way, if you were wondering why I put in (Meanwhile, Syaoran sneezed) when Sakura called him stupid is because in Japan they believe (not all the time) if someone sneezes someone is talking about them. So it's a joke. Ha ha, it was a knee slapper, I know. Well, I'll get the fourth chapter up soon. Bye! ::bows and runs away:: -SakuraBubbles

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